Updated P-3 Unit Plan template (1) PDF

Title Updated P-3 Unit Plan template (1)
Course Teaching Mathematics to Children with Diverse Needs
Institution University of Southern Queensland
Pages 3
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EPF3100 Unit Plan template Unit title:

KLA: Literacy

Year level(s): Prep, grades 1 and 2

Identify Assessable Curriculum Achievement Standard (C standard descriptor reflects the assessable aspects of the achievement standard for each year level) Prep

Year 1

By the end of the Foundation year, students use predicting and questioning strategies to make meaning from texts. They recall one or two events from texts with familiar topics. They understand that there are different types of texts and that these can have similar characteristics. They identify connections between texts and their personal experience. They read short, decodable and predictable texts with familiar vocabulary and supportive images, drawing on their developing knowledge of concepts of print, sounds and letters and decoding and self-monitoring strategies. They recognise the letters of the English alphabet, in upper and lower case and know and use the most common sounds represented by most letters. They read high-frequency words and blend sounds orally to read consonant-vowel-consonant words. They use appropriate interaction skills to listen and respond to others in a familiar environment. They listen for rhyme, letter patterns and sounds in words.

Byt heendofYear1,st udent sunder st andt hedi ffer entpur posesoft ext s. Theymak econnect i onst oper sonalex per i encewhenex pl ai ni ngchar act er s andmai nev ent si nshor tt ext s .Theyi dent i f yt hatt ext sser v edi ffer ent pur posesandt hatt hi saffect showt heyar eor gani sed.Theydescr i be char act er s ,set t i ngsandev ent si ndi ffer entt ypesofl i t er at ur e. St udent sr eadal oud,wi t hdev el opi ngfluenc y .Theyr eadshor tt ext swi t h someunf ami l i arvocabul ar y ,si mpl eandcompoundsent encesand suppor t i v ei mages .Whenr eadi ng,t heyuseknowl edgeoft her el at i onshi p bet weensoundsandl et t er s ,hi ghf r equenc ywor ds ,sent enc eboundar y punct uat i onanddi r ect i onal i t yt omak emeani ng.Theyr ecal lk eyi deasand r ecogni sel i t er alandi mpl i edmeani ngi nt ext s.Theyl i st ent oot her swhen t aki ngpar ti nconv er sat i ons ,usi ngappr opr i at el anguagef eat ur esand i nt er act i ons ki l l s .

Year 2

Byt heendofYear2,s t udent sunder st andhowsi mi l art ext sshar e char act er i st i csbyi dent i f yi ngt ex tst r uct ur esandl anguagef eat ur esusedt o des cr i bechar act er sandev ent s,ort ocommuni cat ef act uali nf or mat i on. Theyr eadt ext st hatcont ai nv ar i edsent ences t r uct ur es,someunf ami l i ar v ocabul ar y ,asi gni ficantnumberofhi ghf r equencysi ghtwor dsandi mages t hatpr ov i deext r ai nf or mat i on.Theymoni t ormeani ngandsel f cor r ectusi ng knowl edgeofphoni cs ,s ynt ax ,punct uat i on,semant i csandcont ext .They useknowl edgeofawi devar i et yofl et t er soundr el at i onshi pst or eadwor ds ofoneormor esy l l abl eswi t hfluency .Theyi dent i f yl i t er alandi mpl i ed meani ng,mai ni deasandsuppor t i ngdet ai l .St udent smak econnect i ons bet weent ext sbycompar i ngcont ent .Theyl i st enf orpar t i cul arpur poses . Theyl i st enf orandmani pul at esoundcombi nat i onsandr hyt hmi csound pat t er ns.

Relevant Content Descriptors (https://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au/f-10-curriculum/english/) List the content descriptors relevant to the Assessable aspects of the Achievement standard Prep

Year 1

Year 2

Recognise some different types of literary texts and identify some characteristic features of literary texts, for example beginnings and endings of traditional texts and rhyme in poetry (ACELT1785 - Scootle )

Under s t andt hatt hepur posest ext sser v eshapet hei rs t r uct ur ei n ACELA1447-Scoot l e) pr edi ct abl eway s(

Under st andt hatdi ffer entt ypesoft ext shav ei dent i fiabl et extst r uct ur es ACELA1463andl anguagef eat ur est hathel pt het extser v ei t spur pose( Scoot l e)

Di scussdi ffer entt ext sonas i mi l art opi c ,i dent i f yi ngsi mi l ar i t i esand di ffer encesbet weent het ext s( ACEL Y1665-Scoot l e) Recognise that texts are created by authors who tell stories and share experiences that may be similar or different to students’ own experiences (ACELT1575 - Scootle )

Discuss characters and events in a range of literary texts and share personal responses to these texts, making connections with students' own experiences (ACELT1582 - Scootle )

Identify some features of texts including events and characters and retell events from a text (ACELT1578 - Scootle ) Use comprehension strategies to build literal and inferred meaning about key events, ideas and information in texts that they listen to, view and read by drawing on growing knowledge of context, text structures and language features (ACELY1660 – Scootle)

Usecompr ehensi onst r at egi est obui l dl i t er alandi nf er r edmeani ngand begi nt oanal y set ext sbydr awi ngongr owi ngknowl edgeofcont ext , l anguageandvi sualf eat ur esandpr i ntandmul t i modal t extst r uct ur es( ACEL Y1670-Sc oot l e) Page 1 of 3

EPF3100 Unit Plan template Sequence of learning Identify the explicit teaching aspects for each year level. What aspects need to be explicitly taught for the students to be able to demonstrate the required evidence of learning? What are the conceptual threads across the year levels? Prep

Year 1

Year 2

Structure: Students will know the features of a book such as front and back cover, illustrations, photos and words. Student will know purpose of features of a book such as front and back cover, illustrations, photos and words. Students will know that the images/ illustrations work together to tell the story Students will know what a character is and looks like in a picture book. Students will know the beginning, middle and end of a picture book.

Structure Students will know the beginning, middle and end of a picture book. Students will know the purpose of a text. Students will know that authors create texts to either- persuade, inform or entertain the audience (PIE)

Structure: - Students will know that narratives must establish characters, setting, problem and solution - Students will identify characters, setting, problem(s) and a solution Students will know moral of the text - Beginning, middle and end of a text - Moral of the story - Language features, sentence structure Students will know that there Characters, setting, problem and solution

Recall: Students will recall personal events that happen at school and at home. Students will recall (any) one or two events that happened in the text.

Recall: Student will recall characters in a text Students will recall main events that have occurred in the text. Students will be able to retell literal information within a text. Students will be able to locate literal information within a text.

Recall: - Students will identify literal meaning main ideas and supporting details about characters, events and key ideas within a text - Students will make inferences about characters, events and key ideas within a text. -







Identify and share

Make connection


Connections: Students will share a personal experience Student will describe a personal experience Student will make a personal connection to a text

Connections: Students will share a personal experience Students will make a personal connection to a character in the text Students will make a personal connection to a main even in the text Students will connect a personal experience when explaining a character and main event in the text

Connections: - Students will be exposed to a range of texts - Students will identify similar key ideas or events to make text to text connections.

Adjustments for Learning List adjustments that may need to be considered. What adjustments need to be included to maximise student’s ability to demonstrate the required evidence of learning? Page 2 of 3...

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