Unessay all - essay PDF

Title Unessay all - essay
Course P3 Social Psychology
Institution St. John Fisher College
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Unessay project overview One of the hopes for this course is that you will be able to take what you learn and apply it to your everyday life. However, your everyday life probably does not consist of writing essays and annotated bibliographies. This is where the unessay comes in. The goal of your unessay is to take a common psychological myth (you will be provided with a list) and create some sort of product you could give to a family member or friend who believes that myth to convince them of the truth. Your end product could be almost anything - a comic, a podcast, a painting. You can choose almost anything you want and use your personal strengths. It just cannot be a standard essay. There are multiple components of this project, aimed at structuring the experience in such a way to maximize your success. If you are putting in the work at the earlier stages, we should be able to catch any potential problems and enable you to create an end project that you can be proud of. All instructions for the stages of this project are included in the “unessay” folder on Blackboard. In total, all stages of this project are worth 120 points. Step 1  Select a psychology myth, 5 points Due by 10:30 am on Friday, May 11th Step 2  References and outline, 20 points At this stage, you will have completed some research into your myth. The goal here is to summarize this research and then organize it into an outline. At this stage, you will also propose *what* your end product will actually be. I will give you feedback on your idea and make sure it’s an idea that works for both of us. You should incorporate this feedback into your final product. Due by 11:59 pm on Thursday, May 24th Step 3  Presentation, 35 points This stage will be an integration of all of the research you have done thus far. You will create a brief (five minute) presentation that gives an overview of your myth and the evidence for and against said myth. You will then give that presentation in class. Presentation slides due by 11:59 pm on Wednesday, June 6th Presentations will be in class on Thursday, June 7th and Friday, June 8th Step 4  Final product, 60 points This is where you actually turn in your final product. As noted above, this product will be approved in the outline stage of the process. Due by 10:30 am on Thursday, June 14th. This will either be turned into the Blackboard dropbox or inperson at the beginning of class, depending on what you are turning in.

Unessay topic selection This assignment is due to the Blackboard dropbox by 10:30 am on Friday, May 11 th. While you *have* to turn this assignment in to get any further points for the unessay project (which constitutes 30% of your grade, you will not receive any points for turning this in late. Review the list of myths and identify your top three myth choices. If you want to know more about a myth that sounds interesting or are having difficulty deciding on a myth, do a quick internet search on the topic. Be aware that your internet search is only for the purposes of helping you choose a myth, NOT to find sources for your paper. The myths in this list were selected from 50 Great Myths of Popular Psychology: Shattering Widespread Misconceptions about Human Behavior by Lilienfeld, Lynn, Ruscio, and Byersteing (2010). Choose from the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

Most people use only 10% of their brain power. Some people are left-brained, others are right-brained. Playing Mozart’s music to infants boosts their intelligence. Most people experience a midlife crisis in their 40s or Early 50s. Human memory works like a tape recorder or video camera, and accurately records the events we’ve experienced. Hypnosis is useful for retrieving memories of forgotten events. If you’re unsure of your answer when taking a test, it’s best to stick with your initial hunch. Students learn best when teaching styles are matched to their learning styles. Researchers have demonstrated that dreams possess symbolic meaning. Individuals can learn information, like new languages, while asleep. The polygraph (“lie detector”) test is an accurate means of detecting dishonesty. There’s safety in numbers: The more people present at an emergency, the greater the chance that someone will intervene. Men and women communicate in completely different ways. Low self-esteem is a major cause of psychological problems. People’s responses to inkblots tell us a great deal about their personalities. Our handwriting reveals our personality traits. Only deeply depressed people commit suicide. Psychiatric hospital admissions and crimes increase during full moons. Criminal profiling is helpful in solving cases. Expert judgment and intuition are the best means of making clinical decisions.

Submit your myth topic three choices by the due date/time (specified in the course schedule) in Bb. You also need to include a brief explanation (1-2 sentences) for each myth explaining why it’s one of your top choices.

Did you select your top three myth choices? (3 points) Did you give a brief (1-2 sentence) explanation for why you selected each of your topics? (2 points)

Unessay references and outline This assignment is due to the Blackboard dropbox by 11:59 pm on Thursday, May 24 th. This will be accepted up to 48 hours late for four points off each day. It will not be accepted more than 48 hours late. PURPOSE: Because science occurs in a public forum and is vetted by a scientist’s peers, peer-reviewed journal articles and other scholarly sources are the lifeblood of a discipline. The purpose of this assignment is to allow you to explore scholarly resources that pertain to your myth and work on your information literacy skills as well as organize your thoughts on your psychology myth. This will allow you to better prepare for your presentation and final product. You will also receive feedback at this stage on your idea for your final product. You should incorporate this feedback going forward in the project. Your first task is to conduct preliminary research and provide overviews of three relevant research articles: (1) Using the WSU library database, find at least three peer-reviewed articles examining your myth. You should use relevant keywords to search for these articles. These articles must CLEARLY connect to your myth topic of choice. In other words, be certain that the articles you choose make sense for your topic. (2) Be sure that the date range on your search includes only articles published in 2000 or more recently. (3) Read each article. (4) For each article, provide me with a brief overview. (5) Each overview should begin with the reference. This will include the authors of the article, the year the article was published, the title of the article, the journal in which the article appears, the volume number the article appears in, and its page numbers. Use the guidelines below for proper reference format. (6) The overview should consist of a brief, 200 to 250-word summary of the article with an explanation for why it is appropriate for/pertains to your myth. The summary should include a sentence introducing the study, a sentence or two explaining the method, and a sentence or two explaining what the authors found/concluded. Finally, include one to two sentences explaining how the study pertains to your myth and/or how the study helps to inform your understanding of the myth. Your second task is to organize the above articles, add other information as necessary, and create a cohesive outline: (1) Continue to research your chosen myth topic. You should look for information about how prevalent (i.e., how common) this myth is and why people believe the myth (i.e., what is the evidence for the myth?). Then you should find a more accurate explanation and investigate the research that “busts” the myth. Identify the empirical evidence that refutes the myth. All the claims should be supported with appropriate APA format citations from library sources. You may use a variety of sources, but you must include at least the three peer-reviewed research articles you summarized above. (2) Develop an outline like the example outline below but using your chosen myth topic, the following: a. A description of the myth b. Description of the evidence for the prevalence of this myth (How many people believe this? How do we know? It will be useful to provide examples that demonstrate people still believe this myth.) c. Present the evidence for this myth (What evidence do people use to justify believing this myth? What is the origin for the myth?) d. Present an alternative hypothesis to explain the evidence (what explanation other than the myth can account for this evidence?) e. Present the evidence against the myth (evidence for the alternative hypothesis). f. Summary: Be sure to include the myth and the fact that should replace it g. Reference list in proper APA format (3) Ensure that all components found in the example outline are present and complete in your outline. (4) Indicate what your idea is for your end product as well as any information I might need to assess whether this idea is feasible.

These should be in one Word document, with clearly indicated headers to distinguish between the two tasks. The entire document should be 12-point Times New Roman font, double spaced, with one inch margins. Documents to assist with APA formatting and referencing are included in the course resources folder. If you are still confused, Purdue OWL is an excellent resource for APA information.

RUBRIC Have you provided overviews for three peer-reviewed journal articles that were written after the year 2000 and clearly connect to your myth?  6 points Have you developed an outline with all the components provided in the example outline?  6 points Is the evidence provided to support your claims appropriate?  4 points Have you presented a plausible idea for an end product that has been thought-through?  2 points Is the document and references formatted appropriately, according to APA style?  2 points

Unessay presentation This assignment is due to the Blackboard dropbox by 11:59 pm on Wednesday, June 6 th. Presentations will be held in class on June 7th and June 8th. Assignments to a day will not be made ahead of time, so you should be prepared to go on either day. Presentations must be uploaded by June 6th so that I can put them all on one jump drive to facilitate transitions between presenters. This WILL NOT be accepted late for ANY reason. Thus, I highly encourage not waiting until the last minute in case there are technical problems. PURPOSE: There are two purposes to this element of the project. First, after uncovering the evidence to bust the psychological myth, you have the opportunity to communicate this evidence to your peers. After all, empirical evidence must be made public in order to be verified and, potentially, falsified. Second, this will offer you a chance to develop your presentation skills, a highly valued skill among employers. The goal for this step is to take all of the information you will use in your final unessay product and put it into a more traditional presentation format. Your presentation grade will be based on both your presentation slides and the in-class presentation. Your task is to: (1) Create a Powerpoint presentation based on your outline and any additional information you have found since then, summarizing the main take away points. For tips on how to create this presentation, see the following: https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Tips-for-creating-and-delivering-an-effective-presentation-F43156B020D2-4C51-8345-0C337CEFB88B (2) It should follow the format of your outline. (3) The presentation should last no more than 5 minutes and should have small amounts of text (that is, you should be verbally or graphically conveying the appropriate information, not relying on the class to read all of it. (4) Proofread your slide presentation ensuring that there are no grammatical or spelling errors. (5) Submit your Powerpoint by the due date/time in Blackboard. Please limit transitions/animations and make sure to upload a powerpoint file (not something like a (6) You will then present your work on either June 7th or June 8th in class. As noted above, the presentation should not last more than 5 minutes. The presentation should allow a naïve individual to walk away with a basic understanding of your myth, why it’s incorrect, and what is actually happening.

RUBRIC Were your slides high quality and easy to follow?  5 points Did you provide a good description of the myth?  4 points Did you present the evidence for this myth?  4 points Did you present an alternative hypothesis to explain the evidence?  4 points Did you present the evidence against the myth?  6 points Did you appropriately summarize the information presented and leave the audience with a take-away message?  6 points Were you clear, had a good pace, and spoke well?  4 points Did you stay within the five minutes time limit?  2 points

Unessay final product This assignment is due by 10:30 am on Thursday, June 14 th. If you are turning in some sort of digital product (e.g., a website, PDF, etc.), you should turn it in to the dropbox by the due date. If your project is some sort of physical product (e.g., a drawing, model), you should bring it to class on the due date and turn it in in-person. *EITHER WAY, YOU MUST SUBMIT THE REFLECTION PORTION TO THE DROPBOX* Due to the rapid nature of summer course, this WILL NOT be accepted late for ANY reason. Thus, I highly encourage not waiting until the last minute in case there are technical problems. PURPOSE: This project is an opportunity for you to connect your individual passions to our course material. I invite you to be creative. You can generate a work of art in a chosen medium, or compose original song lyrics. You can write a Buzzfeed-style listicle, a short story, or the script to a play. You can present your work in any medium of your choosing: video, audio, sculpture, watercolor, etc. You can design a comic, a flyer to put around campus, or an inforgraphic. The above options are intended only to illustrate the possibilities. You can and should think beyond those ideas. You will also be turning in a reflection assignment that contributes to your point total. Your overarching goal is to create some sort of product that could be used to help someone who believes in a common psychological myth learn about the truth of that topic. By the time your final product is due, you will have already selected a topic, completed an outline, and presented the scientific information to your class and myself. The goal now is to put all of this into a creative package that could be given to someone else to help them learn. The rubric below is intentionally vague, as I anticipate your end products being incredibly varied and diverse. If you have any questions, please let me know as soon as you can.

RUBRIC Does the final topic presented in the unessay match the originally chosen topic? Has feedback been incorporated from earlier project stages?  10 points Does the final product incorporate at least some of the scientific evidence that was presented in the outline and presentation?  10 points Does the final product clearly indicate that the student understands the myth and how it is not an accurate representation of the state of psychological science?  10 points Was the topic presented at an appropriate level for someone who is not a psychology major? That is, could it actually be useful for someone who is not well-versed in psychological science?  10 points Is the final product of good overall quality? This does not mean that artwork could be submitted to a museum, but rather that it is clear that a good deal of effort went into this creation.  10 points Did you submit a well-thought out reflection paper that is approximately two pages long and summarizes/reflects on your experience working on this project throughout the term?  10 points...

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