Week 7 Working in Professions questions and reflection PDF

Title Week 7 Working in Professions questions and reflection
Author Tommy Kulchar
Course Working in Profession
Institution Western Sydney University
Pages 4
File Size 73.3 KB
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Week 7 Working in Professions questions and reflection...


Week 7 Working in Professions questions and reflection 1. Often cover letters and applications are the first pieces of information an employer will see. Many applicants like to make a statement in the cover letter or application regarding their “great communication skills.” Discuss whether making this statement convince an employer? Yes, it is always important to state your communication skills on a cover letter as oral skills are important in any line of work especially in the traditional workplace and when phones are used to work. 2. Please discuss the three-step formula for answering traditional interview questions. Understand what is really being asked – these questions usually relate to adaptive skills and personality and questions in relation to your experience and education at last workplaces.

3. What does the acronym STAR stand for? Situation, task, action and result. Supplementary videos summaries points. 1. How to write a Killer Resume Summary – Phil Fletcher a. Have a resume summary this will be the first thing the interviewer will see and gives them the first impression of you. b. Break up the summary don’t leave it in a bulk of text, give headings and bolding some important words make it eye catching. c. Give the information in short built points d. Use linkedin to get more information so allow quotes from last people as words from other people are more important and powerful than words you say about yourself. 2. How To Write A Resume With Limited Work Experience by Heather Austin a. Focus on other sections of the resume to fill the resume where experience is lacking. b. Use things that you have done in the past and still doing which show your work ethic c. Include a summary add your attributes and confidence. d. Focus on education or training if you have less than 5 years work and professional experience. 3. How To Write A Cover Letter For A Resume - Top 5 Cover Letter Strategies by Heather Austin a. A cover letter is just as important as a resume or CV. You should spend as much time writing it as you do on the cover letter. b. Add it as an attachment to an email. c. Customize your cover letter, do not use a stock one size fits all cover letter make sure each cover letter is personalized, d. Such as by stating their name at the top of the cover letter.

View Supplementary videos on interviews – Please summarise five key points from the following videos. 1. Mock Job Interview Questions and Tips for a Successful Interview a. Always thank the interviewer for having them. b. Always dress appropriately clean and neat c. The interviewer wants to find out what the person is special in the interview speech. d. Don’t talk about personal items. e. Talk about your strengths and how they would help the company by always having many answers prepared for the question. 2. Interview Dos and Don'ts a. Interviews are designed to find a few key things out about the person they are to see If the person fits for the job, their key skills and their personality. b. Dress appropriate. c. Don’t give a lump hand shake, but not too strong and give eye contact and smile. d. Don’t talk too much about yourself give a concise summary about yourself. e. Try to give bad points avoid personality issues. 3. How to Ace an Interview: 5 Tips from a Harvard Career Advisor a. Do your research on the organization before going into the interview research on yourself and on the company. b. Summary on qualifications and make sure you are up for the position and job. c. Research the industry d. Prepare a series of short stories which tell the interviewer about yourself. e. Practice the interview beforehand.

4. Interview tip: "What is your biggest weakness?" a. Don’t use text book answers, such as weaknesses that are strengths in workplace. b. Pick something genuine which can be fixed. c. Struggle with confidence issues, public speaking. d. Assessing the tone by saying in the past you have struggled with this slightly. e. Counteract the weakness with a strength. 5. The 4 Sentence Cover Letter That Gets You The Job Interview a. A cover letter is any means in what you will help you get the job and introduce yourself. b. Make sure you respect the time the interviewer has taken to read the resume and cover letter. c. Many interviewers d. Introduce to the reader and why you are writing e. Tell them what you offer them in the first sentence. 6. 5 Steps to an Incredible Cover Letter a. make it personal – find out their name

b. tell they why you picked them – tell them what position you apply for. c. Make them feel they are genuinely interested in them, don’t talk always about you too much d. You are building a repor with them on a paper. Make them feel like they are the only person you want to work for. e. Give them a good reason why you want to work with the company.

Reading 7: Christopher, N 2014, The six-second resume challenge, CPA Intheblack available 1. The resume must be able to work on multiple platforms such as through email attachments and printed. 2. An interviewer or recruiter will look are a candidate’s current role and position more than any other past experience as this stands out the most and is the most relevant. 3. To stand out to the interviewer and recruiter your resume should be tailor made to the job description and position and company, the interviewer sees the enthusiasm that the candidate has made and see this a positive. 4. People should try to stand out in an interview, such as in a group interview candidates should speak louder and deeper to stand out from the rest and show confidence. 5. Confidence is always key in an interview. Additional Readings: Read the following two readings and discuss at least three key points in each of the readings and relate those points to your own experiences and areas that you would like to improve in. a) How to write a top-notch cover letter By MARK PHILLIPS 2014. a. When writing a cover letter use its abilities to stand out from the rest and be original in the cover letter, do not use points most commonly found on the internet as interviewers will be able to see through this. b. Make sure the resume and cover letter are free of all typos and grammar is correct and on point. As typos will show that the person hasn’t taken much care in writing the resume and is unprofessional. c. Know the basics of writing a cover letter such as knowing to whom you are writing the cover letter. b) Writing Winning Thank-You Letters, By Wendy S. Enelow, 2015 a. Use the thank-you letter to address any issues which may have come up in the interview. b. Use the interview thank-you letter to reiterate what was spoken about tint he interview. c. Use the thank-you letter to highlight the professional competency you have and desire for the company, also let them know what you can do for the company, how you can be an asset for them.

Reflection I always believed that the cover letter and resume are a very important part of the job seeking process. But, even more now after this week’s questions. I have over the years after working for each job and company I have worked for changed and perfected my resume. I did use to use a one size fits all cover letter approach but in recent months I have noticed that a personalized cover letter is very important. I have also used the interview process to show my

enthusiasm in a job interview, such as one time I was in a group interview with about 15 or 20 people, I made sure that when I spoke I always thanked the last person that I spoke after their name, and ensured that I spoke slightly louder to make myself heard, as well as standing up and speak with a deeper voice. This ensured that they remembered me. I believe that this interview helped significantly with me getting the job....

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