AL02816073 HMK 4 Jjmph PDF

Title AL02816073 HMK 4 Jjmph
Author marvin pacheco
Course Ingles basico
Institution Universidad TecMilenio
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Professional Report

Name: Jose Jonathan Marvin Pacheco Hernandez Matriculate: 02816073 Course Name: Basic Business English Teacher’s Name: Ailed Solis Olmos Module: Module 1. Every cloud has a silver lining Date: 4th Jul 2019 Bibliography:

Homework 4: Study And Writing Skills

Lebeau, I. & Reed, G. (2015). New Language Leader Pre-Intermediate (eText). UK: Pearson Education Study skills guessing the meaning of unknown words look at this statement do you think this is good advice? Remember, when you´re usually know a lot of words in the text. so be positive concentrate mainly on those words. Don’t panic about the words you don’t know

2a which of these strategies do you use when you read a word that you not know? 1 underline / highlight it 2 ignore it 3 try to guess the meaning and keep reading 4 immediately look it up your dictionary 5 look up in your dictionary if you see the same word two or three times and you can’t guess its meaning. 6 look it up in your dictionary if you can’t guess the meaning, but you feel the word is important. 7 Ask your teacher or classmates 8 Something else

2b compare your methods with a part a partner. Which of the above are good ways of coping with new words, do you think? Ask your teacher or classmates

3a using grammar look at these sentences what kind of word (noun, adjective, or verb) goes in each gap ? 1 This course has given me many New skills. 2 That doctor has probably saved about a hundred lives. 3 At the clinic, they attend people with serious illnesses 3b Sometimes you can understand if a sentence is positive or negative event if you do not fully understand it. Look at these sentences. Which have a positive sense? Which are negative? Explain your choices 1 She made quick recovery, and the doctor discharged her two days early. Quick recovery - Two days early – Positive

2 The scan shows that he has broken his arm. he has broken bone- Negative

3 The massive doses of painkillers made me sick. The medicine makes him sick - Negative

4 Luckily, I found the crumpled prescription in my back pocket. I found the crumpled prescription. – Positive

Professional Report

4b What kind of word (nouns, adjectives, etc.) are the word you do not know in Exercise 4a?   

Discharged Painkillers Crumpled

5 Using topic knowledge Look at the nonsense words in these sentences what do you think they mean? 1 He survived the accident whit only minor gloobers. 2 She’s very healthy. She has never spent a day in tong in her life. 3 Can’t remember the exact details of his case. I need to check his medical donks. 4 Eating a good breakfast give you a lot of clast for the day 6a Read this text. what is the situation? My health has been good in the last few year, but this morning I felt awful I had a bad earache and stomach ache and a pain in my chest, so I went to the local doctor. The wainthing room was crowbed. One man had a horrible red rash on his face a woman was coughing all the time. A young manin a wheelchair has his leg in plaster there where a lot of elderly people they were probably waithing for their flu injections. I waited for ages finally the doctor called my name when I went into her room she was sitting at the computer, whit a stethoscope beside her 6b Underline the word in the text that you do not know or are not sure about. You do not know or are not sure about. Campare whit a parther. Can you explain/guess any word you don’t know? Use the strategies on this page Rash Coughing Awful crowbed. Wheelchair Plaster Flu Elderly Writing skills An informal email 7 discuss these questions with a partner 1 How many emails do you recive a day? Do you read them all in full? From fifteen to twenty emails and I read all the emails. 2 Tell your group about an email you recived that made you happy. A project of work that is already out of budget 3 Who do you send email to? why do you send those e mails? How much do you usually write? I sent messages to my wife To know how my family is doing when I'm working. I write messages to my wife when she goes on vacation with my daughters and I can not accompany them 4 do you pay attention to spelling and punctuation when you write emails? Yes, it is very important and more at work

8 Inferring read the informal email below and answer these questions. Use the ideas in this lesson to help you understand any difficult words or phrases.

Professional Report

1 Why has Abi written this email? She is waving at her mother and is telling her the things that happen to her, she tells him unimportant things she asks her questions.

2 Where do you think Abi is living at the moment? I think she lives in college.

3 What do you think is happening in Abi’s bedroom at home? I think they're remodeling. 4 What kind of relationship do you think Abi has whit her mother? I think it has a relationship based on trust and love.

5 How do you think Abi’s mother felt when she read this email? I think the mom was very very happy.

9 Which of these people can you send an informal email to? 1 a brother or sister 2 a bank manager 3 a doctor

4 a friend

10a here are two features of informal writing: Informal vocabulary (e.g. guys) Contractions (e.g. I’m) Find other examples of these in the email. She’s given me some ideas to help me sleep I’m even thinking about doing some sport- but not until after the exams! I can’t wait to see what it looks like! 10b find phrases in the email that you use when you want to: 1 Tell someone about something that you have just remembered Thanks very much for that pile of mail. Most of if was junk, but there was on very important letter from the bank! 2 Change the subject you are talking about. Anyway, this is basically to let you know I’m feeling a lot batter about things now. On Monday, I went to see one of the health officers here at the uni. She was really helpful, tough quite strict, too! She’s given me some ideas to help me sleep. I’ve now cut out coffee in the evenings completely, and there’s already a big difference. And… guess what? I’m even thinking about doing some sport- but not until after the exams! 10c can you find any other features of informal writing in the email? When she mentions that she no longer drinks coffee at night and also asks about her room, she is eager to see her room. 11 find one phrase in each box that we do not use in informal emails (or letters). Greetings Hello Hi, Dear Jane Hiya Dear sir/madam Opening phrases How’s life? How are things? How are things going?

Professional Report

Hope you’re ok/well. How are you? Thank you for your message of 26 May. Hope everything’s ok. Hope all’s well. Endings Take care yours faithfully bye for now love See you soon cheers whit love love from 12a find the two examples of thanks in the email. Then decide if these statements are true or false. 1 You use thanks whit for + a noun (phrase) or a verb ending in – ing. 2 You can put other words after thanks, e.g. very much, again. On Monday, I went to see one of the health officers here at the uni. She was really helpful, tough quite strict, too! She’s given me some ideas to help me sleep ( Is true) Thanks again for sending my mail. See you next month. (Is true)

12b after saying thanks, we often add another sentence for support. Match the phrases (1-4) whit the supporting comments (a-d).

1 thanks for your advice. 2 thanks for doing the sopping. 3 thanks for dinner. 4 thanks for the chocolates. a it’s my turn next time! b they were delicious! c it was lovely! d it’s been really useful.

13 look at these sentences. What does’s mean: is, has or the possessive (e.g. Simon’s health)? 1 She’s had an operation. 2 It’s a boy? 3 There’s no problem with Denisha’s eyesight. 4 The doctor’s skills are very useful there. 5 John’s broken his leg.

14 Write an informal email to a friend. Choose either situation 1 or 2 below.

Professional Report

1 Thank your friend for a present or for helping you to do something. 2 Tell your friend about something that has happened in your life recently. Hello Chris I write to you first to thank you for all the support and attention you have had with me. In addition to your recommendation for my new job opportunity Thank you so much for everything attentively Marvin Pacheco...

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