Argumentative Essay Outline annoteted citation english 111enf 3 PDF

Title Argumentative Essay Outline annoteted citation english 111enf 3
Author xiomata fontanez
Institution Northern Virginia Community College
Pages 7
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English 111/enf 3 essay prep for final...


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1. “Should College Tuition be free?

Introduction “Tuition Should Be Free Set Us Free”!! Free tuition equals a free state of mind”! Rising college tuitions, fees and uncovered cost of living are the many reasons college students can’t afford a higher learning degree!! Tuition should be free because it will keep the student engaged in their program of study without working long hours, investing the time on assignments and meeting deadlines leading to an increase of student graduate rates. Free tuition inclusive cost of living will lessen the anxiety of accumulative school debt and financial burden of college students. Free Tuition will be the backbone of student that seek higher education, preparing student for a completive job market. Arming them with more knowledge, becoming assets to companies who are degree employers. Stimulating the economical our world and encourage the future fulfillment of higher education. a) Thesis- Tuition should be Free! Allowing College students to invest time and focus on their studies instead of the overwhelming anxiety of tuition, Fees and cost of living affordability.

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2) Body l. Main Points a) Tuition Cost should be free because this will be Freeing student of high tuition cost, fees and cost of living expenses not covered by financial aid, decreasing affordability and pushing students to choose work instead of higher education.


Supporting Evidence:

According to Education Next Forum, “Should community college be free? Education Next. (winter 2016) By Sara Goldrick-Rab and Andrew P. Kelly argue on the rising tuition cost, fees and the cost of living expenses that financial aid does not cover. low- and mid-income students cannot afford. Thus, arguing with the Opposing U.S. Senator Lamar Alexander on the subject “Should community college be free?” (Alexander) Goldrick-Rab and Kelly state “The whole concept of higher education is under debate in America today! Public or private, in person classes or online, when students cannot afford college the system is broken”. Increased Tuition, books, fees and cost of living are reasoning that college students cannot afford higher education.

2. According to, “The National Center for Education, Statistics found that after taking all grants and scholarship into account attending one year of community

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college runs dependents students from low-income families more than $8000 “This is largely driven by living cost which must be covered by students.” Free tuition will ease the amount of stress that student receive from the overwhelming burden of student debt and rising tuition and fees. Making the counter-argument clearer. Raising tuition, adding more fees and cost of living not affordable to student has caused the low rate of Americans student to complete afford tuition.

3) Goldrick-Rab also states “The benefits of offering the first degree for free are evident for our economy and country, Business leaders will get access to the larger pool of skilled certified workers. In turns, this will help start to rebuild our waning middle class.”

4) Refuting Opponents’ Arguments “Free Community College.” Congressional Digest, vol. 94, no. 4, Apr. 2015, p.: “Not all agree With “Free Tutition State” As seen in this article “ The proposal received a lukewarm response in the Re- publican-controlled Congress. Tennessee Republican Senators Lamar Alexander and Bob Corker, who accompanied the President to the community college in Knoxville where he unveiled the proposal, both refused to endorse the plan. i)


Though opposing views may be valid ,” Supporters say that the proposal would translate into fewer student loans. Some opponents believe the option should be left up to individual States;

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others worry that it would undermine existing Federal programs such as Pell Grants, as well as more innovative educational initiatives designed to help students succeed in the workforce” (Congressional Digest, vol. 94, no. 4, Apr. 2015, p.: “ Further more Written in the Washington Post “ Miller, Harris N. "The longer Virginia waits for free college tuition, the further behind it falls.”(Harris) Free Tuition would greatly improve the way students that come into the job market with acquired degrees and experience.

ii) Though points are valid in the Washington post “ Both parties recognize the need for and desire to end the skills mismatch between applicants and jobs. We have to change our educational and training systems for the jobs of today. A Virginia Promise program is the most effective way to achieve benefits for employers, unskilled and less-skilled workers and, ultimately, all Virginians as the new injection of workers puts Virginia on the forefront of having a 21st-century economy. (Washington Post)


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Free college tuition should be free to enhance students with correct skills and level of training to attain high paying job. With Tuition being free the Un free stress of tuition debt lingering in the student mind while make it more challenging to keep focus and move forward.

Conclusion Public Community College tuition should be free! College tuition fees and cost of living are the underlying cause of students dropping out of either certificate or two-year degrees. Free community college including cost of living, would allow students to do one thing and one thing only: Focus on their studies. worry less about affording tuition to a community college, college fees or cost of living for housing. Having an ideal worry-free environment lessen the chances of students to fail due to lack of focus or simply quit program of study due to financial situations. The primary goal of student will be to invest the time, keep the focus and complete their certificate or degree. An approach to education Encompassing a stress-free environment will change students state of mind lowering high rates of student Dropout rates. Arming students with higher education and empowering college students to face the high competitive job market, with confidence in attaining better paying jobs that are degree driven vocations.

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Works Cited Cubberley, Fran. “The Reality of Free Community College Tuition.” Journal of College Admission, no. 227, Spring 2015, pp. 21–23. EBSCOhost, url= direct=true&db=a9h&AN=111803610&site=ehost-live. This article talks about the concept of free community college and how rising tuitions and college fees hinder the student to lose focus on their studies and work for a better living then study to achieve financial stability.

Miller, Harris N. "The longer Virginia waits for free college tuition, the further behind it falls.", 8 Feb. 2019. Opposing Viewpoints in Context, u=viva2_vccs&sid=OVIC&xid=4d0aaf0f. Accessed 30 Apr. 2019. This article talks about the effects of waiting for a bill to pass and the effects of students financial ability to pay while the bill is being processed. The views on how many students cannot afford college tuition. Source Citation (MLA 8th Edition) Miller, Harris N. "The longer Virginia waits for free college tuition, the further behind it falls.", 8 Feb. 2019. Opposing Viewpoints in Context, u=viva2_vccs&sid=OVIC&xid=4d0aaf0f. Accessed 30 Apr. 2019.

Gale Document Number: GALE|A573214902

Works Cited “Free Community College.” Congressional Digest, vol. 94, no. 4, Apr. 2015, p. 9. EBSCOhost, direct=true&db=a9h&AN=101913975&site=ehost-live.

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“Free Community College.” Congressional Digest, vol. 94, no. 4, Apr. 2015, p. 9. EBSCOhost, direct=true&db=a9h&AN=101913975&site=ehost-live.

Works Cited “Two-Year Students, Promised a Free Ride, See Tuition Hike Instead.” Community College Week, vol. 21, no. 3, Sept. 2008, p. 5. EBSCOhost, url= direct=true&db=a9h&AN=34757154&site=ehost-live.

Source Citation (MLA 8th Edition) Trotter, Andrew. "Opposing Viewpoints; S.C. district sued over stance on choice bill." Education Week, 15 Feb. 2006, p. 5. Opposing Viewpoints in Context, u=viva2_vccs&sid=OVIC&xid=eb556c67. Accessed 30 Apr. 2019.

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