Word cloud number two PDF

Title Word cloud number two
Course Foundations of Leadership FW
Institution University of Guelph
Pages 1
File Size 37.1 KB
File Type PDF
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word cloud assignment number 2 hrob leadership...


After comparing all 4 word clouds, there were noticeable similarities between them all. The largest words in the center of the word cloud are the ones that many students submitted in regard to their ideal woman, man, person, or leader. The similarities that stood out to me between the four groups were: intelligent, confident, and kind. In contrast, there were not many differences in the 4 word clouds. Making a closer comparison, I noticed that the 3 largest words in the ideal leader were passionate, confident, and responsible. These 3 words also appear as some of the largest words for the ideal woman. This is different from the ideal man and the ideal person as some of the 4 largest words on these word clouds are, trustworthy, caring, kind, and honest. So while there were similarities in all the word clouds, the ideal woman and leader were most similar to each other and the ideal man and person were most similar to each other. I also noticed that the ideal woman had significantly larger words in the world cloud. This means that a majority of people view the ideal woman as independent, confident, and intelligent. Whereas the other 3 word clouds do not have words that are as significantly large, meaning people had some similar words but there were a lot of other ideas submitted as well. I think that our ideas of leaders and our ideas of the ideal woman and man are equal. In previous years this may have been different, however, the gap between woman in leadership positions compared to men has gotten smaller. There have been many movements for equality in the workplace as well as for the rights of women. I think that our ideas of an ideal leader stems mostly from confidence as that is the largest word visible. Confident is also the largest word for both the ideal woman and ideal man, so our ideas of an ideal leader transfer to our ideas of ideal woman and man. I think confidence is an important characteristic for everyone to possess as it also stems to many other strong characteristics. For example, confidence gives you the ability to be honest with others, to speak up for what is right, to support others if they are lacking their own confidence, to be passionate about sharing your work, and so much more. Overall, our ideas of the ideal man, woman, person, and leader are all positive and uplifting characteristics showing our respect for all 4 groups....

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