2020 Hesiobmaternityv 1 PDF

Title 2020 Hesiobmaternityv 1
Course Nurse as a Provider of Care to Parents and Newborns
Institution Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
Pages 18
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2020 HESI OB/MATERNITY V 1 1. A 3-day postpartum client, who is not immune to rubella, is to receive the vaccine at discharge. Which of the following must the nurse include in her discharge teaching regarding the vaccine? 1. The woman should not become pregnant for at least 4 weeks. 2. The woman should pump and dump her breast milk for 1 week. 3. The mother must wear a surgical mask when she cares for the baby. 4. Passive antibodies transported across the placenta will protect the baby. 208 MATERNAL AND NEWBORN SUCCESS 2. A 3-day-postpartum client questions why she is to receive the rubella vaccine before leaving the hospital. Which of the following rationales should guide the nurse’s response? 1. The client’s obstetric status is optimal for receiving the vaccine. 2. The client’s immune system is highly responsive during the postpartum period. 3. The client’s baby will be high risk for acquiring rubella if the woman does not receive the vaccine. 4. The client’s insurance company will pay for the shot if it is given during the immediate postpartum period. 3. A patient, G2P1102, who delivered her baby 8 hours ago, now has a temperature of 100.2ºF. Which of the following is the appropriate nursing intervention at this time? 1. Notify the doctor to get an order for acetaminophen. 2. Request an infectious disease consult from the doctor. 3. Provide the woman with cool compresses. 4. Encourage intake of water and other fluids. 4. To prevent infection, the nurse teaches the postpartum client to perform which of the following tasks? 1. Apply antibiotic ointment to the perineum daily. 2. Change the peripad at each voiding. 3. Void at least every two hours. 4. Spray the perineum with a povidone-iodine solution after toileting. 5. A 3-day-postpartum breastfeeding woman is being assessed. Her breasts are firm and warm to the touch. When asked when she last fed the baby her reply is, “I fed the baby last evening. I let the nurses feed him in the nursery last night. I needed to rest.” Which of the following actions should the nurse take at this time? 1. Encourage the woman exclusively to breastfeed her baby. 2. Have the woman massage her breasts hourly. 3. Obtain an order to culture her expressed breast milk. 4. Take the temperature and pulse rate of the woman. 6. A breastfeeding woman has been counseled on how to prevent engorgement.

Which of the following actions by the mother shows that the teaching was effective? 1. She pumps her breasts after each feeding. 2. She feeds her baby every 2 to 3 hours. 3. She feeds her baby 10 minutes on each side. 4. She supplements each feeding with formula. 7. A 2-day-postpartum breastfeeding woman states, “I am sick of being fat. When can I go on a diet?” Which of the following responses is appropriate? 1. “It is fine for you to start dieting right now as long as you drink plenty of milk.” 2. “Your breast milk will be low in vitamins if you start to diet while breastfeeding.” 3. “You must eat at least 3000 calories per day in order to produce enough milk for your baby.” 4. “Many mothers lose weight when they breastfeed because the baby consumes about 600 calories a day.” 8. A G2P2002, who is postpartum 6 hours from a spontaneous vaginal delivery, is assessed. The nurse notes that the fundus is firm at the umbilicus, there is heavy lochia, and perineal sutures are intact. Which of the following actions should the nurse take at this time? 1. Do nothing. This is a normal finding. 2. Massage the woman’s fundus. 3. Take the woman to the bathroom to void. 4. Notify the woman’s primary health care provider. 9. A client informs the nurse that she intends to bottlefeed her baby. Which of the following actions should the nurse encourage the client to perform? 1. Increase her fluid intake for a few days. 2. Massage her breasts every 4 hours. 3. Apply heat packs to her axillae. 4. Wear a supportive bra 24 hours a day. 10. The nurse in the obstetric clinic received a telephone call from a bottlefeeding mother of a 3-day-old. The client states that her breasts are firm, red, and warm to the touch. Which of the following is the best action for the nurse to advise the client to perform? 1. Intermittently apply ice packs to her axillae and breasts. 2. Apply lanolin to her breasts and nipples every 3 hours. 3. Express milk from the breasts every 3 hours. 4. Ask the primary health care provider to order a milk suppressant. 11. A multigravid, postpartum woman reports severe abdominal cramping whenever she nurses her infant. Which of the following responses by the nurse is appropriate? 1. Suggest that the woman bottlefeed for a few days. 2. Instruct the patient on how to massage her fundus. 3. Instruct the patient to feed using an alternate position.

4. Discuss the action of breastfeeding hormones. 12. The nurse is caring for a breastfeeding mother who asks advice on foods that will provide both vitamin A and iron. Which of the following should the nurse recommend? 1. 1⁄2 cup raw celery dipped in 1 ounce cream cheese. 2. 8 ounce yogurt mixed with 1 medium banana. 3. 12 ounce strawberry milk shake. 4. 11⁄2 cup raw broccoli. 13. A breastfeeding mother states that she has sore nipples. In response to the complaint, the nurse assists with “latch on” and recommends that the mother do which of the following? 1. Use a nipple shield at each breastfeeding. 2. Cleanse the nipples with soap 3 times a day. 3. Rotate infant positions at each feed. 4. Bottle feed for 2 days then resume breastfeeding. 14. Which of the following statements is true about breastfeeding mothers as compared to bottlefeeding mothers? 1. Breastfeeding mothers usually involute completely by 3 weeks postpartum. 2. Breastfeeding mothers have decreased incidence of diabetes mellitus later in life. 3. Breastfeeding mothers show higher levels of bone density after menopause. 4. Breastfeeding mothers are prone to fewer bouts of infection immediately postpartum. 15. A breastfeeding woman, 11⁄2 months postdelivery, calls the nurse in the obstetrician’s office and states, “I am very embarrassed but I need help. Last night I had an orgasm when my husband and I were making love. You should have seen the milk. We were both soaking wet. What is wrong with me?” The nurse should base the response to the client on which of the following? 1. The woman is exhibiting signs of pathological galactorrhea. 2. The same hormone stimulates orgasms and the milk ejection reflex. 3. The woman should have a serum galactosemia assessment done. 4. The baby is stimulating the woman to produce too much milk. 16. A client who is 3 days postpartum asks the nurse, “When may my husband and I begin having sexual relations again?” The nurse should encourage the couple to wait until after which of the following has occurred? 1. The client has had her six-week postpartum check-up. 2. The episiotomy has healed and the lochia has stopped. 3. The lochia has turned to pink and the vagina is no longer tender. 4. The client has had her first postpartum menstrual period.

17. A breastfeeding client, 7 weeks postpartum, complains to an obstetrician’s triage nurse that when she and her husband had intercourse for the first time after the delivery, “I couldn’t stand it. It was so painful. The doctor must have done something terrible to my vagina.” Which of the following responses by the nurse is appropriate? 1. “After a delivery the vagina is always very tender. It should feel better the next time you have intercourse.” 2. “Does your baby have thrush? If so, I bet you have a yeast infection in your vagina.” 3. “Women who breastfeed often have vaginal dryness. A vaginal lubricant may remedy your discomfort.” 4. “Sometimes the stitches of episiotomies heal too tight. Why don’t you come in for an assessment?” 18. The nurse monitors his or her postpartum clients carefully because which of the following physiological changes occurs during the early postpartum period? 1. Decreased urinary output. 2. Increased blood pressure. 3. Decreased blood volume. 4. Increased estrogen level. 19. A woman, 24 hours postpartum, is complaining of profuse diaphoresis. She has no other complaints. Which of the following actions by the nurse is appropriate? 1. Take the woman’s temperature. 2. Advise the woman to decrease her fluid intake. 3. Reassure the woman that this is normal. 4. Inform the neonate’s pediatrician. 20. Which of the following laboratory values would the nurse expect to see in a normal postpartum woman? 1. Hematocrit 39%. 2. White blood cell count 16,000 cells/mm3. 3. Red blood cell count 5 million cells/mm3. 4. Hemoglobin 15 grams/dL. 21. Which of the following client statements indicates a need for additional teaching about selfcare during pregnancy? ■ 1. “I should use nonskid pads when I take a shower or bath.” ■ 2. “I should avoid using soap on my nipples to prevent drying.” ■ 3. “I should sit in a hot tub for 20 minutes to relax after working.” ■ 4. “I should avoid douching even if my vaginal secretions increase.” 22. The nurse is discussing the importance of doing Kegel exercises during the postpartum period. Which of the following should be included in the teaching plan? 1. She should repeatedly contract and relax her rectal and thigh muscles. 2. She should practice by stopping the urine flow midstream every time she voids. 3. She should get on her hands and knees whenever performing the exercises.

4. She should be taught that toned pubococcygeal muscles decrease blood loss. 23. The nurse is evaluating the involution of a woman who is 3 days postpartum. Which of the following findings would the nurse evaluate as normal? 1. Fundus 1 cm above the umbilicus, lochia rosa. 2. Fundus 2 cm above the umbilicus, lochia alba. 3. Fundus 2 cm below the umbilicus, lochia rubra. 4. Fundus 3 cm below the umbilicus, lochia serosa. 24. During a home visit, the nurse assesses a client 2 weeks after delivery. Which of the following signs/symptoms should the nurse expect to see? 1. Diaphoresis. 2. Lochia alba. 3. Cracked nipples. 4. Hypertension. 25. The day after delivery a woman, whose fundus is firm at 1 cm below the umbilicus and who has moderate lochia, tells the nurse that something must be wrong, “All I do is go to the bathroom.” Which of the following is an appropriate nursing response? 1. Catheterize the client per doctor’s orders. 2. Measure the client’s next voiding. 3. Inform the client that polyuria is normal. 4. Check the specific gravity of the next voiding. 26. A breastfeeding client, G10P6408, delivered 10 minutes ago. Which of the following assessments is most important for the nurse to perform at this time? 1. Pulse. 2. Fundus. 3. Bladder. 4. Breast. 27. The nurse is caring for a client who had a cesarean section under spinal anesthesia less than 2 hours ago. Which of the following nursing actions is appropriate at this time? 1. Elevate the head of the bed 60 degrees. 2. Report absence of bowel sounds to the physician. 3. Have her turn and deep breathe every 2 hours. 4. Assess for patellar hyperreflexia bilaterally. 28. The nurse is caring for a postpartum client who experienced a second-degree perineal laceration at delivery 2 hours ago. Which of the following interventions should the nurse perform at this time? 1. Apply an ice pack to the perineum. 2. Advise the woman to use a sitz bath after every voiding.

3. Advise the woman to sit on a pillow. 4. Teach the woman to insert nothing into her rectum. 29. A woman had a cesarean section yesterday. She states that she needs to cough but that she is afraid to. Which of the following is the nurse’s best response? 1. “I know that it hurts but it is very important for you to cough.” 2. “Let me check your lung fields to see if coughing is really necessary.” 3. “If you take a few deep breaths in, that should be as good as coughing.” 4. “If you support your incision with a pillow, coughing should hurt less.” 30. A woman is receiving patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) post–cesarean section. Which of the following must be included in the patient teaching? 1. The client should monitor how often she presses the button. 2. The client should report any feelings of nausea or itching to the nurse. 3. The family should press the button whenever they feel the woman is in pain. 4. The family should inform the nurse if the client becomes sleepy. 31. An 18-week gestation client telephones the obstetrician’s office stating, “I’m really scared. I think I have breast cancer. My breasts are filled with tumors.” The nurse should base the response on which of the following? 1. Breast cancer is often triggered by pregnancy. 2. Nodular breast tissue is normal during pregnancy. 3. The woman is exhibiting signs of a psychotic break. 4. Anxiety attacks are especially common in the second trimester. 32. A woman states that she frequently awakens with “painful leg cramps” during the night. Which of the following assessments should the nurse make? 1. Dietary evaluation. 2. Goodell’s sign. 3. Hegar’s sign. 4. Posture evaluation. 33. Which of the following exercises should be taught to a pregnant woman who complains of backaches? 1. Kegeling. 2. Pelvic tilting. 3. Leg lifting. 4. Crunching. 34. A woman in her third trimester advises the nurse that she wishes to breastfeed her baby, “but I don’t think my nipples are right.” Upon examination, the nurse notes that the client has inverted nipples. Which of the following actions should the nurse take at this time? 1. Advise the client that it is unlikely that she will be able to breastfeed.

2. Refer the client to a lactation consultant for advice. 3. Call the labor room and notify them that a client with inverted nipples will be admitted. 4. Teach the woman exercises in order to evert her nipples. 35. Which of the following vital sign changes should the nurse highlight for a pregnant woman’s obstetrician? 1. Prepregnancy blood pressure (BP) 100/60 and third trimester BP 140/90. 2. Prepregnancy respiratory rate (RR) 16 rpm and third trimester RR 22 rpm. 3. Prepregnancy heart rate (HR) 76 bpm and third trimester HR 88 bpm. 4. Prepregnancy temperature (T) 98.6ºF and third trimester T 99.2ºF. 36. A nurse midwife has advised a 39-week gestation gravid to take evening primrose oil 2500 mg daily as a complementary therapy. This suggestion was made because evening primrose has been shown to perform which of the following actions? 1. Relieve back strain. 2. Improve development of colostrum. 3. Ripen the cervix. 4. Reduce the incidence of hemorrhoids. 37. A 38-week gestation client, Bishop score 1, is advised by her nurse midwife to take evening primrose daily. The office nurse advises the client to report which of the following side effects that has been attributed to the oil? 1. Skin rash. 2. Pedal edema. 3. Blurred vision. 4. Tinnitus. 38. A 37-week gravid client states that she noticed a “white liquid” leaking from her breasts during a recent shower. Which of the following nursing responses is appropriate at this time? 1. Advise the woman that she may have a galactocele. 2. Encourage the woman to pump her breasts to stimulate an adequate milk supply. 3. Assess the liquid because a breast discharge is diagnostic of a mammary infection. 4. Reassure the mother that this is normal in the third trimester. 39. A 36-week gestation gravid client is complaining of dyspnea when lying flat. Which of the following is the likely clinical reason for this complaint? 1. Maternal hypertension. 2. Fundal height. 3. Hydramnios. 4. Congestive heart failure. 40. The nurse is providing anticipatory guidance to a woman in her second trimester regarding signs/symptoms that she might experience in the coming weeks. Which of the following comments by the client indicates that further teaching is needed?

1. “During the third trimester I may experience frequent urination.” 2. “During the third trimester I may experience heartburn.” 3. “During the third trimester I may experience back pain.” 4. “During the third trimester I may experience persistent headache.” 41. The nurse is analyzing the three-generation pedigree below. In which generation is the proband? 1. I. 2. II. 3. III. 4. There is not enough information to answer this question. 42. A woman is seeking genetic counseling during her pregnancy. She has a strong family history of diabetes mellitus. She wishes to have an amniocentesis to determine whether or not she is carrying a baby who will “develop diabetes.” Which of the following replies by the nurse would be most appropriate for the nurse to make? 1. “Doctors don’t do amniocenteses to detect diabetes.” 2. “Diabetes cannot be diagnosed by looking at the genes.” 3. “Although diabetes does have a genetic component, diet and exercise also determine whether or not someone is diabetic.” 4. “Even if the baby doesn’t carry the genes for diabetes, the baby could still develop the disease.” 43. A 25-year-old woman, G0 P0000, enters the infertility clinic stating that she has just learned she is positive for the BRCA1 and the BRCA2 genes. She asks the nurse what her options are for getting pregnant and breastfeeding her baby. The nurse should base her reply on which of the following? 1. Fertility of women who carry the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes is similar to that of unaffected women. 2. Women with these genes should be advised not to have children because the children could inherit the defective genes. 3. Women with these genes should have their ovaries removed as soon as possible to prevent ovarian cancer. 4. Lactation is contraindicated for women who carry the BRCA1 and BRCA 2 genes. 44. A woman asks a nurse about presymptomatic genetic testing for Huntington’s disease. The nurse should base her response on which of the following? 1. There is no genetic marker for Huntington’s disease. 2. Presymptomatic testing cannot predict whether or not the gene will be expressed. 3. If the woman is positive for the gene for Huntington’s, she will develop the disease later in life. 4. If the woman is negative for the gene, her children should be tested to see whether or not they are carriers. 45. A woman, who has undergone amniocentesis, has been notified that her baby is XX with a 14/21 Robertsonian chromosomal translocation. The nurse helps the woman to understand which of the following? 1. The baby will have a number of serious genetic defects. 2. It is likely that the baby will be unable to have children when she grows up. 3. Chromosomal translocations are common and rarely problematic.

4. An abortion will probably be the best decision under the circumstances. 46. A woman who has had multiple miscarriages is advised to go through genetic testing. The client asks the nurse the rationale for this recommendation. The nurse should base his or her response on which of the following? 1. The woman’s pedigree may exhibit a mitochondrial inheritance pattern. 2. The majority of miscarriages are caused by genetic defects. 3. A woman’s chromosomal pattern determines her fertility. 4. There is a genetic marker that detects the presence of an incompetent cervix. 47. A nurse has just taken a family history on a 10-week gravid client and created the family pedigree shown below. Which of the following actions should the nurse take at this time? 1. Advise the woman that she should have an amniocentesis. 2. Encourage the doctor to send her for genetic counseling. 3. Ask the woman if she knew any of the relatives who died. 4. Inform the woman that her pedigree appears normal. 48. A woman is informed that she is a carrier for Tay Sachs disease, an autosomal recessive illness. What is her phenotype? 1. She has one recessive gene and one normal gene. 2. She has two recessive genes. 3. She exhibits all symptoms of the disease. 4. She exhibits no symptoms of the disease. 49. During a genetic evaluation, it is discovered that the woman is carrying one autosomal dominant gene for a serious late adult-onset disease while her partner’s history is unremarkable. Based on this information, which of the following family members should be considered high risk and in need of genetic counseling? Select all that apply. 1. The woman’s fetus. 2. The woman’s sisters. 3. The woman’s brothers. 4. The woman’s parents. 5. The woman’s partner. 50. Which statement by a gravid client who is a carrier for muscular dystrophy, an X-linked recessive disease, indicates that she understands the implica...

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