U20-Vocabulary-2018 for euro ap history dhehdhdhjd PDF

Title U20-Vocabulary-2018 for euro ap history dhehdhdhjd
Author Jason Mill
Course The European Union
Institution Western Michigan University
Pages 7
File Size 632.4 KB
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Ap European history project with pictures and descriptions...


AP Euro Vocab U20 - Age of Napoleon Coup D’etat Brumaire:


Thermadorian Reaction:


A reaction to the violence of the Reign of Terror in 1794, resulting in the execution of Robespierre and the loosening of economic controls.

Coup necessary to overcome the opposition. Nov 9, 1799 the legislature was driven from its chambers and the Consulate was declared.


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The coup d’etat Brumaire relates to General Napoleon Bonaparte overthrowing the French Directory with two other generals, replacing it with the French Consulate.

Overthrow, takeover, deposition

During the time of the Thermidorian reaction the events consisted of the death of Robespierre; dismantling of the machinery of the Terror; new government in place Directory

Parliamentary revolt

Napoleon Bonaparte:


Concordat of 1801:


Overthrew the French revolutionary government (The Directory) in 1799 and became emperor of France in 1804. Failed to defeat Great Britain and abdicated in 1814. Returned to power briefly in 1815 but was defeated and died in exile.

This is the agreement between Pope Pius VII and Napoleon that healed the religious division in France by giving the French Catholics free practice of their religion and Napoleon political power


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Napoleon Bonaparte was the French general who became emperor of the French (1769-1821)

French general - emperor

The concordat of 1801 is Napoleon promises church that a majority of Frenchmen will be Catholic

covenant, pact, arrangement, bargain, bond, commitment, guarantee, obligation, pledge

AP Euro Vocab U20 - Age of Napoleon

“Emperor of France”:


Napoleon holds a legitimate election for emperor and overwhelmingly wins the title. He holds a massive coronation and crowns himself in order to slow that he alone has the power to give himself power

Careers open to talent:


citizens able to rise in government service purely according on their abilities


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Napoleon Bonaparte was the emperor of France


Careers open to talent allowed citizens to theoretically be able to raise in government service purely according on their abilities, creation of new imperial nobility to reward most talented generals and officers.

Jobs open to talent, work open to talent

Battle of Trafalgar:


Napoleonic Code:


A comprehensive and uniform system of laws established for France by Napoleon

an 1805 naval battle in which Napoleon's forces were defeated by a British fleet under the command of Horatio Nelson. Sentence

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The battle of trafalgar was the British defeat of Napoleon's forces at sea.

War, fight

The napoleonic code introduced in 1804 served as model for many nations' civil codes.

Laws , rules, civil code

AP Euro Vocab U20 - Age of Napoleon

Continental System: Napoleon's policy of preventing trade between Great Britain and continental Europe, intended to destroy Great Britain's economy.


Berlin Code: This Code aims at the provision of a stable method of naming taxonomic groups, avoiding and rejecting the use of names which may cause error. or ambiguity or throw science into confusion.



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The continental system closed European ports to British goods

Manner, method, mode, way ex = continental method

The Berlin code was enacted by the Prussian Government.

Law, rule

Orders of Council:


Milan Decree:


British laws which led to the War of 1812. Orders-in-council passed in 1807 permitted the impressment of sailors and forbade neutral ships from visiting ports from which Britain was excluded unless they first went to Britain and traded for British goods.

in 1807 which proclaimed that any vessel that submitted to British regulation or allowed itself to be searched by the Royal Navy was subject to seizure by France.


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The orders of council were edicts that closed European ports to foreign shipping unless they stopped first in a British port

British laws - edicts

The Milan decree was Issued by Napoleon in 1807 to enforce the Berlin Decree of 1806, which initiated the Continental System. Stated that no European country was to trade with the United Kingdom. Authorized French warships and privateers to capture neutral ships sailing from any British part or from any country that was occupied by British forces.

An order = decree

AP Euro Vocab U20 - Age of Napoleon

Russian Campaign:


Napoleon tried to add Russia to his empire; had a huge army and moved into Russia in September. Russians used the scorched earth policy; Russia retreated and lured them deeper in and burnt everything in their path

Battle of Leipzig:


Also known as the Battle of the Nations; in October 1813, the combined armies of the fourth coalition decisively defeated Napoleon and the French army


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The Russian campaign was Napoleon's ill-fated invasion of Russia.

Actions, invasion

The battle of Leipzig took place in October of 1813.

War, fight



Congress of Vienna:


The tiny island that Napoleon was granted after his abdication. Off the coast of Italy.

1814-1815 CE) Meeting of representatives of European monarchs called to reestablish the old order after the defeat of Napoleon.


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Elba was the first island Napoleon was exiled to.


The Congress of Vienna was a netting representatives of European monarchs called to reestablish the old order after the defeat of Napoleon

legislature, legislative assembly, parliament, convocation

AP Euro Vocab U20 - Age of Napoleon

Hundred Days:


The brief period during 1815 when Napoleon made his last bid for power, deposing the French King and again becoming Emperor of France

Battle of Waterloo:


This was the battle that Napoleon lost after his return from Elba that ended his reign as French ruler


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The hundred days was the special session of Congress that Roosevelt called to launch his New Deal programs. The special session lasted about three months: 100 days.

Period of time - last bid for power

The battle of Waterloo was Napoleon's final defeat

Battle, fight, war, napoleons defeat

St. Helena


After the Battle of Waterloo, the island off the coast of Africa where Napoleon was exiled to a final time


Synonym/ example

St. Helena is the place of napoleons second/last exile and death


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