Alternative course of action PDF

Title Alternative course of action
Author Keith Ian Micko Rosales
Course Business Analytics
Institution De La Salle University
Pages 2
File Size 33.3 KB
File Type PDF
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Problems to be answered: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Competitions has the upper hand Obsolete services Degrading Target Niche Low survivability in times of recession

Alternative course of action

-Shifting from Data dissemination to competing with IBM in their own game in data mining and processing Rationale: In times of recession, businesses are held towards the end the of the stick where they fight for survival in ever changing harsh surrounding and whoever forecast the uncertain the closest or effectively and efficiently react to such uncertainty the quickest, would have the edge to survive. It is true in customers the Xerox Company is serving, while the Xerox Company might have been productively innovating in ways for customers have the luxury to not worry about data dissemination, it is quite not efficient in times of recession where the cost of the business should be minimal while operating in a way they should be. So penetrating the Data mining and processing niche should be also one of those course of action of Xerox Company. In a way, they are offering services to gathering all data mined in each function, compiling it in one system, processing it for it to be usable and disseminating it. -Focusing in a particular niche in the market rather than targeting several niche. Rationale: Xerox Company is targeting businesses’ need for digital machine and IT process services, instead of targeting both, it should focus on a particular niche in the market where it can grow its market share and have a sustainable standing. -Investing more on the R&D department, Focusing on Technology Rationale: In the past, Xerox Company has been slow on their innovations like Nokia, they were not expecting a sudden shift of innovation. So investing more on their R&D department to produce more innovative products would potentially influx their sales on their Digital copying machines. -Let IBM or HP acquire the Xerox Company Rationale: There is an old saying “when you can’t beat them, join them”, this is also applicable in business where the weak company move for an acquisition just to survive. Xerox is not the alpha dog anymore, but a mere shadow of its past. When the country -Have a joint venture with the competitors Rationale: This is quite a double edge dagger, wherein you benefit from it but your competitor also benefit from it -...

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