WGU Task 4- Proposal Argument Essay PDF

Title WGU Task 4- Proposal Argument Essay
Course English Composition I
Institution Western Governors University
Pages 4
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Running head: Proposal Essay 1Proposal Essay Western Governors UniversityPROPOSAL ESSAY 2Proposal Essay Parking, traffic, and fuel costs are more of a problem than ever. Families used to have one car per household that was shared, children rode the bus to school and mom stayed home. Now it’s not unc...


Running head: Proposal Essay


Proposal Essay Western Governors University



Proposal Essay Parking, traffic, and fuel costs are more of a problem than ever. Families used to have one car per household that was shared, children rode the bus to school and mom stayed home. Now it’s not uncommon for anyone sixteen years of age and older in the household to have a car. With both parents working and high schoolers driving themselves to school, there is a far greater amount of cars on the road. More cars on the road mean more traffic, less parking, and higher fuel consumption which leads to high prices. These are issues that could be avoided if people were to start utilizing public transportation. Cities can promote the use of public transportation by advertising to the right market, advertising the benefits of public transportation, and incentivizing the use of public transportation. It isn’t logical to advertise public transportation in rural communities; it would be more beneficial to advertise to urban areas where the bus line has frequent convenient stops. Knowing how to appeal to the target audience will make your efforts more successful. Students both high school and college and the elderly could be amenable to using public transportation (MacKechnie, 2019). Both high school and college students could be more inclined to take the bus than drive as often they have little to no income and live relatively close to campus. Public transportation is a great resource for the elderly if they no longer have a driver’s license or any family members that can take them where they need to go. Advertising to these groups could greatly increase the use of the city bus. Public Transportation has many benefits both for the environment as well as the passenger. More people on public transit means fewer cars on the road, fewer cars on the road reduce air pollution as well as traffic congestion. When you take public transportation it allows you to multitask, you can read the paper while riding so you save time. It is safer to ride in a bus


than drive your car, they have a more regular maintenance schedule and the drivers have more training. The benefit that most people will be able to relate to and appreciate is that taking public transportation saves you money. The cost of owning and operating a new car is approximately $8,849.00 per year (Edmonds, 2019) which is roughly $737.00 monthly whereas in Philadelphia a monthly transit pass is only $109.00 (Digiovanni, 2017). Making these benefits more widely known has the potential to increase the number of public transport passengers. Offering incentives to people for using public transportation is a good way to encourage its use. The city could offer discounted bus passes to make the cost even lower than driving, or discounts at local businesses. If the city were to offer a 10% discount at the local pool, museum, or bowling alley for anyone with a bus pass, more people would feel inclined to have a bus pass. Families would be able to go out on the weekend cheaper using a bus pass than driving to these activities and paying full price. Another way to incentivize public transportation is to deincentivize driving; one way to do that is to increase the amount of paid parking lots in the city. The more people have to gain by using public transportation the more likely they are to do so. Cities can promote the use of public transportation by advertising to the right market, advertising the benefits of public transportation, and incentivizing the use of public transportation. When you direct your advertisements to the correct audience they are far more effective, students and elderly people with fewer financial resources greatly benefit from bus lines and are a great target audience. Then benefits of public transportation are many, however, they are not widely known or recognized, if cities advertise the benefits, public transportation may be more appealing. Incentives are a great way to entice people into most things and if the city were to offer incentives in the form of discounts they would likely be successful in getting more people to ride public transportation.





Digiovanni J. (2017) Public transportation saves money for many: don’t get left behind Retrieved from: https://www.key.com/personal/financial-wellness/articles/publictransportation-saves-money-for-many-dont-get-left-behind.jsp

Edmonds E. (2018). Your Driving Costs: Drivers should keep resale value top of mind when buying a new vehicle Retrieved from: https://newsroom.aaa.com/auto/your-driving-costs/ MacKenchnie C. (2019). Six tips to market and promote your transit system Retrieved from: https://www.liveabout.com/market-and-promote-your-transit-system2798616...

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