UniSim® Design Tutorials and Applications PDF

Title UniSim® Design Tutorials and Applications
Author Dong Hongjun
Pages 447
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File Type PDF
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UniSim® Design Tutorials and Applications Copyright November 2010 R400 Release The information in this help file is subject to change over time. Honeywell may make changes to the requirements described. Future revisions will incorporate changes, including corrections of typographical errors and tech...


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UniSim® Design Tutorials and Applications dong hongjun

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Un iSim ® D e sign Tu t or ia ls a n d Applica t ion s

Copyright Novem ber 2010 R400 Release The inform at ion in t his help file is subj ect t o change over t im e. Honeywell m ay m ake changes t o t he requirem ent s described. Fut ure revisions will incorporat e changes, including correct ions of t ypographical errors and t echnical inaccuracies. For furt her inform at ion please cont act Honeywell 300- 250 York St reet London, Ont ario N6A 6K2 Telephone: ( 519) 679- 6570 Facsim ile: ( 519) 679- 3977

Copyright Honeywell 2010. All right s reserved.

Prepared in Canada.

Table of Contents A

Un iSim D e sign Tu t or ia ls ....................................... A- 1


Ga s Pr oce ssin g Tu t or ia l ........................................ 1 - 1





I nt roduct ion .................................................... 1- 2


St eady St at e Sim ulat ion .................................... 1- 2


Dynam ic Sim ulat ion ........................................ 1- 88

Re fin in g Tu t or ia l ................................................... 2 - 1 2.1

I nt roduct ion .................................................... 2- 2


St eady St at e Sim ulat ion .................................... 2- 3


Dynam ic Sim ulat ion ....................................... 2- 102

Ch e m ica ls Tu t or ia l ................................................ 3 - 1 3.1

I nt roduct ion .................................................... 3- 2


St eady St at e Sim ulat ion .................................... 3- 2


Dynam ic Sim ulat ion ........................................ 3- 67

Un iSim D e sign Applica t ion s .................................. B- 1

G1 Acid Ga s Sw e e t e n in g w it h D EA ........................... G1 - 1 G1.1 Process Descript ion ........................................ G1- 2 G1.2 Set up ........................................................... G1- 3 G1.3 St eady St at e Sim ulat ion .................................. G1- 4 G1.4 Sim ulat ion Analysis ...................................... G1- 12 G1.5 Calculat ing Lean & Rich Loadings.................... G1- 12 G1.6 Dynam ic Sim ulat ion ...................................... G1- 14 G1.7 References .................................................. G1- 29 R1 At m osph e r ic Cr u de Tow e r .................................. R1 - 1 R1.1 Process Descript ion ........................................ R1- 2 R1.2 Set up ........................................................... R1- 4 R1.3 St eady St at e Sim ulat ion .................................. R1- 7 R1.4 Result s ........................................................ R1- 13 R2 Sou r W a t e r St r ippe r ........................................... R2 - 1 R2.1 Process Descript ion ........................................ R2- 2 R2.2 Set up ........................................................... R2- 3


R2.3 St eady St at e Sim ulat ion .................................. R2- 3 R2.4 Result s ......................................................... R2- 6 R2.5 Case St udy .................................................... R2- 7 P1 Pr opyle n e / Pr opa ne Split t e r ................................ P1 - 1 P1.1 Process Descript ion ......................................... P1- 2 P1.2 Set up ............................................................ P1- 3 P1.3 St eady St at e Sim ulat ion ................................... P1- 3 P1.4 Result s .......................................................... P1- 7 C1 Et h a n ol Pla n t ...................................................... C1 - 1 C1.1 Process Descript ion ........................................ C1- 2 C1.2 Set up ........................................................... C1- 4 C1.3 St eady St at e Sim ulat ion .................................. C1- 5 C1.4 Result s ........................................................C1- 12 C2 Sy n t h e sis Ga s Pr odu ct ion ................................... C2 - 1 C2.1 Process Descript ion ........................................ C2- 2 C2.2 Set up ........................................................... C2- 3 C2.3 St eady St at e Sim ulat ion .................................. C2- 6 C2.4 Result s ........................................................C2- 11 X1 Ca se Lin k in g ....................................................... X1 - 1 X1.1 Process Descript ion ........................................ X1- 2 X1.2 Building Flowsheet 1 ....................................... X1- 3 X1.3 Building Flowsheet 2 ....................................... X1- 6 X1.4 Creat ing a User Unit Operat ion ......................... X1- 8


Un iSim D e sign Tu t or ia ls

A- 1

A UniSim Design Tutorials The Tut orials sect ion of t his guide present s you wit h independent t ut orial sessions. Each t ut orial guides you st ep- by- st ep t hr ough t he com plet e const ruct ion of a UniSim Design sim ulat ion. The t ut orial( s) you choose t o work t hrough will likely depend on t he sim ulat ion t opic t hat is m ost closely relat ed t o your work, your fam iliarit y wit h UniSim Design, and t he t ypes of sim ulat ion cases you ant icipat e on creat ing in t he fut ure. All com ple t e d Tut or ia l ca se s a r e include d w it h your UniSim D e sign pa ck a ge , a nd a r e a va ila ble on UniSim D e sign\ Sa m ple s folde r .

Regardless of which t ut orial you work t hrough first , you will gain t he sam e basic underst anding of t he st eps and t ools used t o build a UniSim Design sim ulat ion. Aft er building one of t hese t ut orial cases, you m ight choose t o build one or several m ore, or begin creat ing your own sim ulat ions. I f you a r e n e w t o UniSim D e sign , it is r e com m e n de d t ha t you be gin w it h t he st e a dy st a t e t ut or ia ls. The se t ut or ia ls e x plicit ly de t a il e a ch st e p r e quir e d t o com ple t e t he sim ula t ion . I n st e ps w he r e m or e t h a n on e m e t h od is a va ila ble t o com ple t e a pa r t icu la r a ct ion , a ll m e t hods a r e ou t line d. Th e dyn a m ic t u t or ia ls ( w h ich a r e con t inu e d a ft e r t he st e a dy st a t e se ct ion ) a r e a lso pr e se nt e d in a st e p- byst e p m a n n e r , but a r e le ss de t a ile d in t he ir e x pla na t ions. Th e y a ssu m e a r u dim e n t a r y k n ow le dge of t he UniSim D e sign in t e r fa ce a n d m e t hods.

The t hree t ut orials are grouped in t hree general areas of int erest : • • •

Gas Processing Refining Chem icals

Each area has an associat ed st eady st at e and dynam ic t ut orial. The dynam ic t ut orials use t he st eady st at e cases and add cont rol schem es and dynam ic specificat ions required t o run t he case in Dynam ic m ode. I f you are int erest ed only in st eady st at e sim ulat ion, go t hrough t he st eady st at e t ut orial( s) t hat m ost int erest you and st op at t he dynam ics sect ion. I f you are int erest ed only in learning t o apply dynam ic sim ulat ion m et hods, use t he pre- built st eady st at e base case, included wit h UniSim Design, as t he st art ing point for your dynam ic t ut orial

A- 1

A- 2


I ntroduction There are also several UniSim Design t raining courses available. Cont act Honeywell for m ore inform at ion, or visit our web sit e w w w .h on e yw e ll.com .

I n t he chapt ers t hat follow, exam ple pr oblem s are used t o illust rat e som e of t he basic concept s of building a sim ulat ion in UniSim Design. Three com plet e t ut orials are present ed: 1. Gas Processing • St e a dy St a t e . Models a sw eet gas refr igerat ion plant consist ing of an inlet separat or, gas/ gas heat exchanger, chiller, lowt em perat ure separat or and de- propanizer colum n. • D yn a m ics. Models t he Gas Processing t ut orial case in Dynam ic m ode. This t ut or ial m akes use of t he recom m endat ions of t he Dynam ic Assist ant when building t he case. 2. Refining •

St e a dy St a t e . Models a cr ude oil processing facilit y consist ing of a pre- flash drum , crude furnace and an at m ospheric crude colum n. • D yn a m ics. Models t he Refining exam ple problem in Dynam ic m ode. 3. Chem icals • •

St e a dy St a t e . Models a pr opylene glycol product ion process consist ing of a cont inuously- st irr ed- t ank react or and a dist illat ion t ower. D yn a m ics. Models t he Chem icals exam ple problem in Dynam ic m ode. This t ut orial m ake use of t he recom m endat ions of t he Dynam ic Assist ant when building t he case.

Th e solve d st e a dy st a t e ca ses a r e sa ve d in t he Un iSim D e sign \ Sa m ple s folde r a s TUTOR1 .u sc, TUTOR2 .u sc, a n d TUTOR3 .u sc file s. For t he dyna m ics t ut or ia ls, you ca n u se t he pr e - bu ilt st e a dy st a t e ca se s a s you r st a r t in g poin t . Th e solve d dyn a m ics ca se s a r e a lso in clu de d a s dyn t u t 1 .u sc, dyn t u t 2 .usc, a nd dyn t u t 3 .u sc.

Each exam ple cont ains det ailed inst ruct ions for choosing a propert y package and com ponent s, inst alling and defining st ream s, unit operat ions and colum ns, and using various aspect s of t he UniSim Design int erface t o exam ine t he result s while you are creat ing t he sim ulat ion. Oft en in UniSim Design, m ore t han one m et hod exist s for perform ing a t ask or execut ing a com m and. Many t im es you can use t he keyboard, t he m ouse, or a com binat ion of bot h t o achieve t he sam e result . The st eady st at e t ut orials at t em pt t o illust rat e UniSim Design's flexibilit y by showing you as m any of t hese alt ernat ive m et hods as possible. You can t hen choose w hich appr oach is m ost appropriat e for you.

A- 2

Un iSim D e sign Tu t or ia ls

A- 3

The dynam ics t ut orials use t he st eady st at e solut ion as a basis for building t he dynam ic case. I f you like, you can build t he st eady st at e case and t hen proceed wit h t he dynam ic solut ion, or you can sim ply call up t he st eady st at e case from disk and begin t he dynam ic m odeling.

Starting UniSim Design The inst allat ion process cr eat es t he following short cut t o UniSim Design: 1. Click on t he St a r t m enu. 2. Select Pr ogr a m s | H on e yw e ll | Un iSim D e sign | UniSim D e sign R3 5 0 . To learn m ore about t he basics of t he UniSim Design int erface, refer t o Ch a pt e r 1 - I n t e r fa ce in t he Un iSim D e sign Use r Gu ide .

The UniSim Design Deskt op appears: Figu r e A.1 Tool Bar

St at us Bar

Menu Bar

Obj ect St at us Window

Maxim ize icon

Trace Window

Perform ance Slider

Getting Started The t ut orials st art in St eady St at e m ode, and end in Dynam ic m ode.

You are now ready t o begin building a UniSim Design sim ulat ion, so

A- 3

A- 4

proceed t o t he Tut orial of your choice. Tu t or ia l

Ch a pt e r

Ga s Pr oce ssing

Chapt er 1

Re fin in g

Chapt er 2

Che m ica ls

Chapt er 3

Sa m ple s Ca se N a m e ( St e a dy St a t e / D yna m ic) TUTOR1.usc dynt ut 1.usc TUTOR2.usc dynt ut 2.usc TUTOR3.usc dynt ut 3.usc

Once you have com plet ed one or m ore t ut orials, you m ay want t o exam ine t he Applicat ions sect ion for ot her exam ples t hat m ay be of int erest .

A- 4

Ga s Pr oce ssin g Tu t or ia l


1 Gas Processing Tutorial 1 .1 I ntroduction .................................................................................. 2 1 .2 Steady State Sim ulation ................................................................ 2 1.2.1 Process Description .................................................................. 2 1.2.2 Setting Your Session Preferences ............................................... 4 1.2.3 Building the Sim ulation ............................................................. 7 1.2.4 Entering the Sim ulation Environm ent .........................................14 1.2.5 Using the Workbook ................................................................16 1.2.6 I nstalling Unit Operations.........................................................28 1.2.7 Using Workbook Features .........................................................38 1.2.8 Using the PFD.........................................................................42 1.2.9 Viewing and Analyzing Results ..................................................68 1.2.10 Optional Study ......................................................................79 1 .3 Dynam ic Sim ulation ......................................................................8 8 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3 1.3.4

Modifying the Steady State Flowsheet ........................................89 Colum n Sizing ........................................................................96 Using the Dynam ics Assistant ................................................. 102 Adding Controller Operations .................................................. 108

1- 1


I n t r odu ct ion

1.1 I ntroduction The gas processing sim ulat ion will be built using t he following basic st eps: 1. Creat e a unit set . 2. Choose a proper t y package. 3. Select t he com ponent s. 4. Creat e and specify t he feed st ream s. 5. I nst all and define t he unit operat ions prior t o t he colum n. 6. I nst all and define t he colum n.

A solved case is locat ed in t he file TUTOR1 .u sc in your Un iSim D e sign \ Sa m ple s direct ory.

I n t his Tut orial, a nat ural gas st ream cont aining N 2 , CO2 , and C1 t h r ou gh n - C4 is pr ocessed in a refrigerat ion syst em t o rem ove t he heavier hydrocarbons. The lean, dry gas produced will m eet a pipeline hydrocarbon dew point specificat ion. The liquids rem oved from t he rich gas are processed in a depropanizer colum n, yielding a liquid product wit h a specified propane cont ent . The following pages will guide you t hrough building a UniSim Design case t o illust rat e t he com plet e const r uct ion of t he sim ulat ion, from select ing a propert y package and com ponent s t o exam ining t he final result s. The t ools available in t he UniSim Design int erface w ill be ut ilized t o illust rat e t he flexibilit y available t o you. Be for e pr oce e din g, you sh ou ld ha ve r e a d t he in t r oduct or y cha pt e r w hich pr e ce de s t he Tu t or ia ls in t h is gu ide .

1.2 Steady State Sim ulation 1.2.1 Process Description This t ut orial will m odel a nat ural gas pr ocessing facilit y t hat uses propane refrigerat ion t o condense liquids from t he feed and a dist illat ion t ower t o pr ocess t he liquids. The flowsheet for t his process

1- 2

Ga s Pr oce ssin g Tu t or ia l


appears below. Figu r e 1 .1

The com bined feed st ream ent ers an inlet separat or, which rem oves t he free liquids. Overhead gas from t he Se pa r a t or is fed t o t he gas/ gas exchanger, where it is pre- cooled by alr eady refrigerat ed gas. The cooled gas is t hen fed t o t he chiller, where furt her cooling is accom plished t hrough exchange wit h evaporat ing propane ( r epresent ed by t he C3 D u t y st ream ) . I n t he chiller, which will be m odeled sim ply as a Coole r, enough heavier hydrocarbons condense such t hat t he event ual sales gas m eet s a pipeline dew point specificat ion. The cold st ream is t hen separat ed in a low- t em perat ure separat or ( LTS) . The dr y, cold gas is fed t o t he gas/ gas exchanger and t hen t o sales, while t he condensed liquids are m ixed wit h free liquids from t he inlet separat or. These liquids are processed in a depropanizer colum n t o produce a low- propane- cont ent bot t om s product . Once t he result s for t he sim ulat ion have been obt ained, you w ill have a good underst anding of t he basic t ools used t o build a UniSim Design sim ulat ion case. At t hat point , you can eit her proceed wit h t he Opt ional St udy present ed at t he end of t he t ut orial or begin building your own sim ulat ions. I n t his t ut orial, t hree logical operat ions will be inst alled in order t o perform cert ain funct ions t hat cannot be handled by st andard physical unit operat ions: Logica l

Flow sh e e t Fun ct ion

Ba la n ce

To duplicat e t he com posit ion of t he SalesGas st ream in order t o calculat e it s dew point t em perat ure at pipeline specificat ion pressure.

Adj u st

To det erm ine t he required LTS t em perat ure w hich gives a specified SalesGas dew point .

Un iSim D e sign Spr e a dshe e t

To calculat e t he SalesGas net heat ing value.

The Ba la n ce operat ion will be inst alled in t he m ain exam ple. I n t he

1- 3


St e a dy St a t e Sim u la t ion

Opt ional St udy sect ion, t he Adj ust and Spreadsheet operat ions w ill be inst alled t o invest igat e t he effect of t he LTS t em perat ure on t he sales gas heat ing value. The t w o prim ary building t ools, t he W or k book and t he PFD, will be used t o inst all t he st ream s and operat ions and t o exam ine t he result s while progressing t hrough t he sim ulat ion. Bot h of t hese t ools provide you wit h a lot of flexibilit y in building your sim ulat ion and in quickly accessing t he inform at ion you need. The Workbook will be used t o build t he first part of t he flowsheet , st art ing wit h t he feed st ream s and building up t o and including t he gas/ gas heat exchanger. The PFD will be used t o inst all t he rem aining operat ions, from t he chiller t hrough t o t he colum n.

1.2.2 Setting Your Session Preferences All com m ands on t he t oolbar are also available as m enu it em s.

New Case icon

1. To st art a new sim ulat ion case, do one of t he following: • From t he File m enu, select N e w and t hen Ca se . • Click t he N e w Ca se icon. The Sim ula t ion Ba sis M a n a ge r appears: Figu r e 1 .2

The Sim ulat ion Basis Manager view allow s you t o creat e, m odify, and m anipulat e fluid packages in your sim ulat ion case. Most of t he t im e, as wit h t his exam ple, you will requir e only one fluid package for your ent ire sim ulat ion. Next , you will set your Session Preferences before building a case.

1- 4

Ga s Pr oce ssin g Tu t or ia l


2. From t he Tools m enu, select Pr e fe r e n ce s. The Session Preferences view appears.You should be on t he Opt ions page of t he Sim u la t ion t ab. Figu r e 1 .3

The UniSim Design default session set t ings are st ored in a Preference file called u n isim de sign R* .pr f. When you m odify any of t he preferences, you can save t he changes in a new Preference file by clicking eit her Sa ve Pr e fe r e nce s which w ill overwrit e t he default file or Sa ve Pr e fe r e n ce s As... and UniSim Design will prom pt you t o provide a nam e for t he new Preference file. Click t he Loa d Pr e fe r e nce s but t on t o load int o any sim ulat ion case. Check t he Sa v e Pr e fe r e n ce s File by de fa u lt t o aut om at ically save t h...

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