Week 3 Assignment SC1040 PDF

Title Week 3 Assignment SC1040
Author Aaron Burleson
Course Biology
Institution Ultimate Medical Academy
Pages 6
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SC1040: Week 3 Assignment

Why is all lilife fe cellular? This assignment helps you apply your knowledge from this week’s modules and readings. Understanding cell theory is important to your healthcare career because it is the foundation to all body functions. Healthcare professionals are able to identify those who are healthy or need treatments according to how the cells behave.

50 The Cell and its Structure The cell is the smallest unit of living matter that is able to perform all of the activities required for life. The health of the organism is dependent upon the health of its cells. You may review this VIDEO on the cell. Golgi body



Endoplasmic reticulum



Identify and label each part of this Eukaryotic cell. Cytoplasm Golgi Body

Mitochondria Endoplasmic Reticulum



According to the cell theory, all cells arise from the division of preexisting cells. (Select only one) ☒ True ☐ False


All cells contain cell walls. (Select only one) ☒ True ☐ False © Ultimate Medical Academy



One characteristic of living things is their ability to change and adapt over time. (Select only one) ☒ True ☐ False


The size of a cell is limited by the ____. (Select only one) ☐ lack of building materials ☐ size of the organism ☒ relationship between the volume of the cell and its surface area ☐ job it does ☐ materials it has to exchange


Cell shape is reinforced by ____. (Select only one) ☒ phospholipids ☐ DNA ☐ cytoskeletal filaments ☐ transport proteins ☐ Ribosomes


In which cell would you most likely find microtubules? (Select only one) ☐ leaf cells of cut flowers displayed in a vase ☐ any cell from a deceased animal ☒ neuronal cells that have completed their growth and migration during development ☐ rapidly dividing tumor cells ☐ muscle cells, which do not typically divide


Which organisms are the most diverse forms of life? (Select only one) ☐ protists ☐ fungi ☐ animals ☒ bacteria and archaea ☐ plants

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Plant and Animal Cells While all living organisms are made up of cells, plant and animal cells have very distinct differences. Watch this VIDEO about cellular construction and answer the following questions.


All cells have what three following things? (Select only one) ☐ Mitochondria, enzymes, and nucleic acid ☒ Cell membrane, cytoplasm, DNA ☐ Bacteria, microtubules, organelles ☐ RNA, DNA, nucleus


What is an example of a prokaryotic cell? (Select only one) ☐ Skin cell ☐ Cancer cell ☒ Bacteria ☐ Liver cell


What part of the cell is responsible for making proteins? (Select only one) ☐ Organelles ☐ Chromosomes ☐ Cytoplasm ☒ Ribosomes


What is the function of the lysosome? (Select only one) ☐ Produce chromosomes ☐ Synthesizes proteins ☐ Cell division ☒ Internal waste system of the cell


What is responsible for producing energy in both plant and animal cells? (Select only one) ☐ Cytoplasm ☐ Nucleus ☒ Mitochondria

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☐ Bacteria


Which organelle in the cell maintains DNA? (Select only one) ☐ Cytoskeleton ☐ Chloroplast ☒ Nucleus ☐ Flagellum


Which cell feature is absent in bacterial cells? (Select only one) ☐ ribosomes ☐ cytoplasm ☐ nucleoid ☒ nucleus ☐ DNA


____ are involved in the transfer of genetic information from one bacterial cell to another . (Select only one) ☐ Flagella ☒ Pili ☐ Cilia ☐ Ribosomes


Match each cell part to its function by recording the letter of the correct Part of Cell. A. Nucleus

B. Golgi Apparatus

C. Ribosomes


Control center of cell


Where proteins are made


Site of protein modification, storage, and distribution


Provides mechanical support and anchorage to the cell

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D. Cytoskeleton


Mitosis Mitosis is the most common type of cell division (See the diagram below). Identify each step in Mitosis by putting the step next to its correct description.


Match each stage to its scientific description.

A. Early Prophase

B. Prophase

C. Metaphase

D. Anaphase

E. Telophase


Spindle microtubules separate sister the sister chromatids and move them toward opposite sides of the cell. Each sister chromatid has now become an individual, unduplicated chromosome.


Mitosis begins. Transcription stops, and the DNA begins to appear grainy as it starts to condense.


The chromosomes reach opposite sides of the cell and loosen up. Mitosis ends when a new nuclear envelope forms around each cluster of chromosomes.


All of the chromosome are aligned in the middle of the cell.


The duplicated chromosomes become visible as they condense. The nuclear envelope breaks up. Spindle microtubules assemble and bind to chromosomes at the centromere. Sister chromatids become attached to microtubules extending from opposite ends of the cell.

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Cell Division Cells are the building blocks of life. Cell division is usually a controlled and standard process. Watch this VIDEO on how cancer cells behave. Reflect on what you have learned this week to help you respond to the question below. 19.

Describe what happens to the body when cell division becomes uncontrolled (or abnormal).

The body may develop lumps, problems with going to the bathroom, or a large increase in white blood cells and liver enzymes. 20.

Explain how health care professionals treat unregulated (or abnormal) cellular growth in the body.

Surgery to remove the growth, radiation. chemotherapy, or a combination of any of these three. 21.

Describe the side effects from the treatments in the video scenario. Chemo side effects includes: Weight and Hair loss, skin rash and pain, and nausea, vomiting, and fatigue.

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