2305 Lifeline 202001 PDF

Title 2305 Lifeline 202001
Course Individual Differences
Institution Edith Cowan University
Pages 3
File Size 185.3 KB
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Lifeline to those who haven’t started their assignment and / or can’t get their head around it First, things first – make sure you are in a headspace to take this advice on. Try to get some sleep, and get a good routine. I’m serious here – poor sleep has been identified as a major aspect of psychological distress. If you have not been able to sleep, or have been stressed out, I would advise you to seek advice from a healthcare professional. Check in with your GP, and seek referral to a psychologist or a counsellor. Remember to get a medical certificate, as that will help you negotiate additional time should you need it. If you prefer, you could contact Headspace (if you are 25 years old or younger) on 9208 9555 (Osborne Park WA) for an appointment. Furthermore, as an ECU student, you have access to free sessions with ECU Student Counselling:

In an emergency, get in touch with Lifeline Phone 13 11 14. Second, if you are feeling ok and ready to get started, read on! Else go back to step 1. Make sure you clear time to do this assignment. If you have commitments, work out a strategy where you can make time. You can’t do it in a couple hours, or even in the two days prior to submission. You will need to block out at least 15 hours between now and submission. Draw in favours, tell your partner that you need time out to get this done, get the children minded, explain to your boss that you will need to take some urgent leave. Whatever you do, ensure you get the time. Third, work out what the target paper is about. There are a number of resources that will help you: 1. Get a hold of the target paper. You can download this off the University Library site: http://www.ecu.edu.au/centres/library-services/overview Enter the following words in the ECU Worldsearch box: Associations of personality traits with quality of life and satisfaction with life (these are the first few words of the title), hit ‘Search’, child window comes up being result of search, top of the list is the target paper – hit View full text, login with your ecu login and password, which then opens up the ScienceDirect site, and then hit ‘download PDF’. Congrats – you have the paper (and the method of getting any paper you are after). Orient yourself around the paper – check out the abstract, and do an initial read. Make notes. 2. Check out the tutorial we have done specifically on the target paper https://au.bbcollab.com/collab/ui/session/playback/load/a8c1c93dbcba4db490310685f6d32c82

3. Now, having done this, reread the target paper. Make more notes. 4. By now you will have quite a few notes and ideas. Take time to order them. If you are a verbal based learner, do a note of all the notes. Throw up some key words on a single page using Microsoft Word, and order them. If you are a visual learner, draw a mindmap (download free software http://intranet.ecu.edu.au/l earning/learning-technologies/mindmeister )

5. Now, re-read the target paper again, using the 4Q method – how was the study done (what did the authors do, what would you need to do if you wanted to replicate their study); what was found (what were their results); so what (what are the implications of their results for our understanding), and work out why the study was done (what was the rationale for the paper). Make further notes, and modify your plan (whether it is the single page on Word, or the Mindmeister map). 6. Now go through Dr Julia Wexsler’s questions and answer them to the best of your ability: (https://blackboard.ecu.edu.au/webapps/blackboard/execute/content/file? cmd=view&mode=designer&content_id=_7194179_1&course_id=_655885_1). Then include that material in your plan (Word or Mindmeister). 7. Congratulations – you are now ready to start planning your submission. The first step is work out what you are going to conclude – what do you think is your provisional conclusion(s) with respect to the target paper? Write it down. This is ultra important because this becomes your pole star by which you navigate the writing of the paper. 8. Well done on getting this far. Give yourself a little break, go for a walk around the park, take the dog(s) out, get yourself a coffee in your favourite spot. Get your head clear again. 9. Check out your provisional conclusion again. Redraft, make it tighter, more concise, and better written. 10. Now draft your plan to writing your submission. The Ishikawa or fishbone diagram can be helpful, especially for visual learners (but also for verbal learners)

What I have drawn is where you begin (your introductory paragraph) and to your conclusion. As you have written your provisional conclusion, now have a go at writing your provisional introductory paragraph and overview of your paper (which is usually, the second paragraph of your submission). Note that there is a strong backbone to your argument from beginning to end. (If you want to see how others have used this tool, there are two tutorials on Ishikawa diagram using Kate Brown and Tessa Kisiel submissions – see Week 7 directory of the Unit Bb site). Our tutorial in Week 9 will help you here, in giving you a general background https://au.bbcollab.com/collab/ui/session/playback/load/d521f2f8f5d9491c9ac40568723a5b51

11. Great job! You have now the points where you begin and where you will likely end in your submission. Now populate the ‘sidebones’ of your fishbone – these are the major steps or areas of evidence that lead to your conclusion, and each sidebone represents at least a paragraph of your evidenced argument. Don’t go overboard with the number of sidebones– certainly no more than five or six, and possibly as few as three or four. 12. You now have a populated fishbone diagram, which is your plan for your submission. Start writing your first draft! Use the university assignment template I have created for you https://blackboard.ecu.edu.au/webapps/blackboard/execute/content/file? cmd=view&mode=designer&content_id=_6868101_1&course_id=_655885_1

No abstract is required for this assignment. I have given you notes in the template with respect to APA7 format, headers etc, although I would recommend that you not use headers for your assignment as remember the length of the assignment is restricted to only 6 pages (excluding title page, and references). Instead, work on the transitions between each step of the argument (the sidebones of the fishbone diagram). 13. Complete your first draft. On completion, take some time out, if you have the time and do as for step 8. 14. Read your first draft critically. What hangs together – what doesn’t. What parts of the draft lacks detail and clarifying explanation. Where in the submission could examples be usefully provided. Check how many pages you are (you may need to trim things down at this point). If you have time, get a friend to read your draft and give comment. 15. Use the assignment rubric to ensure that what you have done meets the assessment criteria. https://learn-ap-southeast-2-prod-fleet01-xythos.s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/5de9b0c2d91ec/3845602?response-content-disposition=inline%3B%20filename%2A%3DUTF-8%27%27AAC%2526U%2520Rubrics.pdf&response-contenttype=application%2Fpdf&X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Date=20200505T044043Z&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Expires=21600&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAIW5OVFIUOTV36DNA%2F20200505%2Fap-southeast2%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Signature=1f26a217281fc892010b37f0f4f9944227a16604508e9416114a1a66c873a554

16. Ask yourself whether your assignment meets the requirements of acquiring competencies in critical and creative thinking (rate you own work 1-4), and ask yourself what you need to do better. Do this for each of the subsequent criteria (taking risks, solving problems, embracing contradictions, innovative thinking, connecting/synthesising/transforming). 17. Annotate your draft where you need to explain more, do more etc. Then make the revisions. Tackle the biggest issues first, as by this time you may be racing the clock. Go for the biggest, strategic revisions. 18. If you have time, go back to steps 15-17 (if you have the time) Revise your draft again. And reiterate, if time permits. 19. Well done! Submit and ensure you give yourself a well earned rest....

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