Vietnamita - Vietnam 1 PDF

Title Vietnamita - Vietnam 1
Course Lingua Vietnamita Mod. 1
Institution Università Ca' Foscari Venezia
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Vietnam 1...


VIETNAMISE IDENTITY AND CHINA 1. What do we know of the Vietnamese people in the red river delta prior to formal Chinese conquest? 2. In what manner and to what degree did china influence what we know today as Vietnam? 3. What changes or continuities took place after the Chinese invasions? Two approaches/perspectives Diachronic: we can answer the question by looking at moments of Chinese interaction over time ,this approach looks at the “big picture “ Synchronic: we look in specific moment in time very closely,provides closer examination RESPONSE FROM A DIACHRONIC PERSPECTIVE the Chinese exerted influence only during some periods in Vietnamese history. The Chinese influenced only during some periods in Vietnamese history. Namely from approximately 111 bc to the 10th century the Chinese ruled Vietnam despite many failed local rebellions. From the 10th CE on we observe an independent “ Greater Viet” state that is formed. During this phase ,Chinese models are influential only during some periods PERIODIZATION: TWO PHASES Phase 1: vietnamese ancient history and Chinese rule From general Zhuo To’s capture of the Co Loa Citadel 170 bc tang dynasty 907 ce Series of rebellions against Chinese invasions Phase 2: Vietnamese independence from china’s rule General Ngo Quyen founds “Greater Viet” 939 ad that correspond to the fall of tang dynastyemperor Quang Trung repels the Qing army invasion 1788 ad. The Vietnamese are embroiled in their own conflicts and issues of state-building THE END OF KING AND DUONG In 170 ce arrange Qin general Chao Tos based in Guangzhong,dereated an Duong Vuong and created a past in the region against the Han dynasty. He carved out a separate polity and moved it the land of the southern viet. Why were the Le and Nguyen dynasties the periods in which there were arguably the most cultural borrowing from china? THE NGUYEN DINASTY: opposed to the Trinh lords and the Le emperor in Hanoi,the nguyen in the south located in and around Hue wanted to legitimize its rule The nguyen emperor Gia Long turned to Confucianism and Chinese models of statecraft to unite Vietnam under his family’s rule  Issued new llaws and penal codes modeled on the Chinese  Restored regional academies and established new Confucian academies and schools  Gia Long’s son, Minh Mang who was trained in the Chinese classics would continue and intensify the Confucian revolution Both the Le and Nguyen dynasties witnessed Confucian revolutions and revivalism THE LE DYNASTY: emerged after a period of harsh Sinicization by the Ming the ming brought with them cannons,guns,pistols and grenades as threats. For 20 years (1407-1428) the ming imposed a bureaucratic model and civil service, created 41 sub-prefactures and 208 counties operating a long Chinese administrative practices.

After defeating the ming, the Le emperors found the Confucian model as an effective means of statecraft and to build their own empiresconstructed even more academies and schools, accelerated the civil service examination,promulgated the Law code derived from Chinese legal and criminal codes SINO VIETNAMESE HISTORICAL TIMELINE  187-226 ad Chinese governor over Vietnam,shi xie takes advantage from han dinasty’s decline and makes province virtually independent from china but continues Sinicization process. Shi xie eventually by Wu forces from Nanjing.  248 ad lady Trieu Au stages failed revolt against Chinese rule  542ad upper class Chinese descendant Ly Nam De drives out Chinese rulers and establishes Vietnamese kingdom.  545ad Chinese armies defeat Ly Nam De’s state  618-907 ad Tang dynasty rules Vietnam many field rebellions by Vietnamese upper class From 111 to 907 What interest did the Chinese in the lands of red river delta? Were interested in VN for the maritime trade with other cultures in the south china sea and Indian ocean. The Chinese were not necessarly interested in transmitting their administrative structures entirely. A third century official, Hsueh tsung observed: “what can be obtained from the field and household taxes is meager. On the other hand,this place is famous for precious rarities from afar treasures enough to satisfy all desires: so it is not necessary to depend on what is received from taxes in order to profit from the empire” 

Fertile plans and agriculture,trade in the south cina seas and Indian ocean,Bulwark defense against the Khmer and Champa empires.

How did Chinese officials perceive the Vietnamese? Chinese officials believed the Vietnamese were unworthy of being taught. One official noted: “the people are like birds and beasts…on the same level as bugs” “when an elder brother dies,a younger brother marries his widow,this has been going on for generations thereby becoming an established custom,so district officials give in and allow it, not being able to stop it…. In short,it can be said that these people are on the same level as bugs” “women are untrustworthy and promiscuously wander abour,for this reason they are made to wear tinkling pendants in their ears to keep them at home” “if district-level officals are appointed,it’s the same as if they were not…people easly become rebellious and are difficult to pacify,district officials act dignified but are careful not to provoke them” Han scholar who came to Vietnam to escape turmoll in china were eager to return when conditions improved “after the death of emperor ling the empire was in disorder only chiao chi was calm,and unusual men from the north came to live there. Many occupied themselves with the worship of gods and spirits abstinence from cereals and immortality. Many people devoted themselves to these studies. Mou Po unceasingly proposed objections based on the 5 classics….” What was distinctive,if at all,about the Vietnamese?

Religion: by the 8 century ad,if you were to imagine a typical port town at the time you would see Chams, Persians, khmers, arabs, monks and traders all rubbing shoulders with each other. Eventually , buddhisms would integrate this diversity under a unified monarchy, strong influence of Mahayana buddhism, which was transmitted to china, belief in other spirit worlds influenced by Indian and southeast Asian cultures. Gender relation: matriarchal society, greater roles for women Language: they borrowed Chinese characters but created their own demotic script NÔM Physical bearings: distinct costume,body fashion and general physical appearances,body tattoing, betal chewing and teeth lacquering were prevalent Worship of popular cults and deities: these deities have o correspondence to the Chinese ones, cult of the trung sisters,cult of general tran hung dao… Context before Ly dynasty King Ngo Quyen defets the Chinese invasion and founds the greater viet in 939 ce beginning 2 phase. After the king dies in 944 however between 960 until 1009 the viet kings ruled the area near the city of Hoa Lu. Local conflicts led to a chaotic period called the Anarchy of the 12 lords 966 ce DINH BO LINH / dinh tien hoan 924-979 defeats the 12 rebellions warlords and unifies the region briefly. Contributions of the viet kingd 960-1009: 1. Asserted their authority over all the localities inhabited by the viet and 2. Gained Chinese recognition of their authority Nevertheless, this period of the viet kings was ruled by threats of violence and wars of royal succession CANNOT LAST Contribution to the Ly Dynasty 1. Buddhism was affirmed as the measure of civilized behavior for both kings and subjectsprovides rules of conduct and ushers in era of relative peace 2. A pantheon of indigenous Vietnamese spirits was identified as guardians of royal power and provides legitimacy and cultural basis of authority 3. A Vietnamized version of Chinese pollical theory was developed to affirm that Thang Long was the seat of southern emperor who ruled the southern kingdom by heavenly mandatecreated continuity and a succession of ly king In sum all of the above factors established an institutional foundation that enabled the Ly dynasty to last longer than its predecessor and for more than a century Contributions of buddhism in premodern Vietnamese politics Buddhism was the intermediary between the sino Vietnamese aristocracy and the populace. How ? Monks made themselves as :  Learned experts to the viet kings,experts capable of dealing with china  As monilizers of labour,wealth and popular opinion, since Buddhist temples and monasteries were numerous. Monks perceived that the kind of authority at Hoa Lu, the warlord mentality,was incapable of achieving enduring political organization and cultural development. So they introduced their proteges into positions of influence and authority,shaping public opinionsucceded in a peaceful transfer of power to the Ly clan

LY THÁI TÔ The first ly emperor,raised and educated by monks as a temple orphan dovout buddhist. Advised by his patron the monk Van Hanh( 100 happiness) and the entire buddhist establishment. Founded the imperial capital “Thang Long” which is also today known as Hanoi ( moving the location of the Viet kings away from the city of hoa lu) What were the mongol weakness? The mongols were neither accustomed nor skilled at long-sea voyages: the trip to champa took a month. Sodu,his troops and his horses took a month at the beach to rest and recover before attacking Champa The mongols were not accostumed to the climate in Vietnam because jungles were infested with mosquitos many of them died of malaria and other tropical diseases and many horses needed a specific types of grasses and food but much of the food was scare or unavailable in vietnam’s tropical climate so mongols had to send supply ships by sea so the Tran generals cut off the supply by attacking the ships What cultural practices endured during the Trầần Dynasty ? They were Buddhists and continued buddhist institutions. Later with the rise of cunfucianism during the Lē dynasty we will see the relative decline and influence of buddhism. The idea of local spirits and deities protecting and legitimizing the throne prevailed through the Tran dynasty. Local deites served to provide cultural and royal legitimacy What is unique about the Trầần Dynasty? What was its contributions to Vietnamese history? Unlike the Ly the tran clan was from the coastal regions of Vietnam,an important element of their military success lay in their seaborne skills and naval power,enabling them to dominate the riverine channels of the red river delta. The skill will give them an advantage when they later fight the mongols. Created a system of successors: to remedy the weakness of the Ly dynasty, the tran always had a successor: to avoid the dangers of royal minority or a succession dispute. Tran kings abdicated the throne to their chosen adults heirs upon the death of their predecessors,thereafter as senior kings. When these rules were not observed,the tran dynasty eventually began to collapse. Married their cousins: To avoid the danger of the material clans intruding with their court ambitions, the tran kings were to take queens only from the tran clan,for 4 generations,tran kings made queens of their cousins or,in one case,a half-sister. In the 1230s, the tran initiated a civil service examination system :we start observing the rise of a small but articulate class of literari,drawn from an emerging class of wealthy landowners,who cultivated an image of learning,loyalty and competence derived from the classical,Confucian,education Concentrated power within the clan: the tran was able to break the power of regional clans by assigning tran clan members at strategic areas in the red river delta,giving the tran control of a higher percentage of the rice surplus than had been available in the ly Resistance against the mongul yuan forces :kublain khan conquered the southern sung in the late 1270s and sent an envoy demanding submission,the tran refused and resisted In 1284 the mongol yuan forces flooded dai viet 4 directions. The tran was led by a group of princes,the most notable of which was tran quoc tuan also know as general tran hung dao How did general tran hung dao defeat the mongols?

He used fabian strategy: named after quintus fabius maximus verrucosus,roman statesman and general who was charged with the task to fight Hannibal during the 2 punic war 218-201 bc Is a military strategy where major battles are avoided in favor of wearing down an opponent through a war of attrition and loss of morale Synchronic approachvietnamese identity and china 4. What do we know of the Vietnamese people in the red river delta prior to formal Chinese conquest? 5. In what manner and to what degree did china influence what we know today as Vietnam? 6. What changes or continuities took place after the Chinese invasions? The periods in which there was likely the most influence -or cultural borrowing from chinawould arguably be the Le and Nguyen dynasties. Why ? Both dynasties witnessed a period of Confucian revivalism, both saw Confucianism as an effective model for statecraft and state building ORIGINS OF THE CAPITAL OF THÂNG LONG (HANOI) Emperor Ly Thai To dreamed of a dragon rising out of the ground and ascending into heaven, this dream inspired him to move the capital to where he dreamt the dragon first rising out from the ground , in the city of thang long this is also why Vietnam is sometimes called the land of the rising dragon What is the status of women during Phase I?” VN Women had more relative agency and freedom relative to what we know about Han Chinese gender norms Han dynasty is when Confucianism was established as basis for the Chinese State Sexism in Confucian and Neo-Confucian beliefs: Ex: “One hundred women are not worth a single testicle” --Confucius Ex: “A husband can marry twice, but his wife must never remarry” --Neo-Confucian saying Ex: “The five worst infirmities that afflict the female are indocility, discontent, slander, jealousy, and silliness…Such is the stupidity of woman’s character, that it is incumbent upon her, in every particular, to distrust herself and to obey her husband.” --The Confucian Marriage Manual VN Women had more relative agency and freedom How? Why? The Vietnamese lacked conformity to Chinese patriarchal rule in the Ancient period (Phase 1) Evidence#1: Observations by Han officials Evidence#2: Kinship (marriage) practices Evidence#3: The Case of the Trung Sisters 1: Even though Han officials made “everyone [the Vietnamese] follow proper marriage ceremonies with designated matchmakers, public notification of officials, and parental invitations to formal betrothals,” Hsueh Tsung noticed that, “according to records, civilizing activities have been going on for over four hundred years, but, according to what I myself have seen during many years of travel since my arrival here [in Vietnam], the actual situation is something else.”

2: The Levirate Custom “Levirate”: the practice whereby a widow marries her deceased husband’s younger brother -scholars believe this practice implies the lingering influence of a polyandrous, matrilineal society -Here’s the observation by Hsueh Tsung in the 3rd century: “When an elder brother dies, a younger brother marries his widow; this has been going on for generations thereby becoming an established custom, so district officials give in and allow it, not being able to stop it…In short, it can be said that these people are on the same level as bugs” ”women are untrustworthy and promiscuously wander about; for this reason they are made to wear tinkling pendants in their ears to keep them at home” 3: The Case of the Trung Sisters -The tomb and spirit temple of the Trung sisters’ mother has survived but nothing remains of the father -the names and biographies of over fifty leaders of the uprising are recorded in temples dedicated to their cult, and a large percentage of these are women THEREFORE, there is evidence to suggest that Vietnamese women in Phase1 had more liberties than did their Confucian Han counterparts. What is the status of women during Phase II?” There are two competing trends. 1: Since the period of the Lê Dynasty coincided with Confucian institutions, women’s roles became restricted during this time  Strong stable, state required a political philosophy that demanded loyalty from subjects  The ideas of Zhu Xi [朱熹] (1127-1279), a NeoConfucian scholar of the Southern Song Dynasty  His book Family Rituals was a manual for proper funeral rites, ceremonies and marriage  Influenced the Ming and Qing Dynasties and the Lê Dynasty of Vietnam Aristocratic, literati and political elites emphasized a connection between family morality and social order What might be the connection to women’s roles?  Stable society Social Order Family morality Gender Relations Women’s Roles 2: Women during the Lê Dynasty gained informal authority How? Or Why? The Civil War meant that many of the men were away fighting. Hence, women took on agricultural and commercial duties. Ex: Women were able to raise funds to rebuild roads, dikes, bridges, and markets The high death rate in the military daughters likely inherited the property earmarked for the brother! The Lê Code allowed women to inherit property ! Who are some of the major women figures in premodern Vietnamese history? Why? Besides the Trung Sisters and Lady Trieu, the other women figure that you need to know: Hồồ Xuân Hương (1772–1822)  Poetess, the “Queen of Nồm Poetry”

 Lived during a period of civil war and heightened Confucianism in Vietnam  Crafted erotic poetry The Jackfruit My body is like a jackfruit on a branch, With a rugged skin and thick flesh, But if it pleases you, drive the stake. Don't just fondle, or the sap Will stain your fingers. Ode to the Paper Fan One ring deep enough for any rod, You’ve been alluring from way back when. Stretch you to three points, there's not enough skin, But close you from both sides, there's too much flesh. Your job is to cool down sweating heroes, And cover the gentleman's head in case it rains. Behind the bed-curtain, tenderly, let’s ask him, Panting, panting in this heat, are you satisfied? Ming dynasty Was know for voyage of Zheng heafrica,arabia,Persian gulf,Mughal empire,baia of bengala Publication of journey to the west Gunpower and firearms Authoritarian political culture What was the context in Vietnam prior to the ming invasion? Authoritarian political culture: Hongwu emperorfloodlike martiality zhu yuanzhang 1368-98 Wrote the Great Ming Code(da ming lu) ,august ming ancestral injunctions, the great pronoucements Established clear political and cultural borders with Dai Viet and declared neutrality. Yongle emperor(perpetual happiness) Zhu di 1402-1424( the third ming emperor) Rose to power by defeting his rival, namely, nephew Zhu Yunwen Usurper and violator of the ancestral injunctions Sponsored the Zheng He expeditions. In 1406 invaded and annexed Dai Viet why? What was the context in Vietnam prior to the ming invasion? 1. Vietnam as a vassal state had a tributary relationship with china,the suzerain state. 2. Champa,also china’s vassal state,attacked Vietnam (in 1371 and 1377) and threatened it(in 1383 and 1390) 3. Border disputes between china and VN 4. Ho Qui Ly,a former minister in the Tran dynasty,seized the throne 1400-1407 Vietnam as a vassal state had a tributary relationship with china,the suzerain state. China as a suzerain state shang kuo,the feudal overlord received homage from her vassal states

Vietnam had to play tribute to china triennially (every three years). Besides Vietnam ,vassal states at the time included Korea, Champa,Cambodia,Malacca,Slam,Java,Brunei,Chola,Sumatra,Ceylon,Palembang and so forth. Benefits of this relationship: For the vassal state,political recognition For the suzerain state(china) greater political and natural resources and delegation of everyday political governancechina need not exhaust its own resources Weakness of the relationship: Poor communication No guarantee of future continuity(if political regimes change on either side)

Champa: the Cham king che bong nga unsuccessfully tried to persuade the ming court to send him armaments to fight against the Greater Viet. Instilled in the ming dynasty suspicion against the greater viet Vietnam’s ongoing conflicts with champa was a strain politically

Border disputes: in ...

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