Zusammenfassung ERP Systeme SAP Micorsoft Dynamics Nonhoff PDF

Title Zusammenfassung ERP Systeme SAP Micorsoft Dynamics Nonhoff
Author Lukas Sandrock
Course Grundlagen ERP-Systeme
Institution Fachhochschule Bielefeld
Pages 11
File Size 286.3 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 18
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Zusammenfassung komplettes Semester ERP Systeme SAP Microsoft Dynamics



Zusammenfassung ERP Systeme SAP Micorsoft Dynamics Nonhoff


SUMMARY 12.03.2018 - characteristics of an ERP-System - further applications used by companies today - SRM: Supplier Relationship Management - CRM: Customer Relationship Management - SCM: Supply Chain Management - Product Lifecycle Management (nicht das, was man denkt, was es ist) to design a product - this data should also be included, business data and techniqual data in one application; at the end we have to destroy the product - list of activities within the purchasing and the sales area / relevant master data

Zusammenfassung: • •

Typische Aktivitäten im Einkauf / Vertrieb sowie Stammdaten Definition ERP System

ERP-System: • • • • •

Betriebswirtschaftliche Anwendungssoftware Standardsoftware Integrierte Software mit verschiedenen Modulen wie z.B. Materialwirtschaft, Personalwirtschaft, Rechnungswesen, Vertrieb, Produktion Zentrale Datenbank Unterstützt bereichsübergreifende Prozesse



Introduction at the begin of the vorlesung (lecture) 1. Typical characteristics of an ERP-System (“you should have in mind”) Business software Includes modules like human resources, material management, sales, accounting, production Integrated standard software (many functionalities are included = integrated) Central database Enables cross application components C0ustomizing takes about 6 months




2. LAN vs WAN LAN = local area network within a building WAN: wide area network we leave this building and use public network W-LAN = wirless local area network without any cable GUI = graphical user interface = graphische benutzer Schnittstelle It is install to each laptop, it connects to the SAP-System To use a mouse 3. F.27 Scalability: if you can implement many servers within your IT landscape application, then this is called high scalable the system is then still running 0 4. F.34 Open platform: L = Linux – operating system A = Apache – web server html files M = MySQL – data base software P = PHP – programming language

LAN ( Local Area Network ) LAN ist ein lokales Netzwerk (d.h. vernetzte PCs innerhalb eines Gebäudes bzw. Grundstücks). Es kann gemeinsam genutzt werden und steht (im Gegensatz zu öffentlichen Netzen) unter der rechtlichen Kontrolle des Betreibers. LAN ist räumlich auf ein (Büro-) Gebäude bzw. Firmengelände beschränkt. LAN ist interessant für Unternehmen mit einem Standort, da die Reichweite nur 900 m beträgt. WAN (Wide Area Network) WAN ist das Netzwerk, das geographisch weit entfernte Stationen (z.B. aus verschiedenen Ländern aber auch Kontinenten) verbindet.



Definition ERP Implementing an ERP-system o Before implementing a new IT-System you should take time to analyze the current processes and improve them (in connection with the IT system) Architecture: o LAN and WAN (and WLAN) o Scalability o Client server o Three tier architecture (presentation (GUI), application, data base) o GUI – graphical user interface icons, symbols, buttons, can use the mouse o Proprietary (fixed combination of e.g. operating system (OS), hardware (HW), database (DB) o Open platform e.g. LAMP


SAP: •

SAP Business Suite o Netweaver als Basis o SAP ERP, CRM, SRM, PLM und SCM

SAP S/4 HANA (S= Simple) -latest product portfolio o Beinhaltet die Business Suite aber basiert auf -including the business suite neuer Datenbanktechnologie (SAP eigene DB) -uses interface fiori o Daten werden im Hauptspeicher verwaltet -special SAP database (content is o Daten werden spaltenweise verwaltet shared in main memory) o Dadurch wesentlich bessere Antwortzeiten möglich o Neue Benutzeroberfläche (SAP Fiori – Kachelansicht)

Netweaver: • •

Erleichtert die Integration verschiedenster Anwendungen Erfüllt Basisfunktionen wie Customizing, Benutzerverwaltung, Programmiersprache ….. Single Sign on…..)

Microsoft ERP Produkten •

-integration and application platform offers single sign on

-gives companies more flexibility to implement other applications

Microsoft Dynamics insbesondere NAVISION…

Führende ERP Anbieter: •

SAP SAP ERP (auch Teil von SAP S/4 HANA) SAP Business One (für Kleinunternehmen) o SAP Business by Design (als Mietlösung aber wird eingestellt) Microsoft Dynamics o NAV (in Europa für Mittelstand) o AXA (für größere Unternehmen) -SAP, Microsoft, Oracle and Infor are o GP (in USA für Mittelstand) important ERP vendors (Verkäufer) o 365 (cloud Lösung – Navision) Oracle o D. Edwards o Peoplesoft o Oracle ERP Infor Sage Open source ERP (open ERP, open Bravo….) o o

• • •

09.04.2018 • •

Führende ERP Anbieter (SAP, Microsoft, Oracle, Sage, Infor…) Auswahlschritte ERP System: o Ist-Analyse, Soll-Konzept, Ausschreibung/Angebot, Grobbewertung, Feinbewertung und Endauswahl) o Wichtige Auswahlkriterien:

▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ • • • • •

Kosten Funktionen/Leistungsumfang Termine Anpassungsaufwand

Zum Vergleich – Nutzwertanalyse gut verwendbar Dazu Kriterien und Gewichte festlegen Dann Nutzwert errechnen (in EXCEL mit Summenprodukt Funktion) Wichtig: Gewichte und Bewertungen sind subjektiv daher auch Sensitivitätsanalysen (Alternativen) durchspielen Trends in der IT o Insellösungen nicht mehr aktuell o Best of Breed Ansatz ?! o Browser als einzige Desktop Software notwendig CRM – Customer Relationship Mgmt. o Ziel Kundenbindung o Komponenten: operative / Kommunikative/ analytische

16.04 Introduction SAP ERP Navigation: -

Menu Transaction code /n _ _ _ _ Favorites

Transaction code -

01 – create 02 – change 03 – display X → all attributes

30.04 SAP Purchasing Process: Master Data -

Supplier data Material data Information record data (e.g. price per supplier and material)

Typical Process Steps: -

Create purchase requisition (e.g. because of a customer or employee demand) Create an RFQ – request for quotation (Anfrage erstellen)


Maintain quotations – Angebote einpflegen Compare quotations – (e.g price comparison) Can be done by the ERP-system automatically Create purchase order Post incoming goods (Wareneingang buchen) Check and post invoice (Rechnung prüfen und buchen) Post payment (Zahlungsausgang buchen)

07.05 Production- /Manufacturing using SAP ERP: Master Data: -

Material Data Routings (Arbeitspläne) Bill of material (Stückliste) Workplace (Arbeitspltäze)

Typical Process Steps: -

Calculation production costs (updating price) Check if necessary goods are available Create production order and release it Confirming production order an automatically do the goods movements automatically


engine boat GmbH


04.06 Topics: SAP Fiori – user interface – demo -



Hana is the new one Kachelsicht als Navigation less activities available + die Buttons, die man benötigt, befinden sich unten rechts auf der Website sehr übersichtlich Desktop so gestalten, wie Verwender es möchte

Data model SAP ERP – Purchasing area -





- Which tables are used for which activities Tools → ABAP-Workbench -→ - LFA1 is the description / name of our vendor Development → SD11 – Data Modeler → Data applications → Logistics → Materials management → cross applications → business partner → vendor → 15047 → Dictionary Tool Data Modeler: helps us to find out the table names for example material (product details) or supplier (beides benötigte Stammdaten) Tools → ABAP-Workbench -→ - Structure is explained Development → SD11 – Data - Key is marked for the attributes “mandt” and Modeler → Data applications → “LIFNR”. They are unique. Logistics → Materials management → cross applications → business partner → vendor → 15047 → Dictionary → table / view Tools → ABAP-Workbench -→ Development → SD11 – Data Data Browser: Display the content of the table Modeler → Data applications → Logistics → Materials management → cross applications → business partner → vendor → 15047 → Dictionary → table / view → contents (kleines Symbol oben mit drei Spalten) → execute = Data Browser Tools → ABAP-Workbench -→ - They all have “mandt” in their name, because it is Development → SD11 – Data marked as a key Modeler → Data applications → - Key attribute is “mandt” …. Logistics → Materials management → logistics general → material → material → Dicitionary → table / view



Tools → ABAP-Workbench -→ Development → SD11 – Data Modeler → Data applications → Logistics → Materials management → logistics general → material → material → Dicitionary → table / view → kleines Symbol mit drei kleinen Spalten → execute Tools → ABAP-Workbench -→ - Dictionary: to find out the name for the table. Here Development → SD11 – Data it is “EKKO”. Modeler → Materials Management → Purchasing → Request for quotation → Request for quotation 15010 →

Exercise 1 SQL -

Using one table. Display LIFNR, name 1 for all suppliers with the name Mila.

Select LIFNR, name1 (the columns we want to display) From LFA1 (table name) Where (lines we want to filter) name1 = “mila”; ➔ To filter data out of one data

Exercise 2 SQL -

Using two tables. Display all LIFNR, name1 and all EBELN We want to get a list of all rqf plus the name and the number of the supplier.

Select LFA1.LIFNR, name1, EBELN


Problem: LIFNR is available in both tables.


Exercise 3 SQL -

Display material number and ERSDA of all materials.


Exercise 4 SQL -

Using two tables. Display all german Maktx (“D”) entries (MATNR, MAKTX, SPRAS, ERSDA = data, when they are created).



MATNR exist in both tables. → so we have to add the table name

Where SPRAS = “D”;

Nonhoff: It is really important to find the connection beteween ERP and database. Before we did it for SAP. We can do it also for Navision.

Object designer allows us to give us an overview about the tables that are used. File → Object designer → all tables Run similar to data browser. Design similar to data dictionary.

11.06 Summary: further devopments (topic today) -

SRM: Supplier Relationship Management: ➔ To improve our connection to our direct suppliers ➔ Components: to allow my employees to directly order o Desktop purchasing their material e.g. e-catalogue system o o o o o o o

Contract management Supplier management Supplier self service or supplier portal collaboration E-auction E-RFx (request for information, quotation) Analyzing and monitoring

to allow the suppliers to get access to our it-system to work on the same document


SCM: Supply Chain Management tool: ➔ To improve the whole supply chain from raw material supplier to the customer ➔ Aims: o Reduce cost o Reduce stock level (“bull whip effect”) o reduce process time (delivery time) o Increase quality To be reliable, more flexible


PLM: Product lifecycle management tool: ➔ Managing all product data (technical and business data) within its whole lifecyle ➔ Components:

o o o o o o o

Collaboration Document management Product data Work flow management Project management Quality management engineering

Manage all the documents

Launch of a product kann man vielleicht standardisieren, aber die Entwicklung eines Produktes ist often innerhalb eines Projektes

Save and change technical data

Data modeling – Sales area in Microsoft Dynamics Navision SQL – Exercise (structure query language) 1. Display all customer with name and city from Munich. Select name, city From customer Where city = “Munich”;

2. Display all customer with their name and their sales roder ids and date. Select name, date, sales-header.id From customer join sales_header On customer.id = sales_header.customer.id; Ohne on wäre es, dass customer mit allem von sales header verbunden wird. Danach nächster customer mit all sales_header

3. Display all items with description and the Sales_order_id in which they occur. Select description, sales_order_id From sales_line join item On sales_line.item_id = item.id;

Summary Outsourcing: -

SaaS: Software as a Service (similar to Application Service Providing) IaaS: Infrastructure as a Service (similar to Application Hosting) PaaS: Platform as a service (all tools and hardware for sw-developers are offered)


BPO: Business Process Outsourcing

Data modeling using MySQL Workbench – sales are similar to Microsoft Dynamics NAV -


Steps for building a database o Define objects o Define relationship types o Define cardinalities o Deduce table structure ▪ M:N: create a new table and both primary keys become attributes in this table ▪ 1:n: add the primary of the one side to the other table (many side) as a foreign key Example select statements also with an inner join o Select o From o Join o On o Where

Bigger companies use SAP ERP, whereas smaller and middlesized companies prefer Microsoft Dynamics because of the money. SAP offers more function. Purchasing: Master data: -

Material master (price e. g.) Supplier / vendor master data

Process: -

Quotation / Anfrage / Angebot (information about the price from a special supplier) to give us a price Create purchase order Post goods receipt / Wareneingang Post invoice (receive, check the invoice) Post payment

Introduction ERP – Microsoft Dynamics NAV: Beschaffung: Stammdaten: • •

Lieferantenstammdaten Artikelstammdaten Prozess:

Anfrage erstellen /Angebot erfassen

Pruchase requisition (Bestellanforderung) is not possible in Dynamics. Price comparison is also not available in Dynamics. You should do it manual.

• • • •

Bestellung erzeugen Wareneingang buchen Rechnungseingang buchen Zahlungsausgang buchen

Mitschrift während Dynamics (purchase process) -

Items = list of all the materials There are role base clients whore are responsible for When you select in SAP English language, you get an english description of the material. In Dynamics it isn ´t. We want to buy Vorderrad 1709 (1100) and Rennrad 905 (1001) No possibility to create a purchase requisition. When you click on “make order” (step 2). Navision delete the quotation because it says it isn´t relevant anymore. (difference to SAP) Schritt 4b.: We get the vendor invoice number from the vendor. I have to put the invoice number myself in the system. It makes communication easier with my vendor. It is compulsory.

Sales process: -

Create sales quote = Angebot Create sales order = Verkehrsauftrag Post outgoing goods = Lieferschein Post invoice Post payment

Extras → Object Designer The old version “Dynamics 2003” looks like Access. Because Navision is a database with special data for business processes. In Access there is an empty database. Object designer allows you to change the Aussehen....

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