Uni Bars Feasibility Paper PDF

Title Uni Bars Feasibility Paper
Course Business Plan1 
Institution New Era University
Pages 85
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STI COLLEGE ORTIGAS CAINTAUNIBARS RESTO BARA Feasibility Study Presented to the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management STI College Ortigas Cainta Cainta, RizalIn Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in Ergonomics and Facilities Planning for the Hospitality Industry for the Degree in Bachel...




A Feasibility Study Presented to the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management STI College Ortigas Cainta Cainta, Rizal

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in Ergonomics and Facilities Planning for the Hospitality Industry for the Degree in Bachelor of Science in BSHM

De Guzman, Alexandra Nicole Fernandez, Randel Garcia, John Paul Mercado, Carl David Purugganan, Jonas Salvan, Raven

May 2021

CERTIFICATION This concept paper entitled Unibars Resto bar prepared and submitted by Alexandra Nicole De Guzmnan, Randel Fernandez, John Paul Garcia, Carl David Mercado, Jonas Purugganan, Raven Salvan of BSHM 602. In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science Hospitality Management (The Entrepreneurial Mind course) has been examined and recommended for acceptance and approval for oral examination.

Evaluation Committee



Approved by the Panel of Oral Examination on _____________ with the grade of ________. __________________________ Chairman __________________________




Accepted in partial fulfillment _________________________.





RON ALLAN N. SALEM Academic Head




UniBars Restobar Logo

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This business plan will introduce UniBars Restobar. Restobars are well-known as a place to have fun but most of the Restobars were quite expensive, and as for solution, we created a Restobar that has a quality service, delicious foods, and drinks. UniBars Restobar will provide a combination of excellent food at value pricing. Our restaurant serves a variety of items such as appetizers, soup, vegetable, beef, chicken, pork, seafood, sizzling, pizza, pasta, and more. The area Restobar is comfortable yet elegant atmosphere in which they can dine in, meet friends, or have a drink after work with excellent food. A place where you always know you will get the best of everything. UniBars Restobar will feature a cozy dining area with a fully furnishing and decoration of galaxy theme that will take you to another place. Our target market are 18years old and above and the workers. Our competitors are those Restobar that already offer Filipino cuisine like Padi’s Point, The Peak and Double Deck Overlooking Resto Bar & Events. However, UniBars goal is to provide an affordable price through its drinks, foods, services, and entertainment. You can really experience the cozy dining atmosphere of the UniBars Restobar as you dine.

ACKNOWLENDGEMENT The proponents would like to thank the following persons that have become big part and made this study possible: First of all, to our Almighty God who always look up and secure the safety of the proponents for giving them the strength and knowledge to finish t his Feasibility Study. They would like to express their deepest appreciation to their Feasibility Studies Adviser, Mr. Charles Brown Sto. Domingo, who patiently gave them advice, for guiding and imparting his knowledge and expertise, and helping them in order to make the study a well-done achievement. Our parent’s who gave us life and guided us ever since we were born, and for the moral support; also, to our friends, who always there for us to our classmates and profs who gave us inspiration and support to finish this study; and Above all, to OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, for his abundant graces and blessings showered unto the family of the researchers.

DEDICATION We would like to dedicate this feasibility study to the Almighty God, to our beloved families and friends who have been best cheerleaders. To our professors, for their support and guidance in the success of this study. To our respective parents for without their moral support this would not be possible. And lastly, to the future researchers who will be benefited from this study.

TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES -------------------------------------------------------------------


LIST OF FIGURES ------------------------------------------------------------------


LIST OF APPENDICES --------------------------------------------------------------


PROJECT BACKGROUND -----------------------------------------------------------


COMPANY PROFILE ----------------------------------------------------------------PROJECT DESCRIPTION -----------------------------------------------------------Nature of Business ----------------------------------------------------------Business Identity -----------------------------------------------------------Brand Positioning -----------------------------------------------------------Unique Selling ---------------------------------------------------------------Value Proposition ------------------------------------------------------------COMPANY PHILOSOPHY ------------------------------------------------------------Vision-Mission Statement ----------------------------------------------------Objectives --------------------------------------------------------------------FORM OF MANAGEMENT ------------------------------------------------------------THE MARKET -------------------------------------------------------------------------Market Research/Survey ------------------------------------------------------Business Segment -------------------------------------------------------------MARKETING MIX ---------------------------------------------------------------------Place ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Product ------------------------------------------------------------------------Price ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Product Costing --------------------------------------------------------Pricing Strategy --------------------------------------------------------Promotion ---------------------------------------------------------------------Marketing Budget Plan -------------------------------------------------Distribution Strategy -----------------------------------------------------------

PRODUCT OPERATIONREQUIREMENTS ---------------------------------------------Product/Service Process Flow -------------------------------------------------Technical Requirement -----------------------------------------------------------Equipment & Machineries, Furniture & Fixtures, Tools & ----------------Utensils---------------------------------------------------------------Utilities and expense projection-------------------------------------Facilities Design and Layout -----------------------------------------------Overall Technical Costing --------------------------------------------------MANPOWER MODEL ---------------------------------------------------------------Organizational Structure ----------------------------------------------------Manpower Requirements ----------------------------------------------------Job Description and Specifications -----------------------------------Manpower Quantity Projection ---------------------------------------Manpower Shifting Schedule ----------------------------------------Training Scheme -----------------------------------------------------------Company Policies ----------------------------------------------------------Compensation --------------------------------------------------------Benefits ----------------------------------------------------------------GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS ANF REQUIREMENTS ------------------------------FINANCIAL PROJECTION ------------------------------------------------------------Major Assumptions ----------------------------------------------------Sales Forecasts --------------------------------------------------------Financial Statement ----------------------------------------------------PROJECT TIMELINE AND IMPLEMENTATION ---------------------------------------Gantt Chart -------------------------------------------------------------SOCIO-ECONOMIC ASPECTS OF THE BUSINESS ----------------------------------Environmental Preservation Contribution -----------------------------Economic Contribution -------------------------------------------------Corporate Social Responsibility ---------------------------------------EXIT PLAN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------REFERENCES ----------------------------------------------------------------------APPENDICES -----------------------------------------------------------------------

CURRICULUM VITAE --------------------------------------------------------------


Figures 1

Direct Competitors


Equipment Needed


Tools Needed


Furniture and Fixture Needed


Utility Expenses


Overall Technical Costing


Job Description and Specification


Manpower Quantity Projection


Manpower Shifting Schedule


Salary/Wages of Employee

LIST OF FIGURES 2.1 Logo………………………………………………………………………1 2.2 Map of the Sumulong Antipolo City……………………….2 2.3 Actual Picture of Sumulong Rd. Cloud 9…………………3 2.4 Drinks Menu………………………………………………………….4 2.5 Food Menu ……………………………………………………………5 2.6 Distribution strategy……………………………………………..6 2.7 Product Flow…………………………………………………………7 2.8 Service flow chart………………………………………………….8 2.9 Facilities layout design…………………………………………..9 2.10 Organizational Structure……………………………………..10 2.11 Ghant Chart…………………………………………………………11

Test Chapter with Figures and Table

3.1 Product/ Service Process Flow………………………………..1 3.2 Technical Requirement……………………………………………2 3.3 Furniture and Fixtures…………………………………………….3 3.4 Utilities and expense projection………………………………4 3.5 Overall Technical Costing…………………………………………5 3.6 Organizational Structure………………………………………….6 3.7 Manpower Requirements……………………………………….7


Appendix A: Survey Questionnaire Appendix B: Curriculum Vitae of the Proponents Appendix C: Business Permits Appendix D: Business Forms Appendix E: Tally Sheet

PROJECT BACKGROUND UniBars Resto bar will be a galaxy Resto business located at Sumulong Antipolo, Rizal. It has a lot of facilities such as residential area and campuses like "Our Lady of Fatima University" However, there are still some problems faced by the students there were food were too expensive and some of the students are stress in their academic, so we decide to build Restobar to serve them a quality services, food, and beverages in budget price that student can afford and to experience them a relaxation and happine ss.


Nature of Business UniBars is a business Partnership, where partners shared resources to build UniBars and serves as the place for people who like to enjoy or celebrate their achievements in life. By the help of our partners, we can easily establish a concrete foundation of UniBars, and we can also make sure the continuous improvement of

UniBars because of the different knowledge, skills, experience, and contacts of each one of our partners. Business Identity UniBars Restobar came from the word “universe” it means an area of space or a world that is like but separate from the one that we live in. UniBars Restobar offer a selection of food and beverages inspired from the Filipino Cuisine that are personally chosen by our team. The colors of our logo represent about life or human nature. UniBars do not just offer excellent quality food and beverages, it also provides customer satisfaction through delivering a service with smile. UniBars is the perfect place for those people seeking a night out with friends, co-workers, and families. It is also perfect place to catch up while relaxing.

Figure 1. Company Logo Brand Positioning “Discover UniBars as its own very good taste menu” is our business tagline. Our business UniBars restaurant that we are going to build is not only for leisure and party or

dining but also to stand out high class and exciting menu from different region that tourists my experience an excellent and quality food not only to their region but also to their remarkable experience in the place. Unique Selling Proposition As we build an exciting new product to the market. We are creating a great and restaurant that everyone can be involved we build a special menu made true to the regions they come from. It is a restaurant where ingredients matter as much as how they are prepared to discoveries with a touch of incomparable experiences to the people . Our beverages are purely quality than other restaurants because of the ingredients and taste and our ambiance is good to everyone who wants to share memories and to relax. Value Proposition UniBars offers different meals and drinks in affordable price and in that way, our customers can afford our products and they can enjoy our meals. Today, customers are looking for affordable place to have fun, but they prefer to have quality service and affordable food, and as a response for the needs of our customers UniBars provided service, drinks, and foods that will surely pass the standard of the customers. COMPANY PHILOSOPHY PHILOSOPHY A restaurant is a business that connects people through a delicious food, comfortable space, and memorable service. We strongly believe that the greatest restaurants not only connect people, but also build lasting relationships, both staff-tocustomer and staff-to-staff. We strive to provide an exceptional dining experience for

our guests with utmost sincerity and pride and we take each day as an opportunity to improve and discover our infinite potential both individually and as a team. Vision-Mission Statement Vision To be the best in the RestoBar industry that provides quality service and exquisite foods and drinks. Mission To provide customer satisfaction by offering a world class experience and affordable prices of products with consistent quality.

GOALS Our goal is to produce the best hospitality services and food and beverage products that our customers will truly enjoy. We aim make our customers feel safe and welcome by providing friendly and reputable services. By coming up with unique offerings, we will make sure that our customers will keep coming back patronizing our products and services. Objectives ▪

To satisfy our customers with the products and services we offer.

To serve quality and affordable food and beverages.



excellent customer

service that

relationship with our valued customers.

will eventually establish a


FORM OF MANAGEMENT The form of management we choose is Partnership because our business is an arrangement between two or more people to oversee business operations and share its profits and liabilities and there may be tax benefits to a partnership compared to a corporation. The advantage of Partnership Compared to operating on your own as a sole trader, by working in a business partnership you can benefit from companionship and mutual support. Starting and managing a business alone can feel stressful and daunting, particularly if you have not done it before. In a partnership, you are in it together. Service Business UniBars Restobar is a type of Service Business because our business goal is to serve people a quality service, food, and beverages by having twist to our Restobar like having Galaxy theme that help to give relaxation and enjoyment to our customer.

TARGET MARKET Market Research/Survey UniBars primarily targets people who are looking for a place to eat with a relaxing ambiance while enjoying a nice view. The business targets people aged 18-50 years old. Young professionals, businessmen, elderly and even families are one of the target markets of the business. Customer analysis Demographic

UniBars’ set of products and services targets young ones and elders aged 18-50 years old. Our primary target are people who loves to dine at Restobars to chill and enjoy. Psychographic The business targets people who value their time and peace of mind. To give them relaxation and satisfaction with the product and services offered. Geographic UniBars also targets people who are living inside and outside Antipolo. People working near our location are also one of our target markets.

Survey Questionnaire Name: _____________________ Age: ____________ ☐ Younger than 18 ☐ 19 - 29 ☐ 30 - 40 ☐ 41 - 49 ☐ 50 above Gender: ☐ Female

☐ Male ☐ Prefer not to say Employment Status: ☐ Student ☐ Employed ☐ Unemployed 1. How often do you visit the Resto Bar? ☐ Never or very occasionally ☐Once a month ☐ 2-4 times a month ☐ More than 4 times a month 2. Would you consider hiring clubhouse or a resto bar for your own private party? ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Maybe ☐ Never 3. What kind of food do you prefer most? ☐ Korean cuisine ☐ Filipino cuisine ☐ Japanese cuisine ☐ Italian cuisine

4. When considering the convenience of a resto bar, which ones do you think are the most important? ☐ Ambience ☐ Food quality ☐ Variety of food ☐ Value for money 5. How often do you dine in a Resto Bar? ☐ Daily ☐ Weekly ☐ Monthly ☐ Once in a month 6. Which meal you more most likely to take outside? ☐ Breakfast ☐ Lunch ☐ Dinner ☐ Evening snack 7. Do you give tips to the waiter/waitress in the resto bar? ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Never 8. Would you buy our product if we sell it? ☐ Yes ☐ No

☐ Maybe ☐ Never 9. Have you tried to eat in a Resto Bar? ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Often ☐ Not Already 10.

What time do you usually eat in a Resto bar?

☐ 10am-12nn ☐ 1pm-4pm ☐ 5pm-7pm ☐ 8pm-11pm 11.

What Resto Bar that you have already tried in Antipolo City?

☐ Chill Top ☐ Padi’s Point ☐ The Peak ☐ Double Deck Overlooking Restobar & Events 12.

Who do you mainly go with to dine in a Resto Bar?

☐ Family ☐ Workmates ☐ Barkada ☐ Boyfriend/Girlfriend 13.

What kind of alcoholic drink in Resto Bar do you preferred?

☐ Tequila ☐ Beer ☐ Vodka ☐ Whiskey 14.

What kind of “Pulutan” do you prefer?

☐ Chips ☐ Sizzling ☐ None of the above 15.

Do you prefer to go a Resto Bar with private area/private room?

☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Maybe 16.

What ambience of Resto Bar do you prefer?

☐ Resto Bar with loud music and DJ ☐ Resto Bar with quiet and classy vibe 17.

What alcoholic drink do you preferred?

☐ Local ☐ International 18.

How would you rate your experience in a Resto Bar?

☐ Very Satisfied ☐ Satisfied ☐ Dissatisfied ☐ Very Dissatisfied

Demographic profile of respondents according to age.

Figure 4.1 Demographic profile of respondents according to age. The pie chart shows that 87 out of 100 or 87% of respondents are from 19 to 29 years of age, while the 9% is from younger than 18, the 3% is from 30-40 years old, and the remaining 1% is from the ages 41-50 years old and above. This presents that most people involved in business is younger than expected. Demographic profile of respondents according to gender.

Figure 4.2 Demographic profile of respondents according to.

The pie chart shows that 58 out of 99 respondents or 58.6% are female while the remaining 38.4% are male. It reveals that female are the most people involved in business.

Demographic profile of respondents according to working status.

Figure 4.3 Demographic profile of respondents according to working status. The pie chart shows that 62 out of 100 respondents or 62% are student, while the 30% are emplo...

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