Art & Civilization 201A: Notes 2 PDF

Title Art & Civilization 201A: Notes 2
Course Art and Civilization
Institution California State University Fullerton
Pages 3
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(video) How Art Made the World: More than Human...


VIDEO - HOW ART MADE THE WORLD: MORE THAN HUMAN ● no other image fulfills us moer than the human body ● the human form has obsessed some of the worlds best human artists ● the worlds most popular and influential images of the human body all share one thing: THEY NEVER RESEMBLE A REAL HUMAN BEING ● people rarely create images of the human body that are realistic ● the world is so dominated by images of the body that are unrealistic ● starts in the danube - willendorf w 3 austrian archaeologists ○ some worker pulled out my girl venus ayyyyeee !!!!! ○ nomadic sculpture lugged her around ○ she’s the first clue as to why we’re so dominated by unrealistic images of the human body ○ EVERYTHING ABOTU HER ARE GROTESQUELY PRONOUNCED ● we only made art ab 80k years ago ○ only 30k. years ago we made sculpture ○ it later showed the same exaggerated features ○ the. venus of grimaldi france ! the savignano venus italy ! etc !! ● SEAGULLS CAN EXPLAIN THE SHAPE OF VENUS ○ has to do w gull chicks - as soon as they hatch, they tap the break of the mother for food ○ ^BC THEYRE STIMULATED BY THE RED STRIPE ON HER BEAK ○ THEY RESPOND MORE TO THE STICK W 3 RED STRIPES THAN 1 NATURAL RED STRIPE ○ AND FOR US WE R THE SAME WITH THE EXAGGERATION OF THE HUMAN BODY THAT WE CONSIDERED DESIREABLE ● eventually life 4 humans changed ● in north africa hella nomads gathered at the nile cuz of changing weather and needing water and now egypt is a fully settled civilization ○ unlike venus of willendorf, the art in what housed pharaoh rameses IV had almost exact proportions ■ herring gull instinct influenced nomads ■ EGYPTIAN IMAGES ARE DRIVEN BY SM. DIFFERENT ○ they’re still hardly realistic ■ BUT ■ THEY CHOSE TO SHOW EACH BODY PART FROM ITS CLEAREST ANGLE !!!!! ASFHLASKHFLAHF ○ check out karnak ■ over hella years the body hasn’t changed a bit ■ and that was 700 years after the example too ○ now check out tomb of ramose,whose brother was the chief artist of the pharaoh ■ PHARAOH DIED HE LOST THE JOB AND ■ PPL FOUND A GRID/SYMMETRY MADE OF CONSISTENCY AND ORDER ■ EVERYTHING WAS 19 SQUARES LONG, FEET 2.5 SQUARES, EYES 1

SQ FROM THE CENTER LINE ASDJFHALSDF THEY MADE THEIR ART LIKE THAT NOT CUZ THEYRE HARDWIRED BUT BECAUSE OF THEIR C U L T U R E my dood went scuba diving n thot he found a corpse. IT WAS A BRONZE AND REALISTIC STATUE ○ they came from ancient greece ■ they loooooved philosophy and math ■ and don’t forget they gods ! ○ ALSO HYPERFIXATED ON ORDER AND PRECISION ○ BUT…. ALSO HYPERFIXATED ON THE HUMAN BODY ■ the perfect body was an athletic body to the point of being bizarre ■ men displayed their bodies without shame ○ they believed their gods took on human form ■ the more their bodies looked like THAT the more godly they looked ■ it was in the temples where they believed the gods took on those bodies so it was there where they made all them hottie bodies ○ they thot they could meet the gods in the temples so they needed to make scultpures ■ sadly figurines is all they got :’( ■ BUT EVENTUALLY THEY AMASSED HELLA BIG STATUES EYEYEYEYY ■ THEY BECAME SO LIFELIKE THAT THEY BELIEVED THEY WERE ACTUALLY THE GODS IN PERSON ■ it was THE MOST RAPID ARTISTIC REVOLUTION IN THE HISTORY OF MANKIND ○ they studied EVERY FUCKING DETAIL OF THE HUMAN BODY AND HOW TO REPRODUCE IT IN THEIR ART ■ kritian boy - a truly realistic human body BUT IT HAD AN EFFECT ON THE GREEKS ○ within a gen, the greeks stopped tho :( we are driven not just by culture, but by the PRIMEVAL INSTINCT TO EXAGGERATE, EVEN IF IT IS SUPPRESSED ○ the kritian boy was too realistic. boring ○ they lawfully distorted it to fulfill the brain’s obsession with the human body ○ POLYCLITUS AT 450 BC MY BOYYYY AYYYYYYSHOWED THE PHYSICAL POTENTIAL OF AN ATHLETE ■ both relaxed, but ready to move ■ bent one knee and its according foot, bent one arm ■ top and bottom mirrored each other. one side in motion, the other at rest, which opposed but complemented each otheR ■ THE RIACE. SCULPTURE ○ RIACE SCULPTURES !!!! ■ it is not anatomically possible for a man to look like this ■ its been taken to extremes ○

■ the division of top and bottom is more defined than any human being ■ legs are artificially long to be as long as torso ■ there’s a hella deep groove running down center of the chest ■ the back muscles are tense and impossibly well defined ■ have no coccyx bone ■ THESE ARE UNREALISTIC BODIES ■ THATS WHY THEYRE SO GOOD MMMMMMM humans do not like reality....

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