Arg analysis - lab PDF

Title Arg analysis - lab
Author Chelsea Brice
Course Modern English Syntax
Institution Texas State University
Pages 4
File Size 73.7 KB
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Brice 1 Chelsea Brice Mr. Coleman English 1302 19 July 2020 The Price of Sustainable Fashion When thinking of the fashion industry many times, people think of high fashion clothing brands, however high fashion is barely the tip of the iceberg of the fashion industry. Walk in any mall in America, one will soon notice that most of the clothing stores aimed towards women are filled with clothes made by the fast fashion industry. Fast fashion are clothes and accessories made cheaply and rapidly to keep up with the latest trends. By making these clothes in a cheap manner, they are able to sell them for a reasonable price. In Christine Ro’s argument “Can fashion ever be sustainable?” She examines the multifaceted argument of consumerism v.s ethical production and the effects it has on the environment. Ro writes this essay targeting the core consumer of retail fashion, women. Women have some of the most influential spending power in the world, making up over “20 trillion dollars in worldwide spending”(Kent). In this article, Ro brings to light how significant the fashion world is to contributing to global pollution by comparing it’s emissions to that of commercial flying and shipping. Throughout the article, Ro investigates every aspect of the fast fashion industry’s carbon footprint, all the way down to the amount of carbon dioxide produced when wearing a shirt. This is made clear when the statistic that the fashion industry is responsible for “10% of global carbon emissions, and nearly 20% of wastewater” is presented (Ro). The underlying factor That drives the fast fashion industry is the pressure to consume. The instant gratification

Brice 2 felt when purchasing something and the need to buy more is the mindset that drives this industry. Studies show that “40 % of clothing purchased is never worn” (Ro). This statistic illustrates Ro’s message of the consumerist mindset, buying something for instant satisfaction and then not utilizing the product. Ro is arguing that pollution due to the fast fashion industry is a significant problem hidden by consumerism. The pressure to buy new clothes due to the changing “seasons” of fashion and the rise of online shopping has contributed immensely to the total carbon footprint. In her essay, it is obvious that Ro supports sustainable fashion but also understands that a sustainable piece of clothing made is small compared to the immeasurable amount of clothes made wastefully. Because, an immense amount of resources are still used no matter how “natural” a piece of clothing might be. On the other hand, Ro cites different resources for clothing recycling and explains the benefits for the environment when using recycled fabrics such as cotton or polyester. Ro’s argument has many levels but all point toward her message of sustainability. Because of this, the writing is an argument of fact. She cites many credible sources each time she advances her claim to a different aspect of the topic. Ro made a clear and concise argument, without any personal bias showing at any time. This argument has the ability to open many eyes to the problem she is so passionate about. Ro’s argument was straightforward and easy to read. The tone was informal and very personable, no complex language or vocabulary terms were used that would hinder someone's understanding of the argument. This allows everyone to read and understand the passion behind her argument. However, it was still a factual piece of writing, her opinion had no involvement when conveying her argument. The rhetorical appeals logos and ethos play a significant role in

Brice 3 her argument. Logos is the most evident throughout her argument because all of it was based in fact, citing sources many times. Ethos was used when Ro used answers about Snezhina Piskova’s shopping habits, who is a copywriter at a credible fashion company. This outside source strengthens Ro’s argument, giving it a more relatable tone because someone working in the exact industry being criticized, has the same habits as many other people. Pollution caused by the fast fashion industry is a problem that not many people think about when buying clothes. However, if not remain under control it can have severe damage on the environment. In Ro’s essay she wants people to recognize this problem and she provides resources to actively change behavior. She understands this problem is multifaceted and rooted in many things that are outside of our control. However her argument stems from controlling one's impulses which causes a chain reaction in the fashion industry, forcing change to happen. By supporting ethical and controlling the need for instant satisfaction, a change will happen in the industry, benefitting the world as a whole.

Brice 4 Work Cited

Ro, Christine. “Can Fashion Ever Be Sustainable?” BBC Future, BBC, 10 Mar. 2020, e-climate. “The Purchasing Power of Women: Statistics.” Girlpower Marketing,

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