Week 3 questions. and answers PDF

Title Week 3 questions. and answers
Author abena gyankoma
Course Foundations of Professional Practice 1A
Institution University of Newcastle (Australia)
Pages 3
File Size 100.8 KB
File Type PDF
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When we say to people when they are upset or distressed "its Ok everthing will be all right", what non therapeutic technique (barrier to communication) is this called? Why is it thought to be unhelpful?...


I nweek3wec ov er edt hef ol l owi ngt opi c s :        

per s on/ womanc ent r edc ar e/ pr ac t i ce,whatt hi si sandwhyi ti si mpor t ant( what t heCodesofConduc tandot herpr of es s i onaldoc ument sexpec t ) t hepr of es s i onal t her apeut i cr el at i ons hi p,whatt hi si sandhowi tdi ffer sf r om a per s onalr el at i ons hi p whatt her apeut i cpr ac t i cel ook sl i k e( i ewhatat t i t ues / behav i our s ) t hes t agesofes t abl i s hi ngandconc l udi ngat her apeut i cr el at i ons hi p pr of es si onalboundar i es ,whatt heyar eandt he3z ones( andwhatt heCodeof Conduc tex pect si nr el at i ont oboundar i es ) s i gnsofboundar yc r os si ngsandwhatt odot os t ayi nt het her apeut i cz oneof hel pf ul nes s i mpor t anc eofr efl ect i on( onv al ues ,bel i ef s ,as s umpt i ons )andi ns i ght( J ohar i wi ndow)f ors t ayi ngt her apeut i c howbot ht her apeut i cr el at i ons hi psandboundar i esr el at est opat i ent / woman s af et y Practice question 1:

a)Ex pl ai nwhatper s on/ womanc ent r edc ar emeans .  “…Holistic approach to the planning, delivery and evaluation of health care that is grounded in mutually beneficial partnerships between healthcare professionals, patients and their families.”

    

b)i dent i f y4nur s i ng/ mi dwi f er ybehavi our st hatar econs i st entwi t haPCC appr oac ht ot hepr ovi si onofcar e. Di gni t y ,compas s i onandr es pec t . Coor di nat edcar e,suppor tort r eat ment Per s onal i s edc ar e,suppor tort r eat ment . Rec ogni s i ngs t r engt hsandabi l i t i est oenabl eani ndependentandf ul fi l l i ngl i f e

Practice question 2:

Whatar et het hr eez onesont hec ont i nuum ofpr of es s i onal behavi our sandi dent i f y3 behav i our sf oreac hz one.  Underi nv ol v ement ;di s t anc i ng,di si nt er es tandnegl ect f ul  Zoneofhel pf ul nes s;t her apeut i candr el at i ons hi p.  Ov eri nv ol v ement ;v i ol at i onsands ex ualmi s conduc t ,boundar yc r os s . Practice question 3:

I dent i f y3way si nwhi c ht hepr ac t i c eofper s oncent r edorwomancent r edc ar ei s l i nk edt opat i ent / womans af et y / bet t erheal t hout comes .  Bei ngper s oncent r edmeanst hatweal way shav et heper s on’ ss af et y ,c omf or t andwel l bei ngupper mos ti nourmi nd.  I mpr ov esc l i ni calout come.  I nc r eas es t affs at i s f ac t i on. Practice question 4:

Ex pl ai n2s t r at egi est hatt heNMBAr ecommendst hatnur s es / mi dwi v esus ei nor der t oens ur et heyr emai nwi t hi nt hez onewhi chi st her apeut i cands af ef or pat i ent s / women.  Therapeutic and care relationship.  Access to closure of information. Practice question 5:

St at e3as pect st hatmak eat her apeut i cr el at i ons hi pdi ffer entf r om aper s onal r el at i ons hi p.  “Therapeutic relationships are different to personal relationships. In a therapeutic relationship the nursing/midwife is sensitive to the person/woman’s situation and purposefully engages with them using knowledge and skills in respect, compassion and kindness. In the relationship the person’s rignts and dignity are recognised and respected. The professional nature of the relationship involves recognition of professional boundaries and issues of unequal power” Code of Conduct (2018, p.16). Practice question 6: Explain h owempat hyr el at est oper s on/ womanc ent r edc ar e ?

Empathy relates to person/woman centred care through sharing the same concern about patient care, needs and choices. Practice question 7:

Pr i nc i pl e 4. 1 oft he NMBA Code ofConductf orNur s es / Mi dwi v es r el at es t o pr of es si onal boundar i es . The Code s t at es t hat“professional boundaries allow nurses/midwives, the person/woman and the person’s/woman's nominated partners, family and friends, to engage safely and effectively in professional relationships…” (NMBA, 2018. p.10).

Ident i f yandexpl ai nt woact i onst haty ouwoul ddoasast udentnur s e/ mi dwi f et o ens ur et haty ourpr ac t i cei sc ons i s t entwi t ht hi spr i nc i pl eoft hecode. Readt hecodeofconduc t . 

Under s t andandpr ac t i cet hec odeofconduc tf orNur sesappl yper s onc ent r ed andev i denc ebas eddec i s i onmak i ng,andhav ear es ponsi bi l i t yt oens ur et he del i v er yofs af eandqual i t ycar e.Nur s esmus t :  Pr ac t i sei naccor danc ewi t ht hes t andar dsoft hepr of es s i onandbr oader heal t hs y s t em ( i ncl udi ngt heNMBAs t andar ds ,c odesandgui del i nes ,t he Aus t r al i anCommi s si ononSaf et yandQual i t yi nHeal t hCar eandThe Aus t r al i anAgedCar eQual i t yAgenc ySt andar dsf orr es i dent i alagedcar e) .  Pr ovi del eader s hi pt oens ur et hedel i v er yofs af eandqual i t ycar eand under s t andt hei rpr of es s i onal r es pons i bi l i t yt opr ot ectpeopl e,ens ur i ng empl oy eesc ompl ywi t ht hei robl i gat i ons ,  doc umentandr epor tconc er nsi ft heybel i ev et hepr ac t i ceenv i r onmenti s c ompr omi s i ngt heheal t handsaf et yofpeopl er ec ei v i ngcar e. Practice question 8: if y ouar egi v enf eedbac kaboutsomet hi ngt haty ouwer enotawar et haty oudo,what

ar eaoft heJ ohar iwi ndowwoul dt hi sbeanex ampl eof ? Was t i ngt i meons oc i almedi a....

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