Year 4 Mathematic Forward Planning Document PDF

Title Year 4 Mathematic Forward Planning Document
Course Mathematics 4
Institution The University of Notre Dame (Australia)
Pages 8
File Size 365.6 KB
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Year 4 Mathematics Forward Planning Document...


Ss Forward Planning Document

Term/Weeks: 5-10 Overarching learning goals: As a result of this module of work students will be able to know:  Angles can be classified and measured  How to calculate the area of a figure  How to calculate the perimeter of a figure  Strategies to calculate multiplication & division number and word problems 

Year level: 4

Teaching and Learning area: Number & Algebra

As a result of this module of work students will be able to understand that:  L x W =area  2L + 2W = perimeter  A variety of strategies can be used to solve word problems

As a result of this module of work students will be able to:  Compare & classify angles  Measure angles using a protractor  Measure area using standard units  Find and measure the perimeter of a figure  Compare area and perimeter of figures  Use problem solving strategies to solve word problems  Calculate multiplication problems by 1, 2 and 3-digits without regrouping  Calculate multiplication problems by 1, 2 and 3-digits with regrouping  Calculate division number and word problems without remainders  Calculate division number and word problems with remainders  Solve a 2-step word problem involving multiplication or division

Achievement standards:  Students use scaled instruments to measure temperatures, lengths, shapes and objects.  Students classify angles in relation to a right angle.

Students choose appropriate strategies for calculations involving multiplication and division.

  

Students recall multiplication facts to 10 x 10 and related division facts. They identify and explain strategies for finding unknown quantities in number sentences. Students compare areas of regular and irregular shapes using informal units.

Curriculum links

Content Descriptors Number & Algebra Recal l mul t i pl i c at i onf act supt o10x10and r el at eddi vi si onf act s( ACMNA075)

Measurement & Geometry Compar eangl esandc l assi f yt hem asequal t o, gr eat ert han,orl esst han,ar i ghtangl e ( ACMMG089) Devel opeffici entment al andwr i t t enst r at egi esand Est i mat e,measur eandcompar eangl esusi ng useappr opr i at edi gi t al t echnol ogi esf or degr ees.Const r uctangl esus i ngapr ot r act or mul t i pl i cat i onandf ordi v i s i onwher et her ei sno r emai nder( ACMNA076) ( ACMMG112) Sol v epr obl emsi nv ol vi ngdi v i s i onbyonedi gi t number ,i ncl udi ngt hoset hatr esul ti nar emai nder ( ACMNA101) Sol v ewor dpr obl emsbyusi ngnumbers equences i nvol vi ngmul t i pl i c at i onordi vi si onwher et her ei s nor emai nder( ACMNA082)

General capabilities Literacy



Cross-curriculum priorities Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures

Compar et hear easofr egul arandi r r egul ar shapesbyi nf or mal mean( ACMMG087) Compar eobj ect susi ngf ami l i armet r i cuni t sof ar eaandvol ume( ACMMG290) Usesc al edi ns t r ument st omeas ur eandcompar e l engt hs,mas ses,capaci t i esandt emper at ur es ( ACMMG084)

Critical and creative thinking

Proficiency Strands Under st andi ng:maki ngconnect i onsbet weenr epr es ent at i ons ofnumber s ,par t i t i oni ngandcombi ni ngnumber sfl ex i bl y ,and des c r i bi ngpr oper t i esofs ymmet r i calshapes Fl uency:r ecal l i ngmul t i pl i c at i ont abl es ,us i ngi ns t r ument st o measur eacc ur at el y , or mul at i ng,model l i ngandr ecor di ng Pr obl emsol vi ng:f aut hent i csi t uat i onsi nv ol v i ngoper at i ons ,c ompar i ngl ar ge number swi t heachot her ,andus i ngpr oper t i esofnumber st o c ont i nuepat t er ns Reasoni ng:us i nggener al i si ngf r om numberpr oper t i esand r esul t sofcal c ul at i ons ,der i v i ngs t r at egi esf orunf ami l i ar mul t i pl i c at i onanddi v i s i ont as ks ,andcompar i ngangl es ,

Ethical behaviour

Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia

Personal and social competence


Intercultural understanding

Wee k

Curriculum Links (include code)

Specific lesson objectives As a result of this lesson students will be able to:

Assessment (for learning, as learning, of learning)

Teaching and Learning experiences (including key inquiry questions)

Learner diversity (G&T, SWD, EALD, SAER)


Compare angles and classify them as equal to, greater than, or less than, a right angle (ACMMG089)

identify perpendicular line segments

Unit Assessment: Topic – Perpendicular line segments and parallel line segments

Beginning/End of Lesson: Mental Maths for that day


Compare angles and classify them as equal to, greater than, or less than, a right angle (ACMMG089) Estimate, measure and compare angles using degrees. Construct angles using a protractor (ACMMG112) Compare angles and classify them as equal to, greater than, or less than,

draw perpendicular line segments on a square grid draw perpendicular line segments using a ruler and a protractor, or a set square identify parallel line segments draw parallel line segments on a square grid draw parallel line segments using a ruler and a set square

Topic – Drawing perpendicular line segments and parallel line segments Topic – Angles in square rectangles

Prime Mathematics: Topic 8: Perpendicular and parallel line segments Unit 1: Perpendicular Line Segments Lesson 1: Identifying perpendicular line segments Lesson 2: Drawing perpendicular line segments on a square grid Lesson 3: Using a ruler and protractor, or set square to draw perpendicular line segments Unit 2: Parallel line segments Lesson 1: Identifying parallel line segments Lesson 2: Drawing parallel line segments on a square grid

Topic – Sides of square rectangles Topic – Finding unknown angle measure

Lesson 3: Using a ruler and protractor, or set square to draw parallel line segments

a right angle (ACMMG089) 6

Compare the areas of regular and irregular shapes by informal mean (ACMMG087)

Find the perimeter of a rectilinear figure given the lengths of all its sides.

Compare objects using familiar metric units of area and volume (ACMMG290)


Beginning/End of Lesson: Mental Maths for that day

Topic – Area in square centimetres and in square metres

Unit 1: Area Lesson 1: Measuring and comparing squares units

Prime Mathematics: Topic 10: Area and Perimeter

Lesson 2: Measuring and comparing square centimetres Lesson 3: Measuring and comparing square metres

Topic – Word problems on perimeter

Use scaled instruments to measure and compare lengths, masses, capacities and temperatures (ACMMG084) Compare objects using familiar metric units of area and volume (ACMMG290) Investigate number sequences involving multiples of 3,

Unit Assessment: Topic – Area in square units

Topic – Comparing areas and perimeters

Unit 2: Perimeter Lesson 1: Measuring perimeter Lesson 2: Comparing areas and perimeters Lesson 3: Finding the perimeter of a figure Unit 3: Area and Perimeters of rectangles and squares Lesson 1: Finding perimeters of rectangles and squares Lesson 2: Finding areas of rectangles and squares Unit 2: Problem solving Lesson 1: Word problems & Mind stretcher (Assessment)

Count by sixes

Beginning/End of Lesson: Mental Maths for that day

Build up multiplication facts to memory

Prime Mathematics: Topic 1: Multiplication and division

4, 6, 7, 8 and 9 (ACMNA074)

Multiply numbers within the multiplication table of 6

Unit 3: Multiplying and diving by 6 Lesson 1: Multiply by 6

Use related multiplication to divide

Lesson 2: Divide by 6

Count by sevens Build up multiplication table of 7 and commit the multiplication facts to memory

Unit 4: Multiplying and dividing by 7 Lesson 1: Multiplying by 7 Lesson 2: Dividing by 7 Unit 5: Multiplying and dividing by 8 Lesson 1: Multiplying by 8 Lesson 2: Dividing by 8

Multiply numbers within the multiplication table of 7 Use related multiplication facts to divide. Count by eight Build up multiplication table of 8 and commit the multiplication facts to memory Multiply numbers within the multiplication table of 8 Use related multiplication facts to divide. Count by nines Build up multiplication table of 9 and commit the multiplication facts to memory

Unit 6: Multiplying and dividing by 9 Lesson 1: Multiplying by 9 Lesson 2: Dividing by 9 Unit 7: Problem Solving Lesson 1: Word Problems & Mind Stretcher

Multiply numbers within the multiplication table of 9 Use related multiplication facts to divide.


Recall multiplication facts up to 10 x 10 and related division facts (ACMNA075) Develop efficient mental and written strategies and use appropriate digital technologies for multiplication and for division where there is no remainder (ACMNA076)

Solves a 1-steps or 2-step word problem involving multiplication or division Associate the term ‘product’ with multiplication Multiply a 2-digit number without regrouping Multiply a 2-digit number without regrouping Multiply a 3-digit number by a 1-digit number with regrouping ones, tens and hundred

Unit Assessment: Topic – Multiplying two- and threedigit numbers by 1-digit numbers

Beginning/End of Lesson: Mental Maths for that day Prime Mathematics: Topic 4: Multiplication and division of whole numbers Unit 1: Multiplication by 1-digit numbers Lesson 1: Multiplying 2-digit numbers without regrouping Lesson 2: Multiplying 2-digit numbers with regrouping Lesson 3: Multiplying 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers Lesson 4: Multiplying three 1-digit numbers

Discover the associative property of multiplication through concrete examples Apply the commutative and associative properties of multiplication in computation Describe and complete multiplication patterns Solve a 1-step word problem on multiplication Use a part-whole or comparison bar models to

Lesson 5: Describe and completing multiplication patterns


Develop efficient mental and written strategies and use appropriate digital technologies for multiplication and for division where there is no remainder (ACMNA076) Solve problems involving division by one digit number, including those that result in a remainder (ACMNA101)


Solve word problems by using number sequences involving multiplication or division where there is no remainder (ACMNA082) Solve word problems by using number sequences

represent multiplication Divide a 2-dgit number by a 1-digit number without a remainder Divide a 3-digit number by a 1-digit number without a remainder Divide a 2- or 3-digit number by a 1-digit number with remainder

Unit assessment: Topic – dividing by 1digit numbers

Beginning/End of Lesson: Mental Maths for that day Prime Mathematics: Topic 4: Multiplication and division of whole numbers Unit 2: Division by 1-digit numbers Lesson 1: Dividing 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers

Topic – Multiplying by 2- and 3-digit numbers by 1digit

Solve a 1-step word problem on division

Lesson 2: Dividing 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers Lesson 3: dividing 2- and 3digit numbers by 1-digit numbers with remainders Lesson 4: Solving word problems (Mark to assess) Lesson 5: Solving word problems 2 (Mark to assess)

Use a part-whole or comparison bar model to represent a division situation Solve a 1-step or 2-step word problem on multiplication or division Use a part-whole comparison bar model to represent a multiplication or division situation

Solve a 2-step word problem involving multiplication or division

End of unit review: Multiplication and division

Beginning/End of Lesson: Mental Maths for that day Prime Mathematics: Unit 3: Problem solving

involving multiplication or division where there is no remainder (ACMNA082)

Lesson 1: Word problems...

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