2. 9 ECG Strips on the Nclex PDF

Title 2. 9 ECG Strips on the Nclex
Course Pathophysiology/Nursing
Institution Florida SouthWestern State College
Pages 1
File Size 177.9 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 18
Total Views 141




9 ECG Strips on the NCLEX II 5. Atrial Fibrillation (A Fib)


Causes: Valvular disease, Heart failure, Pulm. HTN, COPD, after heart surg. Treatment: 1. Cardioversion (after TTE to rule out clots) *Push Synch 2. Digoxin - Deep Contraction Check ATP Before giving: A - Apical pulse 60 T - Toxicity (Max 2.0 range) visual disturbances,

60 40


N/V, Anorexia

Memory tricks

P - Potassium below 3.5 - HIGHER risk for toxicity

< 3.5

3. Anticoagulants: Warfarin (monitor INR, Vit.

No P wave = Fibrillation FloPPing

6. Atrial Flutter (A Flutter)



K antidote, moderate green leafy veggies)


Causes: Valvular disease, Heart failure, Pulm. HTN, COPD, after heart surg. Treatment: 1. Cardioversion (after TTE to rule out clots) *Push Synch 2. Digoxin - Deep Contraction Check ATP Before giving: A - Apical pulse 60 T - Toxicity (Max 2.0 range) visual disturbances,

Memory tricks

N/V, Anorexia P - Potassium below 3.5 - HIGHER risk for toxicity

3. Anticoagulants: Warfarin (monitor INR, Vit.

A FluTTer = sawTooTh

40 kg

< 3.5




KAPLAN Causes: Stimulants, Strenuous exercise, hypoxia, heart disease

Super Fast = Supraventricular

Max 2.0 60

K antidote, moderate green leafy veggies)

7. SVT - Supraventricular Tachycardia

Memory tricks


Treatment: 1. Vagal Maneuver (bear down like having a bowel movement, ice cold stimulation) 2. Adenosine - RAPID PUSH & flush with NS - HR may stop

Which medication should be held 48-hours prior to an elective cardioversion for SVT? Digoxin due to increased ventricular irritability Client with SVT has the following assessment data: HR 200, BP 78/40, RR 30 Priority action: Synchronized cardioversion


3. Cardioversion - *Push Synch

8. Torsades de Pointes

Memory tricks

M Magnesium

Causes: Post MI, Hypoxia, Low magnesium



Treatment: Magnesium Sulfate NCLEX TIP

Memory tricks

Tornado Pointes

M Mellows out the heart...

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