True Love - Thich Nhat Hanh notes - Love Letter to the Earth PDF

Title True Love - Thich Nhat Hanh notes - Love Letter to the Earth
Author Michael Jensen
Course Love & Its Myths
Institution Wilfrid Laurier University
Pages 6
File Size 114.5 KB
File Type PDF
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Download True Love - Thich Nhat Hanh notes - Love Letter to the Earth PDF


Tr ueLove–Apr act i cef orawakeni ngt hehear t ByThi chNhatHanh. TheFourAspect sofLov e 1. Maitri: loving kindness or benevolence. Maitri is not only the desire to bring joy to a beloved person, it is the ability to do so, because even if you have the intention to create joy and happiness in another, the actions that you think are love, may cause suffering. Often training is needed to practice deep looking, to learn how to love properly in a way that generates happiness and joy. If you do not understand, you cannot love. Without understanding, love is an impossible thing. 2.Kar una:compassi on.I ti snotonl yt hedes i r et oeaset hepai nofanot herper son,i ti st heabi l i t yt o doso.Youmus tpr act i cedeepl ooki ngi nor dert ogai nagoodunder s t andi ngoft henat ur eoft he suffer i ngoft hi sper son,i nor dert obeabl et ohel phi m orhert ochange.Thepr ac t i ceof under st andi ngi st hepr act i ceofmedi t at i on.Tomedi t at ei st ol ookdeepl yi nt ot hehear toft hi ngs . 3.Mudi t a:Joy .I ft her ei snoj oyi ny ourl ov e,y oucanbesur et hati ti snott r uel ov e. 4.Upek sha:equani mi t yorf r eedom.I nt r uel ov e,y ouat t ai nf r eedom.Wheny oul ov e,y oubr i ng f r eedom t ot heper sony oul ov e.“ Dearone,doy ouhav eenoughspacei ny ourhear tandal lar ound y ou?”Thi si sani nt el l i gentques t i onf ort est i ngoutwhet hery ourl ov ei ssomet hi ngr eal . ∞∞∞ Lov ei sBei ngTher e Tol ov e,i nt hecont extofBuddhi sm,i sabov eal lt obet her ewi t hy ourf ul lpr esencei nt heher eand now.Themos tpr eci ousgi f ty oucangi v et oy ourbel ovedi sy ourt r uepr es ence.Li k emedi t at i on,l ov e i st hear tofbei ngpr esentt oy our sel f ,t ot hosey oul ov e,t oy ourl i f e. Medi t at i ont obr i ngmi ndandbodyt oget heri npr es enc e: " Br eat hi ngi n–Iknowt hatIam br eat hi ngi n. Br eat hi ngout–Ik nowt hatIam br eat hi ngout . " Mant r a:“ DearOne,Iam r eal l yher ef ory ou. ” Youmus tsayt hatwi t hy ourbodyandy ourmi ndatt hesamet i meandt heny ouwi l lseet he t r ans f or mat i on. Recogni z i ngt hePr es enceoft heOt her Wheny ouar er eal l yt her e,youar eabl et or ec ogni z et hepr es enc eoft heot her .Tol ov ei st o r ec ogni z e,t obel ov edi st ober ecogni z edbyt heot her .Wheny oul i vet hi s ,y ouwi l lseet hi sper son bl ossomi ngandopeni ngl i k eaflower .I fy ouar enotr eal l yt her e,not hi ngi st her e.Topr ac t i cet hi s ,i ti s al soneces sar yt opr act i ceonenes sofbodyandmi nd.Pr act i cet hebr eat hi ngawar enes smedi t at i on x3,x5,orx7t henappr oachy ourbel ovedwi t ht hi smant r a. Mant r a:“ DearOne,Iknowt haty ouar eher eandi tmak esmev er yhappy . ”

I nt hi spar t i cul armant r a,al latoncet her ei sl ov e,compas si on,j oyandf r eedom –t hef our const i t uent soft het r uel ov eofwhi cht heBuddhaspeaks .Youcanpr ac t i cet hi swi t hy ourpr esent moment ,whi chmi ghtbewi t hasunset ,apl ant ,aper son,oryour sel ft obr i ngy ourat t ent i ont o r ec ogni z i ngwhati st her e. Bei ngTher eWhenSomeoneI sSuffer i ng Thi st hi r dmant r ai susedi nci r cumst ancesi nwhi cht heper sony oul ov ei ssuffer i ng.Wheny ouar e l i vi ngmi ndf ul l y ,y ounot i cewhati shappeni ngi ny ourci r cumst ances ,t her ef or ei ti seas yf ory out o not i cewhent heper sony oul ov ei ssuffer i ng,Atsuchamomenty ougot oy ourbel ov ed,wi t hy our bodyandmi nduni fied,t ospeak.I fwear esuffer i ngandt heper sonwel ov ei gnor esus,t henwe suffermor e.Sowhatwecando,r i ghtaway ,i st omani f es tourt r uepr esencet oourbel ov ed,whocan f eelr el i efev enbef or ewehav ebegunt ohel p.Real l yt r yt obet her ef ory our sel f ,f ort hepeopl et hat y oul ov eandf orl i f e. Mant r a:“ Dearone,Ik nowt haty ouar esuffer i ng,t hati swhyIam her ef ory ou. ” Fort hesuffer i ng,y ourpr esencei sami r ac l e,y ourunder st andi ngofhi sorherpai ni sami r ac l eand y ouar eabl et ooffert hi sas pec tofy ourl ov ei mmedi at el y . Ov er comi ngPr i de Thef our t hmant r ai smor edi ffic ul tt opr ac t i ce.I thast odowi t hasi t uat i oni nwhi chy ouar esuffer i ng y our sel fandy out hi nkt haty oursuffer i nghasbeencr eat edbyt heper sony oul ov emosti nt hewor l d. I nt hi smomenty ouf eel l i k egoi ngt oy ourr oom,cl osi ngt hedoor ,st ayi ngbyyour sel fandcr yi ng.You r ef uset ogot ohi m orhert oas kf orhel p.Sonowi ti spr i det hati st heobst acl e.I nt r uel ov e,t her ei s nopl acef orpr i de.I fy ouar esuffer i ng,ever yt i mey ouar esuffer i ngy oumus tgot ot heper soni n ques t i onandas kf orhi sorherhel p. Pr act i cebr eat hi ngawar enes smedi t at i onsoast obr i ngaboutonenessofy ourbodyandmi ndbef or e goi ngt ot heper sont osayt hef our t hmant r a. Mant r a:“ Dearone,Iam s uffer i ngsomuch,pl easehel pme. ” Wear esubj ec tt omi sper cept i onsev er yday ,sowehav et opayat t ent i on.Ev er yt i mey out hi nki ti s somebodyel s ewhoi scaus i ngt hesuffer i ng,y oumus tal way scheckt hi ngsoutbygoi ngt ot he per soni nques t i onandaski ngf orhi sorherhel p. DeepLi s t eni ng I ft hesi t uat i onhasal r eadybecomeext r emel ydi ffic ul t ,whatcany oudo?Whatcany oudoi fl ov ehas al r eadycauset oomuc hsuffer i ngbet weent het woofy ou?Whatcany oudoi fy ouhavel os tt he capac i t yt ol i s t en,speakandcommuni cat e? According to Buddhism, we are dealing with samyojana, the lump of suffering within us that is translated as an “internal formation.” When you say something that makes another person suffer, that person can develop an “internal formation.” If that person is trained in Buddhism, he or she will know how to untie that knot. If not, s/he will let it remain there in the depths of consciousness. If you are a person who practices mindfulness, you will be aware that a knot has been formed in the person you love and you will know how to untie it. Fol l owi ngt hedev el opmentof“ i nt er nalf or mat i ons ”t hesuffer i ngandpai ncangr owandt heper son wel ov et ur nsi nt osomet hi ngl i k eabombt hatmi ghtexpl odeatanymoment .Af ewwor dsar eal li t

t ak est ot r i ggerangeri nt hi sper sonwhoy ouar eaf r ai dt oappr oachandwhoy ouar eaf r ai dt ot al kt o becauses/ hehasbecomeabombl oadedwi t ht oomuchsuffer i ng. Wheny out r yt ogetawayf r om hi m orher ,t hi sper sont hi nk st haty oudosooutofcont emptandt hei r suffer i ngi nc r eases .Youal sohavebecomeabomb,becausey ouhavel os tt heabi l i t yt ospeakt he l anguageofpeace,ofunder st andi ng.Youhav el ostt heabi l i t yt ol i st enandsoal lcommuni cat i onhas becomei mpossi bl e. Theot hersuffer sasl ongass/ hei si nneedofsomeonet ol i st ent ot hem;andy ou–y ouar et he per sonwhocandoi t .I fsomeoneneedst ogot oat her api s t ,i ti sbecauset her ei snoonei nt hei r hous ewhohast heabi l i t yt ol i s t en. Soi fwel ovesomeone,weshoul dt r ai ni nbei ngabl et ol i s t en.Byl i st eni ngwi t hcal m and under st andi ng,wecaneas et hesuffer i ngofanot herper son.Anhourspentt hi swaycanal r eady r el i ev eagr eatdealofanot herper son’ spai n.Aswel i st en,wedonotsayanyt hi ng,webr eat he deepl yandweopenourhear t si nor dert or eal l yl i s t ent ooneanot her .Anhouroft hi ski ndofl i s t eni ng i sr eal l yeffect i v eandi ti ssomet hi ngv er ypr eci oust hatcanbeoffer edt ot heper sony oul ov e.

Lear ni ngt oSpeakwi t hLov eAgai n Associ at edwi t ht hepr ac t i ceofdeepl i s t eni ngi st hepr ac t i ceofl ovi ngspeech.Wemus tl ear nt o speakwi t hl ov eagai n.Youhavet ospeaki nsuchawayt hatt heot herper soni sr ecept i vet owar d l i s t eni ngt oy ou,wi t hunder st andi ng,compassi onandt heel ement sofl ov epr es ent . Rest or i ngPeaceWi t hi nYour sel f I fy oupr ac t i cebr eat hi ngwi t hmi ndf ul nes sorwal ki ng,eachs t epbr i ngsy oubackt ot hepr esent moment ;eachs t epenabl esy out ot ouchwhati sbeaut i f ul ,whati st r ue.Af t eraf ewweek soft hi ski nd ofpr ac t i ce,j oywi l l bec omesomet hi ngpos si bl eandy ouwi l lbeabl et ount i emanyknot swi t hi n y our sel fandy ouwi l lbeabl et ot r ansf or m negat i veener gi esi nt oj oyandpeace.TheBuddhasai d, “ Theobj ectofy ourpr ac t i ceshoul dfir stofal lbey our sel f .Yourl ov ef ort heot her ,y ourabi l i t yt ol ov e anot herper son,dependsony ourabi l i t yt ol ov ey our sel f . ”I fy ouar enotabl et ot ak ecar eofand accepty our sel f ,howcany ougi v et hi st oanot herper son? Car i ngf ory our sel f ,r ees t abl i shi ngpeacei ny oursel f ,i st hebasi ccondi t i onf orhel pi ngsomeone el se.Sot hatt heot hercanst opbei ngabomb,asour ceofpai nf orour sel v esandot her s ,y our eal l y hav et ohel phi m orhert odef uset hebomb.Tobeabl et opr ovi dehel p,wehav et ohav eal i t t l ecal m, al i t t l ej oy ,al i t t l ecompassi oni nour sel v es .Thepr ac t i ceofbei ngt her ewi t hwhati sbeaut i f ul andwi t h whati sheal i ngi ssomet hi ngweshoul ddoev er ydayandi ti spossi bl et omai nt ai nt hi smi ndf ul nessi n ev er ydayac t i vi t i es . TheEner gyofMi ndf ul ness Whenwepr act i cedeepl ook i ngdi r ect edt owar dt hehear tofr eal i t y ,wer ecei v ehel p,wer ecei v e under st andi ng,wer ecei v et hewi sdom t hatmak esusf r ee.I ft her ei sadeeppai nwi t hi ny ou, medi t at et ol ookati tf acet of ac e.Whent heseedofangermani f es t sont hel ev elofourconsci ous mi nd,ouri mmedi at eawar enes s,i ti sbecauset heseedofangeri si nt hedept hofourconsci ousness andt henwebegi nt osuffer .Thet askoft hemedi t at ori snott ochaseawayort osuppr esst heener gy ofangert hati st her ebutr at hert oi nvi t eanot herener gyt hatwi l lbeabl et ocar ef ort heanger .Then t her ei sonl yt ender ness ,t her ei snofi ght i ngwi t h,ordi scr i mi nat i ngagai nstt hepai n.Mi ndf ul nessi s al waysmi ndf ul nessofsomet hi ng,ofwhati st her e.Wheny ouar eangr yandy ouknowt haty ouar e angr y ,mi ndf ul nessi st her e.Angeri soneener gy ,mi ndf ul nessi sanot herandt hi ssec ondki ndof ener gyar i sesi nor dert ocar ef ort hefir s tl i k eamot hercar i ngf orherbaby .

Car i ngf orOurPai n Soev er yt i mey ouhaveanener gyt hatneedst obet r ans f or med,l i k ej eal ous yorf ear ,dosomet hi ng t ocar ef ort hi sener gy ,f ort hi snegat i v eener gy ,i fy oudonotwantt hi sener gyt odest r oyy ou.When y ouhav epai nwi t hi ny ou,t hefir s tt hi ngt odoi st obr i ngt heener gyofmi ndf ul nesst oembr ac et he pai n.I fwepr ac t i cemi ndf ul nessever yday ,wewi l l hav eenoughofi tt ot ak ecar eofourpai ns .Ev er y t i mepai nmani f es t swewi l lbeabl et owel comei twi t hcar e. “I know that you are there, little anger, my old friend. Breathe – I am taking care of you now.” “Breathing in – I know that I am breathing in. Br eat hi ngout–Ik nowt hatIam br eat hi ngout . Br eat hi ngi n–Iknowt hatIam angr y . Br eat hi ngout–Ik nowt hatt heangeri ss t i l li nme. ” Tenmi nut esl at er ,y ouwi l lf eelbet t erorsomei mpr ov ement .Oncondi t i ont hatt heener gyof mi ndf ul nessi sr eal l yt her e,y ouwi l lbeabl et opr ac t i cedeepl ooki ng,andunder st andi ngof y our sel f . Thi sdi scov er y ,t hi sunder st andi ng,t hi swi sdom wi l ll i ber at ey ouf r om y ourpai n,ofanger ,despai ror f ear . Regar di ngf ear ,wear eaf r ai dofol dageandofdeat h.Wecanmedi t at el i k et hi s : “Breathing in – I know that it is my nature to grow old Br eat hi ngout–Ik nowt hatnoonecanes capef r om ol dage. Br eat hi ngi n–Iknowi ti smynat ur et odi e. Br eat hi ngout–Ik nowt hatnoonecanes capedeat h. ” ThePr i nci pl eofNonDual i t y When our pain comes up, it remains for a period of time at the level of the conscious mind, in our “living room.” After a short stay there, it goes back to its usual habitat, the alayaconsciousness, where it takes theform of a seed. It will always be weaker after having been embraced by the energy of mindfulness. Thedoori sal r eadyopen;ment alf or mat i onscannowfl owf r eel y ,andi fy oupr act i cef oraf ewweek s, t hes ympt omsofment al( andemot i onal )i l l nes swi l l di sappear .Thi si sbec ausey ouar enowi na si t uat i onwher ey ouhav egoodci r cul at i oni ny ourps y che,y ouwel comey ourf ear si nt oy ourmi ndf ul consci ousnessandcar ef ort hem. Ther ei snobat t l ebet weengoodandevi l ,posi t i v eandnegat i v e;t her ei sonl yt hecar egi v enbyt he bi gbr ot hert ot hel i t t l ebr ot her .Ourcons ci ousnes si sal i vi ngt hi ng,somet hi ngor gani ci nnat ur e. Ther ear eal wayswast emat er i al sandflower si nus .Thegar denerwhoi sf ami l i arwi t hor gani c gar deni ngi scons t ant l yont heal er tt osav et hewast emat er i al sbecauseheknowshowt ot r ansf or m t hem i nt ocompostandt hent r ansf or mt hatcomposti nt oflower sandv eget abl es .Sobegr at ef ul f or y ourpai ns,begr at ef ulf ory oursuffer i ng–y ouwi l lneedt hem. Lookataflower :i ti sbeaut i f ul ,i ti sf r agr ant ,i ti spur e;buti fy oul ookdeepl yy oucanal r eadyseet he composti nt heflower .Wi t hmedi t at i on,y oucanseet hatal r eady .I fy oudonotmedi t at e,y ouwi l l hav e t owai tt enday st obeabl et oseet hat .Thesamei st r ueofourment alf or mat i ons,whi chi ncl ude

flower sl i k ef ai t h,hope,under s t andi ngandl ov e;butt her ei sal sot hewas t emat er i al l i k ef earand pai n. Thefloweri soni t swayt obecomi ngr ef use,butt her ef us ei soni t swayt obecomi ngaflower . Thi si st henondual i t ypr i nci pl e,t her ei snot hi ngt ot hr owaway . Wemus tknowhowt ol ear nf r om suffer i ng,wemus tknowhowt omak euseofi tgat hert heener gyof compassi on,ofl ov e,ofunder s t andi ng. Reconci l i at i on&NonVi ol ence WhenIknowt hatIam happi nessandIam al sosuffer i ng;Iam under st andi ngandIam al so i gnor ance, Imustt akecar eofbot hoft hes eas pec t s .Imustnotdi scr i mi nat eorsuppr essonesi dei n f av ouroft heot her .Sot her eshoul dbenoconfli ct ,novi ol encebet weenoneel ementofourbei ng andanot herel ementofourbei ng.Ther eshoul donl ybeaneffor toft aki ngcar eandbei ngabl et o t r ans f or m. We should do that no only in relation to our mental formations but also in relation to our physical body. “ Br eat hi ngi n–Iam awar eofmyey es . Br eat hi ngout–Iam smi l i ngatmyey es . Br eat hi ngi n–Iam awar eofmyhear t . Br eat hi ngout–Iam smi l i ngatmyhear t . DearOne,Ik nowt haty ouar et her eandIam gl adabouti t . ” Bymaki ngpeacewi t hourbodypar t swebegi nt ounder st andt hei rnat ur eandt hatt heyconsi stoft he basi ccondi t i onsf orourhappi ness .Ourey eswor k,t oseeapar adi seofcol our s,ourhear twor kst o k eepusal i v e,howwonder f ul ! Howi sy ourl i v er ? “ DearOne,Iknowt haty ouar esuffer i ng,Iam her ef ory ou. ” Af t erashor tt i mepr act i si ngt hi s,y ouwi l lceaset oeat ,dr i nk( orsmok e)i nwayst hatar et oxi cf ory ou. Touchi ngyourl i v er ,oranyot herbodypar t ,wi t hmi ndf ul ness ,r ev eal si t spr eci sesi t uat i on,andi fy ou geti t smes sage,posi t i v echangeswi l l occurnat ur al l y .Youcanscanyourwhol ebodywi t h mi ndf ul nessandt r uel ov e.Thr oughapr ec i s evi ewofy ourbei ng,y oucanmanaget odosomet hi ng andr es t or ehar monyandor dert her e–amongt hef or ms,t hesens at i ons ,t heper cept i ons ,t hement al f or mat i onsandconsci ousness knowl edge. Comi ngt oLi f eAgai n Mi ndf ul nessi st hepr act i cet hatconsi s t si nbr i ngi ngt hebodyandt hemi ndbac kt ot hepr esent moment ,andever yt i mewepr act i cet hatwecomet ol i f eagai n.Bei ngal i v ei nt hepr es entmoment ,i n t heher eandnowi spossi bl ewi t hmi ndf ulbr eat hi ng. Wemus tnotl oseour sel v esei t heri nt hepastori nt hef ut ur e;andt heonl ymomenti nwhi chwecan t ouchl i f ei st hepr es entmoment .Whenwewal kwi t houtmi ndf ul ness,wesacr i ficet hepr esent momentt osomedest i nat i onsomewher e–wear enotal i v e.Andspeaki ngofdest i nat i ons ,wemay aswel las kour sel v es ,whati sourfinaldest i nat i on?Thecemet er y ,per haps ?I nt hatcase,whyar ewe i nahur r yt ogett her e?Li f edoesnotl i ei nt hatdi r ec t i on.Li f ei sher e,i neac hst ep.

Huggi ngMedi t at i on Topr ac t i cehuggi ngmedi t at i on,y oumus tpr act i cet hr eemi ndf ul br eat hs ,t henf or m al ot usfl owerwi t h y ourhands.Att hesamet i met heot herper sonal sopr epar esi nt hesameway .Andwheny out ak e t heper sony oul ov ei ny ourar ms ,y oumus tpr ac t i cedeepl y . “ Br eat hi ngi n–Iknowt hathei sal i v ei nmyar ms Br eat hi ngout–Iam v er ygl adabouti t . ” Thr eet i mesl i k et hat ,andy ouar er eal l yt her e,andt heot herper soni sr eal l yt her et oo....

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