Animal FARM by George Orwell PDF

Title Animal FARM by George Orwell
Author filippo castiglioni
Course Letteratura Inglese I
Institution Università degli Studi di Parma
Pages 6
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ANIMAL FARM by GEORGE ORWELLCHAPTER 1CHAPTER THEME IN ONE WORD: change CHAPTER SUMMARY: the old major have a dream, from which he understand that he was going to die soon, so he decided to bring all the animals of the farm together so he could spread his knowledge; in this reunion he tells the anima...


ANIMAL FARM by GEORGE ORWELL CHAPTER 1 CHAPTER THEME IN ONE WORD: change CHAPTER SUMMARY: the old major have a dream, from which he understand that he was going to die soon, so he decided to bring all the animals of the farm together so he could spread his knowledge; in this reunion he tells the animals about his dream and about the fact that they were living in bad conditions under the control of humans and that the things had to change. At the end of the chapter the major teach to the animals a song ( beasts of England) that he dreamed, which was about the defeat of the humans, and all the animals started singing it. WHY IS THIS CHAPTER IMPORTANT?: Chapter is important because the animals become aware of their condition and then they understand that the situation had to change. KEY QUOTATION EXPLAINED (WRITE THE QUOTATION AND EXPLAIN IT): all the animals are comrades the animals are all together against the humans. CHARACTERS (KEY CHANGES OR ASPECTS): wisdom of the old major. THEME (KEY THEME EXPLAINED): the animals start to understand tha they have to change their situation. OTHER KEY ASPECTS: slavery of the animals

CHAPTER 2 CHAPTER THEME IN ONE WORD: rebellion CHAPTER SUMMARY: after three days the major dies, than the animals start to plan the rebellion, guided from the pigs, that were the most intelligent, in particular from napoleon, snowball and squealer. Than the rebellion happens unexpectedly in a day of summer, when mr. Jones because of alcohol didn’t milk the cows. The animals win and burn human’s objects, after that they change the name of the farm in animal farm and then theywrote the seven commandments of the animals. Then the pigs milk the cows. WHY IS THIS CHAPTER IMPORTANT?: because the animals take control of the farm KEY QUOTATION EXPLAINED (WRITE THE QUOTATION AND EXPLAIN IT): whatever goes upon to legs is an enemy  that means that all the humans are enemies CHARACTERS (KEY CHANGES OR ASPECTS): strength of boxer, intelligence of the pigs THEME (KEY THEME EXPLAINED): unity OTHER KEY ASPECTS:

CHAPTER 3 CHAPTER THEME IN ONE WORD: organization CHAPTER SUMMARY: the animals start to work under the guide of the pigs, and the results of the harvest are the best of all time, only the cat doesn’t work and boxer makes quite all the heavy works; then the pigs decided that all the animals had to start learning to read and to write. At the end of the chapter the animals finds out that all the milk and apples were going only to the pigs, so the pigs to calm them say that the milk and the apples helped them to work better with their mind, and if they couldn’t eat them they wouldn’t work well, and that will make mr jones coming back WHY IS THIS CHAPTER IMPORTANT?: because the animals learns how to live without the farmer KEY QUOTATION EXPLAINED (WRITE THE QUOTATION AND EXPLAIN IT): two legs bad, four legs good CHARACTERS (KEY CHANGES OR ASPECTS): laziness of the cat, dedication to work of the animals. THEME (KEY THEME EXPLAINED): OTHER KEY ASPECTS:

CHAPTER 4 CHAPTER THEME IN ONE WORD: spread CHAPTER SUMMARY: the voices about what happened in animal farm have spread in all the country. Mr jones march to the farm to retake its control but the animals are able to defend themselves thanks to the fact that the pigs have studied the war strategies; only a sheep and a man dies; the man have been killed accidentally from boxer, that regret it WHY IS THIS CHAPTER IMPORTANT?: The chapter is important because the animals understand that they can defend themselves and because this battle make the farm stronger KEY QUOTATION EXPLAINED (WRITE THE QUOTATION AND EXPLAIN IT): the only good human being is a dead one CHARACTERS (KEY CHANGES OR ASPECTS): braveness of boxer THEME (KEY THEME EXPLAINED): spread of the animal farm in half of the country OTHER KEY ASPECTS:


CHAPTER SUMMARY: mollie starts to behave bad and after a few time she disappear (she have been stroked by a man from another farm). During the cold winter the animals didn’t have so much todo, in this period their meeting were hold in the barn and characterized by the discussion between napoleon and snowball, snowball wanted to build a windmill but napoleon didn’t and, when the time to vote arrived, napoleon called out nine big dogs that caught snowball and brought him away; after that napoleon says that only the pigs will take the decisions, and squealer calmed the animals by saying that snowball was a traitor; boxer take the part of napoleon, who then said that they will build the windmill WHY IS THIS CHAPTER IMPORTANT?: because the farm is going under the control of the pigs, taking apart all the other animals KEY QUOTATION EXPLAINED (WRITE THE QUOTATION AND EXPLAIN IT): napoleon is always right boxer said these sentence and then all the animals followed him CHARACTERS (KEY CHANGES OR ASPECTS): THEME (KEY THEME EXPLAINED): OTHER KEY ASPECTS:

CHAPTER 6 CHAPTER THEME IN ONE WORD: exploiting CHAPTER SUMMARY: for the rest of the year the animals worked really hard to build the windmill and the leaders reduced their food. The problem is that the animals can’t use the tools that humans used, so it’s way harder than they thought, and and that they haven’t got enough materials, so napoleon decide to hire a human, mr whimper. In November take place a big storm that destroys part of the farm, including the windmill that they were building; napoleon says that snowball sabotaged it, so he put on him a sentence of death and then convince the animals to rebuild the windmill WHY IS THIS CHAPTER IMPORTANT?: because the pigs are exploiting the animals of the farm without working, and convincing them that what they were doing was good KEY QUOTATION EXPLAINED (WRITE THE QUOTATION AND EXPLAIN IT): long live the windmill CHARACTERS (KEY CHANGES OR ASPECTS): boxer devotion to the pigs, the pigs exploiting the animals and taking control of the farm THEME (KEY THEME EXPLAINED): OTHER KEY ASPECTS: destruction of the windmill, the pigs sleeping in beds


CHAPTER THEME IN ONE WORD: tyranny CHAPTER SUMMARY: in winter the animals struggled a lot to rebuild the windmill; the humans working for them said that it wasn’t snowball that destroyed the windmill but that it was too weak. To get enough food to the animals napoleon decided to sell 400 eggs a week, that got the hens mad, so napoleon decided to completely cut their food, and nin of them died. After thet napoleon forces with his dogs certain animals to confess that they were part of the complot with snowball, and then kills them. That shocked all the animals. Then napoleon banish the song beasts of England and substitute it. WHY IS THIS CHAPTER IMPORTANT?: the animals starts to rgo against to napoleon KEY QUOTATION EXPLAINED (WRITE THE QUOTATION AND EXPLAIN IT): CHARACTERS (KEY CHANGES OR ASPECTS): boxer starts to doubt about napoleon, who becomes even more cruel THEME (KEY THEME EXPLAINED): the pigs starts to treat the other animal as slaves OTHER KEY ASPECTS:

CHAPTER 8 CHAPTER THEME IN ONE WORD: battle CHAPTER SUMMARY: now napoleon has take the title of leader, and then he sells some timbers to mr Frederick that was considered the enemy of the farm because snowball was hidden in his farm, accepting 5 pounds in cash. Than the animals finish to build the windmill but, before they could start to use it, napoleon notice that the moneys that mr Frederick gave him were false. Than mr frederick’s men make the windmill blow up with dynamite, so the animals attack them to send them away, but this cost them a lot of death and boxer suffering of a bad injury. After that the pigs found a bottle of whiskies that they drank during the night; the day after all the pigs seem sick, and they say tha napoleon may die, but then he recovered. WHY IS THIS CHAPTER IMPORTANT?: because a lot of animals died, boxer get injured, the pigs drink alcohol and because the animals still doesn’t understand that the pigs are changing the sevn cammandments KEY QUOTATION EXPLAINED (WRITE THE QUOTATION AND EXPLAIN IT): napoleon is the leader CHARACTERS (KEY CHANGES OR ASPECTS): stupidity of the animals in front of the evidence THEME (KEY THEME EXPLAINED): they are battling against everyone, not only mr Frederick’s farm


CHAPTER 9 CHAPTER THEME IN ONE WORD: sadness CHAPTER SUMMARY: boxer even if seriously injured continued to work, but he wasn’t as before the battle, the harvest is bad as never happened before, so the animals suffers another reduction to the food. Then four sows gives to birth napoleon piglet’s, 31 in total, so he commands that a school for them should be built. Then one day boxer collapse during the works, and the animals advertised napoleon and the pigs, whose said that they will being boxer to the human hospital but, when the cart arrives, Benjamin understands that boxer is going to be slaughtered, and after that the animals see that the pigs have bought more whiskie, and nobody knows with which money WHY IS THIS CHAPTER IMPORTANT?: because boxer dies and the animals start to understand that the pigs are only exploiting them KEY QUOTATION EXPLAINED (WRITE THE QUOTATION AND EXPLAIN IT): CHARACTERS (KEY CHANGES OR ASPECTS): THEME (KEY THEME EXPLAINED): all the animals are sad for boxer’s death, besides the pigs and the dogs OTHER KEY ASPECTS:

CHAPTER 10 CHAPTER THEME IN ONE WORD: CHAPTER SUMMARY: years passed and the animals had built a new windmill, wich isn’t used for electricity but for milling corn; the farm seems to be richer but only the pigs and the dogs live in a comfort way. One day the animals sees the pigs walking on two legs, and they heard the sheeps chanting “four legs good, two legs better”, soon the pigs began also to wear clothes, smoke… One day they called some humans to the farm, whose apologized for the past misunderstandings, than napoleon remmed the farm as the manor farm. Finally the book finish with the animals that can’t nomore distinguish the pigs from tha humans WHY IS THIS CHAPTER IMPORTANT?: KEY QUOTATION EXPLAINED (WRITE THE QUOTATION AND EXPLAIN IT): CHARACTERS (KEY CHANGES OR ASPECTS):


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