02.06 Creating An Outline PDF

Title 02.06 Creating An Outline
Course Early Childhood
Institution Liverpool Hope University
Pages 4
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Create an outline for an advertisement. Links and advertisements details are given by myself can change if needed....



Research Graphic Organizer: Part 1 Question: Are advertisements aimed at teenagers effective? And are they ethical? My Response: The articles used is mostly about how and what effects teenagers when using technology and how they are approached by companies to sell their product. The advertisements are never inappropriate, but the products are far from it. While it is ethical when looked at from the advertisement, the actual effects and even life-threatening mental damage if they are an influencer in platforms that the technology has allowed to be established for any age group despite the age limits mentioned. The actual dangers of technology use in teens and adults are very similar and this denial or avoidance of discussing such an important issue to sell a product is harmful and unethical. Title, URL, and Date of Access Title: Technology and teenagers URL: https://parents.au.reachout.com/skills-tobuild/wellbeing/technology-and-teenagers Date of Access: 05/09/2021 Title: Why Teens Are the Most Elusive and Valuable Customers in Tech URL: https://www.inc.com/issie-lapowsky/inside-massive-tech-landgrab-teenagers.html Date of Access: 05/09/2021

Title: Adolescents’ Perspectives on Using Technology for Health: Qualitative Study URL: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6364836/ Date of Access: 05/09/2021

Title: ‘Teens the most tech-savvy’ URL: https://www.marketingweek.com/teens-the-most-tech-savvy/ Date of Access: 06/09/2021

Title: How to Reach Teenagers With Social Media Vs. Mass Media URL: https://smallbusiness.chron.com/reach-teenagers-socialmedia-vs-mass-media-40727.html Date of Access: 06/09/2021

Central Idea Parents or anyone who want to know if a teen is being responsible with their technology use and whether they're having issues. What teens look for in a product, and why they are such a desirable customer for technology companies. This research study aims to investigate how teenagers utilize technologies to facilitate their wellbeing, as well as how and if they envisage utilizing technology to better their medical and health management, notably in connecting with their provider. Study by Ofcom done to research the Digital quotient (DQ) of people aged 6 to 80 years. Also researching the range of communication and media habits, from tablet use to TV viewing. How and in what way can business look more appealing to teenage customers. Evangelin Rose


Thesis Statement: The advertisement of a product reveals the company's knowledge and skill with that product; hence advertising is rather effective in attracting consumers' attention. Outline: I.

Introduction A. Introductory line to grab the reader’s attention:

The world is split into two. People who are consumers and people who satisfy and feed the consumers. Satisfaction is never attained for the world with an ever-growing population and companies battle for the worlds interest. B. Introduce a context for stating the thesis: This battle’s warships are the advertisements these are what the consumers see and compare the outcomes, which is better, and which is not, regardless of the strategy behind the scenes. C. State the thesis: The advertisement of a product reveals the company's knowledge and skill with that product; hence advertising is rather effective in attracting consumers' attention. II.

First paragraph argument to support the thesis A. Topic for this sentence, introducing the argument:

Teenagers and youth are easy consumers with the growth of technology is the basic platform for these companies to be advertise their products. The question is: how did technology appeal to human? How did the advertisements about technology appeal to teens and youth? What is the reason it is indispensable for teens and youth to think of a world without technology? B. Evidence/research material to support the thesis: Evangelin Rose


“Teenagers have always been important to brand because they tend to be early adopters and because, traditionally, their brand preferences aren't yet firmly defined.” (Why Teens) C. Explanation on how the evidence supports the claim: Teenagers being early adopters and not firm in their brand preferences mean that they have no firm belief or idea and are still on the journey of self-discovery. That means it is easy to lure teenagers through advertisements and easy to keep the trending technology longer in the market due to social media and influencers. III.

Counterargument A. The counterclaim is introduced (a claim that refutes your claim):

It’s all about product quality and price, not advertising. Quality and price are not the most important factors, it is promotion and advertising. Since the impression made on teenagers with their favourite influencers on the ads or if the values, they have requested for in a technology is seen on an ad. Then the company’s products is taken for reviewing and being on top of the trends regardless of the quality and price since views and likes are more important and companies are ready to offer anything for their product to sell between a generation that can share and make the product viral with a few clicks on the very technology that they are promoting. B. With evidence that will work against the counterclaim, refute the counterargument: “The communication habits of all ages are shifting as they embrace newer services and take advantage of portable connected devices,” says Ofcom. IV.

Conclusion A. Introduce the first line that refers the thesis again:

To sum it up, product advertising is so powerful at grabbing the focus of consumers, it's a good way to get consumers, especially teenagers’ attention. B. Summarize the argument made: Evangelin Rose


When it comes to targeting teenagers and young adults as consumers, the internet is the best location to advertise. Teenagers are drawn to the internet because of its widespread use, and they see the need for the latest technology and upgrades as a necessity. C. Summarise the outcome of the counterargument made with your rebuttal: Since views and likes are more essential to teenagers of now, then the quality and price, firms are willing to do everything to sell their product if it has been well advertised and reviewed. D. Conclude the paragraph indicating the significance of your thesis and the summarising the reason it should be relevant to the audience: Adults and teenagers need to be aware that this generation is merely a consumer and a provider of goods and services, respectively. Teenagers and young adults are so reliant on technology that they can't imagine life without it. This leads to unethical practices, which is why it is immoral for advertisers to constantly push for technology updates. Today, it's necessary and relevant to understand that not all technology is evil, and that we can still live a happy and productive life even without technology.

Evangelin Rose...

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