analysis of vision n mission PDF

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Beverage Companies...


Vision &

Mission Statement Analysis

Department of Accounting & Information Systems Course# 6103: Strategic Management

Submitted to: Bilkis Akhter, ACMA Associate Professor, Department of Accounting & Information Systems, Faculty of Business Studies,University of Dhaka. Submitted by: Fatema Tuz Johora (ID-12044019) Section-B 1

The Coca-Cola Company

Vision: Coca-Cola’s vision is to craft the brands and choice of drinks that people love, to refresh them in body & spirit. And to create a more sustainable business and better shared future that makes a difference in people's lives, communities and our planet.

Mission: Coca-Cola’s roadmap starts with the mission, which is enduring. It declares purpose as a company and serves as the standard against which we weigh our actions and decisions.   

To refresh the world To inspire moments of optimism and happiness. To create value and make a difference.

Analysis of Vision and Mission: Coca-Cola’s vision serves as the framework for our Roadmap and guides every aspect of our business by describing what we need to accomplish in order to continue achieving sustainable, quality growth.      

People: Be a great place to work where people are inspired to be the best they can be. Portfolio: Bring to the world a portfolio of quality beverage brands that anticipate and satisfy people's desires and needs. Partners: Nurture a winning network of customers and suppliers, together we create mutual, enduring value. Planet: Be a responsible citizen that makes a difference by helping build and support sustainable communities. Profit: Maximize long-term return to shareowners while being mindful of our overall responsibilities. Productivity: Be a highly effective, lean and fast-moving organization.


The mission statement of Coca Cola is far more detailed and finely laid down. The six P’s in its mission statement are like six sacred stones that guide its everyday decisions and every aspect of its business. It describes what the company needs to do to achieve sustainable and quality growth. The first P is the people. Coca Cola’s business is for people and this aspect must never be lost sight of. However, people are not just outside Coca Cola. They are inside too. Coca Cola aspires to be a great workplace where the people can be the best that they can be. It aspires to be a place where people can perform and achieve. After the people it is the product. The second P of the vision statement signifies Coca Cola’s diverse product portfolio. Its product portfolio is made of diverse beverage brands that fulfill people’s needs and desires. The third P is of partnership. Coca Cola considers both customer and suppliers partners. Suppliers are an important part of its network with which it is continuously focused at creating superior value.

Both customers and suppliers are a valuable part of its ecosystem. The fourth P is for the planet and the preservation of the environment. Coca Cola strives to be a responsible earth citizen and for it the brand supports sustainable communities that work to preserve earth’s environment. The fifth and the sixth P’s are focused at business and its profitable operations. Coca Cola is mindful of its responsibility towards the shareholders. It also focuses at being a lean and fast moving organization that is efficient and highly productive. Coca Cola’s vision does not get much clear about the future but still clarifies how the brand is navigating towards a big and beautiful future. It clearly spells out all the various parts from customers and employees to suppliers as well as CSR. However, it talks more regarding the present and less about the future. That could also be an indication that Coca Cola has achieved the position it aspires for and believes in sustaining it by building an incredible ecosystem of brands and partners.

Coca Cola’s Resolution of Divergent Views: It’s roadmap begins from a mission statement that is enduring. It not just declares the soda giant’s purpose of existence but also serves as the measure against which it weighs its actions and decisions. Coca Cola has expressed its mission statement in three small lines. To refresh the world… The world needs refreshment and that is true. This part of its mission is focused at the products that Coca Cola makes. The products are not spelt out clearly but the purpose for which they are made is clear. To inspire moments of optimism and happiness… The second line is more philosophic. This is how Coca Cola generates positive value. The third part is about creating a value and making a difference. There are several things that are not clear from the mission statement of Coca Cola. First, it is not clear who its customers are. Second it is not clear what its products are. The first line hints at the global market and the size of Coca Cola’s market. Next thing that does not get clear from the mission statement is how it creates social and financial value. Other things like employees and their concerns or the firm’s other competencies do not get clear from Coca Cola’s mission statement. It could reverse the statement to include these factors. A strong mission statement focuses on all these aspects. Another important thing that the statement lacks is specificity. It does not clarify what kind of difference it truly is trying to make.


The Process of developing Coca-Cola’s Mission & Vision:

Coca Cola also has an excellent culture that is based on its values. Regarding its values Coca Cola states that they serve as a compass for its actions and describe how it behaves in the real world. There are seven very important values for Coca Cola that the brand’s strategy rests upon. It starts from leadership. Leadership gives the courage to work in the direction of and shape a better future; a future that is good for the planet. Next is collaboration that fosters performance and helps exploit the collective genius for the betterment of the world. Integrity and accountability are also important values that Coca Cola’s system is based upon. You have to be real; you have to be responsible. Passion for Coca Cola means the commitment of heart and mind – no confusion. At last there are two important values diversity and quality. The brand believes in being as diverse as its customer base is and delivering quality which means what it does, it does well.

In its vision, mission and values Coca Cola clearly expresses that it is a company made for the people. It is accountable for what it does and believes in doing everything so well that impresses its partners.

Nestlé Vision: Nestlé’s vision is to be a leading, competitive, Nutritious, Healthy Company delivering improved shareholder value by being a preferred corporate citizen, preferred employer, preferred supplier selling preferred products.

Mission: Nestlé’s mission statement is “the world’s leading nutrition, health, and wellness company. Our mission of “Good Food, Good Life” is to provide consumers with the best tasting, most nutritious choices in a wide range of food and beverage categories and eating occasions, from morning to night.” This statement indicates that Nestle ranks the experiences of its customers at the top of its priorities.


Analysis of Vision and Mission:

For years, Nestle has been recognized for its diligence in ensuring that all the food products that it produces comply with the minimum health standards and requirements. The company does this to ensure that it keeps all the people protected from contaminations while at the same time offering them quality foods to meet their needs. Moreover, in the second point, Nestle recognizes that the physical, social and economic stability of people comes first before other profiteering objectives. By doing this, Nestle has constantly boosted the overall health of communities. Nestle vision statement is “to be a leading, competitive, Nutrition, Health and Wellness Company delivering improved shareholder value by being a preferred corporate citizen, preferred employer, preferred supplier selling preferred products.” Setting pace and steering others in the right direction is what Nestle is good at based on this statement. The following components relate to this statement.

The Process of developing Nestle’s Mission & Vision: As the top food and processing brand in the world, Nestle Corporation has some of the most progressive mission and vision statements. The company has set standards in this sector with its variety of products. In fact, it is one of the few corporations that have celebrated their 150 anniversary and prides in the status they have achieved so far. Nestle has particularly honored its vision statement by being a leader in all areas of its operations, including in how it relates to other stakeholders. Such a success agrees with the definition of a corporate vision statement as a description of what the corporation wants to be associated with in the long-term. Just like it is known that a corporate vision statement outlines the strategies for reaching the vision, Nestle’s mission statement emphasizes the practices that make it a cut above the rest. In addition, the core values of this company show how important culture and relationships are for Nestle. It is what has enabled the company to stay competitive for all these years.

Delivering improved values Based on its long experience that extends as far as the early 1900s, Nestle has learned the art leadership. Today, the company has been credited in nudging many other corporations in the right direction qualitywise. It does this through its extricated services to everyone it serves.

Core Value Analysis Of Nestle Nestle core values are “full legal compliance, honesty, fair dealings, integrity, and respect.” It is not a wonder that Nestle has managed to cultivate positive practices among all its staffers in all corners of the globe. These guiding principles encourage doing things right while adhering to the approved processes. It also emphasizes on the presence of proper interrelationships between different parties as well.


Our mission of "Good Food, Good Life" is to provide consumers with the best tasting, most nutritious choices in a wide range of food and beverage categories and eating occasions, from morning to night.

PepsiCo: VISION To be the global leader in convenient foods and beverages by winning with reason. This reflects our ambition to win sustainably in the marketplace and accelerate our top line growth, whilst keeping our commitment to do well for the planet and our communities. It builds on decades of progress we’ve made since PepsiCo was founded in 1965, while setting a firm foundation for a new era of growth and prosperity. To help us achieve this vision, we’ve defined a new set of aspirations: to become Faster, Stronger, and Better.


FOR OUR CONSUMERS: By creating joyful moments through our delicious and nourishing products and unique brand experiences.

FOR OUR CUSTOMERS: By being the best possible partner, driving game-changing innovation, and delivering a level of growth unmatched in our industry.

FOR OUR ASSOCIATES AND OUR COMMUNITIES: By creating meaningful opportunities to work, gain new skills and build successful careers, and a diverse and inclusive workplace.

FOR OUR PLANET: By conserving nature’s precious resources and fostering a more sustainable planet for our children and grandchildren.



By delivering sustainable top-tier TSR and embracing best-in -class corporate governance.

PepsiCo’s Vision Statement & Mission Statement Analysis

PepsiCo’s executive leadership embarked on a journey to develop a vision statement which they think best suits their organization. The vision statement analysisBecome global leader in convenient foods and beverages The organization believes that the food industry is an ever going industry as long as humans are alive. Hence, investments in the development of the industry keep the organization at the forefront. A key to long term success. Winning with purpose The company believes that winning with purpose translates to giving the best performance to execute your goal and purpose. Pepsico believes that its past success is a mirror of its ambition, which has lead to the growth of the company. The vision is to keep this ambition alive so that the company is propelled into new heights of success internationally. Faster PepsiCo plans on becoming more faster in business by focusing on customers and increasing investment for growth and market share. Stronger The company plans on becoming stronger by building on its capabilities and enhancing its company culture. PepsiCo plans on developing its core capabilities that will better facilitate customer needs, hence strengthening the brand. Better The organization plans on becoming better by integrating their vision into their business strategy. Furthermore, PepsiCo plans to give back to society and the people so that they can successfully create an everlasting impact of the company on the Planet.


Mission statement analysisPepsiCo has divided its mission statement into five categories which are analyzed down below: For consumer The company plans on creating smiles for its customers, which are estimated to be about one billion a day by providing them with delicious and unique products. For customers PepsiCo tries to bring smiles for its customers by being the best business partner. Delivering products of unique and premium quality, which not only benefits the company but also benefits the business enterprise the customers who buy PepsiCo products in bulks. For acquaintances and society The organization brings smiles for its acquaintances and society by creating job opportunities. Also, giving people chances to learn valuable skills, which will help them build successful careers. PepsiCo all promotes diversity by making its workplace inclusive to everyone. Through such steps, the organization tries to give back to society by making the lives of the people living in it better. For Shareholders PepsiCo brings smiles for its shareholders by delivering suitable Total Shareholder Return (TSR) and also running the business based on best corporate and ethical governance. For the world The Company brings smiles to the world by playing its part in protecting the non-renewable resources and helping to conserve the eco-system so that it is more sustainable for the generation to come.

PepsiCo’s Process of Developing Mission & Vision: PepsiCo’s mission statement gives specific details about the company’s products and target market. However, the company can improve this mission statement by adding more information about general approaches, strategies or courses of action to achieve the firm’s vision statement. On the other hand, PepsiCo’s vision statement is adequate in showing where the company wants to be in terms of financial, sustainability, and corporate social responsibility performance.


Pepsi’s Core Values PepsiCo’s values are the reflection of their stand on social and environmental issues, and what the company wants to be known for. The statement that sheds light on the values of the company is as follows “PepsiCo is committed to delivering sustained growth through empowered people acting responsibly and building trust.” For analysis, the statement can be broken down into three parts, as followingSustained Growth PepsiCo expects its employees to have a vision of sustained growth. It’s a skill that harnesses other skills such as innovation, ambition, and determination. PepsiCo believes that one of the critical keys to long term success is to have a long term plan. And the employees must have the vision and value of sustained growth, not just for themselves but for the company as well. Empowered People PepsiCo is an organization that believes in giving freedom and autonomy to its employees, given that they work within the organization’s governance. In order to survive at PepsiCo, employee empowerment is a critical skill. The company values people who can get the job done correctly with minimum guidance. Responsibility and Trust PepsiCo expects its employees to be responsible and trustworthy. The company believes that these two core values are of the utmost importance leading to the growth of the company. All employees are expected to execute all activities responsibly, keeping in mind the company policy and general rules and regulations. It builds the company’s trust in them. Pepsi’s Market Strategy PepsiCo uses a very simple marketing strategy that not only cuts down its cost of advertising and marketing but also makes the branding of its products much easier. PepsiCo has “ONE STRATEGY.” For each one of its product, it has one message worldwide. Since most of its products are generic food and drinks; hence, the downfalls of this strategy are minimal compared to its advantages. In every country that the company operates in, it sells the same product with the same advertising and marketing.


This strategy not only helps in cutting down the costs but also makes the brand easily recognizable internationally. Although this strategy has backfired with some products that are not generic such as US tomato soup and the company did suffer the losses, but the cons outweigh the pros. The revenue generated through it and money saved by it is much greater than occasional losses suffered due to it. Pepsi’s Product Strategy The company already has a significant share of food and beverage business, but it wants to broaden its product portfolio by securing local market shares. The strategy is that the result of securing many local market share would be a considerable chunk of the market share of the country as a whole. PepsiCo plans on saving money through holistic cost management and then investing that back into its products so that the funds can be indirectly reinvested back into the marketplace. Moreover, to sell product of top quality, the company is very in tune with the needs and demands of its consumers and customers. PepsiCo has been one of the leading food and beverage brands. Company’s vision and mission are partially responsible for its success. At the same time, its employees who adhere to the company’s core values and the strategies are the reason that the company is still at the forefront of the food and beverage industry.

McDonald's McDonald's Mission Statement McDonald's brand mission is to be our customers' favorite place and way to eat and drink. Our worldwide operations are aligned around a global strategy called the Plan to Win, which center on an exceptional customer experience – People, Products, Place, Price and Promotion. We are committed to continuously improving our operations and enhancing our customers' experience.

McDonald's Vision Statement To move with velocity to drive profitable growth and become an even better McDonald s serving more customers delicious food each day around the world.


McDonald’s Corporate Vision & Corporate Mission – Recommendations McDonald’s mission statement satisfies many but not all of the criteria for developing ideal mission statements. For example, the company includes products (food and beverage) and part of its business philosophy and self-concept (becoming the favorite place and way) in its corporate mission. However, McDonald’s does not include information about its target consumers (every consumer), target markets (global), and stakeholders (employees and others). The company can improve its corporate mission through the inclusion of such additional information. This recommendation aims to make the corporate mission statement easier to implement in all areas and aspects of McDonald’s business organization and its network of franchised locations. McDonald’...

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