AB-#13575 - Grade: 9.5 PDF

Title AB-#13575 - Grade: 9.5
Author nechi Iz me
Course Business Statistics
Institution University of Chicago
Pages 4
File Size 85.8 KB
File Type PDF
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Elementary School Learning Student’s Name Instructor Course Title Date


Jean Cole 4th Grade Frontier Elementary Classroom Observation In this video, first the students confirm their attendance after arriving. This activity is led by the student leaders. The student leaders lead the other students in saying their behavior pledge after ensuring that every student is attentive. The behavior pledge is about self-control where the students pledge to control their body and voice. It is about concentrating in the classroom by being present and cooperating in the classroom (Peoria Unified C&I, 2017). The student’s say the pledge of allegiance where they agree to be submissive to the authority and also respect their teachers. Afterward, the students get to their groups where the teacher requires them to review the discussion guidelines, which are embedded on the wall. These guidelines are to help the students in their discussion groups. The discussion guidelines include practicing turn taking where the students should not talk over the other. The students should be keen on the body language. Students are also guided to either agree or disagree with the ideas put across and the person. The students are requested to have a plan of they would conduct their discussion. The task of the day is composing a persuasive essay that is supported by facts. The students are receptive to the classroom topic. The students discuss amongst themselves on how they would communicate with each other with regard to given classroom target. The teacher puts emphasis on the base words. The students show attention and cooperation by participating in the classroom teaching, which is evident in how the students answer the questions asked by the teacher. The teacher equips the students with a brief overview and knowledge of what will be required in writing the essay. The teacher insists that the essay should be based on facts and opinions. Some of the groups do not follow the teacher’s directions and she directs them otherwise.


Elementary Math Classroom Observation This video shows a class on math lesson, where the teacher requires every group to get a bag. Also, the requests each student to get a white board and a marker. The students are to use them to solve problems. The students are cooperative and attentive in the class. This is evident by how the students answer the questions asked by the teacher. The students are learning about numbers whereby they are taught on how to write money in form of dollars and cents. The teaching is done by use of various ways, such as inquiry-based learning, cooperative learning, and critical thinking. The three ways of teaching are complementing each other. In inquiry-based learning, the teacher is emphasizing on the student’s role in the learning process. The teacher is also engaging the students in the learning process by requiring the student’s participation. This is shown by how the teacher keeps on asking questions severally. Critical thinking is also part of the learning where students need to think carefully while giving answers to the questions asked. The teacher distributes several bags to the students to practically exercise what she teaches theoretically. She instructs the students not to do anything unless she has directed them. The students are also careful as they proceed with the assignment given by the teacher by asking for clarification on what is needed. The students are participating and contributing in their various groups. The groups are made up of two students each. The teacher goes around the class to ascertain the progress in the various groups (Rebekka Rannva, Creamy, 2013). Nevertheless, some of the students seem not to know what is going on and they are dormant in the paired activity. At the end, the teacher asks several questions and the students are giving answers in unison. Also, the teacher gives the students some homework to do, as she winds up the class.


References Peoria Unified C&I. (2017). Jean Cole 4th Grade Frontier Elementary Classroom Observation. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKxAyy0MBiQ Rebekka Rannva, Creamy. (2013). Elementary Math Classroom Observation. Retrieved https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzq-kuyhiqs...

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