Annotated Bibliography - Grade: 95 PDF

Title Annotated Bibliography - Grade: 95
Author Hannah Nuttall
Course Introduction to Research Writing
Institution University of Rhode Island
Pages 5
File Size 120 KB
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annotated bibliography for animal rights paper...


Abstract: Animal experimentation is not a topic many people spend a lot of time thinking about. Researchers and scientists experiment on animals in order to improve upon product safety. Many companies, however, abuse the test subjects without considering the effect on the animals. Animal experimentation does not always provide successful results. The risk to humans is still great even when the product passes the animal trials. Companies have other alternatives to testing their products on helpless animals, but they are reluctant to take a stand when it impacts their bottom line. These cruel practices should be illegal in the United States. Sparing these lives would do our planet good. No more accidental murders to “better our world” for girls to wear makeup, no more torturings to be able to wash our bodies. We could live in harmony and sleep better at night knowing we did a good thing. Maybe then, companies would change their ways. It would take a lot of people for this movement to begin, but if we start joining together now, think about how our country, if not our world, will be in about 15 years. Seeing healthy animals not in cages due to sickness from drug testing. Seeing dogs having a better home than a lab that does not let them sleep in a bed. It takes all of us to do this, but together, we can change the companies for good. Save our world from the destruction that is taking place.

Annotated Bibliography: "Arguments Against Animal Testing."Cruelty Free International . N.p., n.d. Web. 22 May 2017.. The article brings up good arguments about why we should not test products and drugs

on animals. The article is split into five different aspects of animal testing: the introduction, Unreliable Animal Testing, Wasteful Animal Testing, Dangerous Animal Testing, and Animals Are Different. Each section is bulleted with facts, mainy statistics, on each topic. This article also brings up the fact that even though the trials worked on the animals, it does not mean it will always work on humans as well. The writer explains how we also have been researching conditions like cancer, AIDS, and diabetes in animals, we still do not have a cure for the animals, let alone humans. This article may be mostly statistics, however, it helps lead me to my argument that animal testing is cruel and should be stopped.

Bernstein, Jacob. “The Price French Bulldogs Pay for Being So Cute.” The New York Times , 16 Mar. 2018, mestopic/Cruelty+to+Animals&action=click&contentCollection=timestopics®ion=strea m&mode=stream_unit&version=latest&contentPlacement=6&pgtype=collection. This article mainly focuses on animal cruelty in general, not the testing part of it. It describes a scenario where a 10-month old French bulldog was put on a plane from Houston to New York and died because a flight attendant tried to store the dog in an overhead compartment. Due to the death of an innocent dog, conversations were started about the abuse of animals and how to fix it. The topic of breeding was also brought up. Many people want a dog that looks nice but does not ask about health history issues. This can lead to unintentional mistreatment of the animal which will not get the proper treatment in the proper amount of time. This article may only be good for just the part about the dog dying on the plane, but the example is useful to my

animal abuse argument.

“Cruel Beauty.” America , vol. 204, no. 19, Jun, 2011, pp. 4, ProQuest Discovery ,. This article brings up the idea of finding other ways to test products and drugs instead of using innocent animals. These tests are proven to be cheaper, more reliable and more accurate because they are using human cells instead of an animal’s. The writer brings up solutions instead of just stating problems. It is also stated that there are computer models for the testing of human cells. The article will be very useful for my paper due to the solution given rather than the problem stated over and over. I will be using the idea of taking the cell and skin tissue cultures and corneas from eyes to be tested rather than using live animals that are abused and killed. The writer seems to be qualified to talk about the subject as well as passionate.

“The End of Animal Laboratories in Medical Student Education”; Good Medicine , 2016, pp. 6-9, SIRS Issues Researcher,. This article delves further into the cruelty shown towards and done to these animals for research purposes at prestigious universities. These universities that have tested on animals for research have chosen perfectly healthy animals for their research, bred more of them for their use, and tested products and drugs on them. After they are done using the animals for their research, they kill these poor, innocent animals. Killing them, however, may have been the only kindness shown to them throughout their time alive. The abuse they are put through for research

is inhumane, and this article proves that. This article will be very useful to me when talking about how inhumane testing on animals is. Using this in the beginning of my paper may work to shock and disgust the readers to the point of understanding.

“Tortured for Toothpaste: Should Companies Test their Products on Animals?” Scholastic Action, vol. 26, no. 7, Jan 24, 2003, pp. 6-7, ProQuest Discovery,. The article changes many minds by bringing up the fact that not only are drugs tested on animals, but makeup products, shampoos, toothpastes, and many more cosmetics are tested as well. The harm that these animals are put through just so we are able to try to make ourselves look better is ridiculous. The article also brings up the fact that these animals are unable to lead proper lives, as they are trapped in cages from birth, or capture, until their release, or death. The article will be useful to connect this argument directly to people’s lives because most people use the cosmetic products that are tested on animals, they may not know it yet, however. I will probably start my research paper with this source to hit the readers with the harsh material first.

Traïni, Christophe. “(Animal) Victims and Social Domination.” The Animal Rights Struggle: An Essay in Historical Sociology, Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam, 2016, pp. 125–156. JSTOR, .

This article had one good quote that I will use in my research paper. “From  the frog that peasants chop in two, leaving the top part of the body to drag itself along in the sun, its eyes bulging horribly, its arms trembling, trying to escape by burying itself in the ground, to the goose whose feet have nails stuck through them, to the horse exhausted by leeches or gorged by the horns of a bull, animals suffer appallingly at the hands of men.” It is very powerful describing the torture and pain we have caused many animals throughout our existence just so we can have an easier healthier life. The image is so detailed in my brain that I hope it will have the same effect on the readers. I will be quoting this at the end of my paper to leave the readers with this image....

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