Week 1 Chapter 10 number 12 Lab PDF

Title Week 1 Chapter 10 number 12 Lab
Author J-j Forand
Course Anatomy & Physiology I With Lab
Institution Chamberlain University
Pages 8
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A&P II Week 1, Chapter 10

12 Reviewing Your Knowledge A. Skeletal Muscle Structure Number the following nestled, cylindrical structures in order from largest (1) to smallest (5). __4___myofibril __2___fascicle __5___filaments __3___muscle fiber __1___muscle B. Skeletal Muscle Structural Terms Identify the structure that matches the description. __Perimysium________ 1.Connective tissue covering surrounding a fascicle __Transverse (T) tubules 2.Finger-like invaginations of plasma membrane; extend into interior of fiber and surround myofibrils __Sarcolemma________ 3.Plasma membrane of skeletal muscle fiber __Epimysium________ 4.Connective tissue covering surrounding the muscle

_Sarcomeres________ 5.Smallest contractile unit within individual muscle fibers _Sarcoplasmic reticulum__ 6.Stores calcium within muscle fiber _Endomysium______7.Connective tissue covering surrounding individual muscle fibers _Triad_________ 8.Two terminal cisternae and a T tubule _Myofibrils_____ 9.Rod-like structures within skeletal muscle fiber that contain thin and thick filaments organized into sarcomeres C. Sarcomere Structure and the Sliding Filament Mechanism of Contraction Write the name of the sarcomere structure defined. A structure may be used more than once, and a definition may apply to more than one structure. _A Band_________1.Length does not change when sarcomere shortens. _A Band_________2.This area is the length of thick filaments. _M Line _________3.Center point of attachment for thick filaments. _I band; H Zone___4.Length decreases when sarcomere shortens. _I Band_________ 5.This area contains only thin filaments.

_Z Disc_________ 6.Point of attachment for thin filaments. _H Zone________ 7.This area contains only thick filaments. _A Band_________ 8.This area contains overlapping thin and thick filaments. _Sarcomere______ 9.The area from Z disc to Z disc. _H Zone_________ 10.This area disappears in a fully contracted muscle. D. The Neuromuscular Junction Write the name of the structure(s) described. _Synaptic Vesicle_________ 1.Found in synaptic end bulbs of axon terminal; contains neurotransmitter molecules _Motor End Plate__ 2.Area of sarcolemma across from synaptic end bulbs of axon terminal; contains neurotransmitter receptors _Synaptic Cleft_________ 3.Space between synaptic end bulbs of axon terminal and sarcolemma _Axon Terminal_________ 4.Divides into synaptic end bulbs at neuromuscular junction _Synaptic End Bulb_________ 5.Parts of axon terminal that form neuromuscular junction

Week 1

Chapter 10 Lab 12 Using Your Knowledge 1. With age, the collagen-containing connective tissue coverings of skeletal muscles increase and the number of muscle fibers decreases. Is meat from an older or a younger animal more tender? Explain. A younger animal would provide the more tender meat. The development and consternation of collagen builds up over them years, the buildup will make the meat tougher.

2. Weight training increases muscle fiber size by increasing the number of myofibrils. Explain. The production of Myofibrils, mitochondria, sarcoplasmic reticulum, as well as other organelles build muscle size when forceful, receptive activity is one. This process is called muscular hypertrophy

3. The diaphragm is a muscle that controls inspiration. Is control of the diaphragm voluntary, involuntary, or both? Explain.

The diaphragm can be controlled both voluntary and involuntary. When you breath hard (like a sigh) you can move your diaphragm. During normal breathing your diaphragm continues to move without you having to tell it to. Using your textbook or another reference, for each condition below indicate which part of the neuromuscular junction is affected: the motor end plate or the axon terminal. ____Motor End plate______ 4.Myasthenia gravis ____Motor End Plate______ 5.Curare poisoning ____Axon Terminal______ 6.Botulinum toxin poisoning Put a check mark next to the muscles that are skeletal muscles. Hint: Consider location and whether muscle contraction is voluntary or involuntary. __Smooth___ 7.Arrector pili ____ ______ 8.Tongue _Smooth_____ 9.Muscle in gallbladder _____ _____ 10.Muscles that control movement of the eyeball.

In Figure 12.9, rank the TEMs from 1 (least) to 3 (greatest) according to number of cross-bridges formed.




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