Argumentative Essay CAE PDF

Title Argumentative Essay CAE
Author Davide Zullo
Course Advanced English for Academic Purposes (C1-C2)
Institution Universität Zürich
Pages 5
File Size 193.2 KB
File Type PDF
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Download Argumentative Essay CAE PDF


Signposting sentences

-This first/next/ final section provides a general discussion of ...(the idea you want to

Signposting sentences explain the logic of your argument. They tell the reader what you are going to do at key points in your assignment. They are most useful when used in the following places:

-Signposting stems for a paragraph which expands upon a previous idea -Building on from the idea that ... (mention previous idea), this section illustrates that ...


(introduce your new idea).

-To further understand the role of ...(your topic or your previous idea) this section In the introduction At the beginning of a paragraph which develops a new idea At the beginning of a paragraph which expands on a previous idea At the beginning of a paragraph which offers a contrasting viewpoint At the end of a paragraph to sum up an idea In the conclusion

explores the idea that ... (introduce your new idea)

-Another line of thought on ... (your topic or your previous idea) demonstrates that ... (introduce your new idea)


A table of signposting stems: These should be used as a guide and as a way to get you thinking about how you present the thread of your argument. You may need to adapt certain words and phrases for your own purposes. You may also wish to add your own sentence stems to the list below:

Signposting stems for a paragraph which offers a contrasting view

-However, another angle on this debate suggests that ... (introduce your contrasting idea)


-In contrast to evidence which presents the view that ... (mention your previous idea) an

Signposting stems for an introduction

alternative perspective illustrates that ... (introduce your contrasting idea)

-However, not all research shows that ... (mention your previous idea). Some evidence agrees that ... (introduce your contrasting idea)

-To understand the role of ... (your topic*) this essay aims to provide a discussion of ... (the ideas you will develop) -This essay seeks to investigate/evaluate/illustrate/discuss the impact of ... (your topic) in relation to ... (the ideas you will develop) -Firstly, this assignment examines ... (your topic) and its links with ... (your first idea) Next, it closely examines ... in relation to ... (your next idea) Finally, it focuses on ... and how this affects ...(your next idea)









Signposting stems to sum up an idea in a paragraph

-This evidence highlights that ... (sum up your idea) -There is general agreement that ... (sum up your idea) -The strength of such an approach is that ...(sum up your idea)

introduces or develops a new idea 5

Signposting stems for a conclusion

-One aspect which illustrates ... (your topic) can be identified as ... (the idea you want to develop)

-The current debate about ... (your topic) identifies an interesting viewpoint on ...(the idea you want to develop)

-Clearly, this essay has shown that the main factors which impact upon ... (your topic) are ...(summarise your main ideas)

-The evidence presented in this assignment has shown that ... (mention the conclusions you have drawn)

-To conclude, this assignment has addressed a number of significant issues which show that ... (mention the conclusions you have drawn).

Writing Class: Essay Question Your class has had a discussion about the negative effects of globalisation on local culture. You have made the notes below:

Effects of globalisation:  the dominance of the western music/film industry.  the loss of national identity.  the undermining of values of a local culture. Some opinions expressed in the discussion:  We don't want to see the same culture wherever we travel.  People are free to enjoy whichever music, films or fashion they wish.  Young people are losing the sense of values their parents had. Write an essay discussing TWO of the effects listed in your notes. You should explain which effect is more important, giving reasons in support of your answer. You may, if you wish, make use of the opinions expressed in the discussion, but you should use your own words as far as possible. (around 220-260 words)

Makeover: Elena Read Elena's answer to this question below and write your own conclusion.

It goes without saying that the process of globalization has had a dramatic impact on all areas of human activity. Politics, economy and culture in many countries are under the influence of such an attractive idea as the idea of the consolidation of many nations. However, despite its evident benefits, globalization has downsides, which have come to the attention of many people in different countries. Let us focus on such an important part of mass culture as the movie industry. It is universally acknowledged, that the Hollywood movies dominate the film market. Being in the top-list of internationally recognized movies, they have enormous box-office takings. My country is no exception. Despite the fact that during the last 10 years quite a few motion pictures of a high quality were released, the great majority of people in Russia are to a large extent unaware, not only of the modern trends of film art in our country but also in other European countries. Paying tribute to the best American movies which emphasize universal values, it would not be amiss to mention the not so good ones. After watching these films we have, so called side effects such as undermining of the values of local culture and traditions. It is happening because the messages of these films do not come across well. Therefore, instead of the ideas about the value of every individual, freedom of choice and love among people, we have these conceptions substituted by aggression, permissiveness and disobedience to seniors. Nevertheless, …...

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