Anatomy final review PDF

Title Anatomy final review
Course  Anatomy and Physiology I
Institution Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
Pages 12
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Anatomy and physiology...


The glomerulus differs from other capillaries in the body in that it ________.    

has a blood pressure much lower than other organ systems is drained by an efferent arteriole is impermeable to most substances has a basement membrane

The fatty tissue surrounding the kidneys is important because it ________.    

stabilizes the position of the kidneys by holding them in their normal position ensures adequate energy for the adrenal glands to operate efficiently produces vitamin D and other chemicals needed by the kidney is necessary as a barrier between the adrenal glands and kidneys

The renal corpuscle is made up of ________.    

the descending loop of Henle the renal papilla the renal pyramid Bowman's capsule and glomerulus

The functional and structural unit of the kidneys is the ________.    

capsular space nephron glomerular capsule nephron loop

The macula densa cells respond to ________.    

changes in solute content of the filtrate aldosterone changes in pressure in the tubule antidiuretic hormone

Which of the choices below is the salt level-monitoring part of the nephron?    

loop of Henle vasa recta macula densa principal cell

Which cells of the kidney are chemoreceptors that respond to changes in solute content of the filtrate?    

mesangial cells podocytes macula densa cells juxtaglomerular cells

How can an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor (ACE inhibitor) such as captopril be effective as an antihypertensive? 

ACE inhibitors reduce blood pressure by causing less atrial natriuretic peptide to be released, resulting in more water output and a lowering of the blood volume, which lowers the blood pressure.

  

ACE inhibitors reduce blood pressure by causing less antidiuretic hormone to be released, resulting in more water output and a lowering of the blood volume, which lowers the blood pressure. ACE inhibitors reduce blood pressure by causing less aldosterone to be released, resulting in more water output and a lowering of the blood volume, which lowers the blood pressure. ACE inhibitors reduce blood pressure by causing vasodilation in the blood vessels. ACE inhibitors reduce blood pressure by causing less aldosterone and antidiuretic hormone to be released, resulting in more water output and a lowering of the blood volume, which lowers the blood pressure.

An increase in the permeability of the cells of the collecting tubule to water is due to a(n) ________.    

increase in the production of ADH decrease in the concentration of the blood plasma decrease in the production of ADH increase in the production of aldosterone

The kidneys are stimulated to produce renin ________.    

when the pH of the urine decreases when the specific gravity of urine rises above 1.10 when the peritubular capillaries are dilated by a decrease in the blood pressure

The chief force pushing water and solutes out of the blood across the filtration membrane is ________.    

the size of the pores in the basement membrane of the capillaries the ionic electrochemical gradient glomerular hydrostatic pressure (glomerular blood pressure) protein-regulated diffusion

Which of the following is not reabsorbed by the proximal convoluted tubule?    

K+ glucose Na+ Creatinine

The fluid in the glomerular (Bowman's) capsule is similar to plasma except that it does not contain a significant amount of ________.    

plasma protein glucose hormones electrolytes

Alcohol acts as a diuretic because it ________.    

increases secretion of ADH inhibits the release of ADH is not reabsorbed by the tubule cells increases the rate of glomerular filtration

The function of angiotensin II is to ________.

   

decrease arterial blood pressure decrease water absorption decrease the production of aldosterone constrict arterioles and increase blood pressure

Reabsorption of high levels of glucose and amino acids in the filtrate is accomplished by ________.    

facilitated diffusion secondary active transport countertransport passive transport

Which of the hormones below is responsible for facultative water reabsorption?    

atrial natriuretic peptide ADH thyroxine aldosterone

In the absence of hormones, the distal tubule and collecting ducts are relatively impermeable to water.  

True False

Aldosterone is a hormone that causes the renal tubules to reclaim sodium ions from the filtrate. True Atrial naturetic peptide inhibits sodium reabsorption. True An important characteristic of urine is its specific gravity or density, which is ________.    

the same as water less than water much higher than water slightly higher than water

The urethra contains an internal sphincter of smooth muscle. True

A patient is 72 years old and was admitted to the hospital for severe shortness of breath and edema to her lower extremities. She was diagnosed with heart failure. Which side of the heart failed, and how did this cause edema?

The right side of the heart failed, causing edema in her lower extremities. The failure to pump blood around the pulmonary circulation caused pooling of blood in the pulmonary circulation, leading to edema. The left side of the heart failed, causing edema in her lower extremities. The failure to pump blood around the systemic circulation caused pooling of blood in the pulmonary circulation, leading to edema. The left side of the heart failed, causing edema in her lower extremities. The failure to pump blood around the systemic circulation caused pooling of blood in the systemic circulation, leading to edema. The right side of the heart failed, causing edema in her lower extremities. The failure to pump blood around the pulmonary circulation caused pooling of blood in the systemic circulation, leading to edema.

Whereas sodium is found mainly in the extracellular fluid, most ________ is found in the intracellular fluid.    

iron chloride bicarbonate potassium

Which of the following describes the distribution of sodium and potassium between cells and body fluids?    

little of either in the cells, but large amounts of each in the body fluids equal amounts of each ion in the cells and body fluids K+ mainly in the cells, Na+ in the body fluids Na+ mainly in the cells, K+ in the body fluids

The most important force causing net water flow across capillary walls is ________.    

intracellular hydrostatic pressure hydrostatic pressure of interstitial fluid osmotic pressure of plasma proteins hydrostatic pressure of capillary blood

Hypoproteinemia is a condition of unusually low levels of plasma proteins. This problem is often characterized by ________.    

nerve damage tissue edema extreme weight loss confusion

Which of the following hormones is important in stimulating water conservation in the kidneys?    

aldosterone progesterone atrial natriuretic peptide antidiuretic hormone

One of the major physiological factors that triggers thirst is ________.   

a rise in plasma osmolality drinking caffeinated beverages becoming overly agitated

a dry mouth from high temperatures

Dehydration can be caused by endocrine disturbances such as diabetes mellitus or diabetes insipidus. True The body's water volume is closely tied to the level of which of the following ions?    

sodium ions hydrogen ions potassium ions calcium ions

Which of the following hormones is important in the regulation of sodium ion concentrations in the extracellular fluid?    

erythropoietin antidiuretic hormone aldosterone renin

Atrial natriuretic peptide is a hormone that is made in the atria of the heart. The influence of this hormone is to ________.    

enhance atrial contractions prevent pH changes caused by organic acids reduce blood pressure and blood volume by inhibiting sodium and water retention activate the renin-angiotensin mechanism

Which of the choices below exerts primary control over sodium levels in the body?    

aldosterone glucocorticoids ADH water levels

What hormone reduces blood pressure and blood volume by inhibiting nearly all events that promote vasoconstriction and sodium ion and water retention?    

thyroxine ADH atrial natriuretic peptide aldosterone

Which of the following is not a trigger for juxtaglomerular granular cells to release renin?    

increased extracellular fluid water levels sympathetic stimulation decreased stretch due to decreased blood pressure decreased filtrate NaCl concentration

The regulation of sodium ________.    

involves aldosterone, a hormone that increases sodium excretion in the kidneys is due to specific sodium receptors in the hypothalamus involves hypothalamic osmoreceptor detection of ion concentration is linked to blood pressure

Annie has just eaten a large order of heavily salted french fries, some pickled eggs, and some cheese. How will consuming this much salt affect her physiology?    

It will cause a prolonged increase in the osmolality of the blood. She will experience hypotension. There will be a temporary increase in blood volume. There will be a shift in the pH of her body fluids to the higher side of the pH scale.

The regulation of potassium balance ________.    

includes renal secretion, but never absorption is accomplished mainly by hepatic mechanisms is not linked to sodium balance involves aldosterone-induced secretion of potassium

A patient is admitted to the hospital in complete collapse. His blood pH is 6.8, and his HCO3- is 20 mEq/L. A medical history reveals that this patient is a chronic alcoholic. What diagnosis would you give, and what prognosis?     

The pH and bicarbonate levels and the history of alcoholism indicate respiratory acidosis. The patient will go into a coma and death soon follows. The pH and bicarbonate levels and the history of alcoholism indicate respiratory alkalosis. The patient will require dialysis to remove the bicarbonate ions. The pH and bicarbonate levels and the history of alcoholism indicate metabolic alkalosis. The patient will require dialysis to remove the bicarbonate ions. The pH and bicarbonate levels and the history of alcoholism indicate metabolic acidosis. The patient will go into a coma and death soon follows. The pH and bicarbonate levels and the history of alcoholism indicate respiratory acidosis. The patient will require dialysis to remove the bicarbonate ions.

After traveling from Los Angeles to Denver, Claire finds she is not feeling well and checks into a clinic for help. What was the reason of her complaint, and what has caused this problem?    

Respiratory acidosis caused by hyperventilation. Claire is experiencing the effect of the high altitude, breathing faster and deeper to raise her oxygen levels in her blood. Respiratory alkalosis caused by hyperventilation. Claire was breathing faster and deeper due to stress Respiratory alkalosis caused by hypoventilation. Claire was breathing slower and shallower due to stress Respiratory alkalosis caused by hyperventilation. Claire is experiencing the effect of the high altitude, breathing slower and shallower to raise the oxygen levels in her blood.

Respiratory acidosis can occur when ________.    

a person's breathing is shallow due to obstruction a runner has completed a very long marathon the kidneys secrete hydrogen ions a person consumes excessive amounts of antacids

The term alkaline reserve is used to describe the ________ buffer system.

   

bicarbonate phosphate protein hemoglobin

A falling blood pH and a rising partial pressure of carbon dioxide due to pneumonia or emphysema indicates ________.    

respiratory alkalosis metabolic alkalosis respiratory acidosis metabolic acidosis

The maintenance of the proper pH of the body fluids may be the result of ________.    

the operation of the various buffer systems in the stomach control of the acids produced in the stomach the control of respiratory ventilation the active secretion of OH- into the filtrate by the kidney tubule cells

Blood analysis indicates a low pH, and the patient is breathing rapidly. Given your knowledge of acid-base balance, which of the following is most likely?    

respiratory acidosis metabolic acidosis respiratory alkalosis metabolic alkalosis

A patient is breathing slowly and blood pH analysis indicates an abnormally high value. What is the likely diagnosis?    

respiratory acidosis respiratory alkalosis metabolic alkalosis metabolic acidosis

The normal pH of blood is 7.35-7.45. True The single most important blood buffer system is the bicarbonate buffer system. True

The dartos and cremaster muscles are important to the integrity of the male reproductive system. Which of the following is true about the role they play?    

They regulate the temperature of the testes. They are responsible for penile erection. They contract to push sperm along the ductus deferens. They contract to allow ejaculation

The cells that produce testosterone in the testis are called ________.

   

sustenocytes spermatocytes spermatogonia interstitial endocrine cells

A 38-year-old male is upset about his low sperm count and visits a "practitioner" who commonly advertises his miracle cures of sterility. The practitioner is a quack who treats conditions of low sperm count with megadoses of testosterone. The patient experiences a huge surge in libido. Would this treatment result in a higher or lower sperm count, and why?     

Higher sperm count. High levels of testosterone enhance the release of GnRH, enhancing the release of FSH and LH, resulting in increased spermatogenesis. Higher sperm count. High levels of testosterone enhance the release of GnRH, enhancing the release of FSH, resulting in increased spermatogenesis. Lower sperm count. High levels of testosterone directly inhibit spermatogenesis. Lower sperm count. High levels of testosterone inhibit the release of GnRH, inhibiting LH release, resulting in direct inhibition of spermatogenesis. Lower sperm count. High levels of testosterone inhibit the release of GnRH, inhibiting FSH release, resulting in direct inhibition of spermatogenesis.

Which of the following hormones stimulates the release of anterior pituitary gonadotropins?    

LH GnRH FSH Testosterone

Why is the blood testis barrier important?    

because the barrier traps sex hormones, keeping them at a higher level than the blood. because some blood contents are toxic to the spermatozoa because spermatozoa and developing cells produce surface antigens that are recognized as foreign by the immune system because immature sperm cells lose their motility when they encounter any blood component

If gametes were diploid like somatic cells, how many chromosomes would the zygote contain?    

half the diploid number with no change in development triple the diploid number, and with every succeeding generation, the chromosome number would continue to triple and normal development would not occur twice the diploid number, and with every succeeding generation, the chromosome number would continue to double and normal development could not occur There is no relationship between gametes and somatic cells.

Erection of the penis results from ________.    

dilation of the veins in the penis parasympathetic activation of the bulbo-urethral glands a sympathetic reflex a parasympathetic reflex

Which male hormone inhibits the secretion of FSH? 


  


A boy who has not passed through puberty sustains an injury to his anterior pituitary such that FSH is no longer released, but LH is normal. After he grows to maturity, one would expect that he would ________.    

be impotent (unable to have an erection) be sterile have impaired function of interstitial endocrine cells not develop secondary sex characteristics

When a couple is having difficulty conceiving a child, it is necessary to investigate the sperm of the male. True The secretions of the bulbo-urethral glands neutralize traces of acidic urine in the urethra and serve as a lubricant during sexual intercourse. True The basic difference between spermatogenesis and oogenesis is that ________.    

spermatogenesis involves mitosis and meiosis, but oogenesis involves meiosis only in oogenesis, one mature ovum is produced, and in spermatogenesis four mature sperm are produced from the parent cell the mature ovum is n, while the sperm is 2n during spermatogenesis two more polar bodies are produced

Which hormone is absolutely necessary for ovulation to occur?    

progesterone LH FSH Estrogen

Sperm from the male parent determines the gender of the child. True It is important to ensure that your diet is adequately rich in vitamins because ________.    

very few foods contain vitamins all vitamins are water soluble and pass out of the body too quickly to ensure utilization most vitamins are coenzymes needed to help the body utilize essential nutrients vitamins provide protection against the common cold

The term metabolism is best defined as ________.    

the sum of biochemical reactions involved in building and breaking down molecules a measure of carbohydrate utilization, typically involving measurement of calories the number of calories it takes to keep from shivering on a cold day the length of time it takes to digest and absorb fats

Which of the choices below describes the pathway of cellular respiration (the complete oxidation of glucose)? 

glycolysis, Krebs cycle, electron transport chain, oxidative phosphorylation

  

gluconeogenesis, Krebs cycle, lipolysis glycogenesis, lipogenesis, electron transport chain lipolysis, glycogenolysis, beta oxidation

Anabolism includes reactions in which ________.    

ketone bodies are formed larger molecules or structures are built from smaller ones structural proteins are used as a potential energy source carbohydrate utilization increases

Catabolism would be best described as a process that ________.    

causes a decline in circulating ketone bodies builds up triglycerides during the postabsorptive state breaks down complex structures to simpler ones elevates glucagon levels

The primary function of cellular respiration is to ________.    

determine the amount of heat needed by the human body provide the body with adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals efficiently monitor the energy needs of the body break down food molecules and generate ATP

When proteins undergo deamination, the waste substance found in the urine is mostly________.    

urea ammonia ketone bodies acetyl CoA

The process of breaking triglycerides down into glycerol and fatty acids is known as ________.    

fat utilization lipolysis gluconeogenesis li...

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