USW1 NURS 6050 Agenda Comparison Grid Immigrant healthcare PDF

Title USW1 NURS 6050 Agenda Comparison Grid Immigrant healthcare
Author Jo Nowakowski
Course Health care and informatics
Institution Walden University
Pages 13
File Size 351.8 KB
File Type PDF
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Illegal Immigrant healthcare and the affordable care act...


Agenda Comparison Grid Template

Agenda Comparison Grid and Fact Sheet or Talking Points Brief Assignment Template for Part 1 and Part 2 Part 1: Agenda Comparison Grid Use this Agenda Comparison Grid to document information about the population health/healthcare issue your selected and the presidential agendas. By completing this grid, you will develop a more in depth understanding of your selected issue and how you might position it politically based on the presidential agendas. You will use the information in the Part 1: Agenda Comparison Grid to complete the remaining Part 2 and Part 3 of your Assignment. Identify the Population Health concern you selected. Describe the Population Health concern you selected and the factors that contribute to it.

Administration (President Name) Describe the administrative agenda focus related to this issue for the current and two previous presidents.

Healthcare for Immigrants Political discrimination impacts whether or not undocumented immigrants are eligible to receive health care, and the services included for this population in the United States (Gill-Salmeron, 2019). In addition, government spending is a significant factor that contributes to this concern. The Center for Immigration Studies reports the average total for uninsured undocumented immigrants is four point threebillion-dollar annually (Centerforhealth, 2015).

(Current President) President Trump's health care agenda includes repeal of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and develop the American Care Act

(Previous President) President Obama’s approach is providing healthcare for everyone. (Kocher et al., 2010). Undocumented immigrants face

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(Previous President) President Bush stated that “Illegal immigration causes serious problems, putting pressure on public schools, and hospitals and 1

of 2017(BALLOTPEDIA, n.d.). "Admitting large numbers of immigrants who cannot pay for their healthcare puts a burden on our taxpayers and healthcare systems" (The White HousePresident Donald J. Trump, 2019, para. 1).

Identify the allocations of financial and other resources that the current and two previous presidents dedicated to this issue.

President Trump is working to reverse the healthcare costs wrapped up in the ACA. Trump's plans to reverse associated costs by revoking funds allocated to the Prevention and Public Health Fund. He also refuses to pay one year of Federal payments to Medicaid and other Federal health programs. The president also refuses to pay for grants providing funds to abortion services. Another strategy of the president is to repeal taxes associated with the ACA (Senate Roy Bunt, Chairman [Senate RPC], 2017).  Border-Patrol Staffing budget could cost an additional nine hundred and ten million.  Suggested wall costs are

barriers to care related to high cost associated for uninsured health costs (Artiga & Diaz, 2019)

  

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Government budget cuts and legislative tax increases. Payment reduction in Medicare and Medicare Advantage program Tax penalties for those who do not have health insurance and tax penalties for employers who do not offer health insurance to their employees. Investment income tax for those who earn over two hundred thousand dollars a year (Kocher, Emanuel, & DeParle, 2010)

straining State and local budgets.” (The White HousePresident George W. Bush, 2007, expression 4).

President Bush allocated funds to towards immigration control and security. He allocated ten point four billion dollars to increase boarder control in attempt to decrease the healthcare burden associated with undocumented immigrants (The White HousePresident George W. Bush, 2006)


Explain how each of the presidential administrations approached the issue.

estimated to be twentyone point six billion. Catch and release lock-up currently, hold about forty thousand detainees at one hundred and twenty-eight dollars per person each day. (Economist Intelligence Unit N.A. Incorporated, 2017)

According to Gonzales, the president’s strategy is denying undocumented immigrants of healthcare (2019). The Trump administration announced that immigrants who cannot provide proof of health insurance coverage or financial means to cover it will not receive visa approval (Gonzales, 2019). He is also taking significant measures to deport undocumented immigrants. Also, his attempt to build a wall between Mexico and The United States’ border prevents the increasing number of immigrants in our healthcare system (Economist Intelligence Unit N.A. Incorporated, 2017)

President Obama developed the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in 2014. Obama provided illegal immigrants with work permits, with hopes of allowing undocumented employees and their families employersponsored health insurance (Sommers & Parmet, 2015). “Moreover, under the employer mandate included in the ACA, employers with 100 or more fulltime employees have to pay the penalty if any of their full-time workers receive tax credits to purchase insurance through an exchange” (Sommers & Parmet, 2015, p. 1187). “We have driven the uninsured rate below ten percent-the lowest levels since

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Although Bush acknowledged the financial strain on hospitals related to the care of undocumented immigrants, he also identified a need for health care for children of undocumented workers. The President increased funding for community health centers. These centers provide health care to low-income families, migrant farmworkers, and children of undocumented immigrants without the means to pay for healthcare (The White HousePresident George W. Bush, 2006).


we started keeping records-and built stronger, healthier communities through advancements in public health, science and innovation” (the White House-President Barack Obama, n.d., para. 1). The ACA expansion of benefits will allow undocumented immigrants ages nineteen through twenty-five to receive full Medicaid benefits (Kpakossou, 2019)

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Part 2: Agenda Comparison Grid Analysis Using the information you recorded in Part 1: Agenda Comparison Grid, complete the following to document information about the population health/healthcare issue your selected

Administration (President Name) Which administrative agency would most likely be responsible for helping you address the healthcare issue you selected?

(Current President)

(Previous President)

(Previous President)

President Donald Trump sees immigrant health care as a burden on our taxpayers. He is working to deport undocumented immigrants and increasing funding for border patrol to decrease the amount of tax dollars spent on immigrant health care (The White House-President Donald J. Trump, 2019). Getting immigrant health care on the Trump administration's agenda may be next to impossible.

President Barack Obama’s approach is providing healthcare for everyone, including undocumented immigrants (Kocher et al., 2010). Although the ACA does not include undocumented immigrants, the president does support immigrant integration. Obama provided illegal immigrants with work permits, with hopes of allowing undocumented employees and their families employersponsored health insurance (Sommers & Parmet, 2015

President George W. Bush did not precisely support immigrant health care, but he did acknowledge a need for care and increased funding for Community Health Centers (CHC). "CHC's and LHD's that adopt best practices for serving immigrant patients will not only improve quality of care and health outcomes for these patients, will not only improve quality of care and health outcomes for these patients and can increase revenue by connecting eligible.” (Ambegaokar, n.d, p. 9). The Bush administration also acknowledged, “Immigrants played and a leading role in building what has become the most prosperous nation in the history of the world.” (George W. Bush Presidential Center, n.d., p. 1). His admiration went as far as to debunk myths about immigrants regarding the

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How do you think your selected healthcare issue might get on the agenda for the current and two previous presidents? How does it stay there?

Writing a proposal that would provide a plan to decrease the spending costs of immigrant health care in the US and incorporate a plan to generate revenue from immigrants would be an excellent place to start. Andrew Yang had a recommendation to provide current undocumented immigrants an opportunity to become citizens over eighteen years (Yang 2020, 2019). If the

Obama’s actions seem to indicate that his administration would not be opposed to integrated immigrant healthcare. The Obama administration would likely consider a policy that would support immigrant integration in health care (The White House: President Barack Obama, n.d.). A policy must be approved by congress to become a law or regulation (The U.S. Department of Health & Human

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economy, work ethic, and education. Recommendations were made from the Bush administration to put migration work programs in place, create pathways for earned citizenship along with many other recommendations to support a controlled immigration policy (George W. Bush Presidential Center, n.d.). The Bush administration appears to be open to the development of health care policies that would serve undocumented immigrants and provide revenue. Based on his administration's myth, buster, "Immigrants do not help the economy. Fact: immigrant-owned businesses with employees have an average of 11 employees" (George W. Bush Presidential Center, n.d., p. 1). A proposal to provide care for undocumented immigrants submitted to the Bush administration would need to focus on benefiting the United States economy. A policy must be approved by congress to become a law or regulation (The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services [HHS], n.d.).


Who would you choose to be the entrepreneur/ champion/sponsor of the healthcare issue you selected for the current and two previous presidents?

immigrants in this program were allowed to work and receive health insurance benefits, this would decrease spending and increase revenue. The Emergency Medical Treatment & Labor Act (EMTALA) provides emergency medical care to those in need regardless of ability to pay for care (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services [CMS], n.d.). Writing a letter to Representative Hakeem Jefferies from the democratic party to share the concerns and experiences of a nurse taking care of this underserved population may provide enough insight to move this issue onto the presidential agenda for 2020. Evidence showing a decrease in costs related to emergency room visits may and an increase in revenue related to immigrant care would increase the chances of keeping this issue on the agenda.

Services [HHS], n.d.).

Angelina Jolie works as a Special Envoy to the United Nations Commissioner for refugees. Her reputation as a humanitarian and famous personality would make her an excellent sponsor to represent immigrant health care issues. “Jolie calls for better oversight of the asylum system,

Dr. Janine Young would be an excellent champion for immigrant integration healthcare. Dr. Young would make an excellent champion for the following reasons:  Medical Director of the Denver Health Refugee

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Neil McNaughton, Ph.D., associate professor at the University of Dubuque Nursing Department, would make an excellent champion to support an immigrant health care plan because of his experience working to fight for immigrant healthcare issues. He is 7

more resources for judges at the border, and expanded legal support for migrants and asylum seekers.” (McCarthy & Sanchez, 2019, p. 1). Jolie has compassion and a good understanding of why people flee their countries. She also has a plan for ending the US border crisis.

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Clinic Co-Medical Director of the Denver Health Human Rights Clinic Medical Advisor for the State of Colorado Refugee services program (Glanm Blogs, 2019).

passionate about this cause as one can see from the following:  Recognized for his dedication to the immigrant community for supporting and representing in actions that healthcare should not be a privilege but a right.  Experience as a Peace Corps volunteer in Micronesia Marshallese  Serves as a delegate to the American Pacific Nurse Leadership Council (APNCL)  Professor and community activist on advocating for Marshallese and other immigrant groups in Dubuque committed to fighting for 8

health care for everyone. Founding members of the Dubuque Marshallese Healthcare Initiative. (University of Dubuque, 20181019)

Note: Part 3: of the Module 1: Assignment: Agenda Comparison Grid and Fact Sheet or Talking Points Brief is a 1-page Fact Sheet or Talking Points Brief the you will create in a separate document.

Healthcare Benefits for Undocumented Immigrants Fact Sheet

Request: “Nurses must speak out as articulate, knowledgeable, caring professionals who contribute to the whole health agenda and who advocate for their patients and the community.”(Milstead & Short, 2019, p. 11). As a nurse with experience in primary care, emergency care, and hospital care, I request that undocumented immigrant health care benefits appear on the presidential agenda 2020.

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The Trump administration is opposed to immigrant health care benefits. "Admitting large numbers of immigrants who cannot pay for their healthcare puts a burden on our taxpayers and healthcare systems" (The White House-President Donald J. Trump, 2019, para. 1). The Center for Immigration Studies reports that the average total for uninsured undocumented immigrants is four-point three-billion-dollar annually (Centerforhealth, 2015). The increasing cost of immigrant health care services hurts American taxpayers. However, developing a health care benefit plan to include undocumented immigrants can help decrease this growing tax burden on Americans . Facts •

“Recently, many of the Democratic presidential candidates indicated support for expanding health coverage to undocumented immigrants.” (Artiga & Diaz, 2019, para. 1).

Undocumented immigrants will go without care related to high costs associated with uninsured health care (Artiga & Diaz, 2019). The average cost of a new patient without insurance at a CHC is one-hundred and eighty dollars (John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, 2015).

Treating minor illnesses and providing preventative medicine to immigrants would decrease the costs of immigrant emergency room visits and hospitalizations (Artiga & Diaz, 2019).

Summary Undocumented immigrants are currently increasing the tax encumbrance upon Americans. Most of these undocumented immigrants cannot afford to pay the uninsured rates at CHC, and therefore will neglect seeking care until their need becomes © 2018 Laureate Education Inc.


urgent. The healthcare costs related to emergency medicine and hospitalizations cost taxpayers significantly more than a primary care visit would.

References Ambegaokar, S. (n.d). Opportunities for maximizing revenue and access to care for immigrant populations. Retrieved from Artiga, S., & Diaz, M. (2019). Health coverage and care of undocumented immigrants. Retrieved from Centerforhealth. (2015). Finding room for the undocumented immigrants in the health care system. Retrieved from gclid=CjwKCAiA5o3vBRBUEiwA9PVzaoWpSK1dQAiE0lZtb8C-rzLrgh_-gZ9VS_LavOYy5JHOqdA3RkL5iRoC60QQAvD_BwE Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. (n.d.). Emergency medical treatment & labor act (EMTALA). Retrieved from George W. Bush Presidential Center. (n.d.). A nation built by immigrants. Retrieved from Glanm Blogs. (2019). Optimizing care of women & girls affected by female genital cutting: Part 3. Retrieved from © 2018 Laureate Education Inc.

11 (n.d.). Medicaid expansion & what it means for you. Retrieved from John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. (2015). Primary care visits available to most uninsured but at a high price. Retrieved from Kpakossou, A. (2019, November 30). Discussion Week 1 [Blog post]. Retrieved from action=list_messages&course_id=_16631868_1&forum_id=_7676143_1&discussion_board_entry&conf_id=_3400105_1&message_id =_104672298_1 McCarthy, J., & Sanchez, E. (2019). Angelina jolie says these 4 things will help end the us border crisis. Retrieved from Milstead, J. A., & Short, N. M. (2019). Health policy and politics: A nurse’s guide (6 ed.). Burlington, MA: World Headquarters Jones & Barlett Learning. Parmet, W. E. (2018). Immigration and healthcare under trump administration. Retrieved from Rocky Mountain Public Broadcasting Station. (2019). What does andrew yang believe? Where the candidate stands of 5 issues. Retrieved from The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. (n.d.). Laws & regulations. Retrieved from

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The White House-President Donald J. Trump. (2019). President donald j trump is protecting healthcare benefits for american citizens. Retrieved from The White House: President Barack Obama. (n.d.). Champions of change: Immigrant integration. Retrieved from University of Dubuque. (2018-1019). Neil macnaughton honored with karen evans immigrant champion award. Retrieved from Washington State Department of Social Health Services. (n.d.). What’s the difference between legal and undocumented immigrants? Retrieved from Yang 2020. (2019). We need a new way forward. Retrieved from

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