6 Ancient China - Lecture notes 6 PDF

Title 6 Ancient China - Lecture notes 6
Author Melonie Do
Course World Civilizations to the 16th Century
Institution California State University Fullerton
Pages 3
File Size 54.1 KB
File Type PDF
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Ancient China...


Ancient China I. Geography: A vast and Isolated Land A. Yellow / Yangtze Rivers 1. flow out of the Himalayas 2. north china plain - chinese recorded history 3. china passed thru the same stages of mesopotamia B. Natural Boundaries II. Who were China’s first Rulers? The Shang: 1523-1027 B.C 1. Xia Dynasty (no written record, but paralleled with mesopotamia), Shang came after B. Captain at Ayang C. King and warrior Aristocracy 1. Divine Kingship a) King is the a descendant is a ruler of God b) ruled with strong hand, overwhelmingly agricultural D. Agriculture and Metalwork 1. Silk 2. Bronze E. Religion: Divine Kingship Again 1. Ancestor F. Writing 1. The Shang Oracle Bones 2. Pictography 3. Record of Family/Ancestors III. Chou or Zhou Dynasty: 1027-211 BC A. Chuo Rebellion Against the Shang and “The Mandate of Heaven” B. Feudal Tendencies C. Cast Iron 1. Very skilled and did not borrow from anyone else a) Very independent, discovered this on their own in general, didn’t take from other civilizations 2. Made the best iron weapons until later 13 century D. Philosophical Developments: what impact did they have on China? 1. K’ung Fu-tzy (511-479 B.C) and Confucianism a) Analects (1) Order and Universal Law (a) must follow these rules or else you won’t be happy and will fall ill (2) Moderation and Propriety (a) nothing to extreme (b) politeness, humble, behave like a lady or gentlemen (3) Reverence for Elders (a) Father is boss, mother is second, elders know better (4) Learning b) Civil Service Examinations: Literary and Recitational Emphasis: Unconcerned with Practical or Technical Competence (1) people were given appointments in government if you knew someone (2) test later implemented, now to get a job you need to have the knowledge for it (a) knowledge even more emphasized and became an obsession





ex: people grew fingernails, laborers worked so fingernails broke off, longer finger nails = you were not a laborer and were smarter 2. Lao-Tzu (6th cent. B.C) and Taoism a) what is “The way” and how does taoism contrast with other chinese philosophies? (1) Opposite of Confucianism (a) who the hell cares for formalities b) importance of fidelity to nature (1) don’t compromise integrity (2) it’s not natural to be so formal (3) everything in nature is a juxtaposition (a) no hot w/o cold (b) no light w/o darkness (c) Keep all this in balance!!! (4) let your emotions show, it’s only natural, don’t fight it c) retreat from government and social obligations d) a philosophy of consolations Ch’in or Qin Dynasty: 221-206 B.C. A. Totalitarian and Centralized 1. most totalitarian govt in all of history 2. New ruler = ordered destruction of confucius and taoism, because he wanted everything to be his way and everyone to agree with him B. What motivated and chinese to build the great wall 1. constructed across the northern border of China a) people who were most threatening were in the north b) “Legalist” and Anti-Confucian Han Dynasty: 206 BC-220AD A. Peace and Prosperity B. Expansion of Borders C. Confucian Revival D. what were the advances in scholarship and medicine in the period 1. Ssu-ma Ch’ien (145-86) Records of the Grand Historian a) writes objected history (1) before people wrote about myths, stories, miracles, etc (a) those who wrote history, didn’t write it accurately, it always praised the rulers instead b) Decided he wanted to write things accurately, even if it offended the ruler 2. Surgery and Anesthesia 3. Silk Culture a) silk worms for silk to make clothes b) famous silk road that extends to mediterraneans (1) yay for trading (they traded with greece and rome) 4. Paper a) Before wrote on scripts and bamboo 5. Iron work E. Barbarian Invasion: disorder: Local Revolt: and Disintegration Conclusion A. Independent Magnificence of the Chinese Achievement...

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