6-2 beauty - Lecture notes 1 PDF

Title 6-2 beauty - Lecture notes 1
Author Renata Chapa
Course Wellness
Institution Southern New Hampshire University
Pages 6
File Size 79 KB
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6-2 Final Project Milestone Four IDS-402 Renata Chapa SNHU

My topic that I have fully decided to focus on would be the impact of having a perfect body image, or the need to obtain the ultimate perfect beautiful body one could reach. I hold this close to my heart as someone who has always been fit and on the smaller side, I struggled through each of my three pregnancies and also after due to self-image. Bu what actually determines one’s beauty? Beauty is ultimately in the eye of the actual person looking in the mirror. How does the need to be perfect and match our social media models being shown to us each day affect our wellbeing? “The fourth edition of the American Heritage Dictionary (2000) defines it as "the subjective concept of one’s physical appearance based on self-observation and the reactions of others." In the scientific literature, body image is considered a multidimensional construct encompassing self-perceptions and attitudes regarding one’s physical appearance across cognitive, affective, perceptual, and behavioral domains.” “Social Science is defined as the study of human society and of individual relationships in and to society. A scholarly or scientific discipline that deals with such study, generally regarded as including sociology, psychology, anthropology, economics, political science, and history.” The affects that beauty and body image have on us and the way we interact with peers is based of these beauty standards. When you hear someone say or talk about how someone is different and viewed in a bizarre way they are technically refusing to conform to society’s views on beauty. We grow up being taught what is beautiful and what isn’t through movies and TV shows we always see the popular beautiful girls over the ones who are grimy and dark. As we grow up and we are looking for that significant other all through our lives we are 100% of the time going off physical appearance right away. If we see a man who isn’t the standard beauty than we don’t even bother. “The question is, is beauty really only skin deep, or does an attractive face actually reflect underlying good qualities? In a few ways, the stereotype that “beautiful is

good” does hold. Evolutionary psychology holds that faces really are windows onto certain fundamental and important characteristics indicative of a person’s quality as a romantic partner and as a mate — qualities of health and genes, and even character.” We are surrounded by the effects of body image everyday of our lives, if we are spending time with people who are constantly judging others or judging you, you will in the end feel horrible about yourself leading you to do the same to others. “The study measured participants' frequency of daily interactions with body focused and non-body focused others, their degree of body appreciation, meaning how much one values their body regardless of its size or shape, and body satisfaction, and whether they ate intuitively in alignment with their hunger and cravings rather than fixating on their dietary and weight goals. "Body dissatisfaction is ubiquitous and can take a huge toll on our mood, self-esteem, relationships, and even the activities we pursue," said Kelly. "It's important to realize that the people we spend time with actually influence our body image. If we are able to spend more time with people who are not preoccupied with their bodies, we can actually feel much better about our own bodies."

When we focus on our outer appearance too much rather than what’s on the inside we forget how to interact with people. We focus so much on is my hair okay and then all night your questioning the outfit you picked because you changed five times before leaving. “Dr. Berscheid said the importance of physical attractiveness is growing and will continue to grow as increases in geographic mobility, frequent job changes and divorce subject more people to ''onetime'' or ''few-time'' interactions with others, in which they are judged on the basis of first impressions.

The psychologist, who has been studying the effects of physical attractiveness for the last 15 years, said the findings ''give new dimensions to Freud's statement that 'Anatomy is destiny.' '' (Freud's proposition referred originally only to physical differences between men and women.) Contrary to democratic notions that ''all men are created equal,'' the findings imply that a person's physical appearance can make a profound difference in his or her life.” We tend to listen to society and how and what they deem is beautiful, for many years we have seen that beauty in the eyes of society has fully changed and evolved. We have never seen campaigns or ads with bigger woman or even the trans woman. As society grows each year, we see more of what we are deeming beautiful giving women more confidence int themselves. “Integrating theories from multiple disciplines, this study views physical attractiveness as linked to academic achievement in high school through offsetting mechanisms (or pathways), some that promote (e.g., close ties with teachers and peers) and some that disrupt (e.g., dating, partying) academic pursuits. Overall, we expect more promotion than interference, so that the net result is an academic benefit. Consequently, better-looking youth of both genders will carry greater academic achievement into the transition to adulthood.” We have grown into a world where social media is the main thing we see in our society, every day we are bombarded with images of other women who have it all together or they seem as though they do, and we tend to think were supposed to fit that mold. The society tells us what beauty items to buy they shove this item into your face, and all are sharing it at once, so we think that we need it since they have it. The affects that beauty has on our wellness has shown to be so profound and many times negative has beaten the positives. We sit here and spend hundreds and thousands of dollars on our hair and products to make us look the way our society wants us to look. But what is true beauty is from what is within and what we see ourselves.


http://what-when-how.com/social-sciences/body-image-social-science/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5558203/ https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/01/190130075807.htm https://www.nytimes.com/1981/09/01/science/effects-of-beauty-found-to-runsurprisingly-deep.html https://www.psychologicalscience.org/observer/beauty-is-in-the-mind-of-the-beholder...

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