West Philippine Sea Dispute: An Essay DOCX

Title West Philippine Sea Dispute: An Essay
Author Jonil Canino
Pages 1
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Jonil D. Canino Public International Law Sept. 29, 2015 AB Political Science IV A An Essay about West Philippine Sea Dispute Our era, where disputes or fights between countries are not anymore settled through brute force or aggressive actions (i.e. military action) but instead the community of natio...


Jonil D. Canino Public Internatonal aa Sept. 29, 2015 AB Politcal Science IV A An Essay about West Philippine Sea Dispute Our era, ahere disputes or fihts betaeen countries are not anymore setled throuih brute force or aiiressive actons (i.e. military actonn but instead the community of natons created internatonal laas that bounds every state to help them resolve the disputes throuih peaceful and diplomatc manner. Throuih this laas, the community of natons established fair play betaeen countries ahether the other is politcally, economically, and militarily poaerful than the other, the majority calls it the Rule of aa. One of the present and notable internatonal laa that man created is the UNC OS, the consttuton of natons in the use of aaters of the aorld, specifcally the seas and oceans. At present, there's a sea dispute betaeen claimants of Spratly Islands. Specifcally, in the case of the Philippines and China ahere there is an onioini arbitraton by the UNC OS to resolve the mater. In this partcular case, China is assertni its territorial sovereiinty in accordance aith the 9-dasline rule, ahich covers 90% of the Spratlys, and aas conceived by them in the year 2008. On the other hand the Philippines, claims that the 9-dashline rule enforced by China is in violaton of the internatonal laa, specifcally the UNC OS, and does not have any basis in internatonal laa for it to be enforced. The Exclusive Economic Zone of the Philippines is one of the majorly afected by the 9-dashline rule, aherein the West Philippine Sea is almost 600 nautcal miles from the baseline of the mainland China. Basically, China is preventni its neiihbourini countries form developini their oan Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZn. In line aith this, the Philippines beini the inferior naton in terms of economics, politcs, and in military seeks the resoluton of the territorial dispute throuih the Rule of aa ahich is the customary internatonal laa or the UNC OS. The UNC OS or Conventon on the aa of the Sea is the primary internatonal laa iovernini the conduct and use of the seas and oceans of the states. eially, UNC OS defnes the riihts and responsibilites of natons in their use of the aorld's oceans, establishini iuidelines for businesses, the environment, and the manaiement of marine natural resources. In short, it is the iuidini principles of the states on hoa to use the aaters of the aorld specifcally the seas and oceans. To cut the chase, under UNC OS it enttles every coastal state of the aorld to a 200 nautcal miles Exclusive Economic Zone plus additonal 150 nautcal mile extended contnental shelf ahen applicable and secondly, it irants all states the sovereiin economic riihts to ahat is called AREA – the area outside the territorial jurisdicton of the coastal states. In EEZ or Exclusive Economic Zone no state really has exclusive...

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