Tma01 - tutor marked assignments PDF

Title Tma01 - tutor marked assignments
Author Beth Nichol
Course The science of the mind: investigating mental health
Institution The Open University
Pages 3
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Research Methods Table for TMA01 Please provide a reference here for the research article used for this question, using the OU Harvard referencing format (3 marks): Arco, L (2015) ‘A Case Study in Treating Chronic Comorbid Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder and Depression With Behavioral Activation and Pharmacotherapy’, Psychotherapy, Vol 52, no 2, pp.278-286 [Online]. Available at (Accessed 12 October 2017) Section One: Evaluation using PROMPT guidelines (18 marks) Remember to write your answers in your own words Presentation

(3 marks)

Is the information presented in a clear and readable way? Explain your answer.

Relevance (3 marks) Is the information appropriate and relevant to the purpose in hand (e.g. your study of SDK228) and why?

The article is presented as an evidence based case study with a few relevant headings such as 'Method' and 'Measurement' to clearly lay out the information despite a few formatting issues. Technical scientific language is used throughout, but it could be more succinct in its findings. The researcher covers the process of diagnosis of a mental illness and the following psychological assessment which is relevant to SDK228. It also describes an example for case formulation regarding a co-morbid diagnosis. However, behavioural activation and pharmacotherapy is not covered in SDK228.

Objectivity (3 marks) Is the content balanced or is there some bias? Explain your answer.

The author was the psychologist who worked with the participant which suggests bias of his chosen approach. The psychologist had previous success in using behavioural activation and pharmacotherapy as a form of treatment in another case, which he may have subconsciously created bias in his observations.

Methodology (3 marks) How was the information gathered together?

Provenance (3 marks) Who or what originated the information and are they reliable

Participant was referred to clinical psychologist (Author) at a local mental health team. Information was gathered through self-rated psychometrics and self-recorded direct observations of compulsive behaviours. As the method was only used on one person, the sample cannot be representative.

The article was published in the American psychological association which is a reliable publisher. The data collected was not peer reviewed, however

sources? Timeliness (3 marks) Is the information up to date and does this matter in our context?

the paper itself was commented on by 2 people from respectful institutions. The article was published in 2015 which is still recent. However the understanding of mental illness continues to increase through new diagnosis so there may be further research in the future.

Section Two: Evaluation of the research (39 marks) Remember to write your answers in your own words See the Research Methods boxes in Book 1 for guidance You may need to look back at some of the Research Methods boxes in Book 1: Boxes 1.1, 4.5 and 4.11 are particularly relevant.)

In your own words, what was the aim of the study? (2 marks)

To see how behavioural activation and pharmacotherapy affects a person diagnosed with OCD and MDD.

Was the research qualitative and/or The research is both qualitative and quantitative quantitative? Explain your answer because data was recorded in self-report scale rating (3 marks) form by the patient and also through notes during observations by the psychologist. See Box 1.1 The study is described as a case study. State three features of cases studies drawing on your knowledge of SDK228 and explain how they apply to this study (3 marks) See Box 4.11

Describe two advantages of case studies and how they might apply to this study (4 marks) See Box 4.11 Describe two disadvantages of case studies and how they might apply to this study (4 marks) See Box 4.11

Obsessive–Compulsive Inventory—Revised, Beck Depression Inventory-II and Depression anxiety stress scales are psychological tests that were given to the participant to complete to produce their self-reports. Notes were recorded from direct observations during the sessions. This case study gives evidence to contradict the traditional treatment methods of the mental health disorder. Case studies provide very detailed information and insights into experiences of a particular individual. A hypothesis can be created which has potential for future investigations. A case study can cause issues as the data recorded cannot be generalised to the population as a whole, but rather based on an individual. The nature of case study recording methods can also lead to bias from the investigator which may affect the reliability of the results.

What evidence is presented in the article for co-morbidity of OCD and depression in the participant? (3 marks)

The diagnosis of co-morbidity of OCD and depression of the participant was verified by 2 clinicians. Pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy were undertaken to treat the mental health disorders diagnosed. The participant’s psychiatric ratings were at their highest in the following tests; Beck Depression Inventory-II, Depression Anxiety Stress Scale – Depression and the Obsessive-Compulsive Inventory. All ratings confirmed the participant’s diagnosis of co-morbidity of OCD and depression.

In your own words, what was the main conclusion from the study? (2 marks)

Behavioural activation and thermotherapy can treat comorbid OCD and depression. The study has provided evidence that behavioural activation may be a successful treatment for co-morbid disorders that include depression.

What evidence is there in the article results (Table 1 and Figure 1) that supports the author’s conclusions? (6 marks)

There is a significant decrease in all psychometric ratings and ritual frequencies compared to the pretreatment assessment and completing treatment for 21 months.

Describe an advantage and a disadvantage of using psychometric tests such as the ones described in this study in the diagnosis of mental health disorders (4 marks)

From your knowledge of SDK228, what biological changes might you expect to see in the brain of the participant as the study progressed? Explain your answer (8 marks)

Psychometric tests provide direct information from the patient of how they are feeling at that exact time, which allows objective and reliable measures of subjective experiences. However, test results could reduce reliability as there may be a need to exaggerate or minimalise ratings.

As the study progressed, it would be expected to see reduced metabolic activity in the participant’s right caudate nucleus. There might also be a decrease in blood flow in the pre frontal cortex. There is a positive relationship between the high level activity in these regions and OCD severity. The altering activity levels in these brain regions are caused by changes in serotonin levels. This is due to the participant taking selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors which block the reuptake of serotonin....

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