Zoom Notes 18-010 - Proff wezwsky PDF

Title Zoom Notes 18-010 - Proff wezwsky
Author gee kay
Course Linear Algebra
Institution Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Pages 80
File Size 1.6 MB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 53
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Proff wezwsky...



WELLESLEY - CAMBRIDGE PRESS Box 812060 Wellesley MA 02482

ZoomNotes for Linear Algebra Copyright ©2021 by Gilbert Strang ISBN 978-1-7331466-4-7 LATEX typesetting by Ashley C. Fernandes Printed in the United States of America


Texts from Wellesley - Cambridge Press Linear Algebra for Everyone, 2020, Gilbert Strang Linear Algebra and Learning from Data, 2019, Gilbert Strang Introduction to Linear Algebra, 5th Ed., 2016, Gilbert Strang Computational Science and Engineering, Gilbert Strang Differential Equations and Linear Algebra, Gilbert Strang Wavelets and Filter Banks, Gilbert Strang and Truong Nguyen Introduction to Applied Mathematics, Gilbert Strang

ISBN 978-1-7331466-3-0 ISBN 978-0-6921963-8-0 ISBN 978-0-9802327-7-6 ISBN 978-0-9614088-1-7 ISBN 978-0-9802327-9-0 ISBN 978-0-9614088-7-9 ISBN 978-0-9614088-0-0

Calculus Third Edition, Gilbert Strang ISBN 978-0-9802327-5-2 Algorithms for Global Positioning, Kai Borre & Gilbert Strang ISBN 978-0-9802327-3-8 Essays in Linear Algebra, Gilbert Strang ISBN 978-0-9802327-6-9 An Analysis of the Finite Element Method, 2008 edition, Gilbert Strang and George Fix ISBN 978-0-9802327-0-7

Wellesley - Cambridge Press Box 812060, Wellesley MA 02482 USA


Gilbert Strang’s page : math.mit.edu/∼gs For orders : math.mit.edu/weborder.php Outside US/Canada : www.cambridge.org Select books, India : www.wellesleypublishers.com

The textbook websites are math.mit.edu/linearalgebra and math.mit.edu/everyone. Solution Manuals can be printed from those sites and math.mit.edu/learningfromdata. Linear Algebra is included in MIT’s OpenCourseWare site ocw.mit.edu/courses. This provides video lectures of the full linear algebra courses 18.06 and 18.06 SC and 18.065.

ZoomNotes for Linear Algebra : Gilbert Strang Preface


Textbooks, ZoomNotes, and Video Lectures


Three Great Factorizations : LU and QR and SVD


Part 1 : Basic Ideas of Linear Algebra


Part 2 : Solving Linear Equations Ax = b : A is n by n


Part 3 : Vector Spaces and Subspaces, Basis and Dimension


Part 4 : Orthogonal Matrices and Least Squares


Part 5 : Determinant of a Square Matrix


Part 6 : Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors : Ax = λx and An x = λnx


Part 7 : Singular Values and Vectors : Av = σu and A = U ΣV T


Part 8 : Linear Transformations and Their Matrices


Part 9 : Complex Numbers and the Fourier Matrix


Part 10 : Learning from Data : Minimize Loss by Gradient Descent


Part 11 : Basic Statistics : Mean, Variance, Covariance



Preface limited to online lectures. I hope these notes will help instructors and students to see linear algebra in an organized way, from vectors to matrices to subspaces to bases. “Linear independence” is a crucial idea for this subject, so it comes early—for vectors of integers. I hope that faculty who are planning a linear algebra course and students who are reading for themselves will see these notes. A happy part of linear algebra is the wonderful variety of matrices—diagonal, triangular, symmetric, orthogonal, and many more. The organizing principles have become matrix factoriza-

spend forever on those computations. Linear algebra has so many more good ideas. on Youtube/mitocw. I am so grateful that those have been helpful. Now I have realized that lecture notes can help in a different way. You will quickly gain a picture of the whole course— the structure of the subject, the key topics in a natural order, the connecting ideas that make linear algebra so beautiful. This structure is the basis of two textbooks from Wellesley-Cambridge Press : Introduction to Linear Algebra

Linear Algebra for Everyone

I don’t try to teach every topic in those books. I do try to reach eigenvalues and singular values ! A basis of eigenvectors for square matrices—and of singular vectors for all matrices—takes you to the heart of a matrix in a way that elimination cannot do. The last chapters of these notes extend to a third book and a second math course 18.065 with videos on OpenCourseWare : Linear Algebra and Learning from Data (Wellesley-Cambridge Press 2019) This is “Deep Learning” and it is not entirely linear. It creates a learning function F (x, v ) from training data v (like images of handwritten numbers) and matrix weights x. The piecewise linear “ReLU function” plays a mysterious but crucial part in F . Then F (x, v new ) can come close to new data that the system has never seen. The learning function F (x, v) grows out of linear algebra and optimization and statistics and high performance computing. Our aim is to understand (in part) why it succeeds. Above all, I hope these ZoomNotes help you to teach linear algebra and learn linear algebra. This subject is used in so many valuable ways. And it rests on ideas that everyone can understand. Thank you.

Gilbert Strang

Textbooks, ZoomNotes, and Video Lectures Introduction to Linear Algebra, 5th Ed. (2016)


Linear Algebra and Learning from Data (2019)


Linear Algebra for Everyone (2020)


Differential Equations and Linear Algebra (2014)


ZoomNotes for Linear Algebra (2021) Video Lectures

OpenCourseWare ocw.mit.edu/courses


Math 18.06 and 18.06SC

Linear Algebra at MIT

(added to 18.06)

A 2020 Vision of Linear Algebra

Math 18.065

Linear Algebra and Learning from Data

Math 18.085 and 18.086

Computational Science and Engineering

Strang and Moler

Differential Equations and Linear Algebra

Interview with Lex Fridman https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEZPfmGCEk0

Box 812060, Wellesley MA 02482 USA

Gilbert Strang’s page : math.mit.edu/∼gs

www.wellesleycambridge.com Orders : math.mit.edu/weborder.php

Outside US/Canada : www.cambridge.org Select books, India : www.wellesleypublishers.com

Wellesley - Cambridge Press

Three Great Factorizations : LU , QR, SVD Orthogonal matrix QT Q = I Square QQT = I

 Q=  q1


· ··

 qn  

Orthogonal basis

Triangular matrix Rij = 0 for i > j Rjj 6= 0 on diagonal

 R= 


 r12 · r1n r22 · r2n   · ·  rnn

Triangular basis

1. A = LU = (lower triangular) (upper triangular) : Elimination 2. A = QR = (orthogonal) (upper triangular) : Gram-Schmidt 3. A = U ΣV T = (orthogonal) (diagonal) (orthogonal) : Singular values Chapters 2, 4, 7

row space of A U and R and V input basis

column space of A L and Q and U output basis

Part 1 Basic Ideas of Linear Algebra 1.1

Linear Combinations of Vectors


Dot Products v · w and Lengths ||v|| and Angles θ


Matrices Multiplying Vectors


Column Space and Row Space of A


Dependent and Independent Columns


Matrix-Matrix Multiplication AB


Factoring A into CR : Column rank = r = Row rank


Rank one matrices A = (1 column) times (1 row)

Part 1 : Basic Ideas of Linear Algebra 1.1

Linear Combinations of Vectors 

   2 v1 A 3-dimensional vector v =  v2  has 3 components v1 , v2 , v3 as in v =  4  1 v3

v gives a point in 3-dimensional space R3 . Think of an arrow from (0, 0, 0) to (2, 4, 1). We add vectors v + w. We multiply them by numbers like c = 4 and d              3 2 5 3 12 2  4  + 0 = 4  4  4 = 16  0  0 = 5 −2 3 5 20 −2

= 0 (called scalars)  0 0  = zero vector 0

Linear combinations 2v − 3w and cv + dw and w − 2z + u

     3 1 3 2 4  − 3 2  =  2  1 3 5 

       0 7 4 1 1  2  − 2 5  + 1  8  =  0  0 9 6 3 

Allow every c, d or all c, d, e All combinations of v and w usually (!) fill a plane in R3    3 1 All c  4  + d 2  fill a plane 5 3 

     1 3 1 All c  2  + d 4  + e  0  fill 3D space R3 3 5 0 

Sometimes a combination gives the zero vector. Then the vectors are dependent.         3 6 3 −3 All c  4  + d  8  only fill a line. They are all multiples of  4 . This includes  −4  5 10 5 −5             4 1 7 1 7 4 only fill a plane and not 3D space.   All c 2  + d 5  + e 8  8 is 2  5  −  2 . That third vector is nothing new. 9 6 3 3 6 9



ZoomNotes for Linear Algebra

Dot Products v · w and Lengths ||v|| and Angles θ


 3 Dot product v · w =  4  5


 2 3×2  0  = 4 × 0 = 11 5×1 1 add

v·w=w·v    a c = ac + bd b · d

  3 Length squared of v = is ||v ||2 = 32 + 42 = 9 + 16. This is Pythagoras c2 = a2 + b2 4     3 3 2 Length squared of v is ||v || = v · v = 4  ·  4  = 9 + 16 + 25 (Pythagoras in 3D) 5 5 Length squared of v + w is (v + w) · (v + w) = v · v + v · w + w · v + w · w 

 3 v = 4  5

||v + w ||2 = ||v ||2 + ||w||2 + 2v · w    4 1 w =  0  v + w = 4  4 −1 

Triangle has



edges v, w, v − w

||v + w|| ≤ ||v|| + ||w||

Length squared of v + w is 4 2 + 42 + 42

||v − w ||2 = ||v ||2 + ||w||2 − 2v · w


The dot product v · w reveals the angle θ between v and w

| cos θ| ≤ 1 is one way to see the Schwarz inequality 

48 is 50 + 2 + 2 v · w

v · w = ||v|| ||w|| cos θ

|v · w| ≤ ||v|| ||w||

2 −1 is θ = 90◦ The angle between v = 2  and w = 2  v · w = 0 : Perpendicular because −1 2     √ 1 1 The angle between v = and w = is θ = 45◦ because v · w = 1 and ||v || ||w || = 2. 0 1


Part 1 : Basic Ideas of Linear Algebra


Matrices Multiplying Vectors

There is a row way to multiply Ax and also a column way to compute the vector Ax Row way = Dot product of vector x with each row of A Ax =

2 5 3 7


v1 v2


2v1 + 5v2 3v1 + 7v2

2 5 3 7


1 1


7 10

Column way = Ax is a combination of the columns of A        2 5 v1 column column Ax = = v1 + v2 3 7 v2 1 2

2 5 3 7

        1 2 7 5 = = + 1 3 7 10

Which way to choose ? Dot products with rows or combination of columns ? For computing with numbers, I use the row way : dot products For understanding with vectors, I use the column way : combine columns Same result Ax from the same multiply-adds. Just in a different order C(A) = Column space of A = all combinations of the columns = all outputs Ax

The identity matrix has Ix = x for every x

    x1 1 0 0 x1  0 1 0   x2  =  x2  0 0 1 x3 x3 

The column space of the 3 by 3 identity matrix I is the whole space R3 .

If all columns are multiples of column 1 (not zero), the column space C(A) is a line.

Line containing all cu u cu = −u/2

Plane from all cu + dv

v u


ZoomNotes for Linear Algebra


Column Space and Row Space of A

The column space of A contains all linear combinations of the columns of A All the vectors Ax (for all x) fill the column space C(A) : line or plane or . . . If v is in C(A) so is every c v. [Reason : v = Ax gives cv = A(c x)] If v 1 and v 2 are in C(A) so is v 1 + v 2 [v 1 = Ax1 and v 2 = Ax2 give v 1 + v 2 = A(x1 + x2 )]       1 3 5 1 3 1 0 are the whole R2 and and The column spaces of 2 4 6 2 4 0 1     1 1 1 2 The column spaces of are lines inside 2-dimensional space and 1 2 1 1     0 0 0 The column space of Z = . has C(Z) = only one point 0 0 0 The row space of A contains all combinations of the rows of A To stay with column vectors, transpose A to make its rows into columns of AT Then the row space of A is the column space of AT (A transpose)    1 1 2 3 is an infinite line in the direction of The column space of A = 3 3 6 9   1 2 3 The row and column spaces of A = 1 3 4  are infinite planes. Not all of R3 1 4 5   1 2 3 The row and column spaces of A =  0 4 5  are the whole R3 . 0 0 6   has column space = R2 1 2 5 1 A= 3 4 6 7 has row space = 2D plane in R4 


Part 1 : Basic Ideas of Linear Algebra


Dependent and Independent Columns

The columns of A are “dependent” if one column is a combination of the other columns Another way to describe dependence : Ax = 0 for some vector x (other than x = 0)       1 2 1 4 0 a b c have dependent columns A1 =  2 4  and A2 =  2 5 0  and A3 = d e f 1 2 3 6 0 Reasons : Column 2 of A1 = 2 (Column 1)

   0 0 A2 times x =  0  gives  0  1 0 

A3 has 3 columns in 2-dimensional space. Three vectors in a plane : Dependent !

The columns of A are “independent” if no column is a combination of the other columns Another way to say it : Ax = 0 only when x = 0     1 1 1 1 4 A4 =  2 5  and A5 =  0 1 1  and A6 = I have independent columns 3 9 0 0 1 What about the rows of A1 to A6 ? A1 , A2 , A4 have dependent rows. Possibly also A3 . For any square matrix : Columns are independent if and only if rows are independent.

A key idea Number of independent rows = is coming Number of independent columns


ZoomNotes for Linear Algebra


Matrix-Matrix Multiplication AB

There are 4 ways to multiply matrices. The first way is usually best for hand computation. The other three ways produce whole vectors instead of just one number at a time. 1. (Row i of A) · (Column j of B) produces one number : row i, column j of AB          5 1 2 17 · 5 7 = 17 Dot product because 1 2 = 6 · · 6 8 3 4

2. (Matrix A) (Column j of B) produces column j of AB : Combine columns of A            1 2 17 2 1 17 · 5 7 = +6 because 5 = 39 4 3 39 · 6 8 3 4 This is the best way for understanding : Linear combinations. “Good level”

3. (Row i of A) (Matrix B) produces row i of AB : Combine rows of B            1 2 17 23 5 7 because 1 5 7 + 2 6 8 = 17 23 = · · 6 8 3 4

4. (Column k of A) (Row k of B) produces a simple matrix : Add these simple matrices !             1 5 7 12 16 5 7 17 23 NOW 2 6 8 = = = AB and 39 53 ADD 4 3 24 32 15 21 Dot products in 1 are “inner products”. Column-row products in 4 are “outer products”.

All four ways use the same mnp multiplications if A is m by n and B is n by p. If A and B are square n by n matrices then AB uses n3 multiply-adds in 1, 2, 3, 4.

Associative Law Block multiplication Block sizes must fit

A times BC = AB times C 





Most important rule !



Part 1 : Basic Ideas of Linear Algebra

Factoring A into CR : Column rank = r = Row rank


Step 1 C contains the first r independent columns of A (delete dependent columns of A) 1. If column 1 of A is not zero, put it into C 2. If column 2 of A is not a multiple of column 1 of A, put it into C 3. If column 3 of A is not a combination of columns 1 and 2 of A, put it into C n. If column n of A is not a combination of the first n − 1 columns, put it into C Step 2 Column j of CR expresses column j of A as a combination of the columns of C

Example A =


1 2 4 1 3 5

1 2 4 1 3 5 


1 2 1 3

Columns 1 and 2 of A go directly into C Column 3 = 2 (Column 1) + 1 (Column 2) 

↓  1 0 2 = CR 0 1 1

Not in C

2 columns in C 2 rows in R

These matrices A, C, R all have column rank 2 (2 independent columns) By the theorem A, C, R also have row rank 2 (2 independent rows) First great theorem

Every matrix has column rank = row rank

Dimension r of the column space = Dimension r of the row space = Rank of matrix A A = (m by n) = CR = (m by r) (r by n)


ZoomNotes for Linear Algebra

Rank one matrices A = (1 column) times (1 row)


Rank one Example


2 4 6 3 6 9


2 3


1 2 3

= CR

Suppose all columns of A are multiples of one column. Then all rows of A are multiples of one row. Rank = 1. Row space is a line

Column space is a line

If all columns of A are multiples of column 1, it goes into C . If all rows of A are multiples of row 1, that row (divided by a11 ) goes into R. Every rank 1 matrix factors into one column times one row. Every rank r matrix is the sum of r rank one matrices. This comes from column times row multiplication of C times R. ∗

If A starts with a row or column of zeros, look at row 2 or column 2

∗∗ Rank 1 matrices are the building blocks of all matrices      1 3 4 0 0 0 0 A=  1 3 4 = 1  2 6 8 2

All the key factorizations of linear algebra add columns times rows A = CR

A = LU

A = QR


A = U ΣV T

Those 5 factorizations are described in Parts 1+3, 2, 4, 6, 7 of these ZoomNotes

Part 2 Solving Linear Equations Ax = b : A is n by n 2.1

Inverse Matrices A−1 and Solutions x = A−1 b


Triangular Matrix and Back Substitution for Ux = c


Elimination : Square Matrix A to Triangular U


Row Exchanges for Nonzero Pivots : Permutation P


Elimination with No Row Exchanges : Why is A = LU ?


Transposes / Symmetric Matrices / Dot Products

Part 2 :


Solving Linear Equations Ax = b : A is n by n

Inverse Matrices A−1 and Solutions x = A−1 b The inverse of a square matrix A has A−1 A = I and AA−1 = I

2 by 2



 −1   1 2 1 4 −1 = = 5 4 2 3 −3

A has no inverse if ad − bc = 0

a b c d

1 2 A= 4 8


 1 d = ad − bc −c

−b a

 has no inverse matrix has dependent rows has dependent columns

1. Invertible ⇔ Rows are ind...

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