Animal Farm Questions PDF

Title Animal Farm Questions
Course Rhetoric & Composition
Institution University of San Francisco
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Chapter 5 2)Why does Mollie run away from the farm? -Mollie likes being admired, admiring herself, wearing pretty ribbons, eating sugar, and being stroked by humans. She does not like the work on the farm or the hardships she faces there. 3)What changes have been made in the weekly meetings over the last year? -The pigs now decide all questions of farm policy. Snowball and Napoleon still disagree over almost everything. Although Snowball is more skillful at making speeches capable of swaying the animals, the sheep interrupt him more and more with their chants of "Four legs good, two legs bad." 4)Explain the windmill controversy from Snowball's point of view. -Snowball wants the animals to build a windmill so they will have electrical power to make life easier for all of them light and heat in the stalls and labor-saving devices such as electrical milking machines. The animals would only have to work three days a week when it was finished. 5)Explain the windmill controversy from Napoleon's point of view. -He thinks the major problem on the farm is increasing food production. He thinks the whole windmill thing is nonsense, or so he says, and urinates on Snowball's plans.) 6)What changes does Napoleon make after his dogs chase Snowball off the farm? -There will be no more Sunday Meetings. All decisions about the farm will be made by a committee of pigs presided over by Napoleon. The animals will now meet on Sundays to salute the flag, sing "Beasts of England," and receive their orders for the week. 7)Why don't the other animals protest Napoleon's decisions? -None of them are really smart enough to bring up any arguments. The sheep begin their bleating, and the dogs growl before anyone can think of a protest. Squealer begins to shed doubts on Snowball's bravery at the Battle of the Cowshed and again threatens them with the return of Jones if they don't agree with Napoleon.

Chapter 6.&.7 1)How much work are the animals now doing? -Although they already work a 60-hour week during spring and summer, Napoleon informs them that they can volunteer for Sunday afternoon work, as well. But if any animal chooses not to volunter then they will have his rations cut in half. 2)Why does Napoleon decide to engage in trade with neighboring farms? -Because certain items such as paraffin oil and dog biscuits are in short supply, Napoleon decides to sell a stack of hay and part of the wheat crop. Later they may have to sell some of the hens' eggs. 3)How do the animals react? -They are troubled and think they remember a resolution against trade with humans. Squealer later explains the decision and asks if they have seen such a resolution written down, but no such record is found. 4)How is the windmill destroyed? Why does Napoleon blame Snowball? -A violent November storm blows it down. Instead of admitting that the windmill's walls were not thick enough to support it against a strong wind, Napoleon blames Snowball for blowing it up. 5)Why does Napoleon insist the windmill must be rebuilt immediately? -Napoleon wanted to prevent the animals from becoming too discouraged to begin building if they wait until spring. By

keeping the animals busy building a windmill that will supposedly ease life for all of them, the animals will forget how miserably cold and hungry they are during the hard winter. 6)Why does Napoleon order that the hens' eggs be sold? -The hens have to give up their eggs because their is no food and animals are nearly starving. Their eggs are being sold so that meal and grain can be purchased to feed everyone. 7)How does Napoleon react when the hens rebel against his orders? -He orders the hens food rations too be cut off. And if any animal gives and bit of food to them then they will be killed as punishment. The dogs enforce it and nine hens die and about five of them give up their protestation. 8) Why does Napoleon revive the threat of the farm being sabotaged by Snowball? -Snowball happens to be the perfect goat to blame why everything goes wrong. They need an outside enemy to hate and to blame the things that go wrong on. The animals want to disagree but can't out of fear. Then they soon agree with Boxer that if Napoleon says it is so then it must be. 9)Explain why the animals confessed to being traitors. Or is there any explanation? -They are probably guilty of not wholeheartedly supporting Napoleons policies. They don't expect to be killed for it, that's for sure. Those that confess about being a traitor are killed on the spot. 10)Why does Napoleon order the animals to stop singing "Beasts of England?" -Because the rebellion they were in is now over and the pigs are in control of the farm. One animal might relize that one rebellion isn't enough and choose to lead another. They first have to relize that having the pigs in control is just the same and as bad as when Mr. Jones was in charge of things. The bleating of the sheep, however, keep anyone from rebelling again. Chapter 8.&.9 1)What purpose is served by the production figures Squealer reads to the animals? -The pigs fooled everyone by having Squeler read to them and describe how what thier doing is helping them alot more then before. And that their gaining alot more by what their doing. Nobody can agrue with the facts that are being presented to them. 2)How is Napoleon becoming more and more like a typical dictator? -He has many different titles for his name. He has his own appartment in the house. He has his own personal food taster and always either walks around with bodyguards or and entourage. 6)Why do the men blow up the windmill? -The humans had seen the windmill as a sign of the pigs ability to run the farm. They thought by destroying it then the animals would give in and give back the farm to Mr. Jones. 7)The animals celebrate a victory, but at what cost? -The windmill is destroyed and boxer has a split hoof. Most of the animals are all dead excepts Squeler and all the rest of the animals that chose to hide. 8)Describe the whisky incident. Why would Orwell make this scene somewhat humorous? -The whisky incident was supposed to be humurous because it's pigs drinking and getting majorly drunk. The pigs thoughts were to get rid and bane all alchoholic drinks out of fear of death from drinking to much. When the pig, however, sobber up they decide that drinking isn't so bad anymore. They learn how to make beer and take whats supposed to be the retirement home for animals to plant barely.

9)Why are the animals so easily fooled, even when they find Squealer with a ladder and white paint beside the barn at night? -Most of the animals there can't read or understand the commandments written on the wall. Their all naive, except for Benjamin who still chooses not to say anything. 10)What is happening to Boxer? -Boxer is working really hard and is working himself to death. He isn't healing at all from his injuries because he sticks to his motto no matter how much pain he's in. 11)What are living conditions like for all of the animals except the pigs and dogs? -The animals are being given less food but are working alot harder then before. Rations are being cut alot less and Squeler tell them how they benefit from it and the animals believe him. 12)Why does Napoleon allow Moses to return and to tell his stories about Sugarcandy Mountain? -Every animals hope is either very low or gone so he thinks Moses stories will help make things positive. They need hope about life after death. With this promise, they will put up more privation since they will eventually be rewarded. People generally need to look forward to something. 13)What happens to Boxer? How do the animals accept it? -Boxer hurts himself while he's dragging stone from the windmill. He's taken to the knacker and is made to be glue, fertilizer, and dog food. Squeler tells everyone that Boxer dies at the hospital and repeats his final words to everyone. Benjamin is the only one who understands what's really going on, and everyone is trying to believe what Squeler told them. The money that the pigs get for Boxer is spent on whisky instead. 14)Of what kind of person does Benjamin remind you? Give some examples. What is your opinion of such people? What makes people behave this way? -Benjamin happens to be a very interesting charachter. He's cynical and determind not to do anything or get invovled in the situation. If he was a bit more agressive before then maybe he might have been able to save boxer. He's, however, like every other person that know's something is going on but chooses to ignore it because it doesn't involve him. Chapter 10 1)What changes have the years brought to the farm? -Animals have be bought to replace most of the dead ones. The windmill has been fixed but is not being used to gain energy for all the animals. Its now being used to mill corn to make money for the pigs. Most of the animals that were alive during the rebellion are now dead. 2)How does Orwell make fun of bureaucracy? -The pigs begin to spend hourse typeing up reports and memos. They are then burned in the furnace. The pigs and dogs don't accomplish anything from writing the paper work but still have their great big appetite. 3)How do the animals now feel about their social order, their farm? -All the animals, including the new ones, are happy to be apart of the only farm family in England. They are all happy that at least at the farm there are no people walking on two legs. 4)What drastic actions do the pigs use to shatter the animals' complacency? -The pigs begin to wear the Jones clothing and Nepoleon carries a whip with him now. The pigs begin to walk on two legs and the sheep have been taught a new motto "Four legs good, two legs better."

5)What is the new commandment and how has it been true from the beginning? -"ALL ANIMALS ARE EQUAL BUT SOME ANIMALS ARE MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS." Since the beginning this commandment has been true to all of them. When the pigs taught themselves how to read and write and when Nepoleon began drinking milk. 6)At the conference with neighboring farmers, what new changes does Napoleon point out? -Nepoleon points out the new changes around the farm. He points out how the pigs kind of own the farm in their own way now. And the name of the farm is now changed back to "The Manor Farm." All the traces of rebellion have been erased. 7)What happens to the pigs' appearance? -As the animals are watching the pig start to resemble the humans. The animals can finally see thier true situation. There is now no difference between them but it's to late to do anything....

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