Volume 2 - Learning to speak 2 PDF

Title Volume 2 - Learning to speak 2
Author Carlos J. Rodríguez
Course Inglés First
Institution UNED
Pages 15
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Get SpeakingVolume 2Copyright © 2008 Flo-Joe and its licensors. All rights reservedImproving your communication skills and confidence in English splendid-speakingThe Splendid Speaking Course Volume 1 Unit 4 ‘Captivate your Audience’ Splendid Expressions ’Food and Drink’Topic vocabulary Processed foo...


Get Speaking

Volume 2 Copyright © 2008 Flo-Joe and its licensors. All rights reserved

Get Speaking!

Improving your communication skills and confidence in English www.splendid-speaking.com

The Splendid Speaking Course Volume 1 Unit 4 ‘Captivate your Audience’ Splendid Expressions ’Food and Drink’

Unit 14: Eating Habits Task: Presentation (1-2 minutes) Topic vocabulary Processed food Food additives Changing tastes Eating habits Consumer choice Organic/fair-trade products To be health conscious Balanced diet To prepare meals Convenience food To skip breakfast/lunch To snack/eat between meals Mealtime as a family occasion To sit down as a family To eat out To live on take-aways Cause and effect expressions To have a huge effect/impact on To result in To lead to To be the cause of Thanks to We’ve ended up We’ve got to the point where

1. Introduction: Read the following extract:

Changing attitudes to food Have eating habits changed in your country over the years? Are we better off now with the choice of food we have available or do production methods mean our food is

less healthy? Do families sit together still or grab something to eat in front of the TV? Present your views at our international festival to be held on the Student Union this week.

2. Planning: Start your preparation for this 1-2 minute presentation by making notes. Think about the following issues: How food is produced What we choose to eat How we spend meal times

3. Task focus: Try to use a short anecdote which relates to your own experiences of eating habits in your country. The anecdote might serve as an attention-grabbing introduction or an example of a point you want to make during the presentation.

4. Language: Tick any of the vocabulary on the left you want to use.

Task: Role Play (15 minutes) “Modern-day eating habits result in people suffering culturally and nutritionally compared to when our parents were younger.”

Li st en t o Art u ro f r om It a ly t al ki ng o n a s im il ar su bj ec t. S ee t he F e br u ar y a rc h i v e s ( In te r vi e w 1 4 ) at : sp le nd id- sp ea ki ng .c om

Work in groups. Each person should take on the role of one of the people below and prepare points for or against the statement. Use some of the cause and effect expressions on the left to help make your points.  A supermarket manager  A chef specialising in local cuisine  A parent  A teenager  A fast food restaurant manager  A nutritionist

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Improving your communication skills and confidence in English www.splendid-speaking.com

The Splendid Speaking Course Volume 2 Unit 3 ‘Top Talks’ Splendid Expressions ’Learning’

Unit 15: Travel Task: Presentation (1-2 minutes) Topic vocabulary To see the world To go globetrotting To develop cultural awareness/cross cultural understanding To become more openminded To break down barriers Cultural/national stereotypes To have fixed opinions To become more tolerant To experience first hand Mass tourism Effect on the local population/indigenous population Tourist trap

1. Introduction: Read the following note given out to a student in class:

Expressions to offer examples For example For instance Take … for example To give you an example By way of example A case in point is To illustrate this To show you what I mean

3. Task focus: Use the ‘rule of three’ to organise your talk. Briefly state your

TASK Your task is to tal talk k on th thee subject subject:: ‘ DOES TRAVEL BR BROADEN OADEN THE MIND MIND??’ 2. Planning: Spend 1 minute making notes. If it helps consider the following issues: Culture Mutual understanding Leisure opportunities

opinion in the introduction and then: a) cover all three issues above with an example for each, or b) take one of the issues and give three examples Use some of the expressions on the left when offering examples

4. Language: Tick any of the vocabulary on the left you want to use.

Task: Role Play (15 minutes) You’ve been asked to come up with a one-day programme of visits for students from a partner school who are visiting your local town/city for the first time. Reach agreement with your colleagues on a programme that would give your visitors a positive experience of the local area.

Li st en t o So la ng e f r om Br a zil t al ki ng o n a si mi la r su bj ec t. S ee t he F e br u ar y a rc h i v e s ( In te r vi e w 1 5 ) at : sp le nd id- sp ea ki ng .c om

Avoid making the discussion a battle of ideas. Offer your suggestions in language that shows sensitivity to other people’s point of view. Introduce your suggestions with phrases such as: What do you think about … Do you think … I was wondering whether … Offer examples to support your suggestions in order to make your point as clear as possible.

Get Speaking!

Improving your communication skills and confidence in English www.splendid-speaking.com

The Splendid Speaking Course Volume 1 Unit 3 ‘Providing Examples’ Splendid Expressions ’Learning’, ‘Work’

Unit 16: Career Choices Task: Asking & Responding to Questions (3-4 minutes) Topic vocabulary Increased job opportunities To open up opportunities To give you the edge To be a compulsory subject To narrow down one’s options To weigh up one’s options To go into (a profession) To have long-term goals To have the relevant skills To arrange a work placement To gain work experience Entrance requirements (for a course) To lack motivation/focus To be motivated/focused To make progress in/with To have a good grasp of Useful fillers when responding to questions: That's a good question It's funny you should ask Well, let me see To cut a long story short Well, to be honest It's difficult to say That’s a tricky one

1. Introduction: Your teacher has given you the following note:

TASK Practise your sma small ll talk skills skills.. Work with som someone eone in th thee group you know the least about. Fi Find nd out more about their studi studies es and career plans. 2. Planning: You should both spend a minute or two making notes on the kind of questions to ask. Think about the following subjects: Your partner’s reasons for studying English. Whether they have a clear idea of their career. How they’re getting on with their studies. Focus on asking open-ended questions which force the other person to give extended answers. Open-ended questions will often begin with: Why … | Where … | What … | Tell me … | How …

3. Task Focus: When answering questions try giving examples to explain or support some of the points you make.

4. Language: Use some of the fillers on the left if you need an extra second or two to think about what you want to say.

Task: Presentation (2-3 minutes) Prepare a short presentation outlining the advice you would give to younger people about making career choices. If you wish, organise it around any of the following topics: Identifying skills & personal qualities | Gaining work experience | When to decide Li st en to A nc a f rom R om a n ia a n d L a ur e n t fr om Fr an c e ma ki ng

Add impact to your introduction AND engage your audience by asking rhetorical questions, then addressing the questions in the body of your talk.

sm al l t al k . S ee th e F e br u ar y a rc h i v e s ( In te r vi e w 1 6 ) at : sp le nd id- sp ea ki ng .c om

’Do you feel well-suited for a particular profession or occupation?’ ‘How can we help ourselves find clues to that perfect career choice?’ ‘At what point in our lives should we be deciding on our career?’

Get Speaking!

Improving your communication skills and confidence in English www.splendid-speaking.com

The Splendid Speaking Course Volume 2 Unit 4 ‘Captivate Your Audience’ Splendid Expressions ’Learning’

Unit 17: Languages for Business Task: Presentation (2-3 minutes) Topic vocabulary To make conversation To get by in a language To make yourself understood To be bilingual/multilingual Native/Non-native speaker To master another language Communication breakdown To overcome communication barriers To get an insight into another culture To broaden cultural understanding Cross-cultural communication Cultural sensitivity To increase job opportunities To improve your career prospects To have/give you a competitive edge To conduct business Personal gratification To expand your mind To broaden your horizons To form friendships To enrich your knowledge

1. Introduction: Read the following extract from a company memo:

To: Training Department From: Staff Development Manager Subject: A presentation I need someone to come to our next staff training event and do a short talk on the importance of being able to speak a second language. It’s important for our business if we are to stay competitive but people I’m sure will benefit in many ways from being able to speak another language. Could you send someone along?

2. Planning: Decide on three reasons for studying a second language and use these as the basis for the organisation of your talk. For example: For travel | For work | For personal development

3. Task focus: Make your message more powerful by using a current news story you have heard about that sums up the importance of speaking more than one language. However, remember this is a short talk so keep it brief!

4. Language: Tick any of the vocabulary on the left to use in your talk.

Task: Discussion (15 minutes) If you were advising a business colleague on taking a language course would you recommend studying in an English speaking country or would they benefit more from studying in their own country? What are the advantages and disadvantages of either choice? Li st en t o Vic t or ia

ta lk in g o n a si m il ar su bj ec t. S ee t he Ma rc h ar ch ive s ( I nt e r vi e w 17 ) at : sp le nd id- sp ea ki ng .c om

Work in pairs and share your ideas. Focus on practising your fluency skills. Before you start, download our ‘Grading Sheet’ from Splendid Speaking: www.splendid-speaking.com/products/task_sheets/grade.html Read the section ‘Interactive Spoken Discourse’ before beginning your discussion and with your partner aim to achieve a grade 2 or 3.

Get Speaking!

Improving your communication skills and confidence in English www.splendid-speaking.com

The Splendid Speaking Course Volume 2 Unit 4 ’Captivate your Audience’

Unit 18: Community Interest Task: Role Play (3-4 minutes) Topic vocabulary Target audience To benefit the local community To get enjoyment out of To keep out of trouble To appeal to a/an (younger) audience To attract visitors To win people over To get more people through the door To keep the kids off the streets To be disadvantaged To make a difference (to people’s lives) A wide range of facilities To develop an interest in To offer Internet access To run sessions in A range of activities Somewhere to meet up A place to hang out To take up a sport To learn vocational skills To go on outings To build relationships To make friendships To get in touch with nature

1. Introduction: Read the following notice:

Competition Our local community group for young people has been awarded 10,000 dollars in funding. We’re looking for suggestions on how the money should be spent. Send in your ideas and be entered for the prize draw! Work in pairs and discuss the benefits of the following options and decide which ONE would be most appropriate: Computers, a games room with facilities such as a pool table and TV, sports facilities, a series of trips, a mini library, an inner-city farm

2. Planning: Spend a minute or two making notes on your opinions of the suggested facilities.

3. Task focus: A powerful way to make a point or express a view in a discussion is to personalise the point you are trying to make by giving examples from personal experience. Can you think of any situations when you or someone you know has benefited from any of the suggested facilities? What was it about the experience that made it so significant? Use this example to help make your point.

4. Language: Tick any of the vocabulary on the left you want to use.

Task: Presentation (2 minutes) You’ve been asked to present to a community group on the following topic:

‘Young people today get a bad press.’ Li st en t o Jo a o an d W ern er ta lk in g on a si mi la r su bj ec t. S ee t he M ar c h a rc h i ve s ( In te r vi e w 1 8 ) at : sp le nd id- sp ea ki ng .c om

Do young people in your country get unfairly branded as ‘troublemakers’ or ‘hooligans’? Do people focus on negative rather than positive behaviour? Focus on maintaining eye-contact with your audience. If you are addressing one person such as your teacher, ensure you get eye contact frequently during your talk. If you are speaking to a group, make sure you get eye contact with every person at least once during the talk.

Get Speaking!

Improving your communication skills and confidence in English www.splendid-speaking.com

The Splendid Speaking Course Volume 1 Unit 2 ’Active Listening’ Splendid Expressions ‘Travel’

Unit 19: Hobbies and Interests Task: Discussion Skills: Active Listening (3-4 minutes) Topic vocabulary To develop an interest in To take up a hobby To be mad about To be fascinated by To be a fan of To be into To be a keen (collector/gardener) To be hooked on To do something in your spare time To be time consuming To do something purely for pleasure To make money out of an interest To be rewarding To dabble in lots of things

Typical reply questions Do/Have/Are you? Don’t/Haven’t/Aren’t you? Really? Seriously? Never? You’re joking? Do you think so? Is that so?


Introduction: Your teacher has given you the following instruction:

Task What What’s ’s your partner in into? to? Spor Sport? t? Music? Inter International national cuisine? Or are they a comple complete te couch po potato? tato? Fi Find nd ou outt more ab about out a hob hobby by or interes nterestt your partner has. 2. Planning: You should both spend a minute or two making notes on the kind of questions to ask. Think about the following subjects: What their interest is. Why/How they first became interested in it. What it is about the hobby or interest they enjoy.

3. Task Focus: Focus on listening carefully to your partner and showing interest by responding to things he or she says. Use reply questions and expressions, perhaps followed by a comment on what your partner has said. For example: A) “I always look around second-hand shops for any old records.” B) “Do you? I’ve got a friend like that. You can find some real bargains if you’re lucky, can’t you?”

4. Language: Tick any of the language on the left you want to use.

Task: Presentation (2 minutes) Prepare a short presentation describing a hobby or interest you have. Give your audience a taste of what it is you like so much about it.

Li st en t o An a fr om Au st ria a nd J o na s fr om S wi t ze r la n d p r a c t is i n g a c ti ve l i s te n in g . S e e t h e M ar c h a r c h iv e s ( In te r vi e w 1 9 ) at: sp le nd id- sp ea ki ng .c om

The natural tendency when giving presentations is to rush. Try to pace yourself so that the audience is able to follow your talk more easily. Focus on the following:   

Try to speak more slowly than you would normally speak. Take regular, deep breaths. Pause for a second or two between sentences and especially after a point you want to emphasize.

Get Speaking!

Improving your communication skills and confidence in English www.splendid-speaking.com

The Splendid Speaking Course Volume 2 Unit 5 Language Focus: ‘Describing Photographs’

Unit 20: Reflections on Education Task: Presentation (1-2 minutes) Topic vocabulary Formal/Less formal setting Relaxed atmosphere To take part in seminars To attend lectures/class Self-access facilities Independent learning To listen attentively To take notes To make contributions To do pairwork/groupwork To sit an exam To share views/opinions To carry out role-plays To do self-directed study Useful language for speculating It will/must/might/can’t have Perhaps…/Maybe…/Possibly I daresay I suppose I imagine I wonder No doubt It’s (un)likely that In all likelihood I bet There’s no way

Compare, contrast and speculate on photographic scenes of different educational settings. 1. Planning: Choose the photographs to use for your presentation. Select two or three that differ in some way, for example a formal compared to a less formal setting, an indoor and an outdoor scene, or learners involved in different activities. Alternatively, choose two or three photos you feel have something in common. This will help you develop a theme and logic to your talk.

2. Task focus: Try organising your talk around three main points. a) Start by identifying your choice of photographs and describe the general theme. b) Then describe, compare and contrast the scenes. c) Speculate on the atmosphere of each setting. Imagine what the people might be doing or feeling.

3. Language: Tick any of the vocabulary on the left you want to use. Try some of the language to speculate on the atmosphere and benefits of the scenes you’re describing. Write down some of your own.

Task: Role Play (15 minutes) As part of a student committee you’ve been asked by your university to discuss the following proposal as a way of making education more flexible: All lectures at university should be cancelled and made available as podcasts for students to listen to in their own time. The number of seminars to be reduced and extra sessions made available through online conferencing. Discuss the pros and cons of this proposal and suggest two to three solutions of your own to help make access to education more flexible. To ensure the discussion stays focussed, try using any of the following expressions if you find your group straying from the subject:

Li st en t o An dr ze j f rom Pol an d t al ki ng o n a si mi la r su bj ec t. S ee t he M a rc h a r c hi v es ( In te r vi e w 20 ) at : sp le nd id - sp ea ki ng .c om

Anyway, where were we? Getting back to the question of … What were you saying about …? Let’s return to the issue of … You/Someone mentioned earlier that …

Photographs for ‘Get Speaking’ Task 20 Please note that these are not the photographs used by the recorded speaker in Interview 20. Those were taken from the Cambridge ESOL website and no longer seem to be available.

Copyright Flo-Joe and its licensors 2008

Get Speaking!

Improving your communication skills and confidence in English www.splendid-speaking.com

The Splendid Speaking Course Volume 1 Unit 3 ‘Providing Examples’ Splendid Expressions ’Health and Illness’

Unit 21: Sport and Fitness Task: Presentation (2-3 minutes) Topic vocabulary To get the most out of (your time at university) State of the art facilities Indoor and outdoor facilities A wide range of activities To have equipment for hire To book facilities/sessions To run taster sessions Highly-qualified staff To devise personal exercise programmes To carry out fitness assessments Membership fees To take care of yourself To have a healthy lifestyle To burn off calories To lose weight

1. Introduction: You are a member of staff at a University Sports Centre. You’ve received the following memo from the Student Union:

Memo With September approaching we need someone to come over and tell the new students about the facilities at the Leisure Centre. I know your membership was down a little last year – probably competition from the bars and new cinema...

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