Web Project 1 PDF

Title Web Project 1
Course International Cj
Institution The College at Brockport
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Web Project for CRJ 451 class...


Web Project: Chapter One

Shai Sizer CRJ.451.01 Dr. Kim 1.25.2020


Self-Assessment I was not surprised by the questions given in the self-assessment because I have applied for several jobs and when applying for these jobs, I have always been required to take an assessment with these kinds of question. Throughout the assessment I noticed how they shifted from language barriers to religious differences and finally social differences. I thought that it was great that they had these questions because it allowed the test takers to see how they equate their cultural beliefs to someone else’s. I think that this test can help people in fixing their prejudice views. This test assesses a person’s cultural competence by asking them to self-evaluate their reactions when they are confronted with different aspects of an individual’s culture. For instance, they ask if you “accept that religion and other beliefs may have a major influence on individual and family beliefs and attitude.” What they are trying to figure out is that if you have a cultural difference with someone regarding religion are you likely to be prejudice towards them because they do not share the same beliefs as you. They also ask if you come across a person who is not fluent in English does that make you believe that they “may or may not be literate in their language of origin or English?” What I believe this question was trying to assess is if I equate a person’s intelligence to mine because of the language they speak and if I do, do I view them as more or less intelligent because of that. Essentially what this test is doing for you is weeding out your cultural biases and trying to get you to be more open and accepting of different cultures. The use of these types of assessments are common and useful in educational and occupational settings because they help employers to identify which potential candidates can work and thrive in a diverse setting. They also help to identify those who have intense prejudice towards people who do not share the same cultural background or beliefs as them and lets the 2

employer know that you are not qualified for the job. Often when you are applying for a customer service job, specifically one that includes interacting with people you will take assessments that have these kinds of questions. They are essential to finding employees that will provide a great service.


Politics Around the World During the first week of school I decided to read a paper from a foreign country that I did not know much about which led me to choose Venezuela. The specific paper I chose to read was called the Caracas Chronicles. During the past week the articles that they were uploading were analyzing and criticizing the corruption of the Chaviste regime not only that but bringing to light the corruption and violence that happens throughout Venezuela. In one of the articles I read earlier in the week called How The Maduro Regime Uses Political Prisoners by Mabel Sarmiento. In the article they talk about they criticized the chaviste regime by bringing to light how they detain political prisoners unfairly and by releasing prisoners who are hardened criminals and have not fought against the systems. For instance, in the article it gives some example of who the political prisoners are and what they were detained for such as Jesús Medina, a reporter taken by SEBIN agents in August 2018 while covering the hospital crisis. This is only one of the 388 political prisoners in Venezuela, according to Foro Penal up until December 30th,2019. They’re accused of terrorism, financing terrorism, manufacturing explosives, and are basically behind bars for protesting Maduro. (Sarmiento 2019) Not only that but recently on January 27,2020 I read an article on a woman who was murdered by her boyfriend. The article was called That man killed my mom by Daisy Galaviz. In the article the author discussed how Sheyla Margarita,43 was murdered by her boyfriend Juan Carlos Pina on January 21st, 2020. They had been dating for 13 years and he was known to be abusive and once before Sheyla’s daughter filed a police report but despite a fracture in her spine and broken nose the police stated they did not have enough evidence. That was just a month before he strangled her to death. Up until January 26th, 2020, there’s been 20 women killed in Venezuela already.(Galaviz 2019) Just to name a few two-year-old Estefany Andreina Lugo was killed by 4

her stepfather on January 22nd and, on January 26th, 28-year-old Estefany Ortega Zavala was shot dead by unknown assailants outside a Maracaibo nightclub, in Zulia State.(Galaviz 2019) Also, statistics sate that in 2019, 58.6% of Venezuelan women were assaulted by their current partners and 7.7% by their exes. With a high rise in violence amongst women I would assume that Venezuelan authorities would take this more seriously, but it is apparent that they do not.

Overall, as I read through these papers written by the Caracas chronicles, I realized that America was not the only country that suffered when it came to violence and political corruption. Every state has their own individual problems whether it be politically and economically and that in the long run it affects the society. It was nervous to hear what was going on in Venezuela and reading these papers helped me to see beyond the current issues happening in my life and more so made me appreciate our criminal justice system a little better because we have better resources when it comes to combatting women’s right. It also made me more thankful for our democracy and our constitution that allows us freedom of speech and a right to vote for our leader and representatives.

Arrested In…?


For this assignment I chose three foreign countries which were Guatemala, Bulgaria and Spain then decided to compare the rights I would have if arrested. I also chose to focus on three main rights which are the right to information, right to a lawyer and the right to an interpreter/translator. In Guatemala, when it comes to the right for information you have the right to be informed about why you are being arrested both orally and on paper while also giving you a copy of the warrant. You also have the right to remain silent. When it comes to Bulgaria you can be detained for 24 hours and up to 72 hours at the discretion of the prosecutor. During that time, you have the right to be made aware of your rights in writing and orally after your detainment just like Guatemala. Spain also gives you the same rights as Bulgaria and Guatemala but the one difference I found with Spain is that you also have the right to see a doctor after you have been arrested. The right to a lawyer is given in all three countries more specifically you have the right to choose your attorney and if not, legal aid will be appointed to you by the courts. In these courts the defense attorney appointed by the courts is free of charge. The only difference I can find was in Spain where you can waive the right to an attorney if the incident is road traffic related. Finally, the last difference that I found is that in Spain you do not have the option to represent yourself in a criminal case. The right to an interpreter in Spain can vary based on the circumstances and you are generally only given one during police questioning. You are not entitled to one during pre-trial or in prison. However, in Guatemala and Bulgaria the rights differ slightly. In Guatemala you have the right to an interpreter throughout all aspects of your trial whether it is requested or not. In Bulgaria you also have the right to the interpreter free of charge, not only that but you also have the right to documents translated in your language if you request it. Overall, the general rights in all these countries are the same but the way they are applied can vary whether it be Spain, Guatemala, Bulgaria and many other countries.


Bilateral Agreements


The three countries that I have chosen to report on are Cuba, Brazil and China. When reviewing the reports from each country I found that that all three of them have bilateral agreements with the United States. Brazil maintains a bilateral drug control agreement with the United States and every country in South America. (United States Department of state 2019) China and the United States signed a bilateral mutual legal assistance agreement in 2000 which entered into force in 2001. (United States Department of state 2019) The Cuban government reports 40 bilateral agreements to counter illicit traffic in narcotics and psychotropic substances (signed in July 2016 ). (United States Department of state 2019) The first difference I noticed is the type of agreement that each country signed which specifies the assistance that each country needed from the United States and vice versa. The three agreements range from assisting with drug trafficking to another country just needing legal information. A difference between Cuba and the two other countries is that it does not have a major drug problem despite the nature of the agreement. Whereas, China is a Major Source of Synthetic drugs, new psychoactive Substances. (NPS). (United States Department of state 2019) After the United States Brazil is the world’s second-largest consumer of cocaine hydrochloride and likely the largest consumer of cocaine-based products. (United States Department of state 2019) Cuba and Brazil differ from China in the fact that Brazil and Cuba both have been willing to extradite fugitives back to the United States to stand trial while China has been reluctant to cooperate with law enforcement in the U.S. and vice versa. Also, both Cuba and Brazil actively communicate with U.S. law enforcement. The U.S. and Cuba continue to hold expanded bilateral discussions on law enforcement and drug control cooperation. (United States Department of state 2019) The United States and Brazil launched a permanent Security Forum to


facilitate bilateral cooperation and plan coordinated strategies in six areas including drug trafficking. (United States Department of state 2019) As you can see while all three of these countries have bilateral agreements with the United States their level of cooperation varies from country to country. Out of all the three I would say that the Brazilian government has been the most open to assistance from the United States because they have a rampant drug problem and not enough manpower or resources. The country that I believe to be the least cooperative is the Chinese government since they are less trusting of the American Government.


Bibliography Gabaldón, Juan Carlos. 2020. “Guaidó in the UK: 'We'll Ask for All the Help We Need'.” Caracas Chronicles. Galaviz, Daisy. 2020. “‘That Man Killed My Mom.’” Caracas Chronicles. Llorens, Manuel. 2020. “Why Did Chavismo Snatch Gilber Caro (Again)?” Caracas Chronicles. Ross, Clifton. 2020. “Digging Under Rock Bottom.” Caracas Chronicles. Sarmiento, Mabel. 2020. “How The Maduro Regime Uses Political Prisoners.” Caracas Chronicles. Stolk, Raul. 2020. “Formalizing a Rogue Economy in a Rogue State.” Caracas Chronicles. United States Department of state (2019), “International control strategy report Volume 1”


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