A Design Methodology for BPMN PDF

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© Future Strategies Inc. Digital License Information This document is a digital-format only extract from the book 2009 BPM and Workflow Handbook Print Edition published in June 2009. The content of this book is fully copyrighted and may not be distributed or data extracted therefrom without written...


© Future Strategies Inc.

Digital License Information This document is a digital-format only extract from the book 2009 BPM and Workflow Handbook Print Edition published in June 2009. The content of this book is fully copyrighted and may not be distributed or data extracted therefrom without written permission by the publisher, Future Strategies Inc. Contact [email protected]. www.FutStrat.com. Tel: +1 954 782 3376. You are licensed to print one copy of this document for your own use.

© Extracted with permission from “2009 BPM and Workflow Handbook.” Published by Future Strategies Inc. www.futstrat.com

2009 BPM and Workflow Handbook Methods, Concepts, Case Studies and Standards in Business Process Management and Workflow

Published in association with the Workflow Management Coalition

15 Years of Thought-Process Leadership

Edited by

Layna Fischer Future Strategies Inc., Book Division Lighthouse Point, Florida

© Extracted with permission from “2009 BPM and Workflow Handbook.” Published by Future Strategies Inc. www.futstrat.com

2009 BPM and Workflow Handbook Copyright © 2009 by Future Strategies Inc.

ISBN-13: 978-0-9777527-9-8 ISBN-10: 0-9777527-9-8 11 10 09 9 10 11 All brand names and product names mentioned in this book are trademarks or service marks of their respective companies. Any omission or misuse should not be regarded as intent to infringe on the property of others. The Publisher recognizes and respects all marks used by companies, manufacturers and developers as a means to distinguish their products. The “WfMC” logo and “Workflow Management Coalition” are service marks of the Workflow Management Coalition, www.wfmc.org. Neither the editor, Workflow Management Coalition, nor Future Strategies Inc., accept any responsibility or liability for loss or damage occasioned to any person or property through using the material, instructions, methods, or ideas contained herein, or acting or refraining from acting as a result of such use. The authors and the publisher expressly disclaim all implied warrantees, including merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. There will be no duty on the authors or Publisher to correct any errors or defects in the software.

Published by Future Strategies Inc., Book Division 2436 North Federal Highway #374 Lighthouse Point FL 33064 USA 954.782.3376 fax 954.782.6365 www.futstrat.com; [email protected] Cover by Petal Design Studio, London All rights reserved. Manufactured in the United States of America. No part of this work covered by the copyright hereon may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means—graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or information storage and retrieval systems—without written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. Publisher’s Cataloging-in-Publication Data Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 2008900155

2009 BPM and Workflow Handbook: /Layna Fischer (editor) p. cm. Includes bibliographical references, appendices and index.

ISBN 0-9777527-9-8 1. Business Process Management. 2. Workflow Management. 3. Technological Innovation. 4. Information Technology. 5. Total Quality Management. 6. Organizational Change 7. Management Information Systems. 8. Office Practice Automation. 9. Business Process Technology. 10. Electronic Commerce. 11. Process Analysis Fischer, Layna

© Extracted with permission from “2009 BPM and Workflow Handbook.” Published by Future Strategies Inc. www.futstrat.com

A Design Methodology for BPMN Michele Chinosi and Alberto Trombetta University of Insubria, Varese, Italy ABSTRACT We present our contributions to business process design. Our starting point has been a thorough analysis of the OMG standard BPMN. While uncovering several of BPMN’s weak points, our analysis has brought in a novel three-phase design methodology for BPMN.

INTRODUCTION Having a business processes notation and a corresponding conceptual model is not enough when dealing with the modeling of large, complex business processes. As already done in several other contexts [6, 7], we provide a modeling methodology to support users design and represent business processes. Often, in real scenarios business processes are described using (more or less formalized) graphical languages and/or models. During the last few years, several efforts have been made in order to provide tools to accomplish this requirement, the more notable being WS-BPEL [4], XPDL [5], UML [7], BPMN [1]. As another active line of work, there have been several attempts to provide a formalization. Our design methodology proposal fills a gap in the business processes modeling scenario, since there is no mention about BP design and/or modeling methodologies inside the most recent specifications published or submitted to be published (as for example in the case of BPMN 2.0 proposals). Nonetheless, it is acknowledged that design methodologies for business process will be intensively investigate in the next coming years [9]. By a business process design methodology we mean a set of transformation rules specifying how a business process element can be modeled and a set of (possibly semi-formal) rules addressing how such transformation rules should be applied in order to derive a correct and complete business process, with respect to the initial specifications. In this chapter, we present our proposal which consists in a three-phase methodology. Each phase takes care of relevant features of every design methodology: the first phase deals with the conceptual modeling of BPs, intended as a way— through so-called design rules—of identifying the relevant tasks and information flows that contribute to the business process to be modeled, as inferred from the (usually natural language-based) requirements. The second phase takes the resulting BP diagram from the 1st phase and refines it using reduction and refinement rules. Such rules are applied in order to bring a diagram satisfying criteria like correctness and economy (to be explained later). Finally, the third phase serializes the resulting diagram from the 2nd phase using a self-developed XML-based representation of BPMN 1.1 called BPeX (Business Process eXtensions). The conceptual model behind such serialization is a very relevant piece of our approach but due to space constraints, we will focus on just the first two phases, which are more relevant from a design point of view. Furthermore, we will motivate and discuss our approach with an example taken from a classical customer/supplier scenario. A more extensive description of such

211 © Extracted with permission from “2009 BPM and Workflow Handbook.” Published by Future Strategies Inc. www.futstrat.com

A DESIGN METHODOLOGY FOR BPMN work as well as the motivating example is found in the Ph.D. Thesis of the first author [3].

RELATED WORK To the best of knowledge there are no other works defining a design methodology for business processes, using in particular BPMN as the reference notation. Several efforts has been made to develop business processes modeling notations and languages, starting from the more classical approaches like UML and workflows and passing through Petri Nets, π-calculus, Event-driven Process Chain (EPC). Also several serialization formats have been published in the last few years, as for the WfMC XPDL and WS-BPEL. Many works have thoroughly discussed on the capabilities and advantages as well as on weak points of using each of those notations and languages [10, 11, 12, 13, 14]. Muehlen et al. have provide a thorough analysis of BPMN elements set usage [30] emphasizing some properties a good business process modeling technique should have [29]. Our definition of business processes design methodology draws inspiration from several contributions on workflows patterns analysis (among others, the wellknows contribution of van der Aalst work [2] and new works as for [21]), reduction rules (even if applied as stand-alone approaches) [25,26] as well as engineering approaches [27,22]. These frameworks were applied to other processes modeling representations [19], like EPC or Petri Nets. There are some works regarding a query language for BPMN, as in [18, 19] with BPMN-Q and in [15, 16, 17] with BP-QL, but they are still at an early stage of formalization. As the Object Management Group (OMG) published in 2007 a Request For Proposals for a new version of BPMN named BPMN 2.0, which should encompass the BP modeling notation, its metamodel and a serialization format, there are two main submission teams, one led by BEA, IBM, Oracle [31] and the other by Adaptive, Axway Software, Hewlett-Packard, Lombardi Software, Fujitsu [32]. This motivated us not to provide an implementation tied to a specific model of the design methodology but to give a more general, high-level description of it.

BUSINESS PROCESS DESIGN METHODOLOGY As already said, we propose a three-phase methodology to support modelers design processes starting from natural language-based specifications. Each phase comprises a set of rules which act as guidelines for the modeler to obtain a wellformed and valid business process model starting from natural language specifications. Here, valid and well-formed mean having result diagrams which are compliant to BPMN specifications under several aspects as, for example, graphical representation, syntax and semantics. We remark that the application of the rules to a process description in natural language may yield different valid diagrams—assuming that the resulting diagrams fulfill the requirements, correctly describing the original process features and behavior. This is because there are several ways to model a process depending on different factors, not least the varying skill levels of modelers. Instead of starting from scratch, in order to develop our methodology we chose to start with a well-known modeling methodology (the E-R modeling methodology for databases, but also the more general ANSI definition [8]), adapting it to our needs. The significance of this approach, according to ANSI, is that it allows the three phases to be relatively independent of each other. Hence, this design methodology could be applied independently from a BPMN specific element set, from the un-

212 © Extracted with permission from “2009 BPM and Workflow Handbook.” Published by Future Strategies Inc. www.futstrat.com

A DESIGN METHODOLOGY FOR BPMN derlying model or, even, from the chosen serialization language (with the adequate changes if needed).

PHASE 1: CONCEPTUAL MODELING Natural language specifications are very often the starting point of the design phase. Most enterprises have lots of documentation describing internal processes and their relationships with other stakeholders (e.g., customers, suppliers). It is difficult to understand the behavior of a set of (often interacting) processes and only few employees can accomplish this task successfully. Few attempts to adopt a standardized lexicon for writing specifications have been made [33]. But up to now they are not very well known. Thus, the lexical analysis upon which the first phase is centered is still a first necessary step. The output of this phase is a first version of the process modeled with BPMN, using especially its core elements set [30]. As already stated, the goal is to obtain one correct, complete and compliant graphical representation of the process to be further refined. Rule 1.1: Participants identification. Participants are all the actors, services, people, employees involved in the processes’ execution. Participants are those entities or roles which perform actions, activities and tasks. Every Participant in BPMN is represented with a Pool (from the BPMN specification: “A Pool represents a Participant”). Thus, for each Participant a different Pool must be graphically drawn. The Pool name is the same of the Participant's. If one ore more actors are in hierarchical relationship with one other, it is safe to represent them partitioning the Pool with corresponding Lanes. There are no semantic rules to determine when two or more actors' names are the same. One well-described process should follows a fixed and shared taxonomy, at least inside the company boundaries. Without a predefined taxonomy or glossary, we have to recognize synonyms, technical or standard terms. In the customer/supplier example process we can easily found four different actors: one Customer (someone, customer), one Store, one Sale Assistant (sale assistant, cashier) and one Warehouseman (warehouse clerk, warehouseman, warehouse). We can infer from the context that the Warehouseman and the Sale Assistant work for the Store and, thus, we can conclude that we have to deal with two processes: one for the Customer and one for the Store. The Store will have two Lanes, one for each employee. Rule 1.2: Activities identification. For each Participant, the main activities set is to be identified. If one action taken from one of the Participants has a simple structure and does not have relevant associated properties, it can be represented with an Activity Task. During the first phase, it is possible to define all tasks as of type None. If one action performed by one of the Participants is a complex action, which could be specified more in detail, it can be represented using Sub-Processes. It is necessary to make a semantic analysis of the actions performed by the Participants to state if an action has to become a Task or a Sub-Process. Typically, atomic actions are to be represented with Tasks, while complex actions with SubProcesses. Modeling a Sub-Process does not necessary mean that it is required to specify also the content of the process. BPMN allows to represent collapsed SubProcesses making feasible to indicate that an activity is composed from simple tasks up to an entire whole process. Sometimes the textual description of the activities gives no detailed information pertaining the behavior or the content of

213 © Extracted with permission from “2009 BPM and Workflow Handbook.” Published by Future Strategies Inc. www.futstrat.com

A DESIGN METHODOLOGY FOR BPMN such elements. It is likewise possible to model them. During the second phase there will be the possibility to substitute Sub-Processes with Tasks and viceversa. Since Activities are the most expensive elements in terms of processes execution inside a process, a careful implementation of this step is very important. As an aside observation, modeling tasks with different granularity layers could be useful to represent also different views of the same process as well. A guiding principle is to define all the actions as Tasks, refining the diagram during the second phase. This is because is more simple to group activities together obtaining a Sub-Process (e.g., an Ad-Hoc Sub-Process) than extracting information form a Sub-Process splitting it into several different Tasks. The latter way is not recommended because, as consequence, the overall complexity of the process rapidly increases. Finally, it is also important to give attention in distinguishing between something that “happens” during the process (Events) and work that participants perform (Activities). Rule 1.3: Events identification. An event is something that “happens” during the course of a process, affecting its flow. Depending on when an event occurs, events could be classified as Start Events (when they occurs at the beginning, causing the start of a process), End Events (when they indicate the end of a process) or Intermediate Events (when they occur between the start and the end of a process). Without using a formalized language it could be difficult to distinguish between some kind of activities and events. Actually, there could be activities that may be modeled as events, saving the number of activities (more complex to model and to serialize) and simplifying the diagram. Moreover, some events are not clearly specified inside the process description. This could be a problem in the case of Start or End events. BPMN specifications provide the possibility not to draw Start or End Events starting and ending the process with Tasks (but if at least one Start (End) Event is designed, there must be at least a corresponding End (Start) Event for the same process). Rule 1.4: Choices identification. It is possible to identify choices every time a single flow could be splitted in more than one different path. Choices are often introduced by conditional or boolean expressions, like, for example, if … then [… else], while/meanwhile, or/otherwise, and so forth. Choices could also be identified through conditional form of such verbs, like sentences containing the verbs can, may or the conditional forms could, should, would, and so on. Some of these constructs suggest which type of choices we are dealing with. For example, terms like while/meanwhile clearly indicate the possibility to have parallel flows (activities executed at the same time) while terms like or/otherwise suggest the use of alternate paths. Choices in BPMN are represented using Gateways. Gateways affect the flow of the process forking, branching, joining or merging different paths. As said, inside a process, there can be different kinds of Gateways. There could be the need to split a flow in multiple, parallel flows or to choose which path to follow depending on the result of a condition or exceptions handling if particular conditions occur. Every splitting Gateway must have a merging Gateway (which may be implicit) or End Events to end all the paths. Simply follow each outgoing path until its termination is reached. BPMN specifications provide the Token notion to simulate the flows. There should not be left processes with non-terminating paths. Also, loops could imply some non-termination conditions.

214 © Extracted with permission from “2009 BPM and Workflow Handbook.” Published by Future Strategies Inc. www.futstrat.com

A DESIGN METHODOLOGY FOR BPMN Rule 1.5: Adding Relationships. There are two different kind of relationships affecting flows: Sequence Flow and Message Flow. The easiest way to distinguish among them is to consider Sequence Flows as the representation of the order that activities will be performed within a process, while Message Flows are used to show the messages exchanged among different processes. Sequence Flows. Following the order given by the process specifications, connect all the activities, events and gateways, beginning from Start Events and finishing with End Events. This step is to be separately performed for every participant. Message Flows. Every information exchanged between different participants has to be represented with a Message Flow arising from the sender towards the recipient. Notice that the content of the Message exchanged could be a textual message or a nonspecific object, such as a paper document as well as an email. It is a non-trivial work (especially if we have to deal with complex processes having an huge amount of elements) to list all the Sequence Flows needed to connect all the diagram shapes. Toward this point, it is useful to report in a table the list of the established relationships among processes. Rule 1.6: Documentation of the processes. If the process description provides some other information which has not been yet represented using the BPMN core elements set, it is possible to add them using BPMN Artifacts. The outline of the example process at the end of 1st phase can be seen in Figure 1.

Figure 1: The first phase output process, ready to be refined

PHASE 2: LOGICAL MODELING During the second phase of the design methodology we start reasoning about the diagram we outlined during the first phase. The first phase rules provided some simple means in order to perform the first necessary steps towards the design of a business process by graphical means. Now we present refinement rules to improve the business process diagram. At first, some preliminary assumptions have to be stated. BPMN specifications provide a large variety of symbo...

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