10 marker couple - m llkn;nm PDF

Title 10 marker couple - m llkn;nm
Author Sameera Elnaim
Course Sociology
Institution Nottingham Trent University
Pages 1
File Size 40.8 KB
File Type PDF
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Outline and explain two arguments for the view that families are becoming more symmetrical (10 marks)

One-way families are becoming more symmetrical is due to a less patriarchal society . The impact of feminism has enabled women to be aware of their social position and to seek to reject patriarchy. Men now share similar domestic tasks to women in home. For example, Willmott and Young argue that there is a change to joint conjugal roles where both partners undertake domestic and childcare duties. In some cases, the role in the family may reverse with women taking the breadwinner role and men staying at home and looking after the children. Therefore, the changes of gender roles lead to families becoming more symmetrical. However , this is particularly criticised by feminist sociologists such as Anne Oakley she argues as there are still small contributions to housework by men, therefore symmetrical families are not as effective in society .

Another way families are becoming more symmetrical is due to a less maledominated society , and the change of a women’s role in society .An increasing percentage of women are wage earners whether it is part or full-time work. Women are also freer to go out on their own and socialise while a husband will stay at home with children. For example The Equal Pay Act has allowed women to get higher pay than they did previously, and supposedly equal to men. . Therefore the increase in authority and power has cause women to be less financial depending on men . This means that men are doing more house work because women are working .This results in both individuals contributing to decision making ; duel-worker households and shared control of finances. Therefore leading to more symmetrical families. However it could be argued that it could be argued that in these families there is a dual burden as men fail to take their fall share of domestic duties ....

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