Achilles vs Hector - Nota: 18 PDF

Title Achilles vs Hector - Nota: 18
Author Valeria Chacón
Course Derecho Internacional
Institution Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola
Pages 1
File Size 47.5 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 96
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Achilles vs. Hector Do you see any specific strategy between both fighters or is that just a matter of honor and strength? First, I do a research about them. They were fighting because Hector killed Achilles’ friend so he was so angry with him that wanted to fight for the honor of his friend. When I watched the video, I could appreciate that Hector wanted to do a negotiation for a good condition in their funeral but Achilles refused it because he thought Hector is not deserving that privilege. When they start to fight Achilles start jumping side to side and attacking Hector from the bottom to the top, I thought he did that like a strategy because he knew that Hector couldn’t resist the whole grueling fight that’s why he looked so tired at the end and finally Achilles killed him. It was a strategy to demonstrate people who was the best warrior in that place. Story of Hannibal Whatdi ffer encedoyouseebet weent hi smanandt het ypi cal r omancommander ? The di ffer ence abouthi m and ot hercommanderi st he dec i si on maki ng.He i s cons i der edt hebes tt act i c i an;s omeRomansi nt hef ut ur ewi l lusehi ss t r at egyt oat t ac k ot hert owns .Hanni balhat edRomanssi nc ehewasy oungs o hewant edt odes t r oy Romeandconquer edt hem.Hewentt ot heAl pswi t hhi st r oopandwarel ephant s ,but hel os thal fofhi sf or ce.Romansdi dn’ texpec tal eaderl i k ehi m,Hanni bal ’ sar myki l l ed Romans and had s ome vi ct or i es i n Lak e Tr asi meno and t he f ant as t i cs t r at egy i n Cannaewher et hear myofHanni balwer el esst hant heRomans,butt heyki l l edmor e s ol di er sbecausehi sar mysur r oundedt hem t oat t ackandwi nt hefight . Battle of Cannae: Whatdi ffer encedoy ouseebet weent her omant act i csandt hosef r om Hanni bal ?Can y ou sayt haty ou s ee st r at egyt her e? Do y ou t hi nkt he r omansf ol l owed a speci fic s t r at egy ? Romanswer econfi dentbecauset heywer eahugear mysot heyj us twentf or war di na s mal lpl ace,i nt heot herhandIcans eeHanni bal ’ sar myi nl i nest ot ak eal lt heenemi es i nt ot het r ap,s ur r oundedt hem.Ofcour se,Hanni balwasbr i l l i antbecauseheputhi s ar myi naci r cl eandt hi sc onf usedt heRomansbecauset heydi dn’ texpectt hat ,t hey di dn’ tk now how t odef endt hemsel v es ,andi twaseas yf orHanni bal ’ sar myt oat t ack .I t hi nkRomansj us tpl annedt ogof or war dt oget herl i k eat eam,butt heywer esur pr i s ed andcaughtbyHanni bal ’ sar my ....

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