VCE Health and Human Development A+ Exam Notes PDF

Title VCE Health and Human Development A+ Exam Notes
Author Carmelina Delorenzo
Course Health and Human Development
Institution Victorian Certificate of Education
Pages 71
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These exam notes for Health and Human Development are highly detailed, covering every study point in the study design. These are perfect for ensuring your own notes are structured and I compiled these notes throughout the year and these were used as my own exam revision notes which helped me achieve...



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Unit 3:Australia’s health in a globalised world

Area of Study 1: Understanding health and wellbeing

★ CONCEPTS OF HEALTH AND WELLBEING (INCLUDING DIMENSIONS OF HEALTH) AND ILLNESS, AND THE DYNAMIC AND SUBJECTIVE NATURE OF THESE CONCEPTS Health and Wellbeing: encompasses five different dimensions (physical, social, emotional, mental and spiritual). These should not be viewed in isolation and are interrelated, influencing each other. Illness: A concept that is experienced differently by different people. It refers to how an individual feels about having an illness or disease. This can be influenced by factors such as an individual's pain threshold or level of support available to them. → ILLNESS & DISEASE ARE BOTH SUBJECTIVE CONCEPTS e.g. a person with a high pain threshold may experience a lower level of illness for disease than someone else, even if they have the same disease. Disease: a physical or mental disturbance involving symptoms, dysfunction or tissue damage. It can be physical or mental in nature, ranging from mild discomfort to severe pain. The dimensions of health and wellbeing are considered to be both dynamic and subjective in their nature. Dynamic (CONSTANTLY CHANGING): A “state” of wellbeing which is constantly changing either positively or negatively. Health and wellbeing also has the potential to improve and/or increase optimal levels quickly. An example of this could be that and individual is experiencing poor physical health and wellbeing due to having a cold, however, with rest -> cold overcome -> physical health and wellbeing returns to optimal levels Subjective (INFLUENCED BY OR BASED ON PERSONAL BELIEFS/OPINIONS): Health can mean different things to different people, and be viewed in many different ways. This can include being influenced by when and where we live, age, gender, past experience of disease, pain threshold and personal expectations. For example, someone with chronic asthma might consider themselves healthy if their condition is managed, while others may view this as unhealthy. THE DIMENSIONS OF HEALTH AND WELLBEING: ● Physical health and wellbeing - relates to the functioning of the body and it’s systems. It includes being able to perform daily activities or tasks (and is supported by a variety of factors). ○ Well functioning body, systems and organs ○ Healthy body weight ○ Freedom from illness/disease/injury ○ Adequate energy levels ○ Appropriate levels of fitness ○ Strong immune system ● Social health and wellbeing - relates to the ability to form meaningful and satisfying relationships with others and the ability to manage and adapt appropriate to different social situations. It includes the level of support provided by family and within a community to ensure every person has equal opportunity to function as a contributing member of society. ○ Productive relationships with other people Carmelina Delorenzo - Santa Maria College


○ Effective communication with others ○ Ability to manage or adapt appropriately to different social situations ○ Supportive and well functioning family ○ Supportive network of friends Emotional health and wellbeing - relates to the ability to recognise, understand and effectively manage and express emotions in a positive way. It concerns being able to show resilience and recognise these emotions felt in order to display them adequately. ○ Recognise and understand the range of emotions ○ Have a high level of resilience ○ Effectively respond to and manage emotions Mental health and wellbeing - is the current state of the brain or mind and relates to the ability to think and process information. It includes the ability of an individual to make opinions and decisions based on logic, low levels of stress and anxiety, positive self-esteem and a sense of confidence and optimism. ○ Low levels of stress and anxiety ○ Positive self-esteem ○ Positive thought patterns (optimism) Spiritual health and wellbeing - is not material in nature, but refers to ideas, beliefs and values that arise in the minds and conscience of human beings. It includes the concepts of hope, peace, a guiding sense of meaning and value and reflection on an individual's place in the world. ○ A sense of belonging ○ Acting according to values and beliefs ○ Peace and harmony ○ Positive meaning and purpose in life

INTERRELATIONSHIP OF THE DIMENSIONS OF HEALTH AND WELLBEING: EXAMPLES; ● Demonstrate the interrelationship between social and emotional health and wellbeing. A personal that is unable to adequately respond to situations and express the emotions required (emotional health and wellbeing) may struggle to create a productive relationship with others (social health and wellbeing). This inability to manage strong emotions and react with emotions accordingly to a situation may result in not being able to communicate with others and thus, may find that they feel as though their friends are not supportive (social health and wellbeing). ● Explain, using examples, how the mental and social dimensions of health interrelate with one another? A person dealing with high levels of anxiety and stress (mental health and wellbeing) may struggle to effectively communicate with those in their friendship group and thus, find it difficult to have a productive relationship (social health and wellbeing). This inability to develop meaningful and satisfying relationships may leave the individual with low levels of self-esteem and confidence (mental health and wellbeing).

Carmelina Delorenzo - Santa Maria College


★ BENEFITS OF OPTIMAL HEALTH AND WELLBEING AND ITS IMPORTANCE AS A RESOURCE Optimal health and wellbeing - the highest level of health and wellbeing an individual can realistically achieve, according to their genetic potential, lifestyle, factors and environment. ● INDIVIDUALLY: ➔ Reduce risk of premature death (Physical) ➔ Increase capacity to work towards finding or obtaining goal/purpose in life (Spiritual) ➔ Increase capacity to spend meaningful time with friends/family (Social) ➔ Decrease levels of stress/anxiety (Mental) ➔ More well equipped to recognise and respond positively to a range of emotions (Emotional)

● NATIONALLY: A country that has a high overall level of health and wellbeing may also see an increase in both social and economic benefits: ➔ More people working  → Increase income → More tax revenue → Spend more on health promoting infrastructure  → Increase national health and wellbeing ➔ Less people rely on social security/healthcare → People that actually need regular access to healthcare can access more easily  → Less waiting time for essential healthcare services ➔ Decreased levels stress/anxiety as a result of less loved ones experiencing premature death/terminal illness Optimal health and well being means people are well and don't require health care which decreases the strain on the healthcare system and means shorter waiting lists that improves the life expectancy in Australia.

Carmelina Delorenzo - Santa Maria College


● GLOBALLY: Countries experiencing optimal health and wellbeing reduce health risks compared to other countries such as reduction in spread of disease across borders, increase in trade opportunities and ideally greater progress in achieving global sustainable development goals. ➔ Reduced risk of communicable diseases such as HIV/AIDS spreading between countries Optimal HW  → Less people need to resort to extremes to maintain health and wellbeing → People more likely to work to improve themselves and others → Promote global peace and security ➔ Optimal HW  → More people in workforce → People earn income to spend on goods and services → Increase global trade → Promote development of global economy Reducing the risk of communicable diseases being spread through direct contact (e.g. touch, sexual intercourse, saliva) or indirect contact (e.g. water, blood, food) decrease the likelihood of pandemic (e.g. ebola). Pandemic refers to where a disease spreads across large geographical regions and affects a high proportion of the populations in a relatively short period of time.

★ PREREQUISITES FOR HEALTH AS DETERMINED BY THE WHO INCLUDING PEACE, SHELTER, EDUCATION, FOOD, INCOME, A STABLE ECO-SYSTEM, SUSTAINABLE RESOURCES, SOCIAL JUSTICE AND EQUITY In 1986, WHO identified a document called the Ottawa Charter, which identifies 9 prerequisites for health that must be available for gains in health & wellbeing are to occur. Identifying prerequisites assists governments and organisations to identify the basic necessities for people to have a decent standard of living.











Carmelina Delorenzo - Santa Maria College



the absence of disease or conflict ● ● ● ●

decreased risk of death reduced levels of stress and anxiety hospitals aren’t full of injured people the government can spend money on more useful resources than guns and armies

PHYSICAL - We may see a reduction in injury or disease caused by conflict which may promote physical health and wellbeing. MENTAL - If we have peace, we may find that there will be a reduction in stress and anxiety caused by conflict and this may promote mental health and wellbeing. SOCIAL - If a community is experiencing peace, there is a greater chance of functioning infrastructure such as roads and transport which will allow people to move about in the community and socialise with each other to form and maintain supportive bonds (social health and wellbeing) SPIRITUAL - If a community is experiencing peace, this may allow for individuals to gain an education, gain meaningful employment and be free to pursue a more meaningful and purposeful life. (spiritual health and wellbeing) EMOTIONAL - If a community is experiencing peace, individuals will be able to experience low levels of stress and anxiety due to an absence of conflict. This may be able to allow them to feel more readily to express their own emotions and understand the emotions of others (emotional health and wellbeing) i.e When a population experiences peace, they are able to independently work for themselves. This means that if the population are able to have stable incomes, they will be free of stress (mental health). The physical health of a population will also be greatly improved due to peace as more resources including healthy and nutritious foods, doctor clinics and hospitals will be accessible. This therefore will likely improve mortality levels and allow more to have a longer life expectancy.


a structure that provides protection from the outside environment ● ● ●

provides protection and safety from elements sense of privacy: reducing stress and anxiety promotes adequate sleep

PHYSICAL - If an individual has adequate protection, safety and privacy, we may see a reduction in disease and serious injury caused by hazardous environment which may decrease mortality levels and promote physical health and wellbeing. MENTAL - If we have shelter, we may find that there will be a reduction in an individual's stress and anxiety levels due to an ability to have access to elements such as protection, privacy, safety and security. SOCIAL - When members of the community are protected from dangerous weather conditions, they can maintain adequate levels of sleep which in turn enable individuals to pursue employment and education, encourage participation in activities that add a quality of value to life such as socialising. EMOTIONAL - When individuals have adequate shelter in a secure and non-crowded environment, they are likely to receive longer hours of sleep giving individuals adequate energy levels and therefore be able to manage their emotions and show resilience to others within the community (emotional health and wellbeing). SPIRITUAL - If an individual has adequate shelter, it can provide stability in their life and contribute to a sense of belonging within the community which also may allow them to develop their own sense of purpose in life which promote spiritual health and wellbeing.


Learning of skills and gaining of knowledge which allows for the increased likelihood of gaining meaningful employment which then allows access to resources such as food, shelter and healthcare which can improve health and wellbeing. Carmelina Delorenzo - Santa Maria College


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allows better income enables people to understand health promotion messages better opportunities to find purpose in life education empowers people, especially women

PHYSICAL - General knowledge of keeping your fitness up and how regularly you should be exercising, Knowing about the health care systems , Identifying when you're sick and may need to go to the doctor or knowing how you can treat yourself effectively. MENTAL - If an individual has an education they may have a greater chance of pursue a job that brings then joy and fulfillment, therefore promoting their mental health and wellbeing. If you have an education you may know how to maintain your stress and anxiety levels and know when things may lead you to becoming overwhelmed. Therefore you know how to prevent it from happening. SOCIAL - Education is often a key requirement to obtain meaningful and well paid employment that promotes and increases the ability for individuals to afford the basic resources such as food, shelter and health care. An individual attending school gives them an opportunity to make supportive caring friends. EMOTIONAL - When an individual can sustain stable employment, it may reduce the stress and anxiety around having to find money to pay for the basic needs such as food,shelter and healthcare therefore improving emotional health and wellbeing.


Adequate food intake is both an essential requirement for life and a basic human right. It means that individuals are receiving a variety of essential nutrients and nourishment through the foods that they eat, enabling them to live a satisfying and fulfilling life as it is essential to live. ● ● ● ●

food security increases nutrition levels reduced risk of malnutrition increased immune system function, reducing the impact of disease spend more time doing other activities to promote health and wellbeing instead of worrying about food

PHYSICAL - If individuals have access to appropriate and nutritious food, they amy have higher levels of energy from a well balanced diet and therefore be able to increase their daily activities and complete daily tasks effectively. MENTAL - When individuals have food security, individuals may spend less time looking for food and may therefore be less likely to experience stress because they know nutritious foods are available (mental health). Eating nutritious foods can help develop the intellectual skills and abilities of individuals, especially those still growing and maturing. SOCIAL - If children are receiving the adequate amount of food then they may have the proper energy levels to attend school and other activities, then forming supportive and caring relationships with others promoting health and wellbeing. EMOTIONAL - If someone isn’t receiving the correct amounts of food they may have unpredictable behaviour and their emotions would be all over the place. They may not be able to control how they feel and control how to express these emotions.


income increases the ability to afford resources such as healthcare, recreation,transport and education. From a population perspective, income increases the capacity of governments to provide social services and resources such as public housing, education, and health care; social security; infrastructure; recreation facilities such as parks and gardens; and law and order. Money that we receive by work or skills or labor used to afford resources such as healthcare, education, housing which can improve our health and wellbeing. ● ●

access basic health needs like food, shelter and healthcare better quality of life Carmelina Delorenzo - Santa Maria College


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the government can collect taxes to put towards public housing, healthcare, education, social security etc. afford activities that promote health and wellbeing e.g. gym membership

PHYSICAL - If we have an appropriate income, this may mean that they can afford healthcare including g.p visits, vaccinations, medical treatment, diagnostic tools, medications, which can help manage illness and disease and improve physical health and wellbeing. Governments can provide recreation facilities such as public pools, basketball courts, parks and gardens that work to prevent illness. Being physically active promotes physical health and wellbeing by improving fitness and maintaining a healthy body weight. SOCIAL - When individuals have access to a stable income, they may be able to afford to participate in leisure activities that promote socialisation with members of the community. This will then enable a maintenance of meaningful and positive relationships within their community which promotes social health and wellbeing. Being able to have income can allow individuals to go out and be involved in social activities which may help to build positive and supportive friendships. MENTAL - Governments with adequate income can commit more money to maintaining law and order by providing a police force and judicial system. This assists in ensuring human rights are upheld, which can reduce stress and anxiety and thereby promote mental health and wellbeing. Through income, there would be reduced levels of stress and anxiety levels of individuals as they would be able to afford healthcare to get better, They are able to afford to get services such as counseling which may benefit in improving individuals mental health and wellbeing. EMOTIONAL - If the individual has income, they may be able to control their emotions which can reduce their stress and anxiety levels.


a community containing living and non-living things.A stable ecosystem is one that caN: ● ● ●

generate food and safe water employment opportunities (e.g. fishing and farming) resources for recreation and shelter

All of which promote health and wellbeinG; PHYSICAL HEALTH - Plants and our animals can be used as food will help us to maintain an ideal body weight and use food to avoid malnutrition and help us to reduce the impact of disease and illness. Foods can also help us maintain a strong immune system and retain high energy levels. SPIRITUAL - Maintaining the ecosystem and the land holds a sense of belonging for indigenous groups which promotes spiritual health and wellbeing. This balance of plants and recreational areas with animals can also promote a sense of peace and calm for individuals. MENTAL - If living members of the ecosystem are no longer there, income may be reduced due to no to not being able to work. However, when there is a strong ecosystem in particular with weather, more jobs like fishering, agriculture and farming are available and allow communities to maintain a solid income which then reduces stress and anxiety levels (mental health and wellbeing). e.g An ecosystem is a community that consists of all of the living (ie. plants, animals e.t.c) and non-living (i.e rocks, soil, waterway, weather) components of a particular area. A stable ecosystem occurs when balance is achieved between the environment and the species that live in an environment. Stability...

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