A211 Assignment 1 Business Plan PDF

Title A211 Assignment 1 Business Plan
Author Munirah Zainol
Course Entrepreneurship
Institution Universiti Utara Malaysia
Pages 9
File Size 448.1 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 193
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Objective of Assignment The main objective of this assignment is to enable student to understand importance and function of business plan. Upon completion of this assignment, students able to identify, describe and analyse a business opportunity and/or a business already under way, examining its technical, economic and financial feasibility. In addition, business plan can be used as tool to introduce business to business stakeholders such as banks, investors, institutions, public bodies or any other agent involved especially to when seek financial assistance. Task Outline Students are required to prepare business plan based on the given format. You may refer to some available business plan guideline and template.

1. Executive Summary ü A quick introduction into the main topics ü Short overview of your enterprise ü provides the investor with the core statements and conclusions of your enterprise strategy and success factors



2. About your business ü Introduction of your business ü Product/Services ü Current status ü Funding sought

3. Market Planning ü Target Market Selection ü Target Market Size and Trends ü Sales Promotion Mix and Strategies ü Pricing strategy ü Product strategy ü Any relevant information for market planning

4. Management and organizational Plan ü Organizational structure ü Management Team



5. Operational Plan ü Operational expenditure ü Operation flowchart ü Relevant operation matters

6. Financial Plan ü Source of fund ü Business start-up budget ü Profit and lost, Cash flow and balance sheet (for 12 weeks) 7. Business Model Canvas (Refer https://www.strategyzer.com/30 days trial for design template)

8. Conclusion 9. Appendix – documents, drawings, illustration, brochures and so on (if applicable)



Instructions The written assignment is to be prepared on a group basis (8-10 members in a group). It is expected the content of the written assignment will reflect group’s thoughts and analysis rather than the work of others. The selection of the group’s members MUST be from within the same group that the students attend. After the formation of groups, each GROUP LEADER shall submit the names of the group members to their respective lecturer. Each group must submit a Complete Business Plan by Week 12 (exclude midterm break). Group assignment guidelines/specifications are given below. Students are required to write in their OWN WORDS and Cite References in their group assignments. Failure to do so may result in either the project paper be rejected or failed or heavily penalized.

Group Assignment Specification: • The project should be neatly typed in Font 11 Arial with 1.5 spacing on A4 size papers. • Students are expected type page number, course code and course name in every page. • Students may prepare report either in Malay or English. • Students are expected to use APA referencing style for their assignment. • Cover page should include name of university, college, subject name and code, coursework title, name of student and student matrix number, group name, name of lecturer, and date of submission. • The assignment should not exceed 25 pages excluding table of contents, appendices, cover page, marking scheme and references. The assignment should include the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Cover Page Entrepreneurial Skills Rubric for group assignment (Appendix I) Table of content The report (Business Plan) Appendix References: Students are advised to incorporate American Psychological Association (APA) mode of referencing.

All pages in the written report should be numbered except for the cover page, Table of Contents and references. A copy of the marking scheme (Appendix I) must be attached immediately after the cover page of the assignment.



Late Submission Penalty Clause Deadline for submission of assessment item(s) is to be strictly adhered to. No extension of time will be allowed except in extenuating circumstances, e.g. medical reasons. Students who wish to apply for extension of time for submission of assessment item(s) after the due date shall put in writing the request together with validated documentary evidence to support the application to his/her class lecturer. The lecturer may consider and grant such extension of due date for the assessment item(s) based on the reason(s) provided. Any assessment item required by the Coursework Assessment which is submitted after the due date, without an approved extension, will be penalized. A penalty of 10% reduction of the maximum mark applicable to the assessment item(s) will be levied for each day of late submission. Weekends and Public Holidays are counted as one (1) day late. Assessment item(s) submitted more than seven (7) days after the due date will be awarded with zero (0) marks.

Plagiarism Plagiarism is defined as the submission or presentation of work, in any form, which is not one's own, without acknowledgment of the sources. If a student obtains information or ideas from an outside source, that source must be acknowledged. Another rule to follow is that any direct quotation must be placed in quotation marks and the source immediately cited. Plagiarism is also defined as copy of all or part of the work of other student(s) of current or previous batch of this University or another higher learning institution. The University's degree and other academic awards are given in recognition of the candidate's personal achievement. Plagiarism is therefore considered as an act of academic fraudulence and as an offence against University discipline. Mode of Referencing Students are advised to incorporate proper academic modes of referencing. The normally acceptable mode of academic referencing is the American Psychological Association (APA) system Fieldwork Clause (where applicable) Students are reminded of the importance to consider their personal safety when conducting research in the field. You will be exposing yourself in new situations and meeting with people who are unknown to you. It is important that you are aware of potential dangers and take the necessary safety steps. You have to be



extra careful and cautious if you are going to interview or conduct survey with small, unknown organizations or individuals 'on site'. You should ensure you have the full details (full name, job title, organization name, address and telephone numbers) of anyone or organization you intend to conduct the field research. You should establish the credibility of these respondents before your groups visit them. The field research should be made in groups not alone. Leave word with your fellow classmates on your field visit (details of place, contact numbers, person you are interviewing or conducting survey with, expected time of return, etc). The field work should be at office hours.



Appendix I Entrepreneurial Skills Rubric Level 1 Group did not include in presentation or to such a limited degree it would not count. Group did not include in presentation or to such a limited degree it would not count.

Level 2 Missing parts of the executive summary. Left some questions.

Marketing Plan

Group did not include in presentation or to such a limited degree it would not count.

Missing parts of the marketing plan. Left some questions.

Management & Organizational Plan

Group did not include in presentation or to such a limited degree it would not count.

Presented a management & organizational plan but not supports or explanation.

Operational Plan

Group did not include in presentation or to such a limited degree it would not count.

Presented an operational plan but not supports or explanation.

Executive Summary

About Business

Missing parts of about business. Left some questions.

Level 3 Had each component. Might not have been clear or well described. Left some questions. Had each part of the about business but not presented in a very clear or organized way. Was not supported. Left some questions. Had each part of the marketing plan but not presented in a very clear or organized way. Was not supported. Left some questions. Presented an management & organizational plan and then either provided support or explained how it represented the work environment.

Level 4 Had each component overall clear but might have left some questions.

Presented an operational plan and then either provided support or explained how it represented the work environment.

Presented an operational plan turned and provided support and explained how it represented the work environment. Might not have been completely clear.


Had each part of the about business and started to support some of the decisions but still left for some questions. Had each part of the marketing plan and started to support some of the decisions but still left for some questions. Presented an management & organizational plan turned and provided support and explained how it represented the work environment. Might not have been completely clear.

Level 5 Presented in a way that was clear and made sense to stakeholders. Had each component. Had each part of the about business and supported the decisions. Clearly presented.


Had each part of the marketing plan and supported the decisions. Clearly presented.

Presented an management & organizational plan turned and provided support and explained how it represented the work environment. Completely clear and well presented. Presented an operational plan turned and provided support and explained how it represented the work environment.


Financial Plan

Group did not include in presentation or to such a limited degree it would not count.

Only presented the cost or the revenue.

Business Model Canvas

Group did not include in presentation or to such a limited degree it would not count.

Only presented the certain component of business model canvas.

Overall Presentation

Group was disorganized and the presentation was not coherent and could not be followed. Missing many components. Someone or a few people might not have participated.

Group was a little disorganized and there were some parts that needed work. Might have missed one section. Someone might not have participated.

Presented both cost and revenue but did not provide support or research for how they got the information. Presented business model canvas but did not provide support or research for how they got the information. Everyone participated. Each section was presented. It was not always clear.

Presented both cost and revenue and provided support. Not completely clear but overall good. Presented business model canvas and provided support. Not completely clear but overall good. Everyone participated in the presentation. The flow made sense and it was clear, entertaining and professional.

Completely clear and well presented. Presented both cost and revenue and provided support. Clear and well presented to stakeholders. Presented business model canvas and provided support. Clear and well presented to stakeholders. Everything at a level 4 plus it had something that made it stand out just a little bit more.

Score = ……/ 40



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