Author Omar Al-Hamid
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UGLY’S ELECTRIC M O TO RS & C O N TR O LS J o n e s & n a n ic tt L e a r n in g 5 W all Street Bu rling to n. M A 01 KC>? V7#-443-5000 in fo jb Iearn; n g. co m w w w j bicam Jones & Bartlett Learning books and products urc available th rough most bookstores and online bookse...


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A Note from the Editor... U gly’s Electric M otors and Controls is based on the 2017 MFC® and is designed to be used as a quick on-the-job reference in the electrical industry. We have tried to include the m ost com m only required inform ation in an easy-to-read format. We salute the National Fire Protection Association fo r their dedication to the sponsorship of the National Electrical Code®. N ational Electrical Code® and NEC® are registered tradem arks of the National Fire Protection Association, Inc., Quincy, MA


TABLE OF CONTENTS The Left-H and R u le ...................................................................................................................1 M agn etic Field A round A C o il.................................................................................................2 E lectrom agne tic In d u c tio n ......................................................................................................3 The Left-H and R ule For G e n e ra to rs ..................................................................................4 B asic M otor O p e ra tio n ............................................................................................................. 5 B asic D C M otor: S peed C o n tro l............................................................................................6 C alculating S yn chrono us S p e e d ......................................................................................... 7 C alcu lating R unning S p e e d ................................................................................................... 7 AC M otor Operation at Over- and U n d e r-V o lta g e s......................................................... 8 DC M otor O peration at Over- and U n d e r-V o lta g e s......................................................... 9 M inim um Depth of C lear W orking Space in Front of Electrical E quipm ent......... 10 M inim um C learance of Live P a r t s ..................................................................................... 11 H orsep ow er R atings For N EM A S ta rte rs ........................................................................ 12 M axim um H o rs e p o w e r...........................................................................................................13 R unning O verload U n it s ........................................................................................................14 M otor Branch-C ircuit Protective Devices M axim um Rating or S e ttin g ................ 15 Full-Load Current For Direct-Current M otors in A m p e re s ........................................... 16 Full-Load Current For Single-Phase Alternating Current M otors in A m peres........... 17 T hree-P hase Alternating Current M otors Full-Load C u rre n t.......................................18 Full-Load C urrent and O ther Data For Three-Phase AC M otors............................ 19 M otor and M otor C ircuit C on ductor P ro te c tio n ....................................................20 G eneral M otor R u le s ..................................................................................................... 20 M otor B ranch-C ircuit and Feeder E x a m p le ................................................................... 21 G en era l M otor A p p lic a tio n s ..........................................................................................21 M axim um M otor Lo cke d-R otor C u r re n t.......................................................................... 22 M axim um M otor Locked-Rotor Current in Am peres, T w o & Three-Phase, Design B, C, and 0 ......................................................................... 22 O hm ’s L a w .................................................................................................................................23 Electrical Form ulas For C alculating Am peres, H orsepow er, Kilow atts, an d K V A ........................................................................................................25 To Find A m p e re s .................................................................................................................... 26 T o Find H o rse p o w e r............................................................................................................... 30 T o Find W a tls ............................................................................................................................ 31 T o Find K ilo w a tts ............... .....................................................................................................32 To Find K ilo vo lt-A m p e re s..................................................................................................... 33 K irchhoff’s La w s................................................................................................................33 To Find Indu cta nce................................................................................................................. 34 Inductance ( L ) ..................................................................................................................34 T o Find Im p e d a n c e ............................................................................................................... 35 Im pedance ( 2 ) ..................................................................................................................35 T o Find R e a cta n ce ..................................................................................................................36 R eactance ( X ) ..................................................................................................................36 S yn chrono us S p e e d ................................................................................................................37 S lip ................................................................................................................................................37 Lo cke d-R otor C urren t T h re e -P h a se ..................................................................................37 Lo cke d-R otor C urren t S in g le -P h a s e ............................................................................... 38 M otor F ra m e s ............................................................................................................................38

TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Fram e D im ensions, in In ch e s...............................................................................................39 Fram e Letter D esig natio ns....................................................................................................40 Insulation C la s s e s .......................................... ........................................................................ 41 C om m on Electrical D istribution S y s te m s ........................................................................ 42 V oltage Drop Calculations, Inductance N e g lig ib le ..........................................................44 S ingle-Phase C ir c u it s ................................................................................................... 44 T hree-P hase C irc u its ...................................................................................................... 44 Voltage D rop C alculation E xa m p le s..................................................................................45 S ingle-P hase V oltage D ro p ......................................................................................... 47 T hree-P hase V oltage D r o p ..........................................................................................47 M axim um Perm issible C ap acito r K v a r............................................................................. 48 For U se W ith O pen-Type Three-P hase Sixty-Cycle Induction M otors......... 48 P ow e r-F actor C o r re c tio n ......................................................................................................49 Pow er Factor and Efficiency E x a m p le ............................................................................. 50 Lo cke d-R otor C ode L e tte r s .................................................................................................52 Single-P hase M o to rs ......................................................................................................53 Three-P hase M o to r s ......................................................................................................53 Three-Phase AC M otor W indings and C o n n e c tio n s .....................................................54 N EM A Enclosure T ypes N onhazardous L o c a tio n s ....................................................55 N E M A E nclosure Types H azard ous L o c a tio n s ........................................................... 59 U.S. W eights and M e a s u re s .............................................................................................. 60 Linear M e a s u re s ............................................................................................................. 60 M ile M e a s u re m e n ts ........................................................................................................ 60 O ther Linear M e a s u re m e n ts .......................................................................................60 Square M e a s u re s ...........................................................................................................60 C ubic o r Solid M e a s u re s ...............................................................................................61 Liquid M e a s u re m e n ts ....................................................................................................61 D ry M e a s u re s ...................................................................................................................61 W eight M easurem ents (M a ss)....................................................................................62 M etric S ys te m ............................................................................................................................63 P r e fix e s ..............................................................................................................................63 Linear M e a s u re s ............................................................................................................. 63 S quare M e a s u re s .......................................................................................................... 63 C ubic M e a s u re s............................................................................................................... 64 M easures of W e ig h t........................................................................................................65 M easure s o f C a p a c ity ...................................................................................................66 M etric D esig nator and T rade S iz e s ..................................................................................67 U.S. W eights an d M easure s/M etric Equivalent C h a rt.......................................67 Explanation of S cien tific N o ta tio n ............................................................................ 67 Useful C o n v e rs io n s /E q u iv a le n ts ...............................................................................68 D ecim al E qu ivalents................................................................................................................69 S ingle-P hase M o to r s ..............................................................................................................71 C a p acito r S tart M otor C ir c u it..............................................................................................73 D irect-C urren t M o to rs.............................................................................................................74 M otor S election C h e cklist......................................................................................................75 M otor S election C rite ria ........................................................................................................76 Typical Load Service F a c to rs.............................................................................................. 77


TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) O ve rcu rrent Protection For T w o or M ore M o to rs ........................................................ 78 O ve rcu rrent P rotection For M otors and O th e r L o ads.................................................79 Determ ining O ve rload S i z e ................................................................................................ 80 Determ ining C o n trolle r S iz e .................................................................................................81 M otors 2 H orsepower o r Less and 300 Volts or L e ss....................................................82 D eterm ining C on ductor S izes For Single-P hase M o to rs ......................................... 83 D eterm ining C on ductor Sizes For A djustable S peed D riv e s ..................................84 M otor and M otor-C ircu it C onductor P ro te ctio n .............................................................84 G eneral M otor R u le s ............................................................................................................ 85 M otor Branch C ircuit and F eeder E x a m p le .................................................................. 85 G eneral M otor A p p lic a tio n s .........................................................................................85 Approxim ate Torque Figures, C om pound DC M o to rs ..................................................87 Heater C orrections For Am bient T e m p e ra tu re s............................................................. 87 A pp roxim a te T o rque Figures, A C M o to rs....................................................................... 88 A pproxim ate Torque Figures, W ound R otor M o to r s ....................................................89 S izing Load C on ductors From G e n e ra to rs.....................................................................90 Electrical S afety D e fin itio n s .................................................................................................91 Electrical S afety C h e c k lis t...................................................................................................94 Electrical Safety Lockout-Tagout P ro c e d u re s ................................................................95 Application of Lo cko ut-T ag out D evices.....................................................................95 Rem oval of Lockout-Tagout D e v ic e s ....................................................................... 96 Electrical Safety Shock Protection B o u n d a rie s ............................................................. 97 Electrical Safety How to Read A W arning L a b e l........................................................... 98 M otor M a in te n a n c e -A n n u a l.................................................................................................99 Motor M aintenance-S em i-A nnual......................................................................................100 Pulley C a lc u la tio n s ..................................... .......................................................................... 101 D eterm ining Belt L e n g th ..................................................................................................... 102 H orsep ow er C a p a c itie s ..................................................................................................... 102 G e a r S izin g .............................................................................................................................. 103 D eterm ining Shaft D ia m e te r.............................................................................................. 103 G e a r R educers. ..................................................................................................................... 104 O utput T o r q u e ........................... ....................................................................................104 O utput S p e e d ..................................................................................................................104 O utput H o rs e p o w e r..................................................................................................... 104 M otor T o r q u e ...........................................................................

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