Essay \"Annotated Bibliography - Technology\" - Grade A PDF

Title Essay \"Annotated Bibliography - Technology\" - Grade A
Author Rosalie Romeo
Course Composition Ii
Institution University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Pages 6
File Size 85.4 KB
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Annotated Bibliography - Technology...


Rosalie Romeo Professor Zuiderweg ENG 102 March 30, 2016 Annotated Bibliography: Technology Technology is rapidly improving and growing in today’s society. There is a new update and model for gadgets and devices almost every 10 seconds. Technology could be useful at times, but the excessive use of it can lead to bad side effects. In addition, technology has made everyday tasks, like figuring out what to eat from ingredients in the fridge to flying to the other side of the world in a matter of a few hours, much easier to take on. Although technology helped develop the world today, there are still side effects to the long-term use of technology that can hinder the growth of people in a technology filled world. The research question, ‘What are the long-term effects of living in a technological world and are they positive or negative?’ encompasses the list of effects, good and bad, of the usage of technology by the people. I will be researching the positive and negative effects of the constant use of technology. I will also be researching the negative effects technology has to offer to people’s state of mind, relationships, and health. My thesis is: Technology has given many up-sides to humanity, like the creation of transportation, a way to communicate with loved one’s that live far away, and the ability to do daily mundane research jobs more efficiently; however, the long term effects of constantly using technology and being connected twenty-four-seven creates a decrease in emotion, health, and the ability to connect to other on a deeper and more personal level. The resources I chose are from scholarly journal articles and online journal articles as well. They will assist in writing this research essay due to the fact that the articles contain information and research conducted on the

long-term effects of technology to people while also considering the positive aspects of technology. They provide background information and evidence to support their claims. I will provide the positive as well as the negative impacts to not seem biased towards one side of the argument. References Clark, Brent B., Christopher Robert, and Stephen A. Hampton. "The Technology Effect: How Perceptions of Technology Drive Excessive Optimism." J Bus Psychol Journal of Business and Psychology 31.1 (2015): 87-102. UNLV. Web. 15 Mar. 2016. . The article states that the advancement in technology resulted in the progress of decision making and its success. There is also talk about how technology makes decision makers optimistic for the progress of technology and its outcomes. The author provides three studies that prove his thesis on the optimism of decision makers through technology. The author states that people associate technology with success and technology can be used to determine success and behavior. The author concludes that there was more negative effects of technology providing excessive optimism and that society might benefit from technology’s effects on optimism. Healy, Tim. "The Unanticipated Consequences of Technology." MARKKULA CENTER FOR APPLIED ETHICS. Santa Clara University, 6 Apr. 2005. Web. 15 Mar. 2016. . Tim Healy wrote a paper about the consequences of technology under the Santa Clara University website. This article introduces the purpose of the paper and provides definitions of terms that will be used

throughout the paper like “intended and desired,” and a broader definition of technology. He brings up the question of why technology has unintended consequences and goes further into detail about the complexity and dynamics of technology. The author provides examples of consequences that were not anticipated due to technological advances. This paper is credible because it comes from the Santa Clara University webpage on the ethics of technology. Hurmiz, James. "The Long Term Effects of Living in a Technological World." Online Technology World. 29 Sept. 2015. Web. 15 Mar. 2016. . James Hurmiz is a computer engineer, a freelance writer, and the founder of Online Technology World. This article brings up the positive and negative effects of technology use while also explaining in further detail each effect. He gives an introduction of how important technology has been in the human existence and how it progressed and helped humans through time. He then gives examples of social issues and health issues resulting from the long-term use of technology. Since Hurmiz is a computer engineer and is the Founder of Online Technology World, there is credibility in his article. Hurmiz, James. "What Are The Long Term Effects Of Living In A Technological World?" Online Technology World. 15 Nov. 2014. Web. 15 Mar. 2016. . James Hurmiz is a computer engineer, a freelance writer, and the founder of Online Technology World. This article brings up the positive and negative effects of technology use while also explaining in further detail each effect. Three

supporting points brought up were that technology creates a more efficient way of communication, allows people with disabilities a chance to access things more easily, and provides medical advances. The disadvantages brought up were the development of social isolation, less time for physical activity, and that technology leads to depression. Since Hurmiz is a computer engineer and is the Founder of Online Technology World, there is credibility in his article. Nieminen, Hannu. "Digital Divide and Beyond: What Do We Know of Information and Communications Technologys Long-term Social Effects? Some Uncomfortable Questions." European Journal of Communication 31.1 (2016): 19-32. UNLV. Web. 15 Mar. 2016. . This article discusses how people’s daily lives has become immersed in technology and digital information that they barely have time to think of what their world has turned into. The advances in Communications Technology might create economic benefits, cost savings and competitiveness, but it could also lead to anxiety over the societal effects. The article makes the claim that the concerns brought up are pertinent. There are questions brought up about how the communications technology improves our lives and how people should think critically about big data. The author concludes by stating that the article is mainly about the effects of the communications technology on social aspects of life. Rowan, Cris. "The Impact of Technology on the Developing Child." The Huffington Post., 29 May 2013. Web. 15 Mar. 2016. . The author discusses the effects technology and the prolonged

use of it has on the developing child. The article provides insight into how much technology is used throughout a household and how much time a child now spends with technology as opposed to a time before technology. The article also talks about how a child’s sensory, motor, and attachment systems are all being affected by technology and the long-term use of it. The Huffington post is a well-known journal article and has many sources and research into their articles. The article is mostly against technology use with children and pro building relationships without the interference of technology. Vogl, Gregory J. "Information Technology, Science and Education." The Future of the World: Positive or Negative? Information Technology, Science and Education for a Better World. 2016. Web. 15 Mar. 2016. . Gregory Vogl trained in information technology from 1994-2011, which makes him knowledgeable about the time the internet and computer became popular to today’s technology. He studied at the Colorado State University and AmeriTeach. The first part of this article discusses the scientific technological pros and cons of technology. He states that technology has given humanity many helping hands, but it also provides it with its downfalls. This article is credible because he has had technological training for 17 years and is knowledgeable about the evolution of technology. "Technology Can Have Positive or Negative Impact on Social Interactions." Human-kinetics. 2010. Web. 15 Mar. 2016. . This article discusses the obstacles and the hurdles that have been overcome with technology. In addition, this article brings up topics of how technology creates distraction, stress, and isolation. There are charts and

graphs provided that give statistics and that have cited sources accompanied providing to the credibility of the article. The author not only talks about technology, but the social media aspect of it as well and its effects on people in general. The author focuses on the social development aspect of the effects of technology and its many aspects and branches....

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