Wk 1 Mass Media Development and Literacy Assignment Options PDF

Title Wk 1 Mass Media Development and Literacy Assignment Options
Author Gabrielle Jones
Course Media Influences On American Culture
Institution University of Phoenix
Pages 4
File Size 89.6 KB
File Type PDF
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Mass Media: Development and Literacy Assignment Options Gabrielle Jones HUM 186: Media Influences On American Culture Monday, October 28, 2019 Terri Thorson

2 Mass Media: Development and Literacy Assignment Options Over the last century technology has changed dramatically and with it the American culture has changed with it. With the growth of technology came computers, the internet which lead to social media sites as well as online newspapers and news stations. Technology has taken the place of picking up a pen and writing a letter, picking up the phone and calling someone, walking down the street and having a face to face conversation, or even traveling to see someone. Technology forced a new age of media and this changed society for the better as it forced lower classes of society to learn to read and write as books and the media was more radially available. Then again technology has been forcing the same media as well as our new television news stations to change and keep up with the new and changing technology or be left in the past. Before the Gutenberg press there was little people who knew how to read and write but this forced a major change in society where even the lower class society had to learn how to read so that they knew what the groceries was supposed to be purchased and they knew more about what was going on in the world. With the press came more books and then the newspaper where everyone could purchase a paper in the city for a set price and know what was going on around the world. Then again with more technology came such as the radio and television. This again disrupted the way society saw things as we could now see and hear the news without having to slow down our daily routines. This added more stress to the written newspaper media to be able to keep up with the visual world that was beginning. Now we have even more technology with the computers and the internet. One can read what is going on in India from their living room in Illinois with a few simple clicks of a mouse. Reading the new has become easier and free with the internet so the new paper media had to change their prices on the printed papers as well as

3 shift over to using the internet to be able to keep up with the growing times. The technology now is that we have cell phones instead of old hang on the wall home phones, tablets instead of huge desktop computers and so on. The American society has embraced the technical age and in some ways the medias have been struggling to keep up with it like the newspapers are having to give papers for free or a very low cost and sell ads in the paper and on their website to be able to make ends meet. Another change in American society is how we communicate since the dawn of technology. Instead of writing letters a person now will either pick up their sell phone and make a call or send a text or use a social media site to connect with someone that we went to high school with and lost contact with. If we want to read some news, we now have apps on our phones or find it on Facebook. There is no need to go pick up a hard copy of a newspaper any more especially now that it is so easy to pick up our portable devices and use the internet, an app or some other portable source to find the same information much quicker than ever before.


References Baran, S. J. (2017). Introduction To Mass Communication: Media Literacy and Culture (9th ed.). Retrieved from https://phoenix.vitalsource.com/#/books/1260406946/cfi/6/22!/4@0:0....

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