Welcome Students to E&M Spring 2022 PDF

Title Welcome Students to E&M Spring 2022
Author Mad Max
Course General Physics I
Institution Brooklyn College
Pages 5
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Hunter College General Physics 12000 Spring 2022 Electricity and Magnetism Labs L06/1L07 Fridays Robert Marx [email protected]

WELCOME I realize that for many of you this second semester of physics is a necessary evil to be gotten out of the way as soon as possible with as little pain as possible. To assist you in this objective, I suggest you read the lab instructions and follow them as carefully as possible. So, “once more into the breach” (Henry the Fifth, Shakespeare)

We are now in person. That must mean showing up in lab with a functional mask ( and a backup mask) The lab schedule and topics are being provided as is the lab manual itself. Both Are in the Course Materials section in Blackboard Here is a copy of the departmental policy regarding the labs.

In addition to the gradable 8 labs there will be a lab practicum hands on assessment done at the end of the semester. This will be worth 20% of the lab grade. So in effect here is how the lab grades impact on your final grade. Each of the lab reports counts for 1.5 points of your final grade ( for a total of 12). The hand-on exam counts for 3 points. There is no extra credit. So the best advice is do the best you can with each of the lab reports and don’t sweat the hand-on exam. Make sure you are familiar with these Hunter College policies on Plagiarism and Sexual Harassment https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Mjmz2NMGUaX17DkZNAqLN_VAn_KP7rl 8/edit It is imperative that you are familiar and functional with Blackboard. There are Hunter resources available for you to help you master them if you need help. ( I know I did) Show up for every lab!. Show up on time! Know that I am required to take attendance. Also, attendance is gradable up to 10%. Read /Review the lab topic BEFORE each session. Know that the labs do not synchronize with the instruction topics. While this is not ideal, there are many reasons why the situation exists. This, of course, places an additional burden on you. (So sue us!) But,even though the lab topic and instruction topic is not concurrent with the instructional topic, you still have to be familiar with it. So besides reading the lab, read the textbook or go online and research the topic. Lab Reports are to be submitted in Blackboard. I will not accept paper reports. The grading and comments will be provided in Blackboard. Do lab reports for each of the 11 labs even if you only need 8 to get a lab score.

Everyone wants an A. I get it. But the reality is that the lab score only represents 15% of your final grade. So think realistically. You are on limited time and decide you just can’t write up a good lab report. It is still better to get some grade on a poorly written lab than to get no grade at all. So submit something. Each lab report must have an introductory sheet with your information on it. The format on the introductory first page should look like this; Lab # 1 12/25/1672 Galileo Galilei PROVING THE SUN DOES NOT GO AROUND THE EARTH Lab partner Pope Urban VIII Interesting Picture/Sketch/Cartoon:preferably funny (Purely optional/not gradable)

Follow the lab instruction by text, table or graph. You need not copy the entire text of the lab instructions. But make sure you submit all tables, graphs and responses to questions. NEATNESS COUNTS While you are not submitting paper documents to me ( the trees love you), the submission should look like a typical lab report. It should look organized and clear. I should be able to easily read and understand what you are saying or showing. Aim to be precise but complete in your written answers. Avoid word salad and circular statements that are meaningless. Use proper English. Though most of you will submit processed documents in Word/Doc and/or Excel/Sheets, you may submit handwritten, scanned documents as well. But they must be legible and neat. Any hand written submission MUST be written with dark ink.

Any submissions that are sloppy, disorgnized, illegible, unreadable or just plain dumb will be treated as if no response was given. Against my instincts, I am permitting the use of Excel graphs. You of course may draw them by hand if you wish. Make sure your axes are clearly labeled with the correct units.While Excel may create a line of best fit, it is YOUR responsibility to properly interpret the meaning of the curve ( gradable). This means that when the excel program makes an incorrect graph, you should be able to point this out and explain why it happened. Submit the lab to Blackboard in the appropriate tab. It will have the date the lab was actually conducted. ( There are 11 such dates) Lab grades will be provided within the week after submission. The deadline for submitting labs is one hour before the next lab session. Grading Process Your written report will be graded out of 100 points. The three lowest grades of the 11 labs will be dropped and the scores for the remaining 8 labs will be averaged. At the end, this average score will be converted into its appropriate value out of 80 points.This will then be added to the points gained from the hands-on test. Your final lab grade will be out of 100 points. Your instructor will make the necessary conversions for his/her final grade. Lateness: Yeah. Life IS tough. But then, so are you. So just get your labs done on time. Realize that since your lab grade only represents 15% of your final grade, be willing to accept a lower lab grade for a report submitted on time than possibly wind up with a zero for that lab. Prepare yourself for the fact that in this semester, once we begin the labs, there are no breaks. We have a continuous Friday run of 11 labs until May 13. Plan your time accordingly.

Here is the lateness rubric. Labs are ALWAYS due by one hour before the next lab. You lose 20 points if you submit it later than that. You can then submit it one hour before the next lab. If that deadline has passed and the lab is still late, that lab grade is automatically a zero and you get no credit for the lab report. Obviously, if some emergency or unforeseen uncontrollable situation prevents you from completing the lab I will take that into consideration. It is YOUR responsibility to communicate effectively with me about any such circumstance. After thirty years of teaching I am acquainted with all the chicken, cow, late bus/train/bicycle, the dog-ate- my-computer excuses. Don't use them. Believe me, you will feel much better, getting a modest grade on a completed lab than having anxiety attacks about late labs. Since our lab meets on a Friday I will set up ONE Zoom office hour at 10 AM on the Tuesday morning following the lab. As problems or issues come up, they will be discussed in session. You may also contact me through my email [email protected]. Please note that all communications and announcements will be made through Blackboard. So please check it regularly Stay safe and healthy. Good luck. R Marx...

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