ADHD Final draft eng comp 1 PDF

Title ADHD Final draft eng comp 1
Author Andrea Kennedy
Course English Composition 1
Institution Grand Canyon University
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Talking about Attention Deficit Hyper Disorder

Andrea J Kennedy College of Humanities and Social Science, Grand Canyon University Eng – 105 – 0506: English Composition 1 Jennifer Pellish April 14, 2021

2 Talking about Attention Deficit Hyper Disorder The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Attention Deficit Hyper Disorder (ADHD), these two are major topics in general with the website that the CDC has on ADHD is great place to start if someone is just looking into ADHD. ADHD has become more of a hot topic in the last 20 - 30 years. It was not something that parents and Doctors really looked at much before the 90’s. Now that ADHD has become more common of a thing it was important that the CDC which is a government supported agency. When Ethos is being thought about the CDC in itself is a great example. The CDC is those who specialize in different fields and are who the public turn to for guidance. The public looks to the CDC to give the correct information, they speak with authority that makes the public trust them. The people have trust in the CDC and believe that they speak with authority given to them by the United States. So, this is why it was so important for them to make a web page for those who needs a place to go to get the correct information to help they in the right direction to where they can find the help they need. The CDC uses the authority that is given to them by the United States Government to help show us a good use of Ethos, the webpage of the CDC with showing children in pictures helps shows Pathos and the CDC use Logos to help show different facts that they have the experts help prove are correct. Facts on Attention Deficit Disorder The DCD has its experts that are looking into what causes ADHA, the one that they are more for sure of then any of the other thoughts is that ADHD is hereditary (The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [ CDC], 2018). The CDC knows that ADHD is a neurodevelopmental circumstance. Frequently, ADHD is diagnosed during the adolescent stage of human growth and in some cases last into adulthood (The Centers for Disease Control and

3 Prevention [CDC], 2018). ADHD in adults is at least at 2.8%, this is so low because most adults go undiagnosed which leads to them being untreated (Straub et al., 2021). This may have to do with ADHD not being much of a thing that Doctors and Parents looked at and thought of before the 90’s, ADHA wasn’t really an idea people had before the 90’s. ADHD is best known for being s childhood disorder more than thought of as an adult disorder. There are three main symptoms that help break down ADHD, these are Attention Deficit, Impulsivity and Hyperactivity. With about 60% of children that are diagnosed with ADHD still have symptoms when they are adults. ADHD is still very much in the begging stages of its infancy as in adults, since the number of adults is so low (Straub et al,. 2021). The researchers are still researching ADHD, with not knowing as much about ADHD as they do about other medical behaviors. Facts from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention On the CDC website it lists some symptoms that child my show daydream’s a lot, forget or loses things a lot, can’t sit still, talks a lot, makes careless mistakes or unnecessary risks, has a hard time resisting temptation, has a hard time taking turns, and has trouble getting along with others. In adults ADHD may looked different. ADHD may cause it difficult for them at work, home and with having relationships with others. With the symptoms looking different in adults then kids it may look like, instead of hyperactivity can look like extreme. The symptoms of ADHD may become harsher because adult life does become more stressful than it is when they are children. There are three different symptoms of ADHD Predominantly Inattentive Presentation (it makes it hard for the person to organize and maybe finish a task that is started, they may miss some of the details because they have a hard time paying attention, they also have trouble following the instructions that are given, they also have a hard time having conversations. They get distracted and may forget the details of a daily routine), Predominantly Hyperactive-

4 Impulsive Presentation (They have a hard time being still and they talk a lot. They have a hard time being still while they are eating or doing homework, the younger ones may be jumping and climbing on things when they can’t sit still. They are very impulsive and my not think before they do something, they tend to grab things from others, and they may speak when they shouldn’t. They have a hard time waiting to do something and they may have a hard time listing to directions. If s person has impulsiveness, they tend to get hurt more often than others who are not implosives, Combined presentation (This one is when someone has the combination of the other two, but because the symptoms may change as time goes on then the diagnoses may change). It is still unclear what causes ADHD, but research that has been done so far is showing that genetics has a big part to play. The studies also show that twins have links in their genes to do with ADHD. Other studies have been done with maybe these things might help cause ADHD Brain Injury, Exposure to Environmental (e.g., led) during pregnancy or being exposed at a young age, Alcohol and Tobacco use during Pregnancy, Premature Delivery and Low Birth Rate. The test has shown that eating too much sugar, spending too much time watching television, having a lot of chaos in the family, theses things do not cause ADHD but in some people, they could make the symptoms worse. It can be hard to get an ADHD diagnosis, there are many steps that need to be taken. Other diagnosis such as anxiety, depression, sleep problems and different learning disabilities may have comparable indications. That is part of the reason why it makes it harder and why there is many different types of test that are done. They start with a medical exam that includes a hearing tests and an eye test to rule out that it is just not the two senses that may be causing the problem. More of the testing includes a check list that is done by the teacher, counselor, parents and sometimes the child. With treatment for ADHD, it is better for children to have a mixture of behavior therapy and medication. Some Doctors and parents choose just to do

5 medication without behavior therapy. Behavior therapy is used more in children 4-5 years of age, and the therapy helps train the parents, they like to try this therapy before they try the medication approach. It also important to keep the treatment on a close monitoring system. If something is not working then it needs to be changed until something works, them if the diagnoses changes as the child gets older the treatment plan needs to change as well. Changing one’s lifestyle is very important, it needs to start with developing a healthy eating habit, getting plenty of exercise, limiting the screen time on gets and a good night sleep (CDC, 2018). The CDC showed Pathos by using pictures of children, who doesn’t feel emotions when it comes to children. People can show many different emptions, happy, sad, mad, excited and much more. The Trial by VID-ADHD With having such a low percentage of adults with a diagnosis of ADHD it is hard to have enough data to help with figuring out more about what causes ADHD and the best way to treat it. With most adults that have been diagnosed with ADHD they figure out the best medication for them to help treat their ADHD. With having such a low percentage of adults being diagnosed it is hard. It has not been feasible for a pre-post treatment to be done because of the low numbers. To help study ADHD s Electroencephalography (EEG) was used on the studies involving kids and adults. This study was used to help with the underlying of pathophysiology of ADHD. With this study a manic behavior was autoregulatory was used to attempt of stabilize vigilance. It was to simulism the environment to see the behavioral pattern by overactive children. It was also noticed that depression showed in the results increased in hyper stable vigilance. Some symptoms overlap like hyperactivity and bipolar disorder. This can also show that I the EEG study the brain arousal goes up. (Straub et al., 2021) This article was a great demonstration of LOGOS. It was about the signific facts, given to the CDC by the United States and there is no

6 better authority figure then the Government. The CDC does give great facts that are straight to the facts, but the facts are easily understood by how they are presented. Conclusion With all this information that is given here, there is still so much that is unknow about ADHD. Adults that think they might have it should talk to their doctor and see what they can do. With more people getting the treatment for ADHD then the more it will be understood. It is one of the newer diagnoses that is more common than people thought it was. It is important for people to do the proper research and reach out to the CDC and their doctor with questions that they may have. The CDC uses the authority that is given to them by the United States Government to help show us a good use of Ethos, the webpage of the CDC with showing children in pictures helps shows Pathos and the CDC use Logos to help show different facts that they have the experts help prove are correct.


References The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (2018) Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

Ahlers, E., Bogatsch, H., Böhme, P., Ethofer, T., Fallgatter, A., Gallinat, J., Hegerl, U., Heuser, I., Hoffmann, K., Huang, J., KittelSchneider, S., Paucke, M.,Petroff, D., Reif, A., Schöttle, D., Strauß, M., Ulke, C., Unterecker, S., & (2021). The “VIP-ADHD trial”: Does brain arousal have prognostic value for predicting response to psychostimulants in adult ADHD patients? European Neuropsychopharmacology, 43, 116–128.

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