Annotation 3rd qrtr COT PDF

Title Annotation 3rd qrtr COT
Author Ben Zerep
Course Information Technology
Institution University of the East (Philippines)
Pages 5
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REYNALDO BOL-ANON PEREZ September 25, 2019 GRADE 11-ICT (7:15-8:15 AM) Monday Topic: Core Competencies of Computer Systems Servicing NCIIANNOTATIONSIndicator Means of Verification Description of the MOV Annotations Applies knowledge of content within and across curriculum area Classroom Observation ...


REYNALDO BOL-ANON PEREZ GRADE 11-ICT (7:15-8:15 AM) Topic: Core Competencies of Computer Systems Servicing NCII

September 25, 2019 Monday

ANNOTATIONS Indicator 1. Applies knowledge of content within and across curriculum area

Means of Verification

Description of the MOV


1. Classroom Observation Tool (COT) rating sheet and/or inter-observer agreement form about knowledge of content within and across curriculum teaching areas 2. Lesson Plans/DLL developed highlighting integration of content knowledge within and across subject areas

The MOV presented were classroom observation tool rating sheets and lesson plans that showed integration English , Art and Values Subject.

In the motivational part of the lesson, I incorporated knowledge on the pictures of different elements of computer system (harwdware and software) used in installing to recall the imperative of computer system and how it works as a system. In the activity for the lesson proper, I utilized a diagram, in which core competencies of CSS is incorporated with science, Arts , Values and English Subject through arranging the sequence of the procedures. In the application part of the lesson, I utilized creative presentation in which, the students can show their drawn core competency in any form of their choice, may it through diagram or flow chart.

2. Uses a range of teaching strategies 1. Classroom observation tool (COT) that enhance learner achievement in rating sheet and/or inter-observer literacy and numeracy skills agreement form about teaching strategies that enhance learner achievement in literacy and numeracy skills. 2.Lesson plans/modified DLLs used in teaching highlighting learner-

The MOV presented were classroom observation tool rating sheets and lesson plans that showed range of teaching strategies that enhance learner achievement in literacy and numeracy skills. Students’ performance task/test and assessment results in every activity

To enhance the numeracy and literacy skills of the students, I used varied teaching strategies to reach the students learning styles, skills and abilities. In this lesson, I used creative presentation and demonstration that showed variety of presenting an activity. Through this, diverse students can understand and can perform

3. Applies a range of teaching strategies to develop critical and creative thinking, as well as higherorder thinking skills

centered strategies that promote literacy and/or numeracy skills 3.Permorfance task/test material(s) used in teaching 4.Results of assessment used in teaching

in the lesson.

1.Classroom observation tool (COT) rating sheet and/or inter/observer agreement form about teaching strategies to develop critical and creative thinking, as well as other higher-order thinking skills 2.Lesson plans/modified DLLs used in teaching highlighting different teaching strategies that develop critical and creative thinking and/or other HOTS 3.Instructional materials highlighting different teaching strategies that develop critical and creative thinking and/or other HOTS 4.Performance task/test material(s) used in demonstration teaching 5.Results of assessment used in teaching 6.Others(Please specify and provide annotations)

The MOV presented were classroom observation tool rating sheets and lesson plans, instructional materials, and performance test and assessment result of students that showed range of teaching strategies to develop critical and creative thinking, as well as other higherorder thinking skills.

their activity individually and that may suit to their interests.

I also utilized an interesting pictures and diagram to boost students listening and understanding skills. I made sure to provide them also a copy of the activity sheets for the benefit of the visual learners.

To enhance the critical and creative thinking of the students, I used varied teaching strategies. This also to give way to mold students HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills) In my lesson, I employed the collaborative learning strategy in teaching my lesson, wherein I provided varied sets of activities to squeeze their critical thinking. Students were free to share their ideas to everyone for comparing and contrasting, for synthesizing ideas to make better new ideas that can lead to a deeper understanding of the lesson. I let them read the procedures first to analyze the core competencies without spilling out the topic yet. To enhance students’ creative thinking, I employed creative presentation wherein their interest and most especially their ability will be applied in the application part of the lesson. This can be done through a form of pictures, and demonstration.

4. Manages classroom structure to engage learners, individually in groups, in meaningful exploration, discovery, and hands-on activities within a range of physical environment

1.Classroom observation tool (COT) rating sheet and/or inter/observer agreement form about managing classroom structure that engages learners in various activities 2. Lesson plans/modified DLLs highlighting various classroom management strategies that engage learners in activities/tasks in different physical learning environments

The MOV presented were classroom observation tool rating sheets and lesson plans that showed managing classroom structure that engages learner in various activities.

Students were seated comfortably and flexibly. The room is well ventilated and welllighted to stimulate students’ interest and learning. I provided printed materials for the students’ convenience and better understanding of the lesson. I make sure also that the system unit that they are going to use is functional. I also employed group activity that is based on the students’ interest and ability through the use of creative presentation. I divided the class into groups to promote a more engaging activity to the students. I made use of symbols of emoticons to lessen and manage noise or cluttering of the students. I recognized student’s good deeds and behavior to boost their morale and repeat good behavior.

5. Manages learner behavior constructively by applying positive and non-violent discipline to ensure learning-focused environments

Classroom observation tool (COT) rating sheet and/or inter-observer agreement form about teacher behavior using the following strategies: 1.Providing motivation 2.Praising the learners/Giving positive feedback 3.Setting house rules/guidelines 4.Ensuring learners active participation

The MOV presented were classroom observation form about teacher management of leaner behavior.

I employed emoticons symbols (smiley face, sad face, and confuse face) to lessen students’ noise. I make it habit to utter words such as, “Good”, “Very Good, “Good Idea”, to motivate students to express their ideas, opinions, and suggestions about certain topics. Through these students also felt sense of belongingness and importance to the class. I see to it that the atmosphere in the

classroom is set in good vibes to arouse students’ interests, and express their ideas, opinions, and feelings. I always encourage them to participate, and tell them that there is no wrong answer to an opinion or idea expressed.

5.Allowing learners to express their Ideas/opinions 6.Giving equal opportunities to learners 7.Encouraging learners to ask questions 8.Others (Please specify and provide Annotations)

6. Uses differentiated, developmentally appropriate learning experiences to address learner’s gender, needs, strengths, interests and experiences

7. Plans, manages, and implements developmentally sequenced teaching and learning processes to meet curriculum requirements and varied teaching contexts

1. Classroom observations tool (COT) rating sheet and/or inter-observer agreement form about using differentiated, developmentally appropriate learning experiences 2. Lesson plans/modified DLLs developed highlighting in content, product, process, learning environment or others according to learner’s gender, needs, strengths, interests and experience

The MOV presented were classroom observation tool rating sheets and lesson plans that showed differentiation in content, product, process, learning environment or others according to learners’ gender, needs, strengths, interests and experiences.

1.Classroom observation tool (COT) rating sheet and/or inter-observer agreement form about using developmentally sequenced teaching and learning process 2. Lesson plans/modified DLLs highlighting developmentally sequenced instruction that meet

The MOV presented were classroom observation tool rating sheets and lesson plans that showed developmentally sequenced teaching and learning process.

Before ending our lesson, I always ask students to ask questions or inquiries to make sure that everything were laid orderly and clearly. In this lesson, I used creative presentation to show differentiation to the content, process, and outcome according to the students’ gender, strengths, needs, interests and experience. I gave them freedom to choose their group of choice to support students’ interest, need and strengths. Through creative presentation, I let them choose the form of presentation of their choice to stress their interest, experience, and skills and strengths. Through my use of varied teaching strategies, I met student’s individual differences and make use of their multiples intelligences. I modified my lesson pIan to meet students’ needs, strengths, experience and skills. But is aligned to the standard lesson plan. It contains complete parts to assure that the needed curriculum requirements were met and prosecuted.

8. Selects, develops, organizes, and uses appropriate teaching and learning resources, including ICT, to address learning goals

9. Designs, selects, organizes, and uses diagnostic, formative and summative assessment strategies consistent with curriculum requirements

curriculum goals and varied teaching contexts. 3. Instructional materials used to implement developmentally sequenced teaching and learning process to meet curriculum requirements and varied teaching contexts. 4. Others (Please specify and provide annotations) 1. Classroom observation tool (COT) rating sheet and/or inter-observer agreement form about using appropriate teaching and learning resources, including ICT. 2. Lesson plan/modified DLLs with appropriate instructional materials appended. 3. Instructional materials highlighting mastery of content and its integration in other subject areas. 1. Classroom observation tool (COT) rating sheet and/or inter-observer agreement form about designing, selecting, organizing diagnostic, formative and summative assessment strategies. 2. Lesson plan/modified DLLs showing the design, selection and use of diagnostic, formative and summative assessment strategies 3. Assessment result

I made sure the progression of activities from warm up to the main activity to cater learner’s understanding on new concepts and skills.

The MOV presented were classroom observation tool about using appropriate teaching and learning resources, including ICT.

I used range of reference materials printed or online such as textbooks and online source with reliable scholarly articles and readings to enhance the lesson. I integrated also ICT in my lesson through presenting my lesson in a PowerPoint presentation, supported with different print out materials for students’ activities and assessment.

The MOV presented were classroom observation tool, lesson plan, and assessment result of students showing the design, selection and use of diagnostic, formative and summative assessment strategies

I automatically assessed them orally like in the motivation and presenting of the lesson. In the application part, the assessment of their presentation was based on the rubrics provided by the teacher. After the presentation of all the groups the teacher will immediately give the scores and shares the feedback....

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